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Asynchronous Activity for lesson 1 & 2

Sorsogon National High School March 30, 2021


Personal Development
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Louise Joseph G. Peralta
Grade & Section: __________________________________,
11 - Fairness Date Accomplished: _________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the short stories below and reflect on it by answering the guide questions.

Activity 1. Who Am I?

Once there was a baby eagle named “Oggie”. When Oggie was extremely young, he fell from his nest. Then,
Oggie got lost and was never able to find his way to his mother. While Oggie was all alone and soaking wet, he
heard some creatures near- approaching.

When he looked, he saw a Mother Hen with her chicks walking in line. Oggie looked at himself and saw that like
chicks, he too has feathers, he too has a beak. So, when the chicks passed him, he fell in line and followed

Days, months and years passed by. Oggie learned to do what the chickens do. He eventually forgot who he
really was. Every day, he goes with the other chicken to dig on the ground so he can find worms for meal.

Oggie learned to chuckle and flap his wings, but never to fly. All the other chickens would often make fun of
him. “What an ugly chicken”, they would say. Oggie felt depressed and lonely. Indeed, he told himself, he is such
an ugly chicken.

One day, while he was alone, he saw a group of eagles, flying high up in the blue sky. He thought to himself,
“How I wish, I could also fly that high.”

- Story adopted from the Fable of the Eagle and the Chicken

Guide Questions:

1. What is the main reason why Oggie felt sad and lonely?
The main source upon why Oggie felt sad and lonely is the reason that he doesn’t know who he really was, probably he keeps
on questioning himself about his existence. Also, the fact that no matter how hard little Oggie tried to fit in to the rest of the
chicken yet the outcome he received is mockery and shame.

2. How will Oggie react if he learned about his past?

Oggie will probably set himself free from what he thought he was. Leaving and Changing his perspective upon himself from
the past and transitioning to a better understanding about what he truly deserves and seek the truth behind the meaning of his

3. How will you relate Oggie to yourself?

I am a little Oggie by my own self, especially when I sometimes deceive myself due to what people spit on their mouth to me;
sometimes feeling a little bit behind in the crowd when I am not engaging myself too much for what people want and what are
they into nowadays. But unlike Oggie, I do have parents and a couple of siblings, they are the one who keep pushing me and
motivating me even though they will lose something greater in their side just for the sake of me, and I am really thankful on
Activity 2. What is Stopping You?

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. One day he bought two water bottles. But unfortunately, one of them had
a big hole in the bottom of it. The farmer used those bottles to gather water and would bring them to his town. But the
broken bottle leaked continuously, because of this it him feel useless. And the other bottle, brimming with pride,
teases him every time he spills water.

One day, he couldn’t stand it anymore and asked the farmer to throw himself away. However, the framer smiled
saying, “Did you see the road in our town recently?”.

They went back down the road and surprisingly there grew many beautiful flowers. “Do you see that?” The water
that you have spilled has helped these plants grow.

Guide Questions:

1. What was the limitation of the water bottle and in what way did this hinder him?
What made the bottle pretty much useless is that it has a huge hole under it, that it hinders him to gather water back to his
home town that is probably needed in nourishing the soil.

2. What made his limitation helpful?

What really got me interested in this story is that, regardless of the flaw on the design of one the farmers bottle it actually did
something great that it made the crops grow. I guess, sometimes, bad situation has to happen before good things can.

3. How can you relate the story above to personal effectiveness?

This story reminds me of my unexpected win that I got, even though I feel hopeless and already starting to give up in a
cooking contest. Giving you a short story behind my win, I join up in a cooking contest limited only to junior high and as far as I
know I’m in my 4th year back then. Then fast forward, I forgot the main ingredient of my dish and that’s when I started
crumbling down to pieces. Last minute on the stop clock, I use an alternative ingredient and did a little finger crossing in my
hand hoping still but deep down I know for myself I’m not going to win it, but as soon as the judge’s critique and mark our
outputs and moving on to the recognition of awards. I can’t seem to think how did it happened but I won and the judges said
that it was the best pickled vegetable they ever tasted. After hearing that, I am just astoundingly gob smacked and really did
not expect that the flaw in the process of me cooking would actually make me win.

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