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Based from the conducted two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, the result shows that
there was a significant difference between two different methods for teaching in reading
since the accumulated value of asymptomatic significance is 0.002 which is lower than
the significance level of 0.05. Also, the result of the test shows that One-on-one is way
better than Small group since it accumulated the higher sum of ranks than the other.


Based from the conducted Kruskal-Wallis test, the result shows that the three
groups were not significantly different from each other since the accumulated
asymptomatic significance is 0.257 which is higher than the significance level of. 0.05.
Therefore, the test only shows that there is no significant difference that exists within the
three treatments.

The above figure shows the skewness and normality of the samples. Based from
the calculations, the value of skewness is -.90 which is lower than -1, which implies that
it is a skewed distribution. While, the value of kurtosis is .19 which is lower than 1, which
implies that the samples were considered normal.
Based from the conducted one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the result
shows that there is no significant difference in the ninth-grade reading level scores since
the accumulated value asymptomatic significance is .261, which is higher than the
significance level of 0.05.


Based from the conducted two-tailed Spearman rank order correlation, the result shows
that there is no significant relationship that exists between the soldier’s average survey scores
and their total number of years of service since the accumulated value of asymptomatic
significance is 0.07, which is higher than the significance level of 0.05.

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