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Senior Project: Logos

Makena Murray
My name is Makena Murray. I’m a senior in VPA, and for my senior project I decided
to write a show. It’s name is Logos, and it’s a four-episode apocalyptic thriller show.
Logos: Outline
Set in 2029, the story follows a group of supernatural teenagers as they fight for their
survival. The story starts at the very beginning of the apocalypse, when a series of fires
scorched the Earth.
I researched a lot about angels, especially
seraphim and their role in the biblical
hierarchy. This is due to the fact that
Del, the main antagonist of the story, is a
Outline Pt. 2:
Main Characters: Main (and side) Side Characters:
● Logan Dunherst ● Garret
● Cole Caper ● Ariel ● Coach Salvatore
● Anne Topak ● Del (Seraph) ● May
● Cyrus Robinson ● Calpurnia ● Jade
● Mara ● Mabel
● Aila Doherty ● Vienna
● Grace Kennedy (Kennedy)
● Charlie
● Alison
● Karl
● Reno
● Uriel

● I first came up with the show idea with a single character: Cole.
○ Cole is a nephilim, inspired by the show Supernatural
○ I don’t remember much of how I developed the other characters, they just came over time. Del was the second to be created, Aila was the last.
● I started to write a book, which I scrapped.


● I wrote a radio show based on the first chapter of my scrapped book. I called the project Logos Enfuri.


● I chose to expand on Logos Enfuri for my senior project, as I had already developed the story years prior. I
changed the name to Logos, as it was easier to say and remember.
○ I started writing in November/December of 2020.
Timeline - 2020/2021
● I didn’t start actually writing until January of 2021. I had been working on the outline
before then, but I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out. So, I decided to start writing,
using the prologue I wrote for the book as a reference.
○ I finished the first episode in March after taking a break in February
● After I finished the first episode, it took me a few weeks to get started on the second. The
reason was because I lost motivation after forcing myself to work on it for weeks on end.
● Second episode done in April. By then, I was running out of time. I continued writing,
taking no breaks, and finished the day before it was due.
● I used Youmescript to write. It’s a very easy program, perhaps my favorite program to use
to write. It’s layout is very simple, and there are no additional “premium” features, just a
blank script document that you can either write on or open a preexisting script on.
1. Outline
a. Although I didn’t complete it, I still referred back to it to write my show.
2. Drafting the first episode
a. This took months, mostly due to procrastination
3. Unintentional Procrastination
a. As stated above, I procrastinated a lot doing this project. This also mixed in with my loss of
motivation when I would get home from work after working late shifts.
b. What also helped me overcome my procrastination was introducing Aila into the show, as she was a
lot of fun to write and interact with.
4. Writing the last three episodes in a row by the week of the due date
a. I had to get over my procrastination somehow, so I forced myself to focus on the project, listening
to songs to help me write. Eventually, I was motivated again, and enjoyed writing the rest of the
● Procrastination
○ The biggest challenge for me was procrastination. I wish I hadn’t, but sometimes it’s inevitable.
○ I would write a page or two and then leave it for a month. I don’t recommend this.
● Academic and Real Life Work
○ I work a lot of hours at my job, which cut into the time I could’ve been using to write. As well as
receiving a lot of schoolwork this year. Both tie into each other, as those were big time consumers.
Lessons Learned
Time Management
● I learned to manage my time wisely.
○ If I was busy, I’d set times before I had to do certain tasks to write, even if it was just a little bit.

● I learned I got distracted very easily.
○ I’d put other electronic devices out of sight so I could complete what I needed to do.

● I learned I really loved to write stories more than I thought.
○ Logos already has four seasons planned out, and I plan to write them after I graduate. Maybe even
start before then, too.

● Please, I cannot stress this enough, do not procrastinate! You may think it’ll fine,
that you can do it later, but twenty minutes can turn into two months in the blink
of an eye.
● If I could do everything again, I’d 100% manage my time better and start earlier.
I’d make sure to write at least a little bit everyday. That way I wouldn’t end up
with loads of work to do at the end.
Thank You!!
I want to thank my shop teachers, Mr. Cross and Ms. Canastra for helping and
inspiring me all these years. Thank you so much for believing me and pushing me to be
my best!

I’d like to thank my friends for letting me rant to them about my characters and show,
it helped loads with writing, I’m not even kidding. Thank you so so much!!

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