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Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, No. 23, pp.

3587±3610, 1998
# 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0013-4686(98)00107-8 0013±4686/98 $19.00 + 0.00

Supported planar lipid bilayers (s-BLMs) as

electrochemical biosensors
H. T. Tiena and A. L. Ottovaa,b*

Membrane Biophysics Lab (Giltner Hall), Department of Physiology, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A.
Center for Interface Sciences, Department of Microelectronics, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava,
Slovak Republic

(Received 3 October 1997; in revised form 17 February 1998)

AbstractÐThis paper presents a description of current research on the use of metal and hydrogel supported
bilayer lipid membranes (s-BLMs and sb-BLMs) in the area of biosensor development. Simple and
straight-forward experimental techniques for making these types of probes are given in some details.
Emphasis is placed on the potential applications of these planar lipid bilayer-based probes. Among the
topics covered include ion sensors, antigen±antibody interactions via electrical detection, probes for mol-
ecular species, supported BLMs doped with fullerenes and photoelectric e€ects in C60-containing BLMs.
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Key words: lipid bilayer, BLM, supported BLMs biosensors, antigen, fullerenes, photoelectric e€ects, gel,

INTRODUCTION ates in the late 1950s that resulted in the reconstitu-

tion of a bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) in
Planar lipid bilayers (bilayer lipid membranes or vitro [1, 2]. The background of the membrane bio-
BLMs for short) along with spherical vesicles (lipo- physics work described has been focusing in under-
somes) have been used for decades as models of standing of the living organisms in physical and
biomembranes. They provide a natural environment chemical terms. The initial discovery of planar
for embedding a host of compounds such as ion BLMs and later developed supported BLMs have
carriers, peptides, proteins, pigments, receptors, made it possible for the ®rst time to study directly
membrane/tissue fragments and even whole cells for the electrical properties and transport phenomena
studying membrane functions and for elucidating across a lipid bilayer separating two interfaces. A
the mechanisms of ligand±receptor interactions. BLM is viewed as a dynamic system that changes
One of the main tasks of biomembrane functions is as a function of time in response to environmental
molecular recognition which entails selectivity and stimuli. A functional biomembrane system, based
speci®city. Thus, understanding the principles that on a self-assembled lipid bilayer and its associated
lie behind the structural±functional relationship of proteins, carbohydrates and their complexes, is also
the cell membrane should therefore help to provide in a liquid-crystalline and dynamic state. In molecu-
the insights of much of the cell's biochemistry. lar and electronic terms; a functional membrane
There have been many approaches in achieving this system can facilitate both ion and electron transport
understanding. The biophysicist's approach is to and is the site of cellular activities in that it func-
®nd simple model systems that mimic just a few of tions as a ``device'' for either energy conversion or
the chemical physical properties of biomembranes. signal transduction. Such a system, as we know
This approach was used by Rudin and his associ- intuitively, must act as some sort of a transducer
capable of gathering information, processing it and
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E- then delivering a response based on this received in-
mail: formation. With the availability of supported
3588 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

BLMs, a host of compounds may be embedded in rier selectivity, ion-channel speci®city, hormone-
the ultrathin lipid bilayer for detecting their gated channels, light- and redox-species-induced
counterparts present in the environment. Owing to reactions. Further, the BLM system allows the
its long-term stability, ease of formation and low exquisite investigation of electrical properties (mem-
cost in its construction, a supported BLM o€ers an brane potentials, resistance, current±voltage curves
approach especially advantageous in the research and membrane capacitance). Unlike most other
and development of lipid bilayer-based sensors and model membranes, BLMs are dynamic, ultrathin
devices. and liquid-crystalline. Indeed, studies of the BLMs
In terms of physical properties, the BLM, analo- facilitate the initial testing of working hypothesis,
gous somewhat to a ``black'' soap ®lm, is an ultra- which have generated guidelines for a better choice
thin, ¯uid structure mainly consisting two of reconstituted membrane experiments and have
amphiphilic lipid molecules separating two phases. led to potential applications [5, 7, 10, 118, 119].
A typical planar lipid bilayer (BLM) system may be Concerning potential applications, however, there
represented as follows: is one major shortcoming of conventional BLMs in
that they have very limited lifetime, rarely lasting
Aqueous solution jBLMj Aqueous solution …1†
more than 1/2 of a day. This long-term stability
where v line denotes an interface. A free standing problem of conventional BLMs to practical appli-
BLM separating two aqueous solutions is truly a cations was ®nally solved by forming planar lipid
miraculous structure whose thickness is only about bilayers on either newly cleaved metal surfaces or
5 nm. Thus, it is not surprising that the BLM is hydrogel supports [11]. These novel types of planar
extremely fragile and susceptible to rupture. To lipid bilayers, dubbed respectively as s-BLMs
work with a conventional BLM, requires patience (metal-supported) and sb-BLMs (agar salt-bridge-
and tenacity; it could be an extremely frustrating supported) have been found to be very long-lasting
experience to the investigator. Yet, in spite of its and yet possessing properties similar to those of
poor mechanical stability, the BLM has been exten- conventional BLMs, except in one respect, in that
sively studied, since its ®rst report in 1961, as evi- one of the contacting interfaces of the planar lipid
denced by the vast literature that now exists [3±9]. bilayer has been now replaced by either a rigid met-
The main reason for the sustained interest in exper- allic substrate or a soft hydrogel. The s-BLM and
imental planar lipid bilayers (BLMs) is two-fold: (a) sb-BLM systems, respectively, may be represented,
basic scienti®c studies and (b) potential practical as follows:
applications. The former is because these cellular Aqueous solution js ÿ BLMj metallic substrate …2†
functions are membrane-bound, and the lipid
bilayer is the central structural component of all and
biomembranes [5±9]. Further, the vast majority of Aqueous solution jsb ÿ BLMj hydrogel support
physiological/biochemical reactions involve a high
degree of molecular recognition. These reactions are
collectively known as ligand±receptor interactions, where as before the symbol v denotes an interface.
of which the BLM system has often been This paper focuses on use of supported planar lipid
used [10, 11]. Some of these include antigen±anti- bilayers (s-BLMs and sb-BLMs) as electrochemical
body binding, substrate±enzyme reaction, ion-car- biosensors. Sucient details for the preparation and

Table 1.
Self-assembling amphiphilic interface-active systems
Type Interface Refs.

(1) Soap ®lms air vsoap ®lmv air [12]

(2) Monolayers (Langmuir type) air vmonolayerv water* [13]
(3) Multilayers (Langmuir±Blodgett type) air vmultilayerv solid substrate$ [14]
(4) Planar lipid bilayers (BLMs) water vBLMv water [15]
(5) Nucleopore supported BLMs water vBLMs%v water [16]
(6) Gold supported monolayers air vthio monolayer}v Au [17±20]
(7) Metal supported BLMs (s-BLMs) water vBLMv metal} [21]
(8) Salt-bridge supported BLMs (sb-BLMs) water vBLMv hydrogel + KCl6 [22, 23]

*aqueous solution
such as glass
tens of thousands of BLMs in a polycarbonate ®lter
such as Au
such as Pt, stainless steel
such as agar in 3 M KCl.
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3589

investigations of these two types of planar lipid tion±structural relationships in lipid bilayers. These
bilayers are given. Key references related to the sup- techniques developed speci®cally for conventional
ported BLMs are also provided. Table 1 presents a BLMs are of obvious interest to the investigator of
list of self-assembling systems that have been inves- supported BLMs, and their applications to such
tigated to date together with their key systems are anticipated.
references [16, 120].
It should be mentioned at the outset that self- Preparation of metal-supported BLMs (s-BLMs)
assembled and supported BLMs di€er from the Materials. For BLM-forming solutions, any one
much studied Langmuir±Blodgett (L±B) ®lms and of the following are suitable: (1) 1% egg phospha-
other thin ®lm systems [13, 14, 17±20] in several tidylcholine (=PC) by wt. in squalene±decane (1:1
major respects. First, a BLM is ¯uid and self-seal- v/v), (2) 20 mg PC + 5 mg cholesterol in 1 ml n-
ing and resisting to puncture. Second, the formation decane, (3) 25±100 mg PC/ml of squalene±butanol
of a self-assembled BLM, either on metal or hydro- mixture (1:3 v/v), (4) 0.5% PC and 0.5% cholesterol
gel, is exceedingly simple. Unlike L±B ®lms for in squalene:butanol (v/v), (5) 1% PC and 1% oxi-
which elaborate setup such as ®lm balance, clean dized cholesterol in squalene:n-octane (1:1 v/v), (6)
room, etc., is usually required, whereas supported 1% glycerol dioleate (GDO) in squalene:n-decane
BLMs may be formed without any special tool (see (1:1 v/v), (7) 20 mg PC + 4.4 mg per ml in n-decan-
Section 2). Third, self-assembled BLMs are recon- e:chloroform (3:1 v/v). Supported BLMs, as in con-
stituted lipid bilayers as existed in nature; thus they ventional BLMs, can also be formed from glycerol
possess all the desired properties and are ideal for mono-oleate and/or l,a-dipalmitoyl-phosphatidyl-
ligand±receptor interactions experiments. Supported choline in halogenated alkane solvents [31].
planar BLMs, therefore, are one of the ideal system Depending on experimental requirements and situ-
for biosensor technology. ations, various aqueous solutions can be used ran-
ging from unbu€ered 0.1 M KCl (or NaCl) to
METHODS OF INVESTIGATION 0.1 M KCl in 0.1 M Tris±HCl at pH 7 or use 0.1 M
phosphate bu€er. Te¯on-coated Pt and stainless
The conventional BLM formed by spreading a steel (ss) wires are commonly used (from 0.02 to
lipid solution across an aperture in a hydrophobic 0.5 mm diameter and larger), although other metal
septum that separates two aqueous solutions is an wires such as Au, Al, Cu and Ag and even safety
extremely fragile structure. Therefore, it is of lim- fuse have been also used. Te¯on is the material of
ited use for protracted studies and for practical ap- choice for insulating these wires, however polyethy-
plications such as biosensors and molecular lene has also found to be suitable. Reference elec-
electronic devices. Some BLMs supported on solid trodes are typically either Ag/AgCl or saturated
substrates such as stainless steel, silver and Pt wires calomel electrodes. A loop of Pt wire is used as an
(s-BLMs) have the desired dynamic properties as auxiliary electrode in cyclic voltammetry.
well as the requisite mechanical stability. However,
the presence of a solid support on one side of the Techniques of formation
BLM precludes the ion translocation across the A number of methods are now available for
membrane. To overcome this and other shortcom- forming supported planar lipid bilayers. The essen-
ings, supported BLMs can be formed on salt tial idea is very simple. An insulated metallic wire
bridges made of hydrogels in Te¯on tubing (sb- (e.g. a Te¯on-coated Pt wire) is cut while immersed
BLMs). These sb-BLMs possess similar electrical in a BLM-forming solution (Fig. 1). The hydrophi-
properties to those of conventional BLMs and s- lic polar groups of lipid molecules form a mono-
BLMs. Additionally, sb-BLMs are as stable as s- layer on the freshly cut wire tip, which serves as a
BLMs. Thus sb-BLMs overcome the shortcomings base for the second monolayer to assemble. Note
of both conventional BLMs and s-BLMs. here that the surface of a lipid monolayer-coated
Depending on the intended purpose, sb-BLMs are metallic surface is no longer hydrophilic but hydro-
believed to be a better system for biomembrane phobic, as seen by other lipid molecules in the
research and may also be useful in biosensor devel- attached lipid droplet. This is because of the hydro-
opment. carbon parts of the phospholipids are sticking out
Since the earlier days of BLM studies, a com- from the sorbed ®rst monolayer. The second mono-
bined electrical and optical methods have been used layer of phospholipid molecules is therefore formed
by a number of investigators [3, 8, 24±30]. For with an orientation mirror image of the ®rst one
example, Ladha and colleagues [28±30] reported (see Fig. 1). Upon immersing of the lipid-coated
recently the use of a combined electrical and optical wire tip into an aqueous solution, excess lipid sol-
chamber for ¯uorescence recovery after photo- ution is drained away leading to the formation of a
bleaching from stable BLMs and pointed out the self-assembled, supported BLM.
feasibility of such experiments with BLMs, which Speci®cally, the formation of a supported BLM
are amenable to physical constraints, and thus o€er consists of two-consecutive steps. First, the tip of a
new opportunities for systematic studies of func- Te¯on-coated Pt (or Ag, stainless steel, Au or other
3590 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

Fig. 1. Upper: Schematic illustration of a cell assembly used for determining the electrical properties of supported planar
lipid bilayers (s-BLMs and sb-BLMs). For cyclic voltammetry investigations, an auxiliary electrode made from a Pt wire
loop is also used [32±34]. The working electrode can be either a s-BLM probe or a sb-BLM probe. In either case, a P±G
(Plateau±Gibbs) border, a torous of lipid solution, surrounds a BLM. The reference electrode can be either an Ag/AgCl
as shown or a saturated calomel electrode. Lower: Enlarged views of supported BLM-based probes. Showing on the left
is an s-BLM on a metal substrate and on the right is a sb-BLM supported on agar gel.

metals) wire is cut in the presence of a BLM-form- Plateau±Gibbs border, as is in the case of a conven-
ing solution. The hydrophilic part of the phospholi- tional BLM, as is shown in Fig. 1.
pids adheres to the hydrophilic surface of the metal, Alternatively, an s-BLM can be formed in the
thereby allowing the ®rst monolayer to be formed. following manner. A Te¯on-coated Pt wire
By cutting the metal wire under the lipid solution, immersed in a BLM-forming solution is cut as
it prevents the oxidation of the metal by air. In the before. This produces a fresh Pt tip with a lipid sol-
second step, the lipid-solution coated tip is ution. The wire tip is then moved through a fresh
immersed into an aqueous solution (e.g. 0.1 M lipid droplet ¯oating on the surface of the bathing
KCl), excess lipid solution on the tip is allowed to solution (i.e. a lipid monolayer with a lens at the
di€use away leaving a BLM to self-assemble on the air±water interface). By doing so, a supported BLM
metallic tip. The ®nal BLM is surrounded by a is assembled at the wire tip [35, 36].
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3591

Fig. 2. The miniature guillotine used for cutting metal wires. With the wire in place, a small droplet of lipid solution is
placed on it where it is to be cut [35, 36]. For wires of diameter less than 0.1 mm, a ®nger nail cutter could do a good
job as well.

For the best cutting of metal wires, a miniature ical properties of biological membranes. More
guillotine was later constructed and used (Fig. 2), details may be found in recent publications [51±54].
where the sharp knife is moved vertically onto the Figure 3 provides the fabrication detail for making
wire placed on a ¯at surface and immersed in a a s-BLM probe.
lipid solution [35, 36]. In comparison with the orig-
inal technique, the guillotine method of formation Preparation of hydrogel-supported BLMs (sb-BLMs)
of s-BLMs allows a more precise control of the Although s-BLMs on metallic substrates are
ratio of surface supported bilayer to the Plateau± attractive for certain purposes (e.g. certain biosen-
Gibbs border. Therefore it is easier to obtain the sors), the metallic substrate however precludes ion
same electrical parameters of the system. translocation across the lipid bilayer. Therefore,
until a few years ago the pursuit of a simple method
Preparation of supported BLMs on interdigitated for obtaining long-lived, planar BLMs separating
electrodes two aqueous media has been an elusive
As has been demonstrated by a number of one [22, 23, 55]. A brief description of forming a
investigators [21±23, 37±49] the solid supported planar BLM on the agar or agarose gel is given
BLM system (s-BLM) not only possesses the advan- below.
tages of a conventional BLM structure but ad- Materials. Te¯on tubing (0.5 mm diameter), agar
ditionally gains new important properties such as or agarose, KCl, PC in n-decane:squalene (5:2 v/v).
(a) an anisotropic, highly ordered, yet very dynamic BLM-forming solution consists of 20 mg/ml sol-
liquid-like structure, (b) two asymmetric interfaces vent.
and (c) this type of probe is destined for microelec-
tronics fabrication. On this last mentioned property, Techniques of formation
we have extended the experiments carried out with An overview for forming a planar BLM on agar
s-BLMs to the interdigitated structures (IDS). IDS or agarose gel is as follows. A small diameter
are ®nger-like electrodes made by microelectronics Te¯on tubing is ®lled with a hot hydrogel solution.
technologies and used in microchip applications [50]. For electrical connection as well as serving as a
Forming of supported BLMs on planar chips with reference electrode, an Ag/AgCl wire is inserted at
thin-®lm electrodes have opened broad possibilities the one end. The other end of the agar-®lled Te¯on
for the development of miniaturized biosensors as tubing is cut in air and then the cut end immedi-
well as for basic research of electrical and mechan- ately immersed in the lipid solution. The next step
3592 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

Fig. 3. Construction details and procedure for making an s-BLM probe on a metal wire tip.

is to put the lipid-coated tip into an aqueous sol- coated with lipid solution is then immersed in, for
ution for a sb-BLM to self-assemble. Figure 1 illus- example, 0.1 M KCl solution in a chamber where
trates a planar BLM on a hydrogel substrate the experiment is to be carried out. Alternatively,
[22, 23]. the second step described above may be carried out
The details of the formation procedure consists in air and then the freshly cut end of the salt bridge
of three steps. In the ®rst step, a chlorided Ag wire is immediately immersed in the lipid solution for a
(Ag/AgCl) is inserted into Te¯on tubing (00.5 mm few minutes. In either case, the cell chamber ®lled
diameter) which has been previously ®lled with a with an appropriate aqueous solution (e.g. 0.1 M
solution of agar (e.g. 0.3 g agar in 15 ml 3 M KCl KCl) contains an Ag/AgCl reference electrode and
saturated with AgCl) The AgCl electrode and the an Ag/AgCl±Te¯on salt-bridge with a self-
®lled Te¯on tubing are then glued together with assembled BLM at its end. The lead wires of the
wax at the point of insertion. In this way an Ag/ two electrodes are connected to the measuring
AgCl±Te¯on tubing salt bridge (sb) is constructed instrumentation. In this connection, it should be
(Fig. 1). In the second step, the tip of the other end noted that the two electrodes with salt-bridges (sb)
of the Te¯on salt bridge is cut in situ with a razor shown in Fig. 1 (top) may be identi®ed as RE
blade while immersed in a BLM- (reference electrode) and WE (working electrode),
forming solution, as done with the s-BLM thereby eliminating the inner Te¯on beaker as has
technique [21, 37]. In the third and last step, the been done in a conventional BLM setup [3].
Ag/AgCl±Te¯on salt bridge with the tip freshly Hydrogel-supported sb-BLMs formed in this
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3593

manner exhibit an average Rm=1.4  1011 O, makes it possible to examine the phenomenon of
Cm=0.45 mF cmÿ2 having excellent mechanical electrostenolysis [3] in a structure similar to bio-
stability and is able to withstand an applied voltage membranes.
on the order of 21.5 V. All biomembranes are composed of a lipid bilayer
intercalated with other constituents such as pro-
Electrical measurements teins, carbohydrates and their complexes of lipids.
Over the years a number of techniques have been Insofar as can be determined, biomembranes are
developed for characterizing the liquid/BLM/liquid liquid-like and in a dynamic state. Thus, it is not
biface, including the following [3±5, 24, 25]: surprising that today BLMs and liposomes are the
. Optical method for thickness determination. most used model systems for biomembrane
. Maximum bubble method for bifacial tension studies [6, 9]. Electrically speaking, both BLMs and
measurements. biomembranes possess very high capacitance
. Electrical methods such as dc, ac impedance (01 mF cmÿ2) and dielectric breakdown strength
and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The CV method is (>200,000 V/cm). By virtue of its molecular organ-
based on monitoring the current of the liquid/ ization, a BLM possesses a very high electrical re-
BLM/liquid biface as a function of time. sistance which is important in minimizing the high
. Photoelectrospectrometry. background noise associated with an ion-conducting
Here, after a brief consideration about the inter- aqueous environment. Since an ion or a charged
face, our attention will be focused on the dc electri- species is not able to penetrate a metallic surface, a
cal method. Interfaces between the BLM and its redox reaction must take place in order to observe
aqueous environment are heterogeneous and as a current. Concerning the thickness of the coating,
such they are usually electri®ed as a result of the the molecular dimension of a BLM (lipid bilayer)
charge transfer, separation, and/or redox reactions. greatly shortens the di€usion pathway of electroac-
The charges present on BLM interfaces create elec- tive species towards the electrode surface as com-
tric ®elds which greatly in¯uence the movement of pared with other thin ®lms and coatings (e.g.
ions, electrons, holes and redox species [3, 5, 24, 25]. polymers, carbon pastes).
Two of the principal functions of the biomembrane
are the selective transport of ions and redox reac- Measurements of electrical properties
tions across as well as within the membrane. The electrical properties of a planar BLM separ-
Studies of these phenomena have greatly enhanced ating two aqueous solutions (i.e. aqueous solution
our understanding of these processes in nature and vBLMv aqueous solution) or a metal/gel substrate
pointed toward possible technological applications and an aqueous solution (i.e. metal vBLMv aqueous
of BLMs. Ions may be transported through the solution or gel vBLMv aqueous solution) can be
membrane either by a carrier or by di€usion easily determined. Figure 4 illustrates an experimen-
through pores (channels). The carrier-mediated tal arrangement used in our lab. Generally, the
transport begins with the association of an ion in BLM resistance (Rm) is several orders of magnitude
the solution and a carrier in the membrane. This higher than those of the combined resistance of the
takes place at the membrane±solution interface. contacting electrodes and aqueous solutions [3]. A
The charged complex moves across the membrane, good electrometer with a 109 input impedance
driven by the electrochemical potential gradient. together with a picoammeter should be adequate.
Dissociation takes place at the other interface and For BLM experiments involving cyclic
the unloaded carrier back-di€uses under its own voltammetry [32±34], a block containing two adja-
concentration gradient. Permeation of ions through cent 2 cm diameter chambers (one of which holds a
pores is regulated by the kinetics of activation and 10 ml Te¯on cup), was commonly used. The Te¯on
inactivation of the permeability pathways. The car- cup was referred to as the inside, and the other
rier-mediated ion transport is regulated by selective chamber as the outside. A three-electrode system
binding, whereas the ¯ow through ionic channels is for obtaining voltammograms has been used in the
regulated by a selective exclusion of molecules. In following con®guration: one reference electrode
electrostenolysis, a direct current is passed through (SCE or Ag/AgCl) is placed in the Te¯on cup and
a high impedance membrane separating two aqu- two other reference electrodes are on the outside.
eous solutions [3±5, 9, 24, 25]. The advantages of the The voltammograms of the BLM are obtained
BLM are its exceedingly high electrical resistance using an X±Y recorder fed by a picoammeter and
and high capacitance. A high resistive and capaci- the voltage generator (e.g. Princeton Applied
tive BLM means, respectively, a low background Research, Universal Programmer, Model 175). The
noise and a high current electrode, both of these voltage from the programmer is applied through
properties are useful in the biosensor development. the potentiometer to the reference electrode
Transport of electrons across the membrane can immersed in the inside solution. Another reference
also take place resulting in oxidation on the side electrode immersed in the outside solution is con-
facing the negative electrode and reduction on the nected to the picoammeter. The important feature
side of the anode. The formation of BLMs now of the setup is a very weak dependence of its input
3594 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the experimental setup for investigating cyclic voltammetry of supported BLMs.
Shown on the left is a BLM simulator (adapted from Refs. [5, 46]).

voltage on the current being measured. This means edge, this powerful CV technique was applied for
that the current is measured under ``voltage clamp'' the ®rst time to membrane studies in 1984 with
with accuracy 21 mV. In voltammetry the potential interesting results [5, 32±34]. The current (i) for the
of the cell is varied and the corresponding current transfer of charges from one side of the BLM to
is monitored. The graph with the current plotted on the other side is given by
the vertical axis vs the potential on the horizontal
i ˆ kn3=2 AD1=2 1=2 c …4†
axis is called the voltammogram, which is character-
ized by several parameters. The working electrode where k is a constant, n is the charge of the species,
(WE) may be made of Pt, Au or carbon paste, A is the interfacial area, D is the di€usion coe-
glassy carbon, semiconductor SnO2 or in our case cient, n is the scan rate (mV/s) and c is the concen-
one side of a BLM. An Ag/AgCl or a saturated tration of the redox species in solution (Fig. 5). An
calomel electrode (SCE) is used as the reference improved equivalent circuit for the s-BLM has been
electrode (RE). The potential scan or sweep is car- recently proposed, which is based on the solution of
ried out between two potential values of interest the coupled equations [46]. This approach greatly
(e.g. from about 1.2 to ÿ0.8 V vs SCE). The scan facilitates the determination of the s-BLM electrical
rates can be anywhere from 0.1 mV to 100 V or properties by CV. The curve-®tting procedure for
more per second but values between 10 to 400 mV/s testing the reliability of this method has been elabo-
are frequently used. The current response of the rated using a newly designed BLM simulator as
processes at a metal electrode are indicative of the well as a 50-point goodness-of-®t test. The mech-
nature of the redox reaction at the interface. anics and characteristics of formation of di€erent s-
Experimental results derived from measurements of BLMs and the acceleration e€ect of the CV poten-
this kind permit the elucidation of mechanism and tial on the s-BLM formation will be discussed in
the thermodynamic parameters of the process (e.g. Section 2.9 using the newly proposed s-BLM
charge transfer reaction). Frequently a ``duck- model.
shaped'' voltammogram is obtained for redox reac-
tions. The underlying physical mechanism respon-
Parameters of planar lipid bilayers (BLMs) as
sible for the ``duck-shaped'' pro®le is based on the
determined from voltammograms
interplay between the kinetics of the charge transfer
process and the mass transport of the charge car- The typical equivalent circuit of a traditional pla-
riers (oxidants and reductants). nar BLM system is represented by a membrane re-
sistance Rm in parallel with a membrane
capacitance Cm. The triangular sweep wave in the
Cyclic voltammetry of supported BLMs range of 2V0 with the scan rate A (mVsÿ1) is the
The basics of CV (cyclic voltammetry) and its ele- input from the circuit. The current in nanoamperes
gance and simplicity, as described above, are well or picoamperes is measured. There are two com-
known to electrochemists. According to our knowl- ponents in the current through the membrane,
Supported planar lipid bilayers

Fig. 5. Equivalent circuits of conventional and supported BLMs. Left: Showing a 3D view of a BLM modi®ed with electron mediators such as TCNQ, TTF, ferrocene, iodine, fullerene C60,
etc. (see Fig. 6 for other BLM modi®ers). Right: Top, the usual representation of a conventional BLM consisting a resistor and a capacitor in parallel. Bottom, the improved circuit for the
supported BLM [32±34, 46, 48, 49].
3596 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

namely the charging current ic and resistance cur- regular development of the CV waveform are
rent ir. The former is determined by the capacitance shown with varying values of Rm, Cm, Rn and Cs.
as follows: A set of voltammograms have been obtained in
dV which Cm is varied while holding Rm constant and
ic ˆ C m ˆ Cm A …5† Rn at 0 O. From cycle 1 to 3 [46], the intercept with
the i axis rises gradually with an increasing Cm. The
It can be shown that the capacitance current ic slope drops down as Rm increases while keeping Cm
through the membrane capacitance is a constant. constant.
From Ohm's law, the latter component ir of the An improved equivalent circuit has been devel-
membrane current is caused by the membrane re- oped, where both Rn and Cs are involved in the
sistance, i.e. consideration [46]. A detailed observation of the
V e€ect of Rn on the shape of I/V cycle is carried out.
ir ˆ …6† In our experiment, Rn varies in a wide range from
100 to 109 O, while the other membrane properties
So the net current passing through the membrane are simulated holding Rm at 109 O, Cm at 3 nF con-
can be expressed as stant, both of which are still within the range of
V biomembrane. From the obtained curves, the simi-
i ˆ ir ‡ ic ˆ ‡ Cm A …7† larities of the I/V cycles which have the shape of
the parallelogram even if Rn reaches the value of
equation (7) shows that the current through the 107 O. However, when Rn increases to 108 O
resistor increases with increasing scan voltage. In (10.1Rm), it begins to be characterized by the char-
the case of the constant scan rate A, with ®xed ging current. The intercept with the current axis is
values of Cm and Rm, the current i has a linear re- also somewhat decreased. The most important fea-
lationship with the sweeping potential V. Thus, the ture is that, when Rn reaches the same order as
slope re¯ects the value of Rm, whereas Cm can be Rm(1Rm), the voltammogram does not display the
determined by measuring ic according to the graph shape of parallelogram any longer, and it is very
of the I±V response. ic will jump to its negative similar to that observed for the s-BLMs system [46].
values suddenly (ÿic) only at such points where the The intercept with the i axis drops sharply. The
sweeping wave reaches its maximum and begins to slope decreases during the potential sweeping and it
reverse. The jump distance 2h equals 2ic, thus Cm is much lower than the slope in the case of BLM-
will be calculated by merely measuring h. simulator without Rn or with a low value of Rn. In
However, the typical voltammogram of an unmo- this last case, The intercept can no longer re¯ect the
di®ed s-BLM has a di€erent shape when compared membrane capacitance, and it is the same as the
with parallelograms obtained for the planar BLMs. slope of membrane resistance.
The di€erence between them indicates that the Therefore, the measurement error would be
equivalent circuit proposed for the conventional greatly increased if one still considers the intercept
BLM is no longer valid for the s-BLM system. to i-axis as membrane capacitance and the slope as
Measurement errors will have a great impact on the the resistance. What causes the large value of Rn is
accuracy of the parameter determination unless the still being discussed. The previous report using
circuit is improved. LAPS technique has studied the system by consider-
A typical s-BLM system consists of a supported ation of the solution impedance a€ection [46].
BLM, an electrolyte and a reference electrode, However the value is not so high that it approaches
which may be represented by a number of suitably to the Rm. Because in our previous research the
connected Rm and Cm. According to the I±V re- non-membrane resistance was not found so high in
sponse recorded on the real s-BLM, the improved conventional planar BLM and the technique for
equivalent circuit for the s-BLM is developed, forming self-organized s-BLMs is based concep-
where Rn the non-membrane resistance introduced tually on interactions between a nascent metallic
in series with the original circuit and the parallel Cs surface and amphipathic lipid molecules; it is
is the distributing capacitance for the entire circuit. assumed that a very possible principle composition
The membrane is characterized by high resistance of Rn is aroused by the metal±lipid interface (inter-
and a high capacitance. Their measurement accu- face resistance). Other important factors in Rn
racy is far more a€ected by the proposed non-mem- include the electrode, electrolyte and solution impe-
brane resistance Rn, whose composition and e€ect dance, and any other components which greatly
on the measurement error will be discussed in e€ect the measurement accuracy.
Section 3. Simulation of the e€ect of Rn on the shape of the
From simulation we have obtained the similar I/ I±V cycle indicates that, by gradually increasing the
V response by CV with the BLM simulator which Rn from 0 to 0.1Rm, the cyclic response begins to
contains relevant electrical circuit. The e€ect of be be characterized by the charging current. The most
achieved by a set of the I/V response generated by important feature is that, when Rn reaches the same
BLM-simulator with and without Rn, where the order as Rm, the voltammogram does not display a
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3597

parallelogram shape any longer, and it is very simi- stant term CsA in equation (9) will be negative at
lar to that observed for the s-BLM system. The the very moment when the sweep potential reaches
intercept with the i axis drops sharply. The slope its maximum and begins to reverse. So, the height
decreases during potential sweeping and it is much 2h corresponds to twice the value of the distribution
lower than the slope in the case of BLM without capacitance Cs. So from the on-line computer
Rn. In this last case, the intercept can no longer acquire and parameters determination, the height
re¯ect the membrane capacitance and it is the same 2h can be read out and Cs is determined by
as the slope of membrane resistance [46]. Cs ˆ h=A
Here, we propose a new method for determining
Rm, Cm, Cs and Rn accurately from the on-line s- The di€erentiation of equation (9) is given by
BLM cyclic voltammogram. To make clear the di 1 2Rm
e€ect of Rn on the I±V response, the quantitative ˆ ‡
dV Rm ‡ Rn Rn …Rm ‡ Rn †
relationship of the membrane current with the
sweep wave potential should be derived rigorously …Rm ‡ Rn †…V ‡ V0 †
exp ÿ …10†
from the solution of coupled equations based on ARn Rm Cm
the equivalent circuit. The set of di€erential
equations is as follows: The potential of the triangular sweep wave moves
… from ÿV0 to +V0 (from a to b). At the half-cycle
1 t terminal b, the exponential term can be rationally
i ˆ ir ‡ ic ‡ is ir R m ˆ ic dt
Cm 0 omitted and the slope of the tangent line CD at the
… point b can be expressed as
1 t
V ˆ …ir ‡ ic †Rn ‡ c dt is ˆ Cs A …8† 1 1
Cm 0 ˆ …11†
D Rm ‡ Rn
where i is the total current recorded, is, which is
de®ned as the current through Cs, and all other par- The intercept of CD with the current i-axis is y1
ameters are de®ned above. Here, the ®nal (de®nite) which is
solution i = f(V) is presented, where Rn and Cs AR2m Cm
have been included: y1 ˆ …12†
 …Rm ‡ Rn †2
ARm Cm V Rm 2Rm
iˆ ‡ ÿ The intercept of the voltammogram with the cur-
Rm ‡ Rn ARm Cm Rm ‡ Rn Rm ‡ Rn
  rent i-axis is y2; therefore
…Rm ‡ Rn †…V ‡ V0 †  
exp ÿ ‡ Cs A …9† Rm V0
ARn Rm Cm Dy ˆ y1 ÿ y2 ˆ 2y1 exp ÿ …13†
y1 DRn
The initial condition for equation (9) is
Thus without any time-wasting ®tting procedures,
Vtˆ0 ˆ ÿV0 ‡ At ˆ ÿV0 all the membrane parameters can be calculated
During the half-cycle sweep from a to b, we can see cycle by cycle from the on-line data acquired as fol-
from equation (9) that there are three components lows:
included in membrane current: (1) the time-linearly  2
m y1 1
dependent term which is the resistance current Rm ˆ D Cm ˆ ‡1
m‡1 A m
obeying Ohm's law; (2) the time-exponentially    
dependent term in which Rn, Rm and Cm should be 1 h 2y1 D
Rn ˆ D Cs ˆ m ˆ ln y1 …14†
taken into account and (3) the constant term result- m‡1 A Dy V0
ing from the distributing capacitance Cs for the
entire circuit. In concluding this analysis, the only parameters
The traditional way for parameter determination that need to be acquired directly for a recorded vol-
is to vary each of the parameter values while hold- tammogram of an s-BLM are D, y1, Dy and 2h.
ing all other parameters constant and to select a ®t- From the relationship described in equation (14), it
ting curve with a minimal deviation. However, the is now possible to calculate accurate values of the
complexity of the calculation is the major impedi- membrane electrical parameters for the s-BLM sys-
ment in ®nding a group of e€ective suitable values tem. In this section, an unusual method is proposed
to ®t the calculated curve. Despite the aid of com- which can determine the properties accurately with-
puter, the calculation still requires much more time, out any iteration [46]. So the real-time measurement
which can not be utilized for on-line parameter de- can be carried out for the dynamic analysis.
termination. So it is necessary to derive an accurate
expression for the parameters Rm, Cm, Rn and Cs REVIEW OF PAST WORK
from the original solution of equation (9).
Thus, the method for determining Rm, Cm, Rn Before presenting the research ®ndings on the use
and Cs has been obtained [46]. First of all, the con- of supported BLMs as electrochemical biosensors,
3598 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

we would like to give the rationale behind the guest (key, ligand). Ideally, one would like to
work. Insofar as is known, in order to make life develop a liquid vBLMv liquid (solid) biface system
viable, the living system must interact with or sense that function as a transducer±actuator. That is a
its surroundings. Thus, sensing is one of the vital suitably modi®ed BLM-biface can receive appropri-
functions of life, which include seeing, hearing, ate information, act upon it and initiate a response.
smelling, touching and tasting. From human stand- In physiological terms, a ligand interacts on a mem-
points, the signal from the external world must be brane-bound receptor resulting in a signal. This sig-
transduced into a language that the brain under- nal is transduced from the contact interaction into
stands. To a very large extent, perhaps exclusively, an electrical output, which in turn actuates a chemi-
this language is encoded in electrical signals. In this cal or a physical process. For instance, a ligand-
connection bioscientists, in particular membrane gated channel is an example, where a ligand (i.e. a
biophysicists, have been investigating for quite hormone) binds with a receptor embedded in the
sometime the functional relationship between bio- lipid bilayer of the membrane (see Fig. 6). After
membranes and signal transduction [56]. Volkov et this contact interaction, the ``gates'' of ion-channels
al. have most recently reviewed the thermodynamics are opened to allow ions to ¯ow into the cell.
and electrostatics of membranes [57]. Our interest The nature and origin of the signal may be elec-
in membrane biophysics has been focused on exper- trical, mechanical, optical as well as chemical, as
imental lipid bilayers (planar BLMs and spherical already mentioned above. In the case of electro-
liposomes) and has been greatly bene®tted by a chemical biosensors, the sensing element is
cross fertilization of ideas among various branches embedded in the BLM and the signal is usually an
of sciences including biochemistry, solid-state phy- electrical parameter such as potential, current, con-
sics, molecular biology and materials science. At the ductance, capacitance, breakdown voltage or a
membrane level a signal, which can be light, chemi- combination of these as in a voltammogram. The
cal, acoustic, mechanical or electrical, is received by challenging task is how to design a liquid vBLMv
a receptor embedded in the lipid bilayer of the bio- liquid (solid) biface system that will self-assemble to
membrane. The result of this interaction usually function as a transducer±actuator. In Sections 3.1,
transduces into a response of some sorts of activi- 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 we will discuss the
ties which have been collectively known as ligand± results that have been accomplished with supported
receptor interactions. In connection with research BLMs. Before doing so, a short summary of the
and development activities involved in biosensors, basic properties of supported planar lipid bilayers is
the key component is a sensing element of biologi- in order.
cal interest, which is usually embedded in an ultra-
thin lipid bilayer of the nanometer thickness. This Basic properties of supported BLMs
biologically active element endows on the sensor a The development of electrochemical biosensors is
great speci®city to its counterpart, i.e. a target ana- growing at a rapid pace since the early 1980s. In
lyte, in a complex aqueous environment. For this the biomimetic approach, a lipid bilayer is used [87].
purpose, there is a vast variety of biocompounds The functions of biomembranes are mediated by
that can be used to develop a biosensor. For speci®c modi®ers, which assume their active confor-
examples, enzymes which serve as biological cata- mations only in the lipid bilayer environment.
lysts are commonly used to interact with their Further, the presence of the lipid bilayer greatly
speci®c substrates. These types of enzyme±substrate reduces the interference and e€ectively excludes
reactions (a sort of ligand±receptor interactions) hydrophilic electroactive compounds from reaching
require a transducer which converts the interaction the detecting surface, which may cause undesired
into a quanti®able signal for meaningful interpret- reactions. Thus, from the speci®city, selectivity and
ation. design points of view, the BLM is a natural en-
The main topic of this paper is concerned with vironment for embedding a host of materials of
the use of supported bilayer lipid membranes interest for the biosensor development. Hence, the
(BLMs or planar lipid bilayers) as electrochemical rationale behind the development of BLM-based
biosensors. A biosensor is commonly de®ned as a biosensors is remarkably simple: to function in a
molecular device that combines a biomaterial-based biological environment the sensing element must be
sensing element, man-made or natural, with a trans- biocompatible. The lipid bilayer (BLM) meets this
ducer embodying a lipid bilayer which converts the criterion and is, therefore, an ideal choice upon
sensed event to an useful signal. The general prin- which to develop a new class of electrochemical bio-
ciple of supported BLM-based biosensors is simple; sensors.
it is based on the lock-and-key concept of Emil Similar to conventional BLMs, the observed
Fischer of 1894 (see Ref. [56]). Today we speak of transmembrane voltage results from a separation of
receptor±ligand, host±guest, enzyme±substrate, etc. charges across the BLM. It is the di€erence between
interactions. The molecule that is doing the recog- the two bulk phases separating by the lipid bilayer.
nition is called a host (lock, receptor), which has a The electric ®eld that gives rise to this potential lies
con®guration that is complementary to that of the principally across the hydrocarbon chains of the
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3599

Fig. 6. The liquid vBLMv liquid (solid or hydrogel) biface. A biface is de®ned as any two coexisting membrane±substrate
interfaces, through which material, charge and/or energy transfer are possible. In the BLM systems, conventional and
supported, one of the interfaces is always an aqueous solution, whereas the other can be solid (as in s-BLMs), hydrogel
(as in sb-BLMs) or another aqueous solution (as in conventional BLMs). In the BLM (lipid bilayer) domain, a variety
of materials have been embedded. On the outer (left) side, numerous compounds have been tested, some of which are
listed. On the inner (right) side, many aqueous soluble substances have been used and some of which are also given.
Light-induced photoelectric e€ects in the planar lipid bilayer are shown at the bottom of the ®gure, where the left side
acts as a cathode for reduction and the right side as a anode for oxidation (modi®ed from Refs. [5, 24, 25]).

lipid bilayer. Thus, the origin of the potential across ary potential, since it exists only in the limited inter-
the biface consists of the following: (a) the surface facial plane. It should be pointed out the so-called
potential, c, due to the orientation of dipoles at the Galvani potential which can not be measured exper-
interface and (b) the outer potential, f, due to the imentally. The di€erence across the biface, however,
presence of excess free charges separated by the is experimentally determinable [3, 5, 24, 25, 57].
biface [3, 5, 24, 25, 57]. The so-called inner potential, Di€erent methods for the measurement of the mem-
f (=w + c), where Df is known as Galvani poten- brane surface potential Dfm, or changes therein
tial di€erence, may be thought as a measure of (Dfm), are described and compared with respect to
chemical anity of the species in the two phases. their sensitivity, generality of application and ease
Incidentally, Df is also known as the phase-bound- of use. Examples of the measurement of Dfm for
3600 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

the determination of the surface charge density of BLMs formed in the aqueous phase. Unlike that
planar lipid bilayers are known [5, 7, 59, 60, 57]. for BLMs, E_ of s-BLMs did not depend on the
Essentially, it is due the di€erence in electrostatic length of hydrocarbon chain of the solvent or the
free energy from a number of sources such as mem- cholesterol concentration in the lipid solution. The
brane constituents, surface and dipolar potentials. parameters E_, Z and C of s-BLMs showed a com-
Surface potential results from the potential di€er- plicated behavior as a function of the amplitude,
ence between the membrane surface and the adja- polarity and rate of change of applied dc voltage.
cent bathing solution, due to adsorbed or In addition, s-BLMs are considerably more stable
covalently bonded species. Other potentials involved than BLMs: their electrical breakdown voltage can
in the electrochemistry of BLMs are the Nernst± reach 1.5 V. Signi®cant di€erences between s-BLMs
Planck electrochemical potential and distribution and BLMs are very probably due to di€erences in
potential. The latter is due to the unequal distri- bilayer structure. Further, they have found [61] that
bution of a species across the aqueous±BLM inter- Cm decreases almost monotonically but irregularly
face as a result of the hydrophilic±lipophilic under these conditions. An increase in the scan rate
balance (HLB). At thermodynamic equilibrium, an leads to a shift toward higher voltages of the value
electrical potential di€erence (pd) between the two at which the marked changes of E_ and Cm take
phases occurs, so that further dissolution of ions in place. Repeated cyclic scans of the s-BLM lead to
both phases is stopped. This kind of potential is the stepwise stabilization of E_ and Cm, i.e. the
also known as the distribution potential. Further, changes of these parameters become less pro-
at the interface, the law of electroneutrality may nounced. Analysis of experimental results suggests
be violated, as discussed by Guggenheim (see that solvent redistribution between support-induced
[5, 24, 25]). inhomogeneities in s-BLM may be the main cause
Concerning the mechanisms of conduction in of the observed e€ects. In another paper, Hianik et
BLMs, one is reminded of the following facts: al. [62] have reported the binding of streptavidin to
biotin-modi®ed s-BLM and resulted in a slight
(1) Speci®c resistivity of an unmodi®ed BLM is
decrease of membrane capacitance, increase of E_
exceedingly high, >1015 O-cm.
and increase of Z, while DFm did not change. The
(2) Permeability to water is fair, 02  10ÿ4 cm/s,
value of E_ of s-BLMs was found to change con-
which is consistent with water solubility in long-
siderably with increasing dc voltage and the rate of
chain hydrocarbon solvents. Thus, even at neutral
voltage change. Modi®cation of s-BLM by strepta-
pH, [H+] = [OHÿ] = 10ÿ7 M, these ions will be
vidin leads to reduced changes of E_ with the rate
participating in electrical conduction.
of dc voltage change and it made s-BLM extremely
(3) Redox reactions have been demonstrated in
stable even at an external dc voltage of 2 V. The
BLMs containing highly conjugated compounds
results reported in Refs. [59, 60, 62] indicate that
and electron mediators such as TCNQ, TTF, ferro-
streptavidin considerably stabilized s-BLM by
cenes, fullerenes (e.g. C60), which involve electronic
means of the formation of a complex with biotin-
modi®ed phospholipids. In connection with E_, the
(4) Photoelectric e€ects have been observed in
properties of both conventional BLMs and s-BLMs
pigmented BLMs, which imply that electronic pro-
formed from archaeal lipids and/or from egg phos-
cesses are possible in BLMs by electrons and
phatidylcholine (egg PC) as a function of dc applied
voltage were investigated [63]. The values of E_ for
In s-BLMs (i.e. planar lipid bilayers on metallic BLM and s-BLM of archaeal lipids were approxi-
substrates), because of the highly insulating nature mately 1.4 times higher in comparison with BLMs
of the lipid bilayer, it e€ectively excludes hydrophi- from egg PC. The values of breakdown voltage of
lic species in the bathing solution from reaching the BLM from archaeal lipids were 2.3 times higher
metallic surface, thus undesired reactions are pre- than for egg PC membranes and reached 0290 mV.
vented. Unlike the cleavage plane of pyrolite graph- s-BLM from both lipid composition were consider-
ite that is very hydrophobic, a freshly cut metallic ably more stable than BLM and their breakdown
substrate is highly hydrophilic and attracts the voltage well over 1 V. Also, the measured value of
polar head groups of amphipathic lipid molecules. E_ was found to change considerably with increas-
Hianik et al. [37, 59±63] have used the electrostric- ing dc voltage, the rate of change of voltage and on
tion method to study the elasticity modulus perpen- successive cycles of changing the voltage after mem-
dicular to the lipid bilayer plane (E_), dynamic brane formation [59, 60]. In an earlier paper on s-
viscosity coecient (Z), electrical capacitance (C) BLM studies, Otto et al. [47] studied the in¯uence
and membrane potential (DFm) of s-BLMs formed of lipid concentration, lipid composition, pH and
from soybean phosphatidylcholine as a function of temperature on the stability and function of metal-
length of hydrocarbon chain of the solvent, choles- supported phospholipid bilayer membranes (s-
terol concentration and dc voltage applied to the BLM) and the potential applicability of this system
membrane. They found that E_ of s-BLMs is one in biosensor development was explored. Parameters
order of magnitude less than that for conventional to be measured were the resistance as well as the
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3601

amperometric response of the system to oxygen and possible. Preserving all the unique features of the
hydrogen peroxide. Stability and function of the s- conventional lipid bilayer like the membrane thick-
BLM system are inversely related to the lipid con- ness in the nanometer scale, the bimolecular
centration. Cholesterol exerts a stabilizing e€ect at arrangement of phospholipid molecules (the basic
a molar ratio of 4:1 to 1:3 (PC:cholesterol). The constituents of all biological membranes), the s-
e€ect of stearylamine on membrane stability BLM opens the way to biosensor development.
depends on the sign of the polarizing voltage. Using a rather simple lipid preparation, Ziegler et
Ascorbic acid, but not citric acid nor glutathion nor al. [43, 44] have shown that a s-BLM prepared on
uric acid interferes with measurements of hydrogen the cross section of a freshly cut Te¯on coated
peroxide. Further, it was found that the s-BLM is stainless steel wire displays pH sensing properties
remarkably stable in urine. Its use as a simple but with a fair reproducibility and a sensitivity compar-
sensitive oxygen sensor for measuring the respir- able to commercially manufactured macroelec-
ation rate of rat liver mitochondria was also trodes. Even when working on the same physico±
demonstrated. Consistent with the ®ndings of con- chemical base, there is of course a di€erence
ventional BLMs, the well-known stabilizing e€ect between an experimental system to demonstrate a
of cholesterol was con®rmed for the s-BLM system. sensory behavior of a suitably modi®ed s-BLM and
Both the pH in the range 5.0±8.0 (silver and stain- the use of its sensory properties for practical pur-
less steel supports) and the ionic strength (for all poses. To pave the way from laboratory results to
types of supports) in the range from 0.025 to sensor chips produced in larger amounts, they have
0.1 mollÿ1 at pH 7.0 were found not to be checked conditions to restore sensory properties
crucial [64]. observed with the experimental set-up in the s-BLM
prepared on support structures manufactured by
Supported planar lipid bilayers modi®ed with pH- microelectronics technologies and used in micro-
sensitive compounds chip applications [50]. This paper reports the use of
It was demonstrated in the earlier years of BLM a supported bilayer lipid membrane (s-BLM) con-
research that embedding the H+ carrier 2,4-dinitro- taining chloranils (TCoBQ and TCpBQ) as a pH
phenol (DNP) into conventional BLMs results in sensor. The electrical parameters such as conduc-
increased sensitivity to H+ ions [3]. In numerous tance and breakdown voltage of modi®ed s-BLMs
experiments supported BLMs have proved to pro- have been studied. The electrical conductance of the
vide suitable base for incorporation of various s-BLMs was in the range from 2  10ÿ2 to
kinds of substance isolated from biological mem- 2  10ÿ1 pS as estimated from their respective cur-
branes as well as of non-biological origin. This way rent/voltage curves. s-BLMs prepared from lipids
membrane systems could be prepared with distinc- containing TCoBQ were used to monitor light-
tive selective properties. Currently, for hydronium induced pH changes in the vicinity of Nitella sp.
ion detection, the pH glass electrode is routinely algae. The extent of light-induced pH changes was
used. However, the large size and fragility of pH strongly dependent on the distance between the sur-
glass electrodes preclude their use in many situ- face of algae cells and the tip of the s-BLM. After
ations such as in vivo cell studies and in monitoring adding DCCD, an inhibitor, to the algae cell, light-
membrane boundary potentials. For example, the induced pH changes were no longer observed [40±
hydrolysis of membrane lipids by phospholipid 44, 65].
enzymes (lipases A and C) could alter the boundary Most recently, a measuring ``microcell'' was
potential of BLM because of a local pH change. developed by Rehacek et al. [66±68] consisting of a
These ®ndings suggest that s-BLMs can be used as thin-®lm Ag/AgCl reference electrode and a s-BLM.
a pH probe in membrane biophysical research and They have studied the in¯uence of the thin-®lm sup-
in biomedical ®elds where the conventional glass ports (platinum, or gold) and the pH-sensitivity
electrode presents many diculties. To test this con- mediating molecules (TCNQ and/or TCmBQ,
cept, a number of quinonoid compounds (chlora- TCoBQ, TCpBQ) to the BLM-forming solution on
nils) have been embedded in s-BLMs and found the electrical properties (capacitance, conductance)
that, indeed, s-BLMs containing either TCoBQ (tet- and pH-response of the probe. Additionally, the
rachloro-o-benzoquinone) or TCpBQ (tetrachloro-p- dependence of the essential Ag/AgCl electrode par-
benzoquinone) responded to pH changes with a ameters on the condition of its preparation are
nearly theoretical slope (55 + 3 mV) [40±44]. This shown. A simple portable pH-meter/voltameter
pH-sensitive s-BLM o€ers prospects for ligand- with an universal input adaptable for di€erent
selective probe development using microelectronics kinds of pH-sensitive or ion selective electrodes has
technologies [50]. The main obstacle to use such been constructed.
modi®ed bilayers as sensors for the ®eld application
was their poor mechanical stability. With the avail- Supported planar lipid bilayers modi®ed with ion
ability of the supported lipid bilayer system (s- carriers
BLM), the preparation of lipid bilayer membranes A hydrated ion cannot be transported across the
with dramatically improved lifetime has become lipid bilayer owing to its very energy barrier (from
3602 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

aqueous solution to the lipid bilayer, dielectric con- The e€ect of pH, temperature and possibly interfer-
stant, e, changes from 80 to about 2±5. An iono- ing substances are reported [40±42].
phore, such as valinomycin when complexed with
an ion, provides it a hydrophobic coat; it thus Supported planar lipid bilayers modi®ed with ion-
becomes ``oil-soluble'' enabling it to cross the lipid
bilayer and be discharged on the other side of the For transporting ions in biomembranes, ion-
membrane. The overall driving force is provided by channels embedded in the lipid bilayer are the key
the concentration gradient of the ions. With the to our understanding [3±5, 24, 25, 56]. There are two
availability of crown ethers, in particular, natural main classes of ion-channels, voltage-gated and
occurring valinomycin, an antibiotic which is able ligand-gated, both of which operate by opening and
to bind K+ and disrupts the normal functioning of closing to regulate the ¯ow of ions. As ions move
certain bacterial membranes. s-BLMs containing six across the ion-channels embedded in the lipid
di€erent kinds of crown ethers were synthesized bilayer, they alter its electrical potential. This trans-
and investigated using CV [69, 70]. In particular, s- membrane potential results from a separation of
BLMs formed from a liquid crystalline aza-18- charge across the liquid/BLM/liquid biface. The
crown-6 ether and cholesterol-saturated n-heptane electric ®eld that gives rise to this transmembrane
solution was found to be sensitive to K+ in the potential is due primarily to the ultrathin hydro-
concentration range of 10ÿ4 to 101 M having a phobic portion of the lipid bilayer. One of well-stu-
Nernstian slope. The speci®city for three alkali died ion-channels embedded in conventional BLMs
metal cations and NH+ is gramicidin [3, 4]. Steinem et al. [72] have carried
4 of ®ve di€erent kinds of
bis-crown ethers in BLMs were investigated. The out an impedance analysis of ion transport through
order of speci®city for most of these bis-crown gramicidin channels incorporated in solid supported
ethers was found to follow hydrated radii of cat- lipid bilayers.
ions, i.e. NH+ + + + Syringotoxin, a cyclic lipodepsipeptide produced
4 >K >Na >Li . The results
obtained with these s-BLMs compare favorably by certain strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringse, is known to
with conventional BLMs containing related com-
form anion selective, voltage-sensitive channels in
pounds such as valinomycin [3]. It is interesting to
conventional BLMs [73]. With the availability of
note that Minami et al. [71] earlier have made a
highly stable sb-BLMs, it was decided to embed cer-
comparative study on the potentiometric responses
tain phytotoxic substances such as syringotoxin (S-
between a valinomycin-based conventional BLM
toxin) into the lipid bilayer, since the dimensions of
and a polymeric membrane. In this connection
this S-toxin are almost in the same range as the
some electrical properties were studied on potential
lipid bilayer thickness [58, 73]. Indeed, the single ion
responses of self-assembled s-BLMs. Gramicidin
channel activities of this S-toxin-containing sb-BLM
doped s-BLM sensors responded to hydrogen ion
were observed, which appear as a square-shaped
concentrations linearly with the slope of 144 mV/
current ¯uctuation during the transitions of the
decade in the range of 0.4 to 4 M; monensin doped channels between di€erent conducting states. From
s-BLM sensors responded to sodium ion, which has plots of frequency vs single-channel conductance
a slope of about 40 mV/decade in the concentration histogram, and the current±voltage curve, a linear
range of 0.3 to 30 mM; valinomycin doped s-BLM relationship was obtained. In the latter case, the
sensors have nearly Nernstian response in the con- slope conductance was found to be 125 pS for the
centration range of 1.0 to 30 mM/[K+]; ferrocene S-toxin-modi®ed sb-BLM, which is in accord with
doped s-BLM sensors responded linearly to the fer- known values. Thus, we have established the useful-
ricyanide ion, whose slope is 146 mV/decade in the ness of sb-BLMs in membrane channel reconstitu-
concentration range of 0.03 to 30 mM/[K3Fe(CN)6]. tion studies. Also using agar-supported planar lipid
Many ions such as ferrocyanide, citrate, SCNÿ, bilayers, Uto and colleagues [55] have investigated
ClOÿ4 , etc. did not interfere with the sensor response BLMs made of lecithin and cholesterol. The
characteristics. Factors in¯uencing s-BLM sensors' membranes exhibited an average electric resistance
reproducibility and stability were also investigated of 135 pS and a capacitance of 0.43 mF cmÿ2.
[40±42]. In another report the e€ect of valinomycin Gramicidin, known to form a channel in uni-lamel-
on a di€erent kind of s-BLM has been investigated lar lipid bilayers, reduced the electric resistance
[40±42]. An increase in concentration of valinomy- to a pS level, thus showing the membranes to
cin from 6  10ÿ6 to 6  10ÿ4 mollÿ1 increases the be of an uni-lamellar bilayer type. The BLM
conductivity of the system after addition of potass- stability was investigated against perturbation
ium ions. A remarkable e€ect of the bu€er medium with electric potentials and against mechanical
on the electrode response has been observed, a sol- agitation in the contacted aqueous solution. About
ution of 0.1 M Tris±HCl being most suitable. The 80% of the membrane preparations remained
assembled s-BLM system is stable for about 120 h. intact after applying electric potentials of
A linear response toward potassium has been found between 21500 mV. A similar percentage of the
in the range from 2.5  10ÿ3 to 1.3  10ÿ1 mollÿ1. membrane stayed intact under vigorous stirring. In
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3603

a preliminary report [40±42] some electrical proper- metal working probe is held at a constant potential
ties of gramicidin doped s-BLM sensors were stu- with respect to the reference electrode (e.g. for
died, which responded to hydrogen ion example, at 600 mV vs Ag/AgCl), glucose oxidase
concentrations linearly with the slope of 144 mV/ converts glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen per-
decade in the range of 0.4 to 4 M. In this connec- oxide as is given by
tion Cornell et al. [74] most recently reported a sup- GOD
ported planar lipid bilayer sensor using the ion- ÿ gluconic acid ‡ H2 O2
glucose ÿ
ÿ4 …15†
channel gramicidin. The element of recognition is
provided by antibodies linked to the gramicidin H2 O2 ÿ4 O2 ‡ 2H‡ ‡ 2e …16†
molecules. It is stated that the sensor has been
demonstrated in the detection of drugs, bacteria The amount of H2O2 is proportional to the glucose
and viruses, and in blood typing. Mention should concentration. In equation (16), the direct transfer
be made here that in earlier reports [75±77], ion- of electrons from GOD to the transducing electrode
channels incorporated in s-BLMs have been stu- is not an easy task. For this purpose, s-BLM-based
died. For instance, Stenger et al. [77] discussed Pt- probes containing TCNQ and TTF have been stu-
supported phospholipid bilayers containing voltage- died, which will be covered in Section 3.6.
dependent anion channels (VDAC) that were used In connection with glucose sensors, Hianik and
to physically model a chemically-sensitive ampero- co-workers [62, 63] have developed a mini-glucose
metric biosensor. An ac electrical technique was sensor based on immobilization of avidin±glucose
used to measure admittance changes caused by oxidase (A±GOD) complex onto the biotinylated
channel gating. The magnitude of the responses dif- bilayer lipid membranes formed on a s-BLM. Using
fered from those observed in conventional BLMs. the simple amperometric method the authors have
However, the supported BLMs were mechanically studied the glucose oxidation by GOD and deter-
stable and permitted reproducible gating of the mined several important constants of enzymatic
VDAC conductance in response to dc bias voltages reaction. The enzyme turnover was approximately
in the range of 0 to ÿ60 mV. The authors concluded 1.1 sÿ1, which is close to that for GOD reaction in
that the technique may be generally suitable for homogeneous solution. The Michaelis constant for
fabrication of durable biosensors using chemically- an enzymatic electrode KME=(0.66 2 0.18) mM was
sensitive protein channels. close to that for the enzymatic reaction of ferrocene
modi®ed GOD immobilized onto glassy-carbon
Supported planar lipid bilayers modi®ed with peptides electrode. The results are consistent with their ear-
and enzymes lier work [47]. Regarding this, Rehak and
In the last few years a variety of enzyme-based colleagues [81] have earlier reported an ampero-
biosensor have been developed [11, 78]. For metric xanthine minibiosensor based on a supported
example, Schulmann et al. [79, 80] have reported im- biotinylated phospholipid membrane. To this mem-
mobilization of enzymes on L±B ®lms via a mem- brane streptavidin-modi®ed xanthine oxidase was
brane-bound receptor and suggested their possible coupled. The fabricated biosensor corresponds in
applications for amperometric biosensors. For such shape and size to a needle of 0.3 mm in diameter.
biosensors, electrochemical techniques are often The assay is based on the electrochemical detection
used because of their sensitivity, rapid responses of enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide. The
and ease of interfacing with personal computers response to xanthine was linear up to 1 mmol/l with
(PC's). Presently, glucose sensors using electrical a detection limit of 0.02 mmol/l. The response time
techniques as a detection method are among the was less than 1 min and the biosensor was stable
most developed. In general, the principle of electro- for at least 5 days.
chemical transduction methods is simple. There It should be mentioned that many interesting
must be an intimate contact between the sensing el- results and ®ndings have been achieved with other
ement and transducer. Enzyme-based biosensors assembled systems [17±20, 82, 39, 83] (see Table 1).
using mainly oxidases, dehydrogenases and NH3 For examples, Puu and her colleagues [82] reported
generating enzymes are able to convert many sub- the activity of acetylcholinesterase in lipid
strates into electroactive species. As a speci®c monolayers [82]. Mandler and Turyan [83] have
example, the much studied glucose sensor using reviewed the electroanalytical chemistry of the
amperometric detection be described as follows. di€erent approaches of self-assembled systems.
The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOD) is usually in- Florin and Gaub [75] along with Seifert et al. [76]
corporated into a layer of thickness ranging from have reported their measurements on a novel type
tens of mm to a few nm (from carbon paste, var- of supported BLMs. The formation process was
ious thin ®lms, to BLMs). The thin layer doped investigated with surface plasmon resonance mi-
with GOD in close contact with a substrate (e.g. croscopy. The optical and electrical properties of
the surface of a metallic electrode) together with a the s-BLMs were determined for various types of
reference electrode constituted the basic unit of a lipids and as a function of temperature by means of
glucose biosensor. Operationally, the GOD-coated cyclic voltammetry and potential relaxation after
3604 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

charge injection. They could show that these s- process with an electrochemical rate constant which
BLMs exhibit an extraordinarily high speci®c resis- is larger for the second (lower potential) electron
tivity which, depending on the lipid, may be as high than for the ®rst one. These are in excellent agree-
as 109 O cmÿ2. They could also show that due to ment with literature values obtained from equili-
this low conductivity, an electrical polarization brium measurements of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
across the lipid bilayer relaxes with characteristic involving these species. It is quite clear from these
time constants of up to 20 min. Speci®c conduc- results that modi®ed s-BLMs provide a biocompati-
tance and speci®c capacitance of the solid sup- ble and direct means of eciently carrying out elec-
ported membrane are comparable to those of a trochemical reactions with sulfur-based redox
conventional BLM. However, the solid supported systems.
membrane has the advantage of a much higher Several groups of researchers, including Racek
mechanical stability. The electrical activity of bac- and associates [87] have proposed a planar conduc-
teriorhodopsin, Na,K±ATPase, H,K±ATPase and tometric urea sensor based on a microfabricated
Ca±ATPase on the solid supported lipid bilayer are interdigitated electrode arrays. Urease is immobi-
measured and compared to signals obtained on a lized on the surface of this device and splits urea to
conventionally prepared BLM. It is shown that ammonia and carbon dioxide. These compounds
both methods yield similar results. The solid sup- are ionized in an aqueous milieu increasing thus its
ported BLM therefore represents an alternative conductivity. This way of measuring seems to be
method for the investigation of electrical properties the most convenient and due to its simplicity and
of ion translocating transmembrane proteins. cost-e€ectiveness is preferred above other detection
Meanwhile, Steinem and colleagues [72] have techniques for urease reaction (measuring of NH3,
reported an impedance analysis of ion transport NH+ 4 , CO2 or pH with special electrodes).
through ion channels incorporated in solid sup- In self-assembling systems related to s-BLMs (see
ported lipid bilayers. Table 1), many enzymes have also been investi-
The use of s-BLMs with other polypeptides and gating by the CV technique [32±34, 88±91]. Kinnear
enzymes have also been reported [84±86]. Salamon and Monbouquette [88] reported a strong cathodic
and Tollin have investigated the reduction of horse current response to the presence of fumarate that
heart cytochrome c at a Pt s-BLM which immobi- provides evidence of direct electron transfer to
lized vinyl ferrocene as an electron mediator. The membrane-bound E. coli fumarate reductase in
current±voltage curves show that the direct electro- membrane-mimetic alkanethiol monolayers on gold
chemistry of cytochrome c at the metal electrode electrodes. This enzymatic response is attenuated
occurs quite eciently. An adsorption equilibrium reversibly by the competitive enzyme inhibitor, oxa-
constant for cytochrome at the BLM surface, as loacetate. The hydrophobic enzyme is coadsorbed
well as an electron transfer rate constant between with alkanethiols on gold in a novel detergent dialy-
the protein and the modi®ed electrode have been sis process. Contino et al. [89] used planar-
estimated from these results. The values of both supported phospholipid bilayers containing the
parameters are much higher than those reported transmembrane protein tissue factor (TF). TF com-
with other types of electrode modi®cations, indicat- plexed with the serine protease, factor VIIa, is the
ing that the s-BLM system provides substantial primary initiator of blood coagulation and found
improvements in electrochemical activity of cyto- that the extracellular domain of TF is located on
chrome c at metal electrodes. In another paper, the the inner lea¯et. Also using supported BLMs,
same authors have reported the electron transfer Naumann and colleagues [90] have most recently
reactions between a s-BLM on Au substrate and reported that a H+±ATPase can be incorporated
oxidized spinach plastocyanin using cyclic voltam- into solid-supported lipid bilayers separated from
metry. Plastocyanin was found to interact strongly the gold support by a peptide spacer. The transloca-
enough with the s-BLM. In this connection, the re- tion of protons across the BLM to the inner side is
duction of Escherichia coli thioredoxin (EcT), T4 coupled to the discharge of protons at the gold sur-
thioredoxin (T4T) and glutathione (GSSG) occurs face. The overall process is investigated by square
at a s-BLM. The ®rst electron transfer has half- wave voltammetry (SWV) and double potential-
wave potentials of ÿ0.05 2 0.01, ÿ0.07 2 0.01 and pulse chronoamperometry (CA). As a result, the
ÿ0.06 2 0.01 V, whereas the second one has values formation of a proton gradient is monitored by
of ÿ0.48 2 0.01, ÿ0.39 2 0.01 and ÿ0.45 2 0.01 V, SWV whereas currents measured by CA monitor
for EcT, T4T and GSSG, respectively. The scan- the stationary state when the enzyme activity is
rate dependence of the cyclic voltammetry indicates, directly coupled to the charge transfer at the elec-
for both waves, that the process of electron transfer trode. Further, the authors report that these cur-
is dominated by a bulk di€usion of free species to rents markedly depend on the number of ATPases
and from the electrode, and that strongly adsorbed present in the planar bilayer. The application of
species do not signi®cantly contribute at the scan cyclic voltammetry to biosensor devices based on s-
rates used. The voltage separation of the peak cur- BLMs was investigated by Wang et al. [91]. s-
rents indicates a quasi-reversible electron transfer BLMs have been used for receptor±ligand contact
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3605

interactions. This paper reports the electrochemical based biosensors, which is usually done by embed-
transduction of an antigen±antibody (Ag±Ab) reac- ding the species of interest (e.g. enzyme) together
tion by an s-BLM. The antigen (HBs-Ag) is incor- with electron mediator in the BLM-forming sol-
porated into an s-BLM, which then can interact ution before starting the self-assembling process on
with its corresponding antibody (HBs-Ab) in the the substrate.
bathing solution. This Ag±Ab interaction results in It has been reported in a number of papers [92±
some remarkable changes in the electrical par- 97, 48, 49, 98, 99] that s-BLMs and conventional
ameters (conductance, potential and capacitance) of BLMs containing TCNQ, TTF, or ferrocene are
s-BLMs. The magnitude of these changes are excellent systems for mediated electrocatalytic redox
directly related to the concentration of the antibody reactions. For examples, TTF modi®ed s-BLMs can
in the bathing solution. The use of such an Ag±Ab be e€ectively used as a hydrogen peroxide sensor
interaction via s-BLM as a transducing device for [96, 97], whereas TCNQ modi®ed s-BLMs show
the detection of ligand±receptor contact reaction is promise for the development of glucose probes [100],
proposed. as described in some details below.
Supported bilayer lipid membranes (s-BLMs)
Supported planar lipid bilayers modi®ed with TCNQ, were formed by the self-assembly method on freshly
TTF, and ferrocenes fractured metallic wires [94, 95]. The in¯uence of a
In bioenergetics, electron transfer and redox reac- host of compounds in membrane forming solutions
tions play central roles. These processes are on s-BLMs were examined and the e€ect of pH on
mediated by specialized proteins embedded in lipid the function of the s-BLM studied. Additionally,
bilayer-bound subcellular organelles called chloro- the redox reactions of a s-BLM containing vinyl-
plasts and mitochondria. One approach to gain ferrocene as an electron mediator have been investi-
some quantitative understanding of these mem- gated by cyclic voltammetry. The results have
brane-bound reactions in the early 1980s was resort- shown that ferrocene can be very easily immobilized
ing to membrane reconstitution, using conventional in s-BLMs. This suggests that s-BLM systems o€er
BLMs containing electron mediators such as TCNQ a novel approach to the electrode modi®cation by a
(tetracyanoquinodimethane), TTF (tetrathiafulva- simple way of immobilization of compounds within
lene), bipyridine, etc. [5, 9, 32±34]. The embedding BLM. For instance, a TTF modi®ed s-BLM has
of appropriate active molecules (modi®ers) into the been found that it can not only improve the stab-
matrix of the lipid bilayer should be able to impart ility, but increased the range of s-BLM's sensitivity
the functional characteristics to s-BLMs. TCNQ to hydrogen peroxide [96, 97]. In contrast, TCNQ-
and TTF have been chosen as modi®ers because of containing s-BLMs showed little response to H2O2.
their properties as typical electron acceptor and This was not entirely unexpected since TCNQ
donor molecules, respectively. With TCNQ or TTF should behave as an electron acceptor. In another
modi®ed BLMs, for example, oxidation takes place report, when TCNQ was embedded in the s-BLM
on the side of the lipid bilayer facing the cathode, forming solution, the resulting s-BLM was able to
whereas, reduction occurs on the side facing the detect the presence of ascorbic acid, which is con-
positive electrode. Two possible mechanisms may sistent with the ®ndings obtained with conventional
be responsible for the observed transmembrane BLMs [22, 23, 32±34]. In terms of the mechanical
redox reactions: (1) electron exchange between stability and conductivity, another promising system
redox components bound in the vicinity of the for biosensor development seems to be the modi®-
opposite membrane±solution interface and (2) cation of the s-BLM with the electron mediator
transmembrane di€usion of the redox components. nathraquinone-2-sulfonic acid [48, 49]. Additionally,
These earlier experiments demonstrated that di€u- the lead ion sensitivity of a solid-supported BLM
sion in the aqueous phase is rate limiting and there- system containing TCNQ as an electron mediator
fore electron ``jumping'' or ``tunneling'' is a more in 4,4'-n-octyl-cyanobiphenyl (8CB, a liquid crystal)
probable occurrence in the lipid bilayer. Thus, the dissolved in squalene, with a Te¯on coated plati-
transverse movement of electrons and protons num wire as a solid support, has been investigated
across the modi®ed bilayer results in a BLM which with cyclic voltammetry [98]. These results have
functions as a bipolar redox electrode [3, 24, 25]. To shown that TCNQ in a 8CB-containing s-BLM pro-
investigate this kind of reactions in BLMs, exper- duces a unique system that increases by three orders
imentally, the technique of choice is cyclic voltam- of magnitude the lead ion sensitivity of the plati-
metry. The various parameters, i.e. background num electrode. Cyclic voltammograms have also
current, redox potential peaks, stability of the me- shown that a charge-transfer complex between
diator within the BLM during the electrochemical liquid crystal and TCNQ molecules is created and
measurements and reproducibility of the ampero- participates in redox reactions. The electrochemical
metric response, were considered at behavior of TCNQ modi®ed s-BLM has been inves-
length [24, 25, 32±34]. The past work provides a tigated through capacitor measurement and cyclic
good starting point on the use of TCNQ, TTF, etc. voltammetry (CV) which shows the surface wave
for the present development on supported BLM- behavior of the TCNQ redox form. The voltamme-
3606 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

try CV has shown di€erent peaks at di€erent scan BLMs further accentuated the e€ects. It is apparent
rates and a possible explanation is provided [99]. that both C60 and iodine, when embedded in
Generally speaking, TTF is a better mediator for BLMs, facilitate electrical conduction, thereby low-
the development of peroxide biosensor compared to ering the Rm. Since the dielectric constant (e) of a
TCNQ and substituted ferocenes. On the other typical, unmodi®ed BLM is about 2, the presence
hand, TCNQ is a better mediator for the develop- of C60 and iodine should exert a great in¯uence on
ment of a glucose sensor. In this connection, a glu- e. Since Cm depends on a number of factors such as
cose minisensor based on a biotinylated, s-BLM has the surface charge of the BLM, the nature of hy-
been reported [100]. This was carried out as follows. drocarbon chains and embedded modi®ers, an
First, glucose oxidase (GOX) was immobilized by increase in e and consequently in Cm, is therefore
coupling an avidin±GOX complex to a s-BLM expected. The modi®ed probe increased the detec-
formed from biotinylated crude ox brain extract. tion limit for Iÿ by 100 times with a linear response
Second, the BLM was supported on the metal tip in the range from 10ÿ8 to 10ÿ2 M. Thus, C60 facili-
of a Te¯on-coated stainless steel wire (diameter tates the discharge of Iÿ
3 at the metal surface, which
0.33 mm). Third, the determination of glucose was demonstrates clearly that the embedded C60 is
based on detection of enzymatically generated indeed an excellent electron mediator [102].
hydrogen peroxide at a potential of +670 mV. Concerning fullerenes, such as C60, as photonab-
There was an almost linear increase of membrane sorbers, mentioned should be made once more
current with increasing glucose concentration up to about electron transfer processes in the membranes
10 mM and a saturation e€ect above 30 mM glu- of photosynthesis and mitochondrial respiration,
cose. A lower voltage for detection of glucose was both of which have been reported in a number of
made possible by modi®cation of the membrane by BLM studies [16, 24, 25, 89±91, 101±103]. In the mid
TCNQ. The capacitance relaxation method was 1980s, electron transfer was demonstrated in
used to determine the changes of dielectric relax- BLMs [24, 25]. These phenomena were explained in
ation times (reorientation of dipole moments of terms of the light-induced charge generation and
polar groups of individual lipid molecules or lipid separation, ®eld-driven charge transport and sub-
clusters) following addition of avidin±GOX. The sequent redox reactions on opposite sides of the
above-mentioned results clearly demonstrate the in- BLM. In the absence of light, the theory of electron
teraction of the embedded enzyme with the tunneling was invoked (see Section 3.6). When a s-
bilayer [100]. BLM doped with Zn±phthalocyanine was excited
Concerning ferrocenes, Tai and co-workers [70] by light, a voltage and a current were recorded,
reported that the biferrocene-containing Schi€ base with the action spectra paralleled closely to that of
complexes were synthesized and embedded in Pt- the absorption spectrum of the pigment [21]. This
wire s-BLMs. The data obtained from cyclic vol- provides direct evidence that the light-induced cur-
tammetry provide an oxidation mechanism of elec- rents are indeed due to the photonabsorber
trocatalysis of ascorbic acid. embedded in the BLM. Thus, a pigmented s-BLM
can function as a light transducer or photon-acti-
Recent advances in supported planar lipid bilayers vated switch or detector. In this connection, the ex-
modi®ed with fullerenes periments reported by Rolandi et al. [103],
Within the last decade fullerenes (C60) have been Yonezawa et al. [104], Lamrabte et al. [105],
of great interest in materials science, since it has Yamaguchi and Nakanishi [106], Bi et al. [107],
been shown that C60 is a good electron mediator Ikematsu and colleagues [108], and more recently
and behaves as an n-type semiconductor by Gruszecki and colleagues [109] are of great inter-
(bandgap = 1.6 eV). Our interest in fullerenes as a est. Mention should also be made of the work
BLM modi®er is owing to their most unique prop- reported by Ford and Rodgers [110]. They used
erties, namely, unmodi®ed C60 and C70, are water- negatively charged SnO2 particles (ca. 4-nm diam-
insoluble and highly hydrophobic. Hence, the lipid eter) which serve as supports for BLMs composed
bilayer is an ideal environment for these compounds of didodecyldimethylammonium ion in aqueous
to reside. Recently we have investigated electron sols. An amphiphilic Ru(II) polypyridine complex,
transfer across a BLM containing C60, which can when incorporated into the bilayer, photosensitizes
act both as an electron mediator [101] and a electron injection into the conduction band of the
photosensitizer [102]. The presence of C60 greatly SnO2, but only the population of complex dissolved
strengthens the stability of s-BLMs and dramati- in inner monolayer, in contact with the support, is
cally alters their electrical properties. The cyclic vol- active. The high quantum eciency of charge trans-
tammograms contain distinct redox peaks, which fer together with the relatively slow rate of recombi-
are not symmetrical. Further, the C60 in the lipid nation between the conduction band electron and
bilayer has the opposite e€ects on membrane resist- the Ru(III) polypyridine complex makes this med-
ance (Rm) and capacitance (Cm), respectively; it ium promising for studies of electron-transfer pro-
causes the Rm to decrease and Cm to increase. The cesses in surfactant lipid bilayer assemblies.
presence of iodine in conjunction with C60 in the s- Concerning the photoelectric e€ects in supported
Supported planar lipid bilayers 3607

BLMs, the ®ndings are reported in the following resulted in higher values of E_. They also applied
papers [21, 102, 111]. The light-induced voltage and the method of measurement of conductivity ¯uctu-
current changes under continuous illumination have ation to analyze properties of s-BLMs, and
been investigated in a s-BLM containing Zn±phtha- observed three types of ¯uctuations: (1) large cur-
locyanine (ZnPc) as a photosensitizer and glycerol- rent jumps observed as current steps at dc channel;
dioleate (GDO) as a BLM-forming solution [111] (2) small current ¯uctuations near zero line with a
and found that the probe's potential is shifted to spectrum of 1/f type (¯icker noise) and (3) short
more positive value on light irradiation as well as current jumps, whose amplitudes are many folds
to increase the cathodic current across the BLM. higher than a mean noise level. The signi®cance of
The results indicate a direct electron transfer from noise analysis for determination of mechanisms of
the platinum substrate to hydrogen ion in the elec- membrane conductance is also discussed in this
trolyte solution. Furthermore, it has also been paper.
demonstrated a dramatic increase of the photocur- Most recently, s-BLM containing a series of elec-
rent over the time course of BLM formation visua- tron carriers such as quinones, ¯avins, iron±sulfur
lizing a role of the bulk quenching processes which complexes are being investigated. These electron
are signi®cantly diminished in thin lipid membrane carriers are involved in mitochondrial respiration
than in pigmented s-BLMs. In another report, the [56]. In our initial experiments some of these elec-
light-induced voltage and current generated by dop- tron carriers were examined using s-BLMs contain-
ing a s-BLM with buckminsterfullerene C60 were ing either C60 or TCNQ or both [113]. One of our
investigated [102]. Using this s-BLM system, it is objectives was to ®nd out whether some of these
possible to construct sensor probes and to investi- compounds could be quantitatively assessed using a
gate redox reactions and light-induced electron s-BLM probe. The long-term goal is to develop an
transfer across the lipid bilayer. The C60-containing s-BLM-based probe having a universal receptor
s-BLM, considered basically as a ``molecular embedded in the lipid bilayer. We have found that
device'', is a light-sensitive diode capable of photo- the ¯avin mononucleotide (FMN, ribo¯avin 5'-
induced charge separation which undergoes redox phosphate) is of particular interest, insofar as the
reactions across the substrate±hydrophobic lipid shape of voltammograms are concerned. Some typi-
bilayer±aqueous solution junctions. Using the cyclic cal results are shown in Fig. 7. Although certain
voltammetry technique, the results show that C60 e€ects were seen on the current of the C60-doped s-
embedded in the BLM acts as an excellent electron BLM probe as a function of the FMN concen-
carrier/mediator and should be useful for electro- tration, a dramatic increase of the current was
chemical biosensor and molecular electronics device observed when both C60 and TCNQ were present in
development. It is concluded that supported BLMs the lipid bilayer, whereas the presence of only one
with excellent stability, possessing the structural alone did not produce the enhanced e€ect.
and dynamic properties of conventional planar lipid Nonetheless, both C60- and C60+TCNQ-doped s-
bilayers, are excellent models for investigating basic BLM probes, when tested as a function of the
membrane-mediated ligand±receptor contact inter-
actions. This is because BLMs and s-BLMs rep-
resent the simplest self-assembled structures that
separate two phases (liquid/liquid or liquid/solid).
Our experiments have shown that certain electron
mediators can indeed modify the electrical par-
ameters of the s-BLM. Thus, the insights gained in
our ®ndings may facilitate the future search in the
use of s-BLMs for practical applications. For
instance, in our recent experiments with a sb-BLM
containing fullerenes (C60), we have found that C60,
function both as a mediator and a
photosensitizer [102].
Also using fullerenes (C60) but for a di€erent pur-
pose, Sivak et al. [112] recently reported that a s-
BLM can be used for constructing biosensors. The
stability and reproducibility of electrical and mech-
anical parameters of that s-BLMs depend on the
type and quality of a support as well as on a lipid
composition and chemical modi®cation of the
bilayer. They also studied the in¯uence of conduct-
ing carbon C60 on the stability and mechanical Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammograms of an s-BLM modi®ed by
properties of the s-BLM. Interestingly, the presence C60 and by C 60-TCNQ with FMN (8 mM) present in 1 M
of C60 also stabilized the membrane structure and NaCl. Scan rate = 40 mV/s [113].
3608 H. T. Tien and A. L. Ottova

ported BLMs. Examples of a number of practical

applications of s-BLMs and sb-BLMs for construct-
ing probes are given in this review.

We thank our colleagues for much of the work
described in this paper, whose names are given in
joint publications. The research described here was
supported in part by grants from the oce of

1. A. P. Fishman, (ed.), Circulation, 1962, 26, 1167.
2. D. Mueller, O. Rudin, H. T. Tien and W. C.
Wescott, J. Phys. Chem. 67, 534 (1963).
3. H. T. Tien, Bilayer Lipid Membranes (BLM):
Fig. 8. A log±log plot of the peak current (i) response of Theory and Practice. Dekker, New York, 1974, 655
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