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Population dynamics
Study of how and why population size changes over time.


Population density
natality or birth rate
mortality or death rate of the population
age structure
form of growth
B. Properties of
Density, Dispersion,
Population Size
Population density

How many individuals of dandelions How many individuals of meerkat in a

in a square meter of land? square meter of land?

• Population density varies among different environments

• Population with larger body size usually has lower population density than population
with smaller body size - due to availability of resources
• Large individuals consume more resources than small individuals.
• Unit for population density – 100 individuals of dandelion/1 m2 or 20 individuals
of meerkat/1 m2
Population dispersion

Source: Wikimedia commons

• Individuals are spaced from each • Individuals are neither attracted nor • Individuals occur at specific sites
other uniformly repelled from each other of habitat.
• Due to short supply of resources • Due to abundance of resources • Due to patchy distribution of
• Animals may show territorial • Distribution of individual species is resources
behaviour almost unpredictable • Association of family groups and
• Plants may secrete toxic chemical to pairs
prevent any seedlings from growing • Limited seed dispersal or asexual
• Advantageous: highly cooperative to
reduce risks of predation, feeding &
rearing offspring
• Very common in nature
Population dispersion

Population size
• Not a static property of a population
• but a result of dynamic interplay between processes that add individual to a
population and those that remove individuals from it
Formula to calculate population size
Population of organisms either plants or animals can change over time.

∆N/∆t = N (b-d)

∆N = change in the number of individuals in the population

∆t = change in time,
N= the number on individual in the existing population,
b = natality
d = mortality.
Population size
The growth rate (r) or rate of change
(increase or decrease) of a population on a
per capita basis is the birth rate (b) minus
the death rate (d):
r = b-d

The per capita growth rate equals the

birth rate (b) minus the death rate (d),
plus the immigration rate (i) minus
emigration rate (e):
r = (b-d) + (i-e)

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