G-Suite Class Incorporation

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G-Suite and Human Ecology 1

And Human Ecology

Communication: Google Site
Check out https://sites.google.com/connect.7oaks.org/mrvaarmeyer
o This is the teacher who ran the G-Suite Camp
- You can link websites to HE resources

Project Ideas
Create their own Google Site (Can be a place to show off what they’ve learned/Portfolio)
- This will be ongoing throughout the semester
Different Pages on their Google site
- Can include the diff GLO and SLOs for each grade

Google Calendar
- Shared Google Calendar
o This will allow students to be held accountable when assignments, projects
are due
- You can upload Google Calendar on Google Sites
Incorporating in Class: Ideas
Creating meal plans
- Students will plan for a week/month using Google Calendar
- Plan out grocery shopping, cooking, etc.
Time management for projects in textiles, family studies and foods
GLO 5:Demonstrate understanding of career development and the skills required

Participation: Shared Google Docs

- You can upload a Google Doc with announcements onto Google sites

Incorporating in Class: Ideas

- Tables where students can fill in their name
- Class notes while watching videos
- Exit slip
- KWLs
G-Suite and Human Ecology 2

- Individual and group essays

- Poster creation
- Students create their own Google doc assignments for the rest of the class to do
- Create their own Recipe Book
- Converting an image to a Google Doc (if you take a photo of a page with writing,
Google Doc can convert it to text, make sure to look over it. May have formatting
and other mistakes)
- You can also record audio and read what is on the Google Doc, this will support
students who are not great readers

Name Favourite Food

Jamboard App (Acts as a whiteboard)

- Great for brainstorming (individually or group work)
- I would use this to replace flip chart paper (great for pulling in images and
drawing out ideas)

Incorporating in Class: Ideas

Can be used when students are doing presentations
- Other students write down their KWLs, questions, opinions without interrupting
Can be used for peer feedback on projects
Brainstorming ideas
G-Suite and Human Ecology 3

Google Forms
Great way to do surveys

Incorporating in Class: Ideas

Gather information
- Starting off the year with this (replaces paper – personal information); handy if you
can view google sheets and see how many students have allergies, how many
students don’t eat meat, etc.
- Gather information: Anonymously or not
- To find out even the quiet student’s opinions

- Students create their own Google Form to send out to the whole class; can be done
as a weekly assignment. Creating a open, safe space to get to know one another

Google Slides
- Bitmoji Classroom! Check out: Bitmoji Brigade -High School Culinary Arts Group on
- Google slides can be so interactive because you can link slides to one another or
even to websites!

Incorporating in Class: Ideas

They can have an ongoing Slides presentation and write something they have learned
from every class
Choose your own adventure
- This is tricky but totally worth the time you put into it
- Foods: The nutrients and where they go in the body
- Family Studies: Peer pressure and family dynamics
- Textiles: Where are our clothes from?
G-Suite and Human Ecology 4

- Make a Google Slides Activity Book: each slide has a HE activity and they will have
to insert a photo, answer a question, create a slide, etc.
- Presentations
- Advertising
- Slide show
- Create an inclusive presentation (Family Studies); audiences differ; can be younger
people, for people EAL people, for people who have trouble reading, etc.

Google Maps
- Great visualization tool!

Incorporating in Class: Ideas

Make a MyMap on agriculture, farms, where we get our food etc.
- Create MyMaps with class, students have the opportunity to pinpoint locations
- Topics can include, agriculture, restaurants, grocery stores, where Indigenous
people hunted, fished, gathered their food

Google Hangout (Instant messaging)

- Efficient way to have a group chat with whole classroom
- Awesome group video call

How I would start off the year

First Couple of Days in the Classroom
• Have them use their connect accounts to communicate – get correct emails
• Respect for computers and what is appropriate, consequences for inappropriate
• Mention the version history feature etc. how teachers monitor
• Familiarize students with class website
• Sitting posture/prevent closeness to screen and hunching over
• Get them to create Human Ecology Gr.___ Folder in the Google drive
• Exploring Google Suite with Human Ecology themes
o This can be a Google Doc/Slide HE Scavenger hunt
o Doing this will help them understand how to use G-Suite

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