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Controller Area Network (CAN) was initially created by German automotive
system supplier Robert Bosch in the mid-1980s for automotive applications as a method
for enabling robust serial communication. The goal was to make automobiles more
reliable, safe and fuel-efficient while decreasing wiring harness weight and complexity.
Since its inception, the CAN protocol has gained widespread popularity in industrial
automation and automotive/truck applications. Other markets where networked solutions
can bring attractive benefits like medical equipment, test equipment and mobile machines
are also starting to utilize the benefits of CAN, the goal of this application note is to
explain some of the basics of CAN and show the benefits of choosing CAN for
embedded systems networked applications.


Most network applications follow a layered approach to system implementation.

This systematic approach enables interoperability between products from different
manufacturers. A standard was created by the International Standards Organization (ISO)
as a template to follow for this layered approach. It is called the ISO Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Network Layering Reference Model. The CAN protocol itself
implements most of the lower two layers of this reference model. The communication
medium portion of the model was purposely left out of the Bosch CAN specification to
enable system designers to adapt and optimize the communication protocol on multiple
media for maximum flexibility (twisted pair, single wire, optically isolated, RF, IR, etc.).
With this flexibility, however, comes the possibility of interoperability concerns. To ease
some of these concerns, the International Standards Organization and Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) have defined some protocols based on CAN that include
the Media Dependant Interface definition such that all of the lower two layers are
specified. The CAN protocol is an international standard defined in the ISO 11898. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
Beside the CAN protocol itself the conformance test for the CAN protocol is defined in
the ISO 16845, which guarantees the interchange ability of the CAN chips. A principle of
data exchange CAN is based on the “broadcast communication mechanism”, which is
based on a message- oriented transmission protocol. It defines message contents rather
than stations and station addresses. Every message has a message identifier, which is
unique within the whole network since it defines content and also the priority of the
message. This is important when several stations compete for bus access (bus arbitration).

As a result of the content-oriented addressing scheme a high degree of system and

configuration flexibility is achieved. It is easy to add stations to an existing CAN network
without making any hardware or software modifications to the present stations as long as
the new stations are purely receivers. This allows for a modular concept and also permits
the reception of multiple data and the synchronization of distributed processes. Also, data
transmission is not based on the availability of specific types of stations, which allows
simple servicing and upgrading of the network.

Real-time data transmission in real-time processing the urgency of messages to be

exchanged over the network can differ greatly: a rapidly changing dimension, e.g. engine
load, has to be transmitted more frequently and therefore with less delay than other
dimensions, e.g. engine temperature. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
The priority, at which a message is transmitted compared to another less urgent
message, is specified by the identifier of each message. The priorities are laid down
during system design in the form of corresponding binary values and cannot be changed
dynamically. The identifier with the lowest binary number has the highest priority.

Bus access conflicts are resolved by bit-wise arbitration of the identifiers involved
by each station observing the bus level bit for bit. This happens in accordance with the
wired-and- mechanism, by which the dominant state overwrites the recessive state. All
those stations (nodes) with recessive transmission and dominant observation lose the
competition for bus access. All those "losers" automatically become receivers of the
message with the highest priority and do not re-attempt transmission until the bus is
available again.

Transmission requests are handled in order of their importance for the system as a
whole. This proves especially advantageous in overload situations. Since bus access is
prioritized on the basis of the messages, it is possible to guarantee low individual latency
times in real-time systems. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
3.2 message formats:

The CAN protocol supports two message frame formats, the only essential difference
being in the length of the identifier. The “CAN base frame” supports a length of 11 bits
for the identifier, and the “CAN extended frame” supports a length of 29 bits for the

3.3 CAN base frame format:

A CAN base frame message begins with the start bit called "Start Of Frame
(SOF)", this is followed by the "Arbitration field" which consist of the identifier and the
"Remote Transmission Request (RTR)" bit used to distinguish between the data frame
and the data request frame called remote frame. The following "Control field" contains
the "Identifier Extension (IDE)" bit to distinguish between the CAN base frame and the
CAN extended frame, as well as the "Data Length Code (DLC)" used to indicate the
number of following data bytes in the "Data field". If the message is used as a remote
frame, the DLC contains the number of requested data bytes. The "Data field" that
follows is able to hold up to 8 data byte. The integrity of the frame is guaranteed by the
following "Cyclic Redundant Check (CRC)" sum. The "Acknowledge (ACK) field"
compromises the ACK slot and the ACK delimiter. The bit in the ACK slot is sent as a
recessive bit and is overwritten as a dominant bit by those receivers, which have at this
time received the data correctly. Correct messages are acknowledged by the receivers
regardless of the result of the acceptance test. The end of the message is indicated by
"End Of Frame (EOF)". The "Intermission Frame Space (IFS)" is the minimum number
of bits separating consecutive messages. Unless another station starts transmitting, the
bus remains idle after this. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
3.4 CAN extended frame format:

The difference between an extended frame format message and a base frame
format message is the length of the identifier used. The 29-bit identifier is made up of the
11-bit identifier (“base identifier”) and an 18-bit extension (“identifier extension”). The
distinction between CAN base frame format and CAN extended frame format is made by
using the IDE bit, which is transmitted as dominant in case of an 11-bit frame, and
transmitted as recessive in case of a 29-bit frame. As the two formats have to co-exist on
one bus, it is laid down which message has higher priority on the bus in the case of bus
access collision with different formats and the same identifier / base identifier: The 11-bit
message always has priority over the 29-bit message. The extended format has some
trade-offs: The bus latency time is longer (in minimum 20 bit- times), messages in
extended format require more bandwidth (about 20 %), and the error detection
performance is lower (because the chosen polynomial for the 15-bit CRC is optimized for
frame length up to 112 bits).

CAN controllers, which support extended frame format messages are also able to
send and receive messages in CAN base frame format. CAN controllers that just cover
the base frame format do not interpret extended frames correctly. However there are
CAN controllers, which only support the base frame format but recognize extended
messages and ignore them. Detecting and signaling errors Unlike other bus systems, the
CAN protocol does not use acknowledgement messages but instead signals errors
immediately as they occur. For error detection the CAN protocol implements three
mechanisms at the message level (data link layer: OSI layer 2):

• Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): The CRC safeguards the information in the frame by
adding a frame check sequence (FCS) at the transmission end. At the receiver this FCS is Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
re-computed and tested against the received FCS. If they do not match, there has been a
CRC error.

• Frame check: This mechanism verifies the structure of the transmitted frame by
checking the bit fields against the fixed format and the frame size. Errors detected by
frame checks are designated "format errors".
• ACK errors: Receivers of a message acknowledge the received frames. If the transmitter
does not receive an acknowledgement an ACK error is indicated.

The CAN protocol also implements two mechanisms for error detection at the bit level
(physical layer: OSI layer 1):

• Monitoring: The ability of the transmitter to detect errors is based on the monitoring of
Bus signals. Each station that transmits also observes the bus level and thus detects
differences between the bit sent and the bit received. This permits reliable detection of
Global errors and errors local to the transmitter.

• Bit stuffing: The coding of the individual bits is tested at bit level. The bit
representation used by CAN is "Non Return to Zero (NRZ)" coding. The synchronization
edges are generated by means of bit stuffing. That means after five consecutive equal bits
the transmitter inserts a stuff bit into the bit stream. This stuff bit has a complementary
value, which is removed by the receivers. If one or more errors are discovered by at least
one station using the above mechanisms, the current transmission is aborted by sending
an "error frame". This prevents other stations from accepting the message and thus
ensures the consistency of data throughout the network. After transmission of an
erroneous message that has been aborted, the sender automatically re-attempts
transmission (automatic re-transmission). Nodes may again compete for bus access.

However effective and efficient the method described may be, in the event of a
defective station it might lead to all messages (including correct ones) being aborted. If Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
no measures for self- monitoring were taken, the bus system would be blocked by this.
The CAN protocol therefore provides a mechanism to distinguish sporadic errors from
permanent errors and local failures at the station. This is done by statistical assessment of
station error situations with the aim of recognizing a station's own defects and possibly
entering an operation mode in which the rest of the CAN network is not negatively
affected. This may continue as far as the station switching itself off to prevent other
nodes' messages erroneously from being recognized as incorrect.

CAN Overview:

CAN is a flexible, powerful, and cost-effective software application for capturing

and analyzing traffic on a controller area network (CAN) bus. CAN Capture was
designed with engineers in mind, and during its evolution, it has been continually adapted
to fit the needs of all aspects of CAN development.

1. Flexible :

* Fully customizable data flow management - wire up your CAN data however you
want, load and modify the CAN database, and connect or disconnect functional blocks
without ever having to stop the "live" capture.

* Database manager is integrated into the application - instantly jump to definitions,

search the database, and add variable watches, graphs, etc. Full J1939 database and
support included!

* No license keys! Install CAN on every computer in your organization; there's no

longer any need to share a laptop.

* Connect multiple ECOM devices in the CAN flow chart to create virtual gateways
that can bridge, manipulate, filter, and analyze activity between isolated buses.

2. Powerful: Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
* A colorized raw packet list lets you easily visualize and analyze the data on the CAN
bus by allowing colors to be assigned to messages in the CAN database. As each packet
is received by a "Raw Capture" block, it gets assigned a color and is displayed and
scrolled in real time.

* Custom scripting allows for everything from end-of-line testing procedures to on-
the-fly data encryption/decryption. Implement advanced filters beyond the capabilities of
the standard packet filter by using the C/C++ like syntax. Plenty of examples are

* User panels allow real-time display of 1000's of variables on sophisticated gauges,

sliders, thermometers, numeric indicators, text boxes, etc.

* J1939 diagnostics block can request and display active/historic/pending diagnostic

trouble codes (DTCs) and freeze-frame data.

* Seamless integration of NMEA-2000 Fast Packet, J1939 multipacket broadcast

announce messages (BAM), and destination specific connection management (CM)

3. Fast, Robust Communication:

Because CAN was initially designed for use in automobiles, a protocol that efficiently
handled errors was critical if it was to gain market acceptance. With the

release of version 2.0B of the CAN specification, the maximum communication rate was
increased 8x over the version 1.0 specification to 1Mbit/sec. At this rate, even the most
time-critical parameters can be transmitted serially without latency concerns. In addition
to this, the CAN protocol has a comprehensive list of errors it can detect that ensures the
integrity of messages.

CAN nodes have the ability to determine fault conditions and transition to
different modes based on the severity of problems being encountered. They also have the Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
ability to detect short disturbances from permanent failures and modify their functionality
accordingly. CAN nodes can transition from functioning like a normal node (being able
to transmit and receive messages normally), to shutting down completely (bus-off)

Based on the severity of the errors detected this feature is called Fault
Confinement. No faulty CAN node or nodes will be able to monopolize all of the
bandwidth on the network because faults will be confined to the faulty nodes and these
faulty nodes will shut off before bringing the network down. This is very powerful
because Fault Confinement guarantees bandwidth for critical system information. There
are five error conditions that are defined in the CAN protocol and three error states that a
node can be in, based upon the type and number of error conditions detected.

CAN Analysis Software Images:

* Record data in the field, and then replay and analyze it later with full or variable
speed playback. Let your clients log the data and/or go back and analyze a recorded
session with different variables being watched or graphed. Alternately, log data packets
or variable watches to excel for in-depth post-analysis

* Create standalone EXE files custom built from any CAN capture configuration for
distributing to

3.5Errors Detected:

1. CRC Error :

A 15-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value is calculated by the transmitting

node and this 15-bit value is transmitted in the CRC field. All nodes on the network
receive this message, calculate a CRC and verify that the CRC values match. If the values
do not match, a CRC error occurs and an Error Frame is generated. Since at least one
node did not properly receive the message, it is then resent after a proper intermission
time. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
Acknowledge Error :

In the Acknowledge Field of a message, the transmitting node checks if the Acknowledge
Slot (which it has sent as a recessive bit) contains a dominant bit. This dominant bit
would acknowledge that at least one node correctly received the message. If this bit is
recessive, then no node received the message properly. An Acknowledge Error has
occurred. An Error Frame is then generated and the original message will be repeated
after a proper intermission time.

Form Error :

If any node detects a dominant bit in one of the following four segments of the message:
End of Frame, Interframe Space, Acknowledge Delimiter or CRC Delimiter, the CAN
protocol defines this to be a form violation and a Form Error is generated. The original
message is then resent after a proper intermission time. (see Figure 2 and/or Figure 3 for
where these segments lie in a CAN message).

Bit Error :

A Bit Error occurs if a transmitter sends a dominant bit and detects a recessive bit, or if it
sends a recessive bit and detects a dominant bit when monitoring the actual bus level and
comparing it to the bit that it has just sent. In the case where the transmitter sends a
recessive bit and a dominant bit is detected during the Arbitration Field or Acknowledge
Slot, no Bit Error is generated because normal arbitration or acknowledgment is
occurring. If a Bit Error is detected, an Error Frame is generated and the original message
is resent after a proper intermission time.

Stuff Error:

CAN protocol uses a Non-Return–to-Zero (NRZ) transmission method. This means that
the bit level is placed on the bus for the entire bit time. CAN is also asynchronous, and bit
stuffing is used to allow receiving nodes to synchronize by recovering clock information
from the data stream. Receiving nodes synchronize on recessive to dominant transitions. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
If there are more than five bits of the same polarity in a row, CAN automatically stuff an
opposite polarity bit in the data stream. The receiving node(s) will use it for
synchronization, but will ignore the stuff bit for data purposes. If, between the Start of
Frame and the CRC Delimiter, six consecutive bits with the same polarity are detected,
then the bit stuffing rule has been violated. A Stuff Error then occurs, an Error Frame is
sent, and the message is repeated.

The CAN protocol was optimized for systems that need to transmit and receive
relatively small amounts of information (as compared to Ethernet or USB, which are
designed to move much larger blocks of data) reliably to any or all other nodes on the
network. CSMA/ CD allows every node to have an equal chance to gain access to the
bus, and allows for smooth handling of collisions. Since the protocol is message-based,
not address based, all messages on the bus receive every message and acknowledge every
message, regardless of whether in needs the data or not. This allows the bus to operate in
node-to-node or multicast messaging formats without having to send different types of
messages. Fast, robust message transmission with fault confinement is also a big plus for
CAN because faulty nodes will automatically drop off the bus not allowing any one node
from bringing a network down. This effectively guarantees that bandwidth will always be
available for critical messages to be transmitted. With all of these benefits built into the
CAN protocol and its momentum in the automotive world, other markets will begin to
see and implement CAN into their systems.

CAN Transceiver MCP2561

The MCP2561/2 is Microchip Technology Inc. second generation high-speed

CAN transceiver. It serves as an interface between a CAN protocol controller and the
physical two-wire CAN bus. The device meets the automotive requirements for high-
speed (1 Mb/s), low quiescent current, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
electrostatic discharge (ESD). The device family members are: • MCP2561 with SPLIT
pin • MCP2562 with VIO pin


1. Supports 1 Mb/s operation

2. Implements ISO-11898-5 standard physical layer requirements
3. Very low standby current (Typ: 5µA)
4. VIO supply pin (MCP2562) to interface directly to CAN controllers and
microcontrollers with 1.8V to 5V I/O
5. SPLIT output pin (MCP2561) to stabilize common mode in biased split
termination schemes
6. CAN bus pins are disconnected when device is unpowered. An unpowered node or
brown-out event will not load the CAN bus
7. Detection of ground fault; Permanent dominant detection on TXD, Permanent
dominant detection on bus
8. Power-on Reset and voltage brown-out protection on VDD and VIO pin
9. Protection against damage due to short-circuit conditions (positive or negative battery
10. Protection against high-voltage transients in automotive environments
11. Automatic Thermal Shutdown protection
12. Suitable for 12V and 24V systems
13. Up to 112 nodes can be connected
14. High-noise immunity due to differential bus implementation
15. High ESD protection on CANH and CANL, IEC61000-4-2 > 8kV
16. Available in PDIP-8L, SOIC-8L and 3x3 DFN-8L.
17. Temperature ranges; Extended (E): -40°C to +125°C, High (H): -40°C to +150°C Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.

The MCP2561/2 is a Microchip Technology Inc. second generation high-speed

CAN transceiver. It serves as an interface between a CAN protocol controller and the
physical two-wire CAN bus. The device meets the automotive requirements for high-
speed (up to 1 Mb/s), low quiescent current, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and
electrostatic discharge (ESD).

PIN DIAGRAM Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.

The MCP2561/2 is a high-speed CAN, fault-tolerant device that serves as the
interface between a CAN Protocol controller and the physical bus. The MCP2561/2
device provides differential transmit and receive capability for the CAN protocol
controller, and is fully compatible with the ISO-11898-5 standard. It will operate at
speeds of up to 1 Mb/s.Typically, each node in a CAN system must have a device to
convert the digital signals generated by a CAN controller to signals suitable for Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
transmission over the bus cabling (differential output). It also provides a buffer between
the CAN controller and the high-voltage spikes that can be generated on the CAN bus by
outside sources.
Mode Control Block
The MCP2561/2 supports two modes of operation:
• Normal
• Standby
These modes are summarized in Table
Normal mode is selected by applying a low-level to the STBY pin. The driver block is
operational and can drive the bus pins. The slopes of the output signals on CANH and
CANL are optimized to produce minimal electromagnetic emissions (EME).The high
speed differential receiver is active.
The device may be placed in Standby mode by applying a high-level to the STBY pin. In
Standby mode, the transmitter and the high-speed part of the receiver are switched off to
minimize power consumption. The low-power receiver and the wake-up filter block are
enabled in order to monitor the bus for activity. The receive pin (RXD) will show a
delayed representation of the CAN bus, due to the wake-up filter. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
The CAN transceiver drives the differential output pins CANH and CANL
according to TXD. It is usually connected to the transmitter data output of the CAN
controller device. When TXD is Low, CANH and CANL are in the Dominant state.
When TXD is High, CANH and CANL are in the Recessive state, provided that another
CAN node is not driving the CAN bus with a Dominant state. TXD is connected to an
internal pull-up resistor (nominal 33 k) to VDD or VIO, in the MCP2561 or MCP2562,
Ground supply pin
Positive supply voltage pin. Supplies transmitter and Receiver
RXD is a CMOS-compatible output that drives High or Low depending on the
differential signals on the CANH and CANL pins, and is usually connected to the Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
receiver data input of the CAN controller device. RXD is High when the CAN bus is
Recessive, and Low in the Dominant state. RXD is supplied by VDD or VIO, in the
MCP2561 or MCP2562, respectively.
Reference Voltage Output (defined as VDD/2). The pin is only active in Normal mode. In
Standby mode, or when VDD is off, SPLIT floats
Supply for digital I/O pins. In the MCP2561, the supply for the digital I/O (TXD, RXD
and STBY) is internally connected to VDD.
The CANL output drives the Low side of the CAN differential bus. This pin is also tied
internally to receive input comparator. CANL disconnects from the bus when
MCP2561/2 is not powered.
The CANH output drives the high-side of the CAN differential bus. This pin is also tied
internally to receive input comparator. CANH disconnects from the bus when
MCP2561/2 is not powered
This pin selects between Normal or Standby mode. In Standby mode, the transmitter,
high speed receiver and SPLIT are turned off; only the low power receiver and wake-up
filter are active. STBY is connected to an internal MOS pull-up resistor to VDD or VIO,
in the MCP2561 or MCP2562, respectively. The value of the MOS pull-up resistor
depends on the supply voltage. Typical values are 660 k for 5V, 1.1 M for 3.3V and
4.4 M for 1.8V
It is recommended to connect this pad to VSS to enhance electromagnetic immunity and
thermal resistance Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
A number of terms are defined in ISO-11898 that are used to describe the electrical
characteristics of a CAN transceiver device. These terms and definitions are summarized
in this section.
VCANL and VCANH denote the voltages of the bus line wires CANL and CANH
relative to ground of each individual CAN node. Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
Boundary voltage levels of VCANL and VCANH with respect to ground, for which
proper operation will occur, if up to the maximum number of CAN nodes are connected
to the bus.
Capacitance seen between CANL and CANH during the Recessive state, when the CAN
node is disconnected from the bus
Resistance seen between CANL and CANH during the Recessive state when the CAN
node is disconnected from the bus
Differential voltage of the two-wire CAN bus, value
Capacitance seen between CANL (or CANH) and ground during the Recessive state,
when the CAN node is disconnected from the bus .
Resistance seen between CANL (or CANH) and ground during the Recessive state, when
the CAN node is disconnected from the bus Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030

Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD 73.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Magna Hypermarket, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.

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