Deandre Charles

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Nash w a Alh ou ssain i

21, Syr ia
Eventsthat leadtotherevisionof theban Nashwa Alhoussaini is originally from
Th e
Di sc r i m i n a t i on
Beh i n d
Damascus, Syria. She was at a protest
- The supreme court had a hearing that
at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport on Ref u g ee
ruled it inhumane Ba n
- There were protests all around the Sunday, January 29. "I have a lot of
- There was use of derogatory words in family that lives overseas," she said.
the ban "I actually have one family member
- They took heavy political fire after
that is trying to get his fiancée over
the first order 's messy roll out.
here and we were gonna have her
Th e r eason Ir aq got r em oved
wedding next month, but it's officially
,Secretary of Defense James Mattis and
national security adviser Gen. H.R. been canceled." .
McMaster had all advocated for Iraq to
be removed from the Trump
administration's list of banned
countries in the new executive order
for diplomatic reasons, including Iraq's
role in fighting ISIS,
The Original Ban The Revised Ban

- No refugees from Syria are - U.S is now allowing 50,000 Prosof theban
allowed to come America Syrian refugees into the
- Put more money towards other
indefinitely states
part of the budgets
- Immigrants from Iran,Yemen, - Now more extensive
- More extensive filtering system
Libya,Somalia,and Sudan are screening process to get into
to get in to the U.S
banned from entering U.S the U.S
for 120 days - Current green card holder
- Incoming immigrants with affected by the ban can
Consof theban
green card were also come to U.S now
affected - Remove Iraq from the - Stop refugees from Syria getting
into the U.S
original 7 banned states - Leave people without a place to
- Takes the word Muslim out go
of the manuscript - Stopped incoming immigrants
with green cards from entering
the U.S
- Make it more difficult to get a
green card

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