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Beth Swenson

Mr. Taylor

Honors English I

19 March 2021

Personal Narrative Essay

An experience that was very meaningful to me was passing drivers ed and getting my

permit. When I was younger, I wasn’t really interested in driving and I didn’t think I would till

much later in high school. I didn’t really feel the need for driving or see why I would want to, but

as I got older there were some major changes that shifted my interest.

Something that changed for me was realizing the freedom it gives you when you get your

license. You can finally get out of the house, hang out with friends more, go shopping, you can

go anywhere by yourself whenever you want. This was a huge change for me because I highly

value my freedom. I really like going out places and being social, I hate being stuck at home.

Although I can’t do any of those things right now, I am working up to it and hopefully I will get

my license in October.

Another big change for me was seeing how much driving helps me with my mental

health. I have been struggling with my mental health for a long time. There were times I’ve been

at my very lowest but knowing that I need to pull through for a little longer, for just a few

months and I will have my license and things will be so much better. Driving is my main coping

skill right now that has helped me a lot recently since playing video games, listening to music,

and sleeping aren’t helping as much anymore because it’s more of an all the time thing now

because of corona.
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An additional huge change for me was noticing the escape from reality it gives you. I can

get in the car and play music not worrying about anything or anyone for a bit. It feels really nice

to put your phone down, get away from all of your stressors, and just get out of your head.

Driving is something I love doing and it makes me happy and free for once, free from all of the

pain I’ve been through.

Driving has made me truly realize the freedom it gives me, not only physical freedom by

being able to go places but also mental and emotional freedom. This freedom means a lot to me

and I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. This special moment is what has

kept me going, it’s what stopped me from giving up and encouraged me to keep up my grades.

This year has been very difficult with my mental hospital experience as well as corona on top of

that, looking forward to soon being able to drive and get that freedom was what got me out of

such a low place. Altogether, this is why passing drivers ed and getting my permit was very

important to me.

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