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Biodiversity and Conservation of Tropical Peat Swamp Forests

Author(s): Mary Rose C. Posa, Lahiru S. Wijedasa and Richard T. Corlett

Source: BioScience, Vol. 61, No. 1 (January 2011), pp. 49-57
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
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Biodiversity and Conservation of

Tropical Peat Swamp Forests
Mary Rose C. Posa, Lahiru S. Wijedasa, and Richard T. Corlett

Tropical peat swamp forest is a unique ecosystem that is most extensive in Southeast Asia, where it is under enormous threat from logging, fire,
and land conversion. Recent research has shown this ecosystem’s significance as a global carbon store, but its value for biodiversity remains poorly
understood. We review the current status and biological knowledge of tropical peat swamp forests, as well as the impacts of human disturbances. We
demonstrate that these forests have distinct floral compositions, provide habitat for a considerable proportion of the region’s fauna, and are important
for the conservation of threatened taxa, particularly specialized freshwater fishes. However, we estimate that only 36% of the historical peat swamp
forest area remains, with only 9% currently in designated protected areas. Given that peat swamp forests are more vulnerable to synergies between
human disturbances than other forest ecosystems, their protection and restoration are conservation priorities that require urgent action.

Keywords: peat, Southeast Asia, blackwater, wetland, threatened

P eatlands are ecosystems characterized by the 

accumulation of partially decayed organic matter, called
peat, which is formed from plant debris under waterlogged
on their flora and fauna. In this article, we summarize current
knowledge on (a) the development and biogeography of peat
swamp forests in Southeast Asia, (b) their current geographic
conditions (Andriesse 1988). In the tropics, peat and peaty extent and conservation status, (c) peat swamp forest biodiver-
soils (histosols) form in a variety of conditions, but the sity, and (d) threats and their impact on flora and fauna. We
greatest peat depths—and thus carbon stores—occur in restrict our review to the biogeographical region of Southeast
peat swamp forests situated at low altitudes in the river Asia and exclude the island of New Guinea because of the
valley basins, watersheds, and subcoastal areas of Southeast paucity of information regarding the apparently extensive
Asia. Until recently, the inaccessibility of peat swamp forests peat swamp forests there. Our aim is to galvanize research and
and the belief that they support lower species diversity than emphasize the urgent need to afford more protection to this
dryland rainforests meant that they received relatively little neglected yet extremely valuable ecosystem.
attention from scientists (Prentice and Parish 1990, Yule
2008). Countries with extensive peat swamp forests have Formation and biogeography of tropical peat swamps
tended to regard them as wastelands that must be converted In the tropical lowlands of Southeast Asia, peat soil is
to more productive land use (e.g., Rijksen and Peerson 1991). formed from woody plant debris under high-rainfall and
Thus, they remain poorly understood, and their importance high-temperature conditions, in contrast with temperate and
is underappreciated. Vast tracts of peat swamp forest have boreal regions where peat originates mainly from mosses and
already been degraded, and remaining areas are quickly herbs (Andriesse 1988, Chimner and Ewel 2005). In areas with
disappearing as a result of logging, fire, and conversion to poor drainage, such as basins and valleys, peat can accumulate
agriculture and industry (Yule 2008, Hansen et al. 2009). over long periods of time until it is above the groundwater
In the last decade, there has been increased interest in the level. This process eventually creates dome-shaped “ombrog-
role of peatlands in the global carbon cycle because of the large enous” raised bogs that are fed only by rainwater and possess
amount of carbon they store and can potentially release to the their own perched water table, with the peat acting as a reser-
atmosphere (55 gigatons is estimated for Indonesia alone; Page voir holding water by capillary forces (Andriesse 1988). Some
et al. 2004, Jaenicke et al. 2008). The realization that carbon highly developed domes have peat depths of up to 20 meters
dioxide emissions from the clearance and burning of peat (m) and their centers may be dry (Anderson 1983). The bogs
swamp forests in Southeast Asia may comprise as much as 3% are deficient in nutrients (oligotrophic) because of the lack
of total global anthropogenic emissions (Ballhorn et al. 2009, of mineral input, and the leaching of organic compounds
van der Werf et al. 2009) has sparked an explosion of interest in causes the water to become extremely acidic (pH 4 or less).
their past, present, and future roles as carbon stores. However, Ombrogenous peat swamps can also develop inland on flat or
the biological implications arising from the loss and degrada- gently convex areas between rivers in places with year-round
tion of peat swamp forests are not yet fully understood, and rainfall. Conversely, “topogenous” peat forms in areas with a
proper assessment is hampered by the lack of baseline data high water table where nutrients are available from seasonal

BioScience 61: 49–57. ISSN 0006-3568, electronic ISSN 1525-3244. © 2011 by American Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. Request permis-
sion to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions Web site at
info.asp. doi:10.1525/bio.2011.61.1.10 January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1 • BioScience 49

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flooding or underlying mineral soils. Extensive areas of peat and Vietnam (table 1; Rieley et al. 1996, Joosten 2004). Peat-
swamp vegetation occur on the island of New Guinea but lands can be found throughout the tropics (Rieley et al. 1996,
there is no record that they have a domed surface or are cor- Andriesse 1988), where many types of wetlands are capable
related with the forest types found in the rest of Southeast of forming peat soils, but other forested peat deposits do
Asia (Marshall and Beehler 2007). Similar forested bogs occur not reach the extent and depth of those in Southeast Asia
in other tropical regions where appropriate topography and (e.g., Chimner and Ewel 2005, Troxler 2007, Lähteenoja
climate coincide (e.g., Troxler 2007, Lähteenoja et al. 2009), et al. 2009). There is still no consensus on the precise extent
but little is known about their extent or biology. and condition of tropical peatlands, as accurate delineation
The fossil record confirms the presence of angiosperm- of peat soils without ground truthing is difficult and many
dominated peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia since the areas have already been lost or degraded (Joosten 2004).
Early Miocene (> 20 million years ago), and suggests that Estimates of the maximum predisturbance peatland area in
these were floristically similar to contemporary forests by Southeast Asia range from 20 million to 30 million hectares
the Middle Miocene, when they probably reached their (ha) (Rieley et al. 1996). Using published estimates from
maximum extent and depth (Morley 2000, Belkin et al. various sources, we calculate that a maximum of only 36%
2009, Petersen et al. 2009). There are too few paleoecologi- of the historical peat swamp forest area remains (table 1,
cal records from the Quaternary to assess the extent of peat figure 1). Even this number is likely to be an overestima-
swamp forest, but a variety of evidence suggests that ever- tion—our calculation does not consider degradation, largely
green rainforests remained extensive during the last glacial from logging. It is evident from satellite images that very
maximum (Cannon et al. 2009), and dated cores show that little peat swamp forest remains undisturbed, but there has
peat survived at inland sites, even when it was not actively been no regionwide analysis of the rates of clearance and
accumulating (Anshari et al. 2004, Page et al. 2004). In degradation. Forest loss has accelerated in recent decades
contrast, dates from modern peat swamp forests in basins and has been exacerbated by fires, particularly in El Niño
behind the coast suggest that these formed only in the last years. For the whole of Borneo, the average annual defor-
6000 years, after the stabilization of global sea levels. Similar estation rate for 2002–2005 was estimated as 2.2% for peat
coastal peatlands presumably formed at previous sea-level swamp forest, compared with 1.8% for lowland dipterocarp
stillstands, although these must have been restricted in forest (Langner et al. 2007). Forest loss in the lowlands of
extent during periods when sea levels fell below the margins Sumatra and Kalimantan, the two Indonesian provinces
of the Sunda Shelf. Peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia are containing the largest areas of peat swamp forest, accounted
thus collectively ancient but individually ephemeral, and for more than 70% of forest clearing in the country from
their total areal extent has probably fluctuated widely. 1990–2005, resulting in a staggering 41% loss in total area in
just 15 years (Hansen et al. 2009).
Current extent and protection status We estimate that only around 9% of the region’s peat
Approximately 60% of the currently known tropical peat- swamp forests are currently in areas designated in the
lands occur in Southeast Asia, mostly in Indonesia, Malaysia, United Nations Environment Programme World Conser-
Brunei, and Thailand, and to a lesser extent in the Philippines vation Monitoring Centre and the International Union

Table 1. Estimates of major peat swamp forest areas (in square kilometers) in Southeast Asia.
Region Initial area Remaining area Percentage remaining Protected area Percentage protected

 Sumatra 82,525 25,622 31.1 7212 8.7
  Kalimantan 67,876 31,606 46.6 7632 11.2
 Sulawesi 3115 18 0.6 300 9.6
  Peninsular Malaysia 9845 2492 25.3 444 4.5
 Sabah and Sarawak 17,460 6328 36.2 984 5.6
Brunei 1040 873 83.9 218 21.0
Thailand 680 304 44.7 206 30.3
Southeast Asia total 182,541 67,243 36.8 16,995 9.3

Note: To determine which protected areas are found on peat, maps from the World Database of Protected Areas were overlaid with the World
Wildlife Fund Ecoregions of the World map. Areas listed as “proposed” were excluded. For national parks in Indonesia that encompass more than
one ecoregion type, we consulted other references to extract areas over peat where possible. Updated information for peat areas in the Philippines
and Vietnam were not found. Sources available from authors upon request.

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Figure 1. Extent of peat swamp forest (dark areas) in 2004 for Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. Peat swamp
forest cover was determined using the Global Landcover Product (ESA GlobCover Project, led by MEDIAS-France), along
with validation of vegetation type using the following soil maps: 1968 Reconnaisance Soil Map of Peninsular Malaysia
(Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Malaysia); 1968 Soil Map of Sarawak (Land and Survey Department, Sarawak,
Directorate of National Mapping, Malaysia); 1974 The Soils of Sabah (Directorate of National Mapping, Malaysia); and
2000 Soil Resource Atlas of Indonesia (Departemen Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Pusat
Penelitian Tanah Dan Agroklimat).

for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Database of their low animal diversity and abundance. This, coupled
Protected Areas (table 1). The conservation status of many with the extremely difficult logistics posed by swampy
of these sites is unclear, as they have not been assigned conditions, has until recently discouraged biologists from
IUCN protected area categories, and therefore the primary survey work. In contrast, foresters and soil scientists have
management objective is not known. Nevertheless, even the appraised peat swamp forests for their timber concession
declaration of an area as a national park does not guarantee and agriculture potential since the mid-20th century. It
long-term conservation, as significant forest clearance, log- has been asserted in several papers that peat swamps har-
ging, and hunting occur within park boundaries in many bor significant and highly specialized biodiversity (e.g.,
parts of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia (Curran Phillips 1990, Page et al. 1997, Yule 2008), but this has yet
et al. 2004, Corlett 2009, Gaveau et al. 2009). Such degrada- to be comprehensively assessed. We compiled the avail-
tion is especially detrimental to peat swamp forests, as it able species lists for angiosperms and vertebrates, and
increases susceptibility to fire during droughts (as discussed estimated the numbers of species in Southeast Asia that
below). have been observed in peat swamp forests, and those that
are restricted to or strongly associated with (e.g., recorded
Peat swamp biodiversity more often or occur in higher densities than other habi-
Tropical peat swamp forests remain inadequately under- tats) this ecosystem (table 2). These data must be treated
stood scientifically, which is alarming given the vast areas with caution, since many areas are still unsurveyed and the
that have been lost or degraded. The paucity of informa- complete distributions of many species are not yet known.
tion is in part the result of early views that collecting trips However, the major patterns indicated by our data are
to peat swamp forests were a waste of time because of likely to be robust to future additions and corrections. January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1 • BioScience 51

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Table 2. Number of species recorded from peat swamp forests of Southeast Asia.
Total number of species Plants Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Freshwater fish

Recorded from PSF 1524 123 268 75 27 219

Restricted to PSF 172 0 0 0 0 80
Species strongly associated with PSF — 6 5 1 3 —

PSF, peat swamp forests.

Source: Data compiled from various sources available from authors by request.

The small number of nonfish species confined to peat to acidic, nutrient-deficient soils are required for species
swamp forest is surprising for an ancient tropical ecosystem to grow in the highly oligotrophic heath forests, which
with a large total area spread across several biodiversity hot are particularly extensive in the coastal regions of Borneo.
spots. The lack of endemic terrestrial vertebrates probably Adaptations to high and fluctuating water levels, such as
largely reflects the relatively ephemeral existence of individual pneumatophores, stilt roots, and buttresses, are required for
peat swamp forest areas that we highlighted above, although the relatively nutrient-rich freshwater swamp forests. Peat
it is not possible to rule out an impact from a reduced total swamp forest, on the other hand, is unique in requiring
areal extent during low Pleistocene sea levels. When new both sets of adaptations at the same time. In our literature
peat swamp forest patches develop in a nonpeat landscape, review, around 11% of plants recorded from peat swamp
species must be acquired from surrounding ecosystems. For forests are reported only from that habitat (table 2). The
the flora, at least, the extensive and relatively permanent majority (63%) of these restricted species are trees, followed
heath forests that occur on coarse, white-sand soils with by epiphytes and climbers (16%). The high proportion of
trees adapted to water stress and nutrient-poor conditions restricted epiphytes is surprising, since the canopy of peat
appear to have been the major source of species, along with swamp forest does not provide a unique environment,
topogenous freshwater swamp forests that, although also but the result may simply reflect the undercollection of
locally ephemeral, are well connected through river systems. epiphytes in the taller, denser forests of dryland sites.
Other taxa have apparently been acquired from a variety Most tree families and many genera of lowland evergreen
of other forest types. Peat swamp forest endemism is most dipterocarp rainforest are found in peat swamp forest, but
likely to have evolved in organisms that (a) directly inhabit the species composition is distinctive, except on very shallow
the environmentally rigorous microhabitats provided by peats (Anderson 1983). Anderson (1963) was the first
the peat and the associated waters, and (b) could track the to undertake rigorous ecological characterization of peat
occurrence of these habitats across the Sunda Shelf during swamp forest flora, describing a catenary sequence of forest
glacial cycles. Conversely, canopy-living species or species “phasic communities” in concentric zones on ombrogenous
that are very poorly dispersed are unlikely to have the need domes in Sarawak and Brunei. These range from mixed
or opportunity to evolve specialized adaptations to this habi- swamp forest, similar in species composition to dryland
tat. Although the peat swamp forest specialists are clearly of rainforests, on the more fertile periphery of the dome, to
greatest conservation concern, the astonishingly high rates of stunted vegetation with xeromorphic features in the dry
deforestation in lowland Sumatra and Kalimantan in recent center. Other peat swamp forests across Southeast Asia have
decades mean that peat swamp forests have now become a similar concentric sequence of forest types, but they dif-
important refuges for many species that can use a wide range fer from one another in species composition and structure
of other forest types. In the following sections we expand on (Rieley et al. 1996), varying in response to the local gradi-
what information is known of peat swamp flora and fauna. ents in hydrology, nutrient availability, depth of peat (Page
et al. 1999), and presumably, the availability of species within
Flora.  The extreme chemical and hydrological conditions dispersal distance. Thus, there is no single peat swamp for-
of peat swamp forests apparently restrict local and regional est vegetation, and this ecological and floristic heterogeneity
tree diversities. However, tropical peat swamp forests have suggests that each swamp is distinct (Corner 1978). For
the highest floral diversity compared with all other peatland example, on Borneo, the peat swamp forests of Sarawak and
types in the world, the majority of which are found in the Brunei are dominated mainly by the endemic dipterocarp
Northern Hemisphere and are dominated by Sphagnum moss Shorea albida, but in Kalimantan, this species is found only
or grasses. There are between 30 and 122 tree species greater in the northwest. In southern Kalimantan, the congener
than 10 centimeters in diameter recorded in 1-ha plots of Shorea balangeran can be found in pure stands and may play
peat swamp forest in Southeast Asia, a number lower than the same role as S. albida in these forests. This broad-scale
most dryland rainforests in the same region (100 to 290 heterogeneity in floristic composition means that extensive
species) but similar to heath forests (29 to 129 species) protection of multiple sites will be needed to encompass the
(Purwaningsih and Yusuf 2000, Corlett 2009). Adaptations full range of variation of this ecosystem.

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Fauna.  The low nutrient content of ombrotrophic peats which may reflect their more intimate contact with the
results in a relatively low primary productivity compared extreme substrate and water conditions. On the whole, these
with other tropical forest formations (Bruenig and Droste results show that peat swamp forests provide a habitat for a
1995). All else being equal, this would result in a lower considerable proportion of the region’s fauna.
diversity and abundance of fauna, although only a few stud- Aside from fish, no vertebrate species can be considered
ies have made direct comparisons with different forest eco- entirely dependent on peat swamp habitats (table 2). How-
systems (e.g., Gaither 1994). There have been no systematic ever, peat swamp forests support a substantial number of
studies of animal distribution by forest phasic community, rare, specialized, and threatened species. We found that 45%
but anecdotal evidence suggests greater wildlife abundance of mammals and 33% of birds recorded in peat swamp for-
in the mixed swamp forest at the margins of peat domes ests had an IUCN Red List status of near threatened, vulner-
(Phillips 1990, Page et al. 1997). Compiling available data able, or endangered (figure 3). Eight species of threatened
from faunal surveys, we found that 23% to 32% of all species freshwater turtle have been recorded, indicating that peat
of mammals and birds in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo swamps are an important habitat for this highly endangered
have been recorded from peat swamp habitats (figure 2). group. Also, because peat swamp forests are usually found
A similar percentage of freshwater fish were represented in in an ecological mosaic with other forest ecosystems, they
peat swamps in Peninsular Malaysia (33%), but not Borneo can provide resources for species with wide ranges and
(10%). This most likely reflects the lack of comprehensive may be a sanctuary for species whose habitats have been
sampling in the latter. The proportions are somewhat lower altered by human activities (see Gaither 1994, Page et al.
for snakes (7% to 18%) and amphibians (19% to 23%), 1997, Singleton and van Schaik 2001, Struebig et al. 2006).
For instance, in Sarawak, all maternity colonies of the large
flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus natunae) are found in remote
and inaccessible areas in mangrove and peat swamp forest
(Gumal 2004).
Peat swamps are also important for the conservation
of a number of endangered primate species. The richest
habitats for orangutans are high-quality swamp forests and
lowland alluvial forests (Russon et al. 2001). In Gunung
Palung National Park in western Kalimantan, primary peat
forest had a higher density of Bornean orangutan (Pongo
pygmaeus) nests (49% more) and individuals (31% more)
than lowland forest (Johnson et al. 2005). The Seban-
gau catchment in central Kalimantan supports the largest
Figure 2. Percentage of fauna in Peninsular Malaysia and single orangutan population in Borneo (Morrogh-Bernard
Borneo recorded from peat swamp forest. et al. 2003). Peat swamp forests are also important for the

Figure 3. Proportions of threatened fauna found in peat swamp forests. Numbers of species and IUCN Red List categories
are given in each slice. CR, critically endangered; DD, data deficient; EN, endangered; LC, least concern; NT, near
threatened; VU, vulnerable. January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1 • BioScience 53

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conservation of other primates, such as proboscis monkeys Invertebrates of peat swamp forests are less well known—
(Nasalis larvatus), the Bornean banded langur (Presbytis surveys are usually short, not comprehensive, and do not
chrysomelas) (Phillips 1990) and the four species endemic to identify organisms down to the species level. There do
Siberut island, Hylobates klossi, Presbytis potenziani, Macaca not seem to be any insects specific to or characteristic
siberu, and Simias concolor (Quinten et al. 2009). A num- of peat swamp forests, and the fauna has been described
ber of endangered felids also make use of swamp forests, as impoverished (e.g., Ng et al. 1992, Abang and Hill
including the flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps), Sunda 2006). However, among aquatic invertebrates, a few rotifer
clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), and marbled cat (Pardofe- (Chittapun et al. 2007) and decapod crustacean species
lis marmorata) (Cheyne et al. 2009). Finally, peat swamp (Ng et al. 1992, Wowor et al. 2009) have been found to be
forest is the favored habitat of the endangered false gharial restricted to blackwater habitats. The distribution of fresh-
(Tomistoma schlegelii) (Bezuijen et al. 2001). water Macrobrachium prawns found in acidic peat habitats
Among the faunal groups, fish exhibit the highest ende- is surprisingly wide for species adapted to such a specialized
micity to peat swamps (table 2). Work in Peninsular Malay- habitat and merits further study (Wowor et al. 2009).
sia has shown that the blackwaters of peat swamps are not
species poor or low in biomass, and up to 33% of the known Threats and their impacts
freshwater fish species are associated with peat swamps Perhaps more than any other forest ecosystem, tropical peat
(figure 2; Ng et al. 1994, Kottelat et al. 2006). Peat swamps swamp forest is susceptible to the synergistic effects of mul-
also harbor a number of miniature fishes, including Paedo- tiple human disturbances because of the balance that exists
cypris progenetica, the smallest known vertebrate (Kottelat among vegetation, peat, and hydrology. Positive feedback
et al. 2006). Many of these fishes were discovered only in loops among deforestation, drainage, and fire mean that
the last 20 years and many more await formal description. peatlands are easily degraded once the balance is upset.
Of the 219 fish species identified in our data collation of In following sections we discuss the impacts of the major
fauna recorded from peat swamps, 80 species are restricted threats to this ecosystem.
to this ecosystem, 31 of which are point endemic species
found only in single locations. Kottelat and colleagues Logging.  Tropical peat swamp forests contain a number of
(2006) suggested that the conditions in peat swamps have valuable timber species, sometimes at high densities, and
favored the evolution of these specialized fish species, have thus been intensively exploited all over Southeast Asia.
and that each patch of peat swamp could contain its own There is very little information on the long-term effects
suite of endemic species. However, even the most rapid of logging on the flora and fauna of peat swamp forests;
presumed rate of speciation could not have produced however, evidence from forestry assessments indicates that
local-endemic fish faunas within the few thousand years selective logging causes changes in forest structure and
that appear to have been available at most sites. Thus, composition (Bruenig and Droste 1995, Hadisuparto 1996).
this question requires further study and the sampling of For instance, logging disturbance leads to a lack of regenera-
adjacent but unconnected peat swamp forests and the con- tion by ramin trees (Gonystylus bancanus), the most valu-
struction of calibrated molecular phylogenies. Compre- able timber species in peat swamps, which is now listed as
hensive studies of peat swamp fish have been carried out in vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Early logging operations
only a few regions: Thailand (Vidthayanon 2002); Jambi, were possible only through the use of manual labor, and logs
central Sumatra (Tan and Kottelat 2009); north Selangor, were moved by railway, but the mechanization of methods
Peninsular Malaysia (Ng et al. 1992); and Pulau Bintan, has led to more intensive extraction and greater damage to
Riau Archipelago (Tan and Tan 1994). Unfortunately, the the residual forest (up to 50%; Rashid and Ibrahim 1994).
ongoing destruction of peat swamp forests means that Sustainable harvest of timber, which is rarely practiced,
such research will soon be impossible. Given the extremely would require strict standards of long felling cycles and high
restricted ranges of many of these species, their long-term diameter limits, as well as total protection of the more frag-
survival is unlikely unless urgent conservation action is ile phasic communities (Bruenig and Droste 1995). Canals
taken. For instance, the critically endangered Betta perse- cut for floating out logs—often also used in illegal logging
phone, Betta miniopinna, and Betta spilotogena are listed operations—are particularly damaging because they change
on the IUCN Red List as highly threatened by extinction as hydrological conditions, making peat swamp forest more
a result of declines in area of occupancy, extent of occur- vulnerable to fire (see below).
rence, and quality of habitat. At the moment, there are 17 Even where hydrology is not compromised, impacts of log-
species of peat swamp fish on the IUCN Red List classified ging on fauna in peat swamp forest are similar to those reported
as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, 12 in other forest types. Logging was found to reduce orangutan
of which are point endemics. The threat statuses of the densities by 21% to 22% when compared with unlogged
majority of this ecosystem’s specialized fishes have yet to peat swamp forest, with lower densities in more recently
be assessed and they must be incorporated in future con- disturbed areas (Felton et al. 2003, Morrogh-Bernard et al.
servation, as they are the most distinctive element of the 2003, Johnson et al. 2005). It has been postulated that this
peat swamp forest vertebrate fauna. trend was the result of changes in habitat quality that include

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altered tree size distribution, reduced availability of large biomass and the presence of fire-prone regrowth vegetation
fruit crops, and greater extent of canopy gaps (Felton that can act as fuel for the next fire (Siegert et al. 2001, Page
et al. 2003). Other primate species and large mammals may et al. 2009). Analyses of fires in central Kalimantan showed
be similarly negatively affected by these changes, but this that repeated fires occur mostly in nonforest secondary veg-
question remains unstudied. A short study demonstrated etation, and that fire incidence is becoming decoupled from
that the abundance and species diversity of ground-active El Niño events (Page et al. 2009). Greater burn intensity and
small mammals increased after selective logging (Doody et al. frequency causes the vegetation to become dominated by
1997), which may indicate they are favored by disturbance. low-growing herbaceous plants, with few or no trees (Page
Moreover, 80% of bird species in pristine peat swamp forest et al. 2009). Peat combustion also reduces surface elevation;
were also observed in selectively logged areas (Page et al. modeling predicts that where both vegetation and peat is
1997). More rigorous research is needed to determine the burned, flooding will increase and impede plant regeneration
specific impacts of logging on peat swamp forest fauna. (Wosten et al. 2006, Page et al. 2009).

Fire.  Tropical peat swamp forests are more vulnerable to Land conversion.  With much of the available arable land on
destruction by fire than any other forest type because the soil mineral soils already under cultivation, peat swamps are one
substrate itself is extremely flammable when dry (Langner of the last frontiers for production of food, pulp, and biofuels.
et al. 2007, Langner and Siegert 2009). On Borneo, 73% and Peat is considered a “problem” soil because its physical
55% of the forests affected by fire in 2002 and 2005, respec- and chemical properties make the cultivation of many
tively, were on peat (Langner et al. 2007). Transects in Tan- agricultural crops difficult (Andriesse 1988). Large-scale
jung Puting National Park peat swamp forest surveyed after land conversion of peat for agricultural purposes requires
fires from 1997–1998 had 13% to 69% fewer species than clearance, drainage, fertilizer application, and liming to
before, compared with a 7% to 31% loss of species in low- increase the pH and boost microbial activity. Construction
land dipterocarp forests in Sungai Wain Nature Reserve and of canal systems for drainage and water-table management
Kutai National Park (Yeager et al. 2003). The general effects is often the first step. Drainage has numerous negative
of fire on peat swamp forest vegetation are similar to those consequences, chief of which is the greater decomposition
in other forest types—burned forest has lower canopy cover, of organic matter by microbial oxidation. Decomposition
decreased species richness, and reduced tree and sapling eventually leads to lowering of the peat surface (subsidence)
density compared with unburned forest (Yeager et al. 2003). and, if underlying acid sulfate soil is exposed, acidification
However, because of peat’s high combustibility, fires can (Wosten et al. 1997). Oxidation releases carbon dioxide and
burn both above and below the surface, destroying vegeta- other greenhouse gases, significantly contributing to climate
tive structures underground, as well as the seed bank (Page change (Couwenberg et al. 2009, van der Werf et al. 2009). To
et al. 2009). Deep peat fires can smolder below the surface exacerbate matters, both corporations and smallholders use
for months and are difficult to extinguish. These subsurface fire as a cheap method of clearing land, and unless efforts are
fires can also cause the collapse of overlying material, creat- made to control the area burned, fires can easily spread and
ing additional tree mortality. run out of control (Page et al. 2009). Many attempts to grow
During extreme droughts, often associated in Southeast crops on peat were performed without proper knowledge of
Asia with strong El Niño events, peat swamps are extremely the soil's unique nature and have resulted in failure and the
susceptible to burning, as evidenced by recent large wildfires degradation of vast areas of peatlands (e.g., Ex-Mega Rice
that have destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares on Project in central Kalimantan; see Page et al. 2009); these
Borneo (Langner and Siegert 2009, Page et al. 2009). Previous areas then become prone to fire. However, there have also
disturbance greatly exacerbates the severity of fire damage. been at least short-term successes with tree crops, such as
For instance, logging creates gaps in the canopy that change Acacia crassicarpa (grown for pulp) and oil palm (Elaeis
forest microclimates and increase the temperature of the peat guineensis). These successes have encouraged the current
surface, whereas any drainage will cause the water table to pressure on peat swamps, and development continues
drop below critical levels (i.e., 0.5 meters to 1 meter below the despite repeated calls for a moratorium (Pearce 2007,
surface) and can result in shrinkage and irreversible drying of Koh et al. 2009). It has yet to be seen whether carbon
the peat (Andriesse 1988, Wosten et al. 2006). An assessment credit–offset schemes such as REDD (reducing emissions
of the effects of the 1982–1983 El Niño event in east Kalim- from deforestation and forest degradation) will convince
antan found that 97% of the swamp forest plots that were governments to protect and restore tropical peatlands.
previously disturbed had been burnt (Goldammer 2007).
Areas that have been logged and then burned multiple times Conclusions
have dramatically lower stem densities and diversities rela- Until very recently, tropical peat swamp forests were
tive to areas that have burned only once and had little or no a neglected ecosystem with low conservation priority.
logging history (Yeager et al. 2003, Page et al. 2009). Peat forest Well-justified concerns about their increasingly impor-
that has been subjected to one fire has a high probability of tant role in global anthropogenic carbon dioxide emis-
burning again because of the accumulation of unburned dead sions have attracted much attention, but have not led to January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1 • BioScience 55

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