ProE Advanced Fillet

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Welcome in second chapter of

Advanced Fillets tutorial.

Advanced Fillets are considered as

all those ones which ordinary
Round tool can not handle or
provided geometry does not much
quality demands.

Let’s start right now with an example visible above to the left. The task is to create
smooth transition between rounds.

Origin situation is introduced to the right.

First step – prepare same rounds as highlighted to the left. Second step – make
a cut between rounds.

Third step – make missing patch in between by Boundary Blend. Hold Shit to
collect necessary curves/edges. Round done!
Geometry visible on the picture is real
challenge for Pro/Engineer. This can be
solved by ordinary Round tool or by Variable
Section Sweep either. Each approach
provides different results and complexity.

Approach with ordinary Round tool is taken

as first one.

Select 3 edges of corner and make

Switch to transition mode, and choose
their radius variable – RMB > Make
following transition type – Corner
Variable. Set default value on common
side, and 0 at other.

Well there is no difference for first

sight, but try to change sphere Radius
to be bigger then the radius of the
corner. You should obtain the
result/patch as visible to the left.

This case is introduced in this movie
Above one can see final result. This is Picture above introduces Zebra
very easy to make this type of corner. analysis for corner made with Variable
Hover surface quality is not that good. Section Sweep.

As mentioned VSS is right tool of choice, and it requires right trajectories which
are introduced on the picture to the left. Each trajectory can be created as sketch
which contains ordinary Arc. Value of radius is up to You. Important – sketches
should share same end point and Arc should have same radius.

When side trajectories are done,

choose VSS tool and select
vertical edge of the corner as
Origin trajectory.

Next, with Ctrl collect side


This case was discussed here
Now the hardest part – VSS profile.
Section should contain Conic Arc
tangent to references. Its radius has
to be driven by following relation

sd11 = R+ ((sqrt(2)-1) - R) * sin(90 *


where R – is the value of radius( i.e.

0.3 or 0.5)
sd11 – this is the symbol of Radius
dimension in the sketcher. That is all.

Next example introduces approach to

obtain smooth transition between

You can read more about this example

in following post –

When necessary geometry is created

first round has to be prepared as
visible to the right.
Ok so far no problems. This is going to be a little bit
Time for next round. Make it
more demanding – prepare two curve highlighted as red
as separate surface –
on the picture above. Top curve lays on first Round,
Options > New Quilt.
second on side surface. Both are tangent on its ends.

Use edges from second Round to create Take advantage of new created surface and
surface by BB tool with curvature extra curves to fill missing gap by Boundary
transitions. Blend.

Next example - rounds on back This example was a part of modeling

side of foot from small hand drill. challenge on Mcad Central
First step – create a fillet
between handle and top surface
of „foot”. Fillet is divided into
two parts. First one is
introduced to the right. Use BB
to make it.

Important – this part of fillet is

extended and does not match
the edge of back surface of

Create missing part of fillet.

Create a fillet as introduced to the top

and right.
Create Datum Point on the intersection of edges from first and last round, then make
Datum Plane through this point, perpendicular to edge of last round – see picture above.

Select Datum Point again, make second Datum Plane through it perpendicular to the edge
of first round. Create intersection curve as on the picture to the right – Edit >

Create second intersection curve.

Close look on just prepared conditions
and it is apparent 5 sided boundary
was created . Lets solve this issue –
first we need base surface.

Create curve indicated by 1 on picture

to the left, tangent on its both ends,
then use it to create surface by
Boundary Blend.

Make a curve on just prepared Trim surface of first fillet.

surface, and trim this surface back.

Make final surface with Boundary

Blend tool.

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