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Orbit Sportsdata

Training Document
Orbit Sportsdata

● Full Battery on your mobile phone.

● Double check the time the match

Reporter’s starts.

Checklist ● Plan your trip well, to be in Position

40 minutes before the Kick Off

● Any lateness to the stadium must be

reported in advance

● It is unacceptable to be late for the

Kick Off
Orbit Sportsdata

Pre-Match Confirmations:
40 minutes before the Kick Off:

● reporter inside the stadium

● weather condition

● pitch condition
Orbit Sportsdata

Pre-Match Confirmations:
15 minutes before the KickOff:

● Players are: On Field/Off Field

● Attendance percentage

● Home/Away colors
Orbit Sportsdata

Match Start:
after the referee's coin toss, players will be in
position to KickOff.

1. Report Standby
2. Report which team is about to Kick Off

when the referee whistles announcing the

beginning of the match, Reporter must
3. Report (KICK OFF).
Orbit Sportsdata

Match Events

The reporter's role is to report continually what is

happening on the pitch through the entire match, using
the mobile application. The reports should be both
accurate and instant, especially in the case of important
events such as a goal, red card, penalty, yellow card,
Orbit Sportsdata

The Application’s
Main Page
Orbit Sportsdata

During the match the reporter is required to constantly update
the Possession and position of the Ball with the following

● Home Safe/Attack/Danger
● Away Safe/Attack/Danger

If 10 seconds has passed and the Ball possession/position has

not changed, the reporter should update the situation anyway.

After a ( Goal kick - Free Kick - Throw in - Corner ) is taken.

The reporter must update the possession to indicate that the
ball is in play again
Home Safe Away Safe
Home Attack Away Attack
Home Danger Away Danger
Orbit Sportsdata

1. the reporter can report a Throw-In with
● (Home TI) button for a Home Throw-In
● (Away TI) button for an Away Throw-In

2. from the Popup the reporter can choose the

area where the Throw-In is happening:
Safe/Attack/Danger. or press (close) to cancel
the Throw-In.
Examples of Throw-ins
Orbit Sportsdata

1. the reporter must report a Shot by pressing:
● (Home Shot) button for a Home Shot
● (Away Shot) button for an Away Shot

2. From the Popup the reporter chooses the type of the shot:

● (ON) if the shot was on target and saved by the goalkeeper

● (OFF) if the shot was off the target
● (Woodwork) if the shot hits the goal frame -crossbar or post
● (Blocked) if the shot was blocked by a defender
● (close) to cancel the Home/Away shot
Orbit Sportsdata

Goal Kicks

the reporter can only press the button (Goal Kick) in a safe situation. this
means that a Home/Away Safe has to be reported for the (Goal Kick)
button to be active.

● in case of (Home Safe) the button will be active as (Home GK)

● in case of (Away Safe) the button will be active as (Away GK)
Priority 1 & 2 events
Priority 1
Goals, Red Cards, and Penalties

Priority 2
The most Yellow Cards, Corners, Freekick

important events
Dangers, and Substitutions.

are divided to priority (1 & 2) events have to be

two categories double confirmed in the mobile

Orbit Sportsdata

Priority 1&2
All priority 1&2 events should be reported as Fast as they occur on
the field.
afterwards the reporter has to Confirm the event. before pressing the
(Confirm) button the reporter should take the time necessary to be
absolutely sure of the event before confirming it.
before confirming the event, if the reporter noticed the event is not
correct, the reporter can press (Delete) to cancel the event.

Following is an example of how to report a priority 1&2 event.

Orbit Sportsdata

Reporter takes his/her time

to make sure the Goal is Reporter presses
Home goal was scored correct and counted (at least (Confirm)
10 seconds of waiting time)

Home Goal Click Take time to Reporter is Press

Scored Home Goal make sure Sure Confirm

the reporter
immediately presses Reporter is now sure
(Home Goal) the goal is counted
Orbit Sportsdata


The (Home/Away Goal) button will not be active

unless it's a Home/Away danger situation.

1. when a goal is scored the reporter should

immediately press (Home/Away Goal) button.

2. the reporter then has to (Confirm) the goal, or

(Cancel) the goal.
Orbit Sportsdata


The (Home/Away Penalty) button will not be active

unless it's a Home/Away danger situation.

1. when a penalty is given the reporter should

immediately press (Home/Away Penalty) button.

2. the reporter then has to (Confirm) the penalty, or

(Cancel) the penalty.
Orbit Sportsdata

Penalty Result
when the reporter confirms the penalty, then the reporter

3. Report the penalty result in the Popup:

● (Scored) the penalty was scored

● (Re-take) the penalty will be retaken
● (Missed) the penalty was missed

4. each one of these button will lead the reporter to

another confirmation, in which the reporter as
always should take the necessary time before
confirming the penalty result.
Orbit Sportsdata

1. when a Red/Yellow Card is given, the reporter
must press (Home/Away Card) button.

2. afterwards the reporter must choose the type

of the card.
● Yellow Card
● 2nd Yellow/ Red Card
● Red Card

3. From the Popup the reporter has to

(Confirm/Cancel) the card.
the reporter must always take the time needed
to make sure before confirming.
Orbit Sportsdata

Free Kicks
1. when a free kick is awarded, the reporter then has
to press the button (Home/Away Freekick).

2. afterwards the reporter must choose the type of the

free kick.
● Freekick Safe
● Freekick Attack
● Freekick Danger

the Freekick danger requires a confirmation, as it is a

priority 2 event.
Examples of Free Kicks
Orbit Sportsdata

Close Game
the button (Close Game) should be used in the following situations:

● Possible Goal: when the attacking player in a counter attack has a clear way to score a goal,
and the reporter feels that a goal will be scored in the following 5-10 seconds. the reporter
then has to press (Close Game - Possible Goal)
● Possible Penalty: when a player is harshly tackled inside the penalty area, or a defender
touches the ball by hand, and the reporter feels a penalty kick will be awarded in the next 5-10
seconds. the reporter then has to press (Close Game - Possible Penalty)
● Possible Red Card: when there's a fight among players, or a certain player attacks another
player, or the referee. and the reporter feels that a Red Card will be given in the following
5-10 seconds the reporter then has to press (Close Game - Possible Red Card)
● Unsure: when there is an issue with the reporter, for example the reporter's view is blocked.
in other words whenever the reporter is in a situation he/she is not able to view and report
the match 100% the reporter must press (Close Game - Unsure)

after the situation (reason for the close game) is resolved, the reporter must then press (Open Game).
Orbit Sportsdata

Player Injury
● when a player is injured on the field, the reporter must
press the (Left Arrow), to go to the left page, then
from the comment list choosing (Home/Away player

● if the injured player left the pitch, the reporter should

press the (minus) button for the Home/Away team.
indicating that the Home/Away team is playing with
10 players.

● when the injured player is back on the pitch, the

reporter must press the (plus) button for the
Home/Away team. indicating that the Home/Away
team is now playing with 11 players.
Orbit Sportsdata


When a player is substituted.

1. the reporter must press (Left Arrow), and

then press (Home/Away Sub).

2. the reporter has to Confirm/Cancel the

Orbit Sportsdata

Additional Time
Nearing the end of the half, the referee will signal
the additional time.

● the reporter must press (Left Arrow).

● then choose from the additional time list

how many minutes of additional time.
Orbit Sportsdata

In a match that has VAR technology, the reporter should report
when a VAR situation is happening.

● VAR Goal: when a Goal is scored and the reporter enters

(Home/Away Goal). if the VAR was called for the Goal the
reporter must press (Start VAR) before confirming the
Goal. (this is why it is important to always take your time
before confirming Priority1 events)
when the VAR situation is over, the reporter must press
(End VAR).
only after the VAR is over the reporter must
(Confirm/Delete) the Goal.
Orbit Sportsdata


● VAR Penalty: when a penalty is given and the reporter

enters (Home/Away penalty). if the VAR was called for the
penalty the reporter must press (Start VAR) before
confirming the penalty. (this is why it is important to
always take your time before confirming Priority1 events)
when the VAR situation is over, the reporter must press
(End VAR).
only after the VAR is over the reporter must
(Confirm/Delete) the Penalty.
Orbit Sportsdata


● VAR Red Card: when a red card is given and the reporter
enters (Home/Away Red Card). if the VAR was called for
the Red Card the reporter must press (Start VAR) before
confirming the Red Card. (this is why it is important to
always take your time before confirming Priority1 events)
when the VAR situation is over, the reporter must press
(End VAR).
only after the VAR is over the reporter must
(Confirm/Delete) the Red Card.
Orbit Sportsdata

As we noticed in the previous 3 situations (VAR Goal, VAR Penalty, VAR Red Card).
The VAR was called after the referee wistled, announcing a stoppage of the match for
a Goal, Penalty or Red Card.

We have a different case. When the ball is in a play, and there is no match stoppage,
and the referee looks like he is discussing a potential Red Card or Penalty with the
VAR cabinet on his headphone (usually the referee holds his finger on his ear).

In this case the reporter is required to do the following:

1. Press (Left Arrow), to navigate to the page on the left.
2. Press (Start VAR).
3. Choose the type of the VAR according to your observation of the match:
- Possible Red Card
- Possible Penalty
- Unsure (when the reporter is not quite sure why the VAR is called)
Orbit Sportsdata

Ending 1st Half

When the referee announces the end of the 1st Half

● the reporter must press on (1st Half).
● the reporter then has to Confirm/Cancel.

When the players leave the pitch

● the reporter has to press (Left Arrow) twice, and set
players are (Off field).

when the players are on the pitch again after halftime break, the
reporter must set it back to players are (On field) and wait for
2nd half Kick Off.
Orbit Sportsdata

Ending the match

when the referee announces the end of the match

● the reporter must press (2nd Half).

● The reporter then has to Confirm/Cancel.

Orbit Sportsdata

Call Me

In case the reporter needs any assistance during the


the reporter must press (Call Me) button and he/she

will be immediately contacted on his

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