SAQ Test 2-17

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1) The creation of extensive railroad systems and trains pushed America energy sources towards Coal from the

1850-1900. During the

Civil War, the Union took railroads and nationalized them under control of the governement. For the rst time, trains were used to move
troops and resources more ef ciently. This lead to railroads becoming more popular for public use and many transcontinental railroads
were built running trains back and forth the continent using coal as their fuel. Because their were so many more trains, coal had to be
used more than any other resource for energy.

2) The change from less animal and human power to coal made transportation for farmers more ef cient. No longer would their food
spoil on its long journey across America, like it did when slow animals were used for transportation. Now their goods could reach far
away markets because coal allowed for trains and long railroads which sped up shipping times by massive amounts. Agriculture products
drop in prices as the cost of shipping lessened.

3) The changes in energy consumption from a renewable source, like trees, to a non renewable source, like coal, began a conservationist
movement created to protect resources and save them for further generations. Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt pushed forward
legislation that would help preserve resources, not just coal but also water and wood. Many parks and dams were established to protect
resources from being used.

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