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Weekly Learning Log AP US History: Week __

I Unit __ 

Bellwork​: Write the questions AND answers. If there is a stimulus, take a photo and insert it.  
Reflections:​ Take 3-5 minutes to summarize new information learned, connect new learning with past knowledge and analyze how your knowledge was extended. 
Rate Your Understanding:​ Rate your understanding for the lesson and make a plan for review if you don’t feel confident. 
Lesson 1 Topic: ​_____________________________________________  Today’s Date​ _____/____/_____ 
Bellwork Questions  Bellwork Answers 
What is the name of an immigrant you know ( rst name only, or it Question
  could be you if you are an immigrant)
To find a betterexperiencehere
  Why did they come to the United States?
What has their experience been like here? in their originalcountry
Asfar as I know it hasbeengood

End of Lesson Reflection: ​What new information did you learn? How was your knowledge extended? What questions are you left with? 

a newculture
  I become an Immigrant someday I'd love to adopt
may in a new country life
  and outlook on
Rate of understanding for the day ​(4-you can teach it to others, 1-no understanding) 1 2 3 4 
What is your plan to understand this concept better if you do not understand? 
Lesson 2 Topic: ​_____________________________________________  Today’s Date​ _____/____/_____ 
Bellwork Questions  Bellwork Answers 

had it

Interesting thing in Chapter26 Howbad the farmers


End of Lesson Reflection: ​What new information did you learn? How was your knowledge extended? What questions are you left with? 

Rate of understanding for the day ​(4-you can teach it to others, 1-no understanding) 1 2 3 4 
What is your plan to understand this concept better if you do not understand? 
Lesson 3 Topic: ​_____________________________________________  Today’s Date​ _____/____/_____ 
Bellwork Questions  Bellwork Answers 

Do you like it here Willyoustay


It's prettynice Mightmove if it becomes



End of Lesson Reflection: ​What new information did you learn? How was your knowledge extended? What questions are you left with? 

Rate of understanding for the day ​(4-you can teach it to others, 1-no understanding) 1 2 3 4 
What is your plan to understand this concept better if you do not understand? 
1 12million people passed by 1924
2 Ships were organizedbyclass
3 All immigrants were checked fordisease

Immigration Google Slides

Short Answer

1. Brie y explain ONE signi cant cause of increased migration to the United States from 1860-1924.

In 1859, gold was discovered in western American, similar to the gold found in 1849. The new opportunity to strike it rich in gold mining
prompted many Chinese men to immigrate to the United States. Once again, they could work mining for gold, or set up shop to sell to miners.

2. Brie y explain ONE signi cant effect of increased migration to the United States from 1860-1924.

Increased immigration of the Chinese, Irish, and Italians led to much more discrimination in America. Many schools refused to educate the
Chinese, and some pushed theories that Italians were worse than those born in America, solely because of their race. The Chinese Exclusion
Act forbade any more Chinese to enter into America.

3. Brie y explain ONE signi cant nativist reaction to the increased migration to the United States from 1860-1924.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was put in place to stop the in ux of Chinese immigrants. Nativists were suspicious of their different language,
different appearance, and success in certain industries. Nativists sought to fully exclude the Chinese from America.
Growth, Cities, and Immigration: Crash Course US History #25 John Green

1. List and explain 2 reasons why people moved to THE WEST.

FarmPrices increased andbecamemore The Homestead Act


2. Describe the change over time in the growth of cities.

1880 20 livedincities
1900 381
1420 681

3. Contrast the Old Immigrants prior to 1890 with the New Immigrants after 1890.

Irish German Italy Russianempire

Becamelowskilledworkers Escapereligious persecution

Chineseworked in mines
Became farmersandartisans Chinesewereheavilydiscriminatedagainst

4. Explain the Chinese Exclusion Act AND how the Chinese Americans were treated -- including by the USCT

Chinese could no longeremigrate toAmerica

Schoolsrefused toeducate them
Werehurtin riots

5. Describe the big picture with immigration to the U.S. over time AND to the REST of the WEST Hemis.

40 million people cameto US from 20 million peoplemoved to CanadaBrazil

1840 1914

6. What are 2 significant ideas/statements that be drawn from the mystery document by Mary Antin?

Immigrants were comingfor opportunity It was cheaptocometoAmerica ifcomingonce

7. What are 2 reasons immigrants were coming to America?

ComingforOpportunity Coming becauseit was cheap fast

8. What were the problems facing newly arrived immigrants AND what were their solutions?

Conditions inapartmentsandroadswere Politics movements


9. What were government, business, and individual responses to the influx of immigrants.

Lawssettingstandards for ArgiculturalBusinessboom Riots intending tohurtimmigrants

Chinese pioneerlaundry Organization made tohelp
Lawsregulatingimmigration Businessesexcludesome NINA PoliticalMachines tomanipulate
• T-Chart
• Myths of the West vs. Reality of the West

Myth Reality
west willmake a name Natives were herded on to reservations
Going on the worstland
for yourself
Natives were the enemy Oklahoma had only some reservation la
made to assimilate
Miners gotrichwith a dishpan Natives were
HomesteadActland was fer Bison were nearly extinct
Mining is taken over by corporations
Farmers irrigateanddryfarm
Farming is taken over by Corporation
America Story of US: Heartland

1. Paragraph Response for After the Video: How was the West a land of opportunity
and challenge for white settlers, Native Americans, immigrants and cowboys?

Claim:Nature was a challengeforwhitesettler white settlers were a

challengeto Native dangerous jobswere a challenge for immigrants and
Write out supporting evidence: technological advances and farmers were a
challenge for Cowboys
fires infertile
The settlersand mainly farmers had toface droughton
Native werepush offof land to reservatio
Immigrants who worked on railroadsandtunnel
because ofwhitesettlers
sometimesexplosivework Farmers doinglo
drives werestoppedby barbed wire and farmers

2. How long did it take to journey across the U.S. by wagon?

3. What was the big obstacle to the transcontinental railroad?
The SeirraNevada
4. How did the government pay for the railroad?

Giving Company Federal land

5. Does Han Lai Wo (the Chinese immigrant) manage to create a better life for himself
in America? Nitroglycerine
Heworked ontherailroad andusedexplosiveliquidto advancethetuna
throughthe mounta
6. What did you need to claim 160 acres under the Homestead Act?

A 10dollar filing claim

7. What major problem hits the farms on the Great Plains every year?

Pararie fires Droughts no lumbermassive Thunderstorms

8. What other major problem sometimes hits the people of the Great Plains?
Locustsdevour half of crops
9. What do the rivermen do?
Theygrab logsandshipthemdownriver
10. What were the buffalo hides used for back East?

11. Why did Natives prefer bows to firearms for buffalo hunts?
Thebows are faster and can shoot15 arrow bytime it takestoreload
12. By 1889, how many wild buffalo remained in the U.S.? gun
85 buffalo are left
13. Where did the knowledge of how to be cowboys come from?
drovecattle totherailroads in KansasThey were individualists
14. What was the racial makeup of the cowboys?

are Hispanic or AfricanAmerican

3 Lincoln may have freed all men, but ______________ made them equal.”
15. “Abraham 5am Colt
16. What brought the cowboy era to an end?
BarbedWire andfarmers
17. How did Custer find the Sioux?
Custer stumbled
18. What triggered the massacreupon
at Wounded Knee?

An accidental gunshot
19. How did they solve the problem of scheduling trains with different times?

4 separate timezones
20. What idea came from Sears selling pocket watches?

21. In The mail ordercatalog

20 years, the U.S. population 100
doubles to _______________ million.
Crash Course US History #24 Westward Expansion
1. What were 2 significant effects of the frontier in American History?
1 Influenced literatureandmovies

2. Contrast the myth and reality of The West.

Myth Reality
Individualscamealone Peoplecamewithfamilies

3. What are the 2 reasons why RR’s made it possible for people to settle in The West?
1 Peoplecouldgetsupplieseasierandcheaper

4. Describe the 2 ways governments supported the RRs.

1 GovernmentsubsidizedthebuildingtheRRS

5. What were the economic, as well as a racial imperatives, to move the Native Americans off their land?
ThelandNativesinhabitedcouldbe usedforfarms or railroadsTheNatives were
believeNativeculturewas inferiorandwantedthem
viewedas inferiorandmanypeople
6. What were 2 ways General Sheridan fought the Indians AND how did Indians respond?

7. What were the goals of the Dawes Act AND the reality?
Landwas supposed to begiventolandbut it was unprotected and 86million acres
8. Describe the “cultural genocide” of Native Americans.
schoolscreatedtotakeNativesout oftheirfamilies

9. Why the need for cowboys AND why did this period end?

cattle needed tobeherded torailroads

10. List two ways Western farming flew in the face of the mythical Jeffersonian yeoman farmer ideal.
1 Corporationstookoverfarminginordertomakeprofit
2 Infertilesoilmade it so individuals
1. Brie y explain ONE similarity between the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies (Virginia and Maryland) from 1620-1775.

Both the New England and Cheasapeake colonies had con ict with Native Americans and Britain. After Britain put in place the Promclamation
of 1763 in order to protect relations with Native Americans, people in both areas disobeyed and settled across the mountains anyway.

2. Brie y explain ONE difference between the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies (Virginia and Maryland) from

The New England colonies had bad soil conditions and did not much make money from agriculture. The Cheasapeake colonies made much
money from agriculture and had good soil. New England made money from cod and Cheasapeake from tobacco

3. Brie y explain ANOTHER difference between the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies (Virginia and Maryland) from

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