RMS Assignment 2

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Assignment # 02

M. Shaheer Rehan Khan: 32163
Khizar Mehboob: 32238
Impact of carrier opportunities, motivation and organizational
culture on employee performance in Telecom sector.
The culture of an organization is directly connected to organization success because the culture is
a key aspect in terms of employee’s performance and organization. Employee behavior has been
seen to interconnect with environmental factors that induce job satisfaction and turnover
objective [ CITATION Mob00 \l 2057 ]Environment needs to be competitive as well as flexible at
the same time to provide an opportunity to employees as they feel comfortable. Employees need
the motivation to express themselves to provide their full output towards their organization.
Success depends upon achieving a good fit between strategy, structure, and culture[ CITATION
ben91 \l 2057 ].
Motivation to convey require the drive or inspiration of an individual to recall knowledge gained
from formal or informal learning to a job-specific context. However, very few identified studies
have focused directly on motivation to transfer [ CITATION Sey98 \l 2057 ].
Motivation is necessary for employees in any organization to achieve their objectives and goals.
Self-motivation is necessary for the functioning of the organization and helps to improve job
performance and increase the productivity and profitability of the company. Motivated workers
enjoy their work and keen to learn more knowledge and always looking for difficult tasks to
challenge themselves, which helps the organization as a whole. [ CITATION Bau72 \l 2057 ]
Managers who believed in the development of skills and techniques through training were likely
to attempt to transfer knowledge. Skills and technique development helps an organization to
achieve the right persons for the jobs.
Organization that gives importance toward learning skills and development of employee’s ability
by which they gives job satisfaction, productivity and profitability to organization. [ CITATION
Wat03 \l 2057 ].
Training the employees is necessary for the organization as they get skilled persons and helps the
organizations to achieve its objectives, and helps the employees in creating opportunities for
themselves [ CITATION Kon01 \l 2057 ] Environmental factors such as motivating jobs,
opportunities for advancement, and rewards for teamwork were predictors for motivation to
The expectation of using new knowledge, growth opportunities, job importance, and
organizational commitment was found to correlate significantly with the motivation to transfer.
Motivation to transfer the knowledge is very important as many things depend upon this, like
growth opportunities, the reward for teamwork and also shows the organization commitment of
that individual.
[ CITATION Smi09 \l 2057 ] Every person in the company should be committed to advance, agree to
the rules, become part of company, and aim’s to maintain company’s success has been achieved.
Competition at the workplace increases the performance and level of commitment to the
organization [ CITATION Don07 \l 2057 ]
When culture of organization is not followed by the employees, which cause the organizational
commitment and employee performance, by this employee will not understand the culture of
workplace in organization. This is because of lack of understanding and low employees
responsibility in completion of the work, as well as low level of discipline and low acceptance
will disturb the execution of the job which is not expected.[ CITATION Agu16 \l 2057 ]
The performance of employees is very important for any organization, and directly dependent on
the culture. The culture of the organization motivates or discourages the employees. The
behavior of the employees is highly dependent on the culture of the organization[ CITATION Bod02
\t \l 1033 ]. The culture of an organization is very important in the performance of the persons.
Every organization has a culture that differs from others, and that is the reason for success and
Many believe that culture is only the way of doing work but culture belongs to many aspects of
the organization depending on the beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavior. All these things
combine to form a culture.
[ CITATION Mar92 \t \l 1033 ] Perceives that values and behavior are shared and ordered by all
individuals of the culture, and the individuals understand what they do and why they do it.
Motivation and career opportunities in any organization are depending on its culture. It depends
on the organization that how they treat them and get the job done, what they will do to motivate
them and create opportunities for them to grow. . Organizational culture must be provoked to
guarantee employee motivation to accomplish organizational objectives[ CITATION Sem02 \t \l
1033 ]
Our research focuses on all these aspects that an organization needs to succeed because all these
variables hold an important position. Employees need rewards and through these rewards, they
will get motivated and improve their performance. The performance will increase the level of
opportunities for employees and create a great performance of the organization which will
improve their overall ratings in the market.
We have to visit telecommunication companies in twin cities and study their culture and
environment. They provide a competitive culture to their employees as they get motivated to
perform well and get the job done. They provide training facilities for their employees to develop
their skills and have good opportunities in the field of marketing.
The Telecom sector is providing services to its customers to communicate with each other. This
industry provides high speeds of internet services, video streaming, and much more. Telecom
companies are now using artificial intelligence to improve customer service and develop better
products for their customers.

Literature Review
We will discuss the relationship between organizational cultures, motivation, career
opportunities that have an impact on employee performance.

Organizational culture

Culture is a very important aspect of any organization as all the implications and important
factors highly depend on the culture of an organization. The culture of an organization is
perceived as common beliefs and values that help to create common attitudes of employees in
the organization [ CITATION Kot92 \l 1033 ].

The behavior of the employees is very similar to the culture and environment they will get in any
organization. Organizations with a rigid culture do not suit every employee as every human is
different. Some take rigid culture as a challenge and some employees try to cope up with the
situation. Organizational strengths could be shifted since cultural qualities differ from
organization to organization and could be resulted in competitive advantage through casual
ambiguity[ CITATION Bar82 \l 1033 ]

Organizations with organized learning have been seen as an increase in the satisfaction of
employees and their productivity and profitability [ CITATION Mar03 \l 1033 ]. Learning culture in
an organization encourages employees, have been seen improved in the skill level of employees.
That creates opportunities and helps organizations to improve their operations through skilled

Efforts and contributions of members of the organization define culture and provide an
understanding of the goal that has to be achieved[ CITATION Gor79 \l 1033 ]. Efforts of employees
depend on the rewards and opportunities employees get at the workplace and the behavior and
attitudes all depend on these things.

Culture is connected with the values and beliefs that employees shared within an
organization[ CITATION Mar031 \l 1033 ]. The culture of an organization is a unique power inside
the organization which is revolving, connected with intelligence that shaped the employee's
behavior, attitude, and administrations gestures [ CITATION Sch04 \l 1033 ]

Organizational performance is associated with a culture so the culture is connected with

organizational practices[ CITATION Mag02 \l 1033 ]. Practices in an organization define the culture
of an organization that tells the working styles and behavior, relation between the top to bottom
management, and overall hierarchy of the organization. Now performances depend on the culture
that has been provided to employees, they observe the opportunities in the organization to work
for the betterment of the company or not.

Culture of an organization comprised of beliefs, norm, and values which have been
acknowledged or disseminated to the representatives of the organization [ CITATION Nid12 \l 1033 ]

The purpose of organizational culture is to make way for commitments in a more extensive
degree instead of individualism[ CITATION Rob07 \t \l 1033 ]. More of a collectivistic approach is
needed to build a strong culture. Individualism is also needed because that makes a bit of
competition in the organization. A mixed match of these two approaches is good for any
organization to create competition and enhance the skills of employees for collaborative work.

Organizations with productive cultures will be able to acknowledge high employee association
levels and improved productivity that increases benefits[ CITATION Blo05 \l 1033 ].

[ CITATION Rob06 \t \l 1033 ] Defines culture as a well defined term that is concerned about how
employees see the attributes of organizational culture, not with whether they like them.

To achieve an organizational goal, culture should be prompted to guarantee employee

motivation[ CITATION Sem021 \t \l 1033 ]. The culture encourages or discourages employee’s
motivation. Motivation for work is necessary for employees as well as an organization because
through motivation employees and organizations both get benefits.

Productivity in any organization is accomplished through the representative's satisfaction and

attention regarding an employee's physical and emotional feeling[ CITATION Lik61 \l 1033 ]
[ CITATION Mar90 \t \l 1033 ] State that the culture of an organization is hypothetically identified
with performance and does have a positive impact on it. Culture and performance relate to each
other. It's according to human nature that when you have a feeling of getting something you will
get motivated to perform a particular task, and that is similar in any organization when you have
a feeling that your work will be rewarded and your organization has a culture of praise for
employees you will try hard to work for the betterment of your organization. So the performance
of any employee is highly dependent on the culture of the organization.


Motivation of employee is more important for organization toward success. If employee are
motivated they work hard and they know how to use resources for maximize profit which make
organization successful if employee are not motivated they don’t work hard

How employees become motivated? Basically employee will be motivated when they get job
security and when they know they get reward on hard work or best performance in this situation
they get motivated.

Everyone in the organization is motivated in different ways like when they get job security or
reward on their best performances and in this situation they show how they are loyal to their
organization Employee motivation reflects the level of energy, commitment and creativity of
company that bring employee together.[ CITATION Sha14 \l 2057 ]

When Employee is motivated then they show their employee performance and performance is
also important as physical, financial and human resources to accomplish goal. They know how to
utilize resources for more output and how to reduce cost for more profit generation.[ CITATION
Sha14 \l 2057 ]

Facts show that customers will not satisfied until employees are satisfied because if employee is
satisfied they work hard to satisfy customers that why motivation of employee are more
important for business success employee know how to satisfy their customer that happen when
employee will be motivated .[ CITATION Ahm14 \l 2057 ]

Research of Performance management show that when significant number of employee are
motivated and that significant number of employees want to perform their jobs better as part of
their individual goals as well as to show loyalty towards the organization [ CITATION Wri07 \l 2057

In Management they say that the forces which initiate, employees by directing and keep doing
efforts to achieve goals by motivation. According to Maslow Hierarchical Theory says that
[ CITATION Lut03 \l 2057 ] Motivation is a process that starts from employees needs and end on
sprits or soul which lead employees to achieve goal. In this hierarchical show that how employee
get motivated when his all need will be fulfill.

A research being done to find the impact of employee motivation on employee performance and
how they are related to each other and result show that if represantatives are more motivated then
their performance will increase. This shows that motivation and performance has direct relation
if employee is more motivated in this result his performance will also increase. [ CITATION Asi13 \l
2057 ]

Motivation is main aspect for the organization success. Employee motivation is most important
element for all organization to attain achievement weather these are public or private. Any
organization which has motivated employees, organization is more successfull or attain
achievement.[ CITATION Chi13 \l 2057 ]

Suitable and timely rewards enhance motivation of employees and managers. Researchs and
experience with respect to idea of performance reinforcement proved that timely response results
as a motivation to enhance employees productivity and spirit.[ CITATION Coc08 \l 2057 ]

According to Butkus & Green (1999), motivation word come from motivate which mean to
influence someone to achieve goal. This show when organization motivates their employee by
giving or fulfilling their reward they push their employee to work hard for success.[ CITATION
Kal10 \l 2057 ]

One of the policies of managers to enhance effectual job management among employees in
organization is motivation of employees[ CITATION Sha09 \l 2057 ]

Every organization gives promotion, bonus or different type of rewards to employee which
motivates employees to give high level of performance to organization.[ CITATION Ree09 \l 2057 ]

Career opportunity

Career development is very basic need of an employee. Every worker wants to get opportunities
in developing his/her career to achieve success in life or to maintain or achieve a lifestyle. Every
organization needs to provide opportunities to their employee’s base on their skills and behavior.
“The objective aspect of an individual’s career development consists of the observable patterns
of jobs an individual has held and the organizations that he or she has worked for”.

Career development of any person is comprised on one’s own perspective based on experience
that makes up the career of an individual[ CITATION Hug79 \l 1033 ]. Every organization observes
an employee then creates opportunism for any employee. Experiences depend on the work
culture and how they perform their operations. Surroundings hold an important position as
employees perceive anything as they experience in any organization.

Career development centers around how individuals actually experience work and their
profession[ CITATION Eve92 \l 1033 ]. Creating opportunities to grow is very much dependent on
employee that how keen they are to learn and polish their skills, observe the work being done
and how can be performed better.

When studying career development it is important to consider both aspects of individual’s career[
CITATION Hig01 \l 1033 ]. Both aspects hold an important position in career development of
employees. Objective aspect consists of observable patterns and subjective aspect tells you about
the work experience of any employee. These aspects create opportunities for employees to grow
because every organization needs skilled and efficient people at top positions.
In the present place of employment market individuals are agents of their own
development[ CITATION Wei96 \l 1033 ]. Individuals are in search of a work place where they can
enhance their skills. An organization that provides these development of career and creates
opportunities for their work force.

People feel more satisfaction with development in a work place where learning opportunities are
given or where supervisors are in support of development, contrasted with less opportunities and
support.[ CITATION Tan97 \l 1033 ]

In organization Career opportunity is silent element which developed with passage of time with
the work tenure of every individual. And it depends on the planning and management of
organizations and individuals too ([ CITATION Bar11 \l 2057 ]

When person join a ne w job his career change according to his new job for which he required
new skills which is different from previous job. Which develop better career opportunity for
persons. ([ CITATION Pav11 \l 2057 ] Dificulties change with the change of organization or
occupation, while defining the career.

Current job of employees has an impact on their attitudes, behaviors, and needs acoording to
research. For example a sales person in its observation stage wants to change his job for
promotion rather than staying as a salesperson in his other career stages (J. W. Slocum, W. L.
Cron, 1985)

Employee performance:

Employee performance in any organization is as important as heart and brain in human body.
Every organization needs efficient employees to grow and create an impact in the market.
Improving the capabilities of skilled workforce ended up being a source of competitive
advantage in global market[ CITATION Mck06 \l 1033 ].

To build up an ideal workforce to perform good at work, requires training that may affect
workers inspiration and commitment. [ CITATION Mey91 \l 1033 ]. Every organization needs to
create training sessions to improve the abilities of employees. Training of a employee improved
their skills and able them to perform well and create some opportunities for themselves to grow
and improve the efficiency of the company to improve their profits.

Leader’s major activity involves motivating and supporting others to motivate better
performance[ CITATION Whe91 \l 1033 ].Performance of employee highly dependent on how you
treat him or develop his skills and abilities according to your need, and provide something that
creates motivation in employees to get the job done. Learning environment for employees build
up by productive training programs, which teach them to cope up with challenges to come more
easily and on time.[ CITATION Wei06 \l 1033 ]

More the developed workers, more they are satisfy with their work, so expanding the
profitability and productivity [ CITATION Cha06 \l 1033 ]. Satisfaction of workforce benefits the
organization in many ways. Employees become loyal to the organization and try to work more
for the success of the organization with impactful performances that satisfy the leadership and
leaders starting to have confidence in their workforce so they can build a competitive advantage.
Frequently applied formal and casual acknowledgement programs provide management with an
amazing asset to impact workers live the company values and implement its mission.[ CITATION
Her66 \l 1033 ]. Recognition process provided by organization, means a lot for employees, that
their work is acknowledge by the management, and employees are valued by the organization,
create motivation in employees.

“When organizations focus on development activities, this would help in enhancing the skills of
employees[ CITATION cha03 \l 1033 ]”. Skilled employees are the most important asset for any
organization, but it’s not an easy thing to get skilled employees so organization need to have
development programs to build skills and capabilities of employees to help organization to
improve their performance.

Frame work:





Our study shows us that our independent variable has positive effect on dependent variable or
not. Our study based on employees that how their performance will be increased or decreased
will the help of motivation, organizational culture and opportunity within the organization.
So we have used quantitative method to collect the required data. The main goal of this type of
research is to analysis the data according to research likert scale will be used to gather data from
targeted population about their perception of motivation, organization culture and career
opportunity. The scale use in this questionnaire will be five point likert scales, “1- Strongly
Agree, to 5- Strongly Disagree.” The results allow us to find the relationship between variable
and provide recommendation about how telecom sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi can use
this research to gain advantage.
The research shows the connection of motivation, organization culture, and career opportunity on
employee performance in telecom sector. We selected these variables to see employee
performance in an organization. For this purpose we selected telecom sector. We collected data
through questionnaire from our targeted sector.
Dependent variable: employee performance
Independent variable: career opportunity, motivation, organizational structure
We have targeted telecom sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi like Ufone, Telenor, Jazz, Zong,
and Ptcl. Our research show how these variables are interlinked with each other. Employees of
telecom sector constitute the population whose perception about employee performance will be
focus of the study. The basis of choosing this population is to examine the performance of
employees in telecom sector.

Sample characteristic
Sample of the study have following characteristics. This includes age, gender, qualification and
other demographic details which are necessary for our research.

AGE Less Than 25 15.8%
26-30 24.3%
31- 35 25.0%
36-40 18.4%
41-45 11.2%
46-50 3.3%
50-55 1.3%
GENDER Males 62.5%
Females 37.5%
Transgender -
Bachelor 51.3%
MS/M Phil 48%
ZONG 19.7%
PTCL 19.7%
As the table shows most of the respondents belongs to age 31 – 35 years. Second most
respondents range from 26 – 30 years of age. As we can see in the table that most of the young
people belongs to this industry. This shows that telecom industry is keen to hire young people as
this industry belong to new market trends and the young people are efficient enough to adopt or
innovate new technologies to facilitate the market in a better way.
Scales used
The test has been conducted by using SPSS program (statistical program for social science) to
estimate the reliability of the scales being used in the study. As suggested by Nunnally, (1978)
criteria of cronbach’s alpha more than (0.70). So, to verify the validity of the questionnaire
reliability test has been conducted.
Career Opportunity
Questionnaire has been taken from Qingxiong (Derek) Weng, likert scale with 5 items showing
the reliability of (0.85)
Questionnaire has been taken from Martin Villeneuve, 2009, likert scale with 5 items showing
the reliability of (0.837)
Organizational Structure
Questionnaire has been taken from Shanti suman, 2014, likert scale with 5 items showing the
reliability of (0.828)
Employee performance
Questionnaire has been taken from John J. Rodwell, Rene Kienzel, Mark A. Shadur 1998
likert scale with 5 items showing the reliability of (0.784)
Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire being used in study contain two parts. First part consist of basis information of all
responded were as second part consist of item related to variable being measured which include
organizational structure, motivation, career opportunity, employee performance. This
questionnaire is depends on 5 point of likert scale contains five option, strongly agree, agree,
neutral, disagree, strongly disagree. All the variables being used in this questionnaire is self-
reported by the employees of telecom industry which conclude the authenticity of this research in
terms of results.

Possible limitations caused by recent scenarios.

 More work load on employees as the “COVID19” has caused more stressed situations where
people are using more and more telecom services and it puts the load on servers which
caused them slow response.
 Queries of the customer are starting to pile up as there are less manpower to work on it and
causing satisfaction issues among customers.
 Employees in telecom sector are swamped with complaints and queries that they have to face
the wrath of the customers.
 PTCL which is the huge name in telecom sector is providing worst internet service in
Pakistan; current situation has nothing to do with it. Customer still chooses their services as
they are cheapest.

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