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Gov/Econ- Vinson

Unit Four

Contemporary American Issues

Find a news article about something relevant to current events. It could be about politics, the economy, health
care, the environment, foreign affairs, etc. Be sure to use a well-known, reputable source such as major news
outlets, magazines or professional journals.

Copy and paste the URL for your source here:

Provide a summary of the story here (in your own words, using specific details and quotes from the article):

The article goes over the incident that happened on January 6 when republicans decided
to storm the capitol building in Washington D.C.. The violent mob of rioters were directly
inspired by Trump who tweeted several false and negative statements towards the
election’s results along with his strongly opinionated in-person speech. His tweets
encouraged his supporters to attack the building as Congress was still in session resulting
in five deaths, several injuries, and dozens of arrests. Vice President Mike Pence
specifically was targeted by the angry mobs due to Trump’s own anger towards him. “To
those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win,” Mr. Pence said in a sharp
break from Mr. Trump, who had praised the mob. “Violence never wins. Freedom wins.
And this is still the people’s house.”The lawmakers thankfully made it out safe and Trump
claimed to support a peaceful transition on Thursday even after what had just happened
the day before. Republican leaders from all over agree with democrats that this was just
embarrassing from their part. Twitter also did everyone a favor in banning him from
further tweeting.

Provide a personal reflection here. Why is this story relevant? How does it relate to our study of government
and economics? What might this mean for the future?

This story is relevant because a riot at the capitol building is a big deal even if it doesn’t
affect everyone directly. It clearly has to do with our government which is why I chose it
and it’s been all over the news ever since. This event was a wake up call to how “crazy”
republicans are becoming with the help of Trump and how we need more order and
stability not to mention control over Trump’s actions. The congress members are still
recovering from the shock and it seems that they need better protection. However, they
are still keeping a positive attitude in light of everything, showing that they remain
undefeated especially now that Biden is president. As for the future, no one knows but
some say things are going to get nastier before they get better while I myself still have
hope in our leaders to make things right.

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