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In September 2014, Emma Watson, Ambassador of the UN Women Goodwill,

announced the creation of the ‘HE FOR SHE CAMPAIGN’ at the United Nations. She
started off by asking for help; she called out everyone for stopping gender inequality.
This campaign is the first of its kind in the United Nations; it supports equal rights for
all genders, especially for women. Feminism is not thinking that women are better
than men; it is thinking that both genders deserve to have equal rights and
opportunities. Feminism for many is an awkward word, because it can be defined as a
strong, obscene, aggressive, unattractive and contradictory word. She never suffered
of strong gender inequality issues but in some anecdotes she told, this issue was
present. Gender inequality also concerns men; when in need some are afraid to ask for
help because of feeling “weak”. Men need to take responsibility of gender equality, for
every woman in the world. Genders cannot be stereotyped; men and women are
allowed to be sensible, strong and free. If people stopped defining others for what
they are not and started defining others for what they really are, everyone could feel
free. Genders are spectrums, not two sets of ideal opposites. If men did not have the
need of controlling, women would not have the need of being controlled.

I identify as a feminist; not meaning that I think that women are better than men,
meaning that I support gender equality. This speech had anecdotes that made me
realize that I have lived gender inequality issues. The way she persuades the audience
to support equal rights is beyond amazing. She uses facts, anecdotes and logical
solutions for solving this. I have heard this speech many times, but each time it makes
me want to do something to help this problem. She gives a kind of trusting vibe; you
know that this is real, that is happening. She tells her weaknesses and strengths for all
to understand that she is a human being, a woman. Her ideas stick within us with the
repetition she uses. She knows how to persuade an audience with language devices,
such as: rhetorical devices, logos, pathos and ethos. She is an amazing woman, in any
part of the speech you will get to question her; everything she says makes logic and is
completely true.

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