Graduation Post-Secondary Planning Webinar May 2021 Grade 10 Parents

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Tips for participating in the webinar:

1. Microphones will be muted during the presentation.

2. During the question period, if you would like to ask a

question, please raise your “digital hand”. The host will invite
you to unmute your mic and ask your question.

3. If you prefer, you may submit your question using the “chat”
feature and we will either answer verbally or write back to

4. At the top of your screen, you will have the option of choosing
“speaker” or “gallery” view. Gallery view will show you all
meeting participants.

5. If you wish, you can choose to turn your video on at the

beginning and end of the presentation for the question period
Health & Wellbeing


• Centre of Excellence for Mental Health on the

School Board website
• Apps & Resources on the Mac Guidance website
• Consult a medical or mental health professional if
you are concerned. This Phoo by Unknown Author is licensed
under CC BY-SA
This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-SA
Quebec High School
Graduation Requirements
Minimum 54 credits earned by passing Secondary
4 & 5 courses;
20 credits must be earned
from passing secondary 5 courses
Compulsory credits:
Secondary 4 Math, Science, History, Arts Education
Secondary 5 English (language of instruction),
French (langue seconde),
Physical Education or Ethics & Religious Culture
Summer School 2021

LBPSB Summer School

Register if your child has failed a compulsory course this year.
Students can take up to 2 courses in Summer School.
Registration takes place July 1 & 2 on Mosaik.
All courses take place in July and are fully online.
Math Bridge course from CST4 to SN5 Math available
for eligible students

Science Bridge course offered

at some private schools such as
Kells Academy & Sacred Heart

Learn Quebec also offers an online summer program

MEES “Relevé de notes” Vocational centres and colleges will
use these grades when making
admission decisions. All colleges and
certain vocational programs will also
use grades from the first part
of Grade 11.
Starting to Plan…
Encourage your teen to start to reflect about what they find
interesting, important, worthwhile, enjoyable, and also think about what
they don’t like, what is less important to them….
Begin investigating possibilities for post-secondary education.
Use online tools & virtual tours to see what’s available!

On the student Fusion portal

Online interactive lessons to
help start to discover what is
for them in a career
Dashboard Resources
Explore Professional Programs –
leading to a DEP
Our Centres…
Explore CEGEP Programs leading
to a DEC

Search by region, pre-requisites, area of interest, sports

teams…across the whole province!
Take a Virtual or Live Tour….

…of some of our local CEGEPs

Post-Secondary Planning Next Steps…
Individual planning meetings will continue online or in-
person until the end of the school year until all Grade 10
students have met at least once with a Guidance
“Live” class visits in September & again in early January
Individual planning meetings with a Guidance Counsellor
in the fall and winter of Grade 11 & participation the
LBPSB Career & Education Fair.
Post-secondary planning workshop for parents in January
College & Vocational program orientation workshops in
the spring of 2022
LBPSB Virtual Career & Education Fair
“Tech” Support…
Appointments online

Get info by text
Thank you for coming & please feel free
to reach out to us at any time!
Ms. Tehila & Mrs. Fraser

We will take your questions now!

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