Voiceover Script

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Voiceover script

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been researching
and looking at the effects of air pollution or more
specifically; the effects of carbon in today’s world. I
have been looking at statistics about carbon how it has
increased, how its decreased and how it has been affected
by Covid-19. I am going to talk about my views on carbon,
what companies are carbon neutral, what impact carbon
has, and how it affects you as a person in terms of your
My views on carbon
Personally, I feel that carbon is something people should
be more aware of as well as consider doing small things
to prevent emitting carbon as much as they can. This can
be as much as turning light off or switching off the
engine in your car when you are stationary. I found out
that it is illegal to leave your engine running whilst
you are stationary this is spoken about in the ‘turn off
your engine’ campaign. I watched a video where they
discuss carbon and how to put pollution into perspective.
For example, if we put the earths life-span into 24 hours
we would’ve only been here for 3 seconds which isn’t a
long time when you think about it. I personally feel that
Covid-19 has helped in terms of the decrease in pollution
rates but not so much as to the casualties it has caused.
Carbon neutral companies
As part of my research, I have been looking at companies
that care about the environment and are carbon neutral or
even carbon negative because I wanted to get my head
around how they do it and how it helps their business as
well as the environment. I looked at two large companies
who are carbon negative, these companies are the body
shop and brew dog. Brew dog is a large brewery chain
based in Scotland, and they are carbon neutral. What they
do is they take twice as much carbon out as they put in
making them carbon negative. Body shop are carbon
negative as they retrieve minerals from tropical
locations whilst working with locals there to prevent
destroying the habitat
Henley campaign
The Campaign based in Henley known as ‘Turn off your
engine!’ is an example of an efficient and effective
campaign based around preventing air pollution. I
personally like it as it makes sense and I feel that
people should do it more often. This campaign is about
when you are stationary in a vehicle, you must turn the
engine off to prevent wasting fuel as well as preventing
yourself from emitting carbon into the air. I have been
around Henley exploring and finding the posters about
stopping the idling.
Moving on to how it affects you, you must stop wasting
fuel and performing mindless acts which cause air
pollution. You don’t understand how it affects your
health in the long run. The co2 particles enter your
body, your immune system tries to fight against these
particles but doesn’t succeed. The particles first make
their way into your lungs, and then into your heart. This
will then lead to stroke and even heart failure. Due to
the Covid-19 virus, a lot of people have suffered in many
ways. As sad as the virus has made this world, the good
thing about it is that the pollution levels have gone
down again allowing the earth to breathe more easily
which I think is good.
I have decided to create a brand called swag emission
with the slogan “Emit Swag, not Carbon.” As an example,
if you were to buy a t-shirt from the company, a
percentage of that money would go towards preventing air
pollution meaning that the money would go towards a more
sustainable manufacturing process of the products.

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