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Kittoe Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 4RZ

Tel: (0121) 323 2221 Fax: (0121) 308 8033
School Email:
Admissions Email:

Headteacher: Christopher Stone, B.Ed., Hons., M.A.

The school will do all that is reasonable to:

1. Ensure the safety of every student.

2. Ensure that the needs of all students are met regardless of race, ability and gender.

3. Encourage all students to fulfil their potential and report progress to parents in
accordance with statutory guidelines.

4. Ensure that all members of the school community treat each other with respect.

5. Provide high standards of teaching, learning and professionalism.

6. Provide the necessary guidance and preparation for the transitional phases in a
student’s educational and personal development.

7. Inform parents of the complaints procedure and deal with parental concerns as quickly
as possible bearing in mind the constraints of staff timetables.

8. Make school policies available to parents on request and facilitate access to the
Governing Body when required.

9. Promote the communication process by the use of the student organiser.

10. Provide a supportive but disciplined environment for students.

11. Provide extended and extra-curricular opportunities to enrich the students’ knowledge,
learning, experience and personal development.

12. Provide the necessary personal, social and health education to allow the students to
develop and to make informed choices.

13. Let parents know as soon as possible of any concerns or problems relating to a
students work or behaviour.

14. Co-operate with parents, outside agencies and the police as or when necessary.

Christopher Stone

As a parent/carer I will try to:

1. Ensure my child attends school regularly, on time and with the correct uniform,
essential equipment and ready to learn.

2. Will not plan to take family holidays in term time which affects the continuity of my
child’s education.

3. Inform the school as soon as possible by telephone or by email to the following

address of my child’s absence and the reason
and whenever necessary follow this up with a written note of explanation on return.

4. Exercise my responsibility for my child outside school hours, ensuring that he/she
travels to and from school in a safe manner.

5. Support the school’s policies which are published on the intranet.

6. Provide encouragement to my child to continue the patterns of work and behaviour

established in school.

7. Inform the school of any information which might affect my child’s work or behaviour.

8. Encourage my child to have pride in the school and to care for both the school
environment and the community.

9. Keep in regular contact with school and attend parents’ evenings and discussions
about my child’s progress when required.

10. Aid effective communication by returning reply slips promptly and signing the student
organiser where appropriate.

11. Explain relevant policies to my child and ensure that the significance of such
documents such as the home-school agreement and Student Code of Conduct is

12. Encourage my child to behave in a safe and appropriate manner at all times in school
and in the local community.

As a student I will:

1. Attend school regularly and on time, in the correct uniform.

2. Arrive at lessons on time with essential equipment and ready to learn.

3. Show respect to all members of school community and co-operate with those
in authority.

4. Have respect for the work, property and privacy of others.

5. Complete classwork, coursework and independent study to the best of my ability and
use my student organiser to help me with this.

6. Discuss any problems with my form tutor or appropriate member of staff.

7. Take responsibility for my personal belongings and for any letters given to me to pass
on to my parents/carers.

8. Not to bring into school any dangerous, illegal or valuable items.

9. Take pride in the school and protect the environment by not dropping litter
or damaging school property.

10. Behave in a sensible manner during break, lunchtimes and within the local community.

11. Follow the School Code of Conduct at all times and act in a way which will bring
credit to myself, my family and my school.

We are constantly looking for new ways to celebrate success at Arthur Terry.
As such during a students time with us we may wish to record images/ film and
audio of activities that involve a student. The images may be used for display,
publications and on websites by us, by Birmingham City Council or by local
media. It is important we encourage and celebrate the success of our students
and this helps us to do this.

When recording images and audio, carried out by the news / media, students
will only be named if there is a particular reason to do so (e.g. they have won a
prize), and home addresses will never be given out.

It is also worth noting that CCTV is used extensively on site. By its very nature
it is not possible to remove students from this but, we will only use footage for
internal purposes or if it is officially requested by the police / court of law.
Some examples of recordings and use are shown below though these are not
exclusive. Please feel free to contact us should you have any concerns or
require further information.

- Teaching & learning - Displays
- Intranet - Event Promotion

- Website
- Press / Media Coverage
- Exam boards
- Police / Legal Request

NB There may be other circumstances, beyond those identified above, in

which images and audio of students are requested. The establishment
recognises that in such circumstances specific consent from you will be
required before recording of students can be permitted.


• I will be responsible for my own area and information on it

• I will not dismantle any of the computer equipment
• I will report any problems I encounter with computer equipment to my
• I will play my part in trying to reduce paper waste
• I will use ICT to help with work in my other subjects
• I will not attempt to play games or use the internet without permission


• I will leave my computer as I would expect to find it

• I will keep food and drink away from the computers
• I will use the computers sensibly and with sensitivity to other users
• I will only use the software I have been given
• I will not attempt to install or run any software not installed on the


• I will not share my password with anyone

• I will not use or try to find out anyone else’s password

I understand that if I do not follow this contract that I may have my

access rights removed and further action may be taken if necessary.

I agree to abide by the above rules.


The Arthur Terry School processes personal data about its students and is a “data controller” in respect of this for
the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. It processes this data to:
• support its students’ teaching and learning;
• monitor and report on their progress;
• provide appropriate pastoral care, and
• assess how well the school as a whole is doing.

This data includes contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, characteristics
such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.

This data may only be used or passed on for specific purposes allowed by law. From time to time the school is
required to pass on some of this data to local authorities, the Department for Children, Schools and Families
(DCSF), and to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA),
Ofsted, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), the Department of Health (DH), Primary Care Trusts (PCT),
ContactPoint (mentioned above and organisations that require access to data in the Learner Registration System
as part of the MIAP (Managing Information Across Partners) programme and Connexions (see below). All these
are data controllers in respect of the data they receive, and are subject to the same legal constraints in how they
deal with the data.

The governing body of a maintained school in England is also required by law to supply basic information to
ContactPoint. This only includes the name and address of the student, contact details for their parents or carers
(with parental responsibility) and the contact details of the school.

Students, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act, including a general right to be given
access to personal data held about them by any data controller. The presumption is that by the age of 12 a
student has sufficient maturity to understand their rights and to make an access request themselves if they wish.
A parent would normally be expected to make a request on a student’s behalf if the student is younger.

If you wish to access your personal data, or that of your child, then please contact the relevant organisation in
writing. Details of these organisations can be found on the following website: or, for
those students/parents where this is not practical, a hard copy can be obtained from the school, telephone 0121
323 2221.

For students of 13 years and over, the school is legally required to pass on certain information to Connexions
services providers on request. Connexions is the government's support service for all young people aged 13 to
19 in England. This information includes the name and address of the student and parent, and any further
information relevant to the Connexions services’ role. However parents, or the students themselves if aged 16 or
over, can ask that no information beyond name and address (for student and parent) be passed on to Connexions.
If as a parent, or as a student aged 16 or over, you wish to opt-out and do not want Connexions to receive from
the school information beyond name and address, then please contact the school.

Your attention is drawn to (Layer 2) of this Fair Processing Notice, which gives supplementary information about
the processing of student data by the organisations mentioned above, and gives greater details of how the
student data is processed and the rights of parents and students. This can be obtained from the school website
or in hard copy from the school (see below).

The Arthur Terry School Postal Address: Mrs Angela Banks, Data Protection Officer
The Arthur Terry School
Kittoe Road
Sutton Coldfield
B74 4RZ

Telephone: 0121 323 2221

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