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Shot List for Media Studies

Group Members: Sophie, Alisha, Donna and Shehabur

Title of Production: SEIZED

Shot Brief description of the action Description of Shot Type and Camera Movement
number (What is going to happen in this shot?)
1 The title to our film will appear ‘SEIZED’ No use of camera just editing

2 Candle will appear and focus in and you will be able This will get the viewer into the mood of watching a thriller
to see the big yellow/red/black flame. film. This will be an extreme close-up shout, to a close-up
shout. The camera will be on a tri-pod so it is still and in a
perfect position.
3 To the killers hand drawing the victims face, with a Close up shot of the killer’s hand.

4 A different angled shot of the killer still drawing the Close up shot of the killer’s hand.
victim Jessica (Donna)

5 Then a third angled view of the killer’s hand moving Close up shot of the killer’s hand.
quickly and angrily as his drawing gets more
detailed of her.

6 Then we see the full picture. This is shown to the This shot looks as if it flashes in.
audience so we can see her.

7 You then see the killer’s hand with a knife in it a he Extreme close up shot. The frame was also tilted so it
sharpens his pencil so he can carry on drawing her looked more real.
photo. This is done violently and gives the shot

8 It then moves to the killer’s weapons/ equipment, This is a quick pan shout of the lay out and it is also at a
which he intends to use to capture and even kill high angled, birds eye view shot so all is seen.

9 You will see a cut out of the victims face and Extreme close up.
shoulders. The cut out is in the killers hands.

10 To a close shot of the killer’s hand piercing the cut Close up shot (shots 10 to 15) are high angled shots so it is
out photo with a pin and putting the pin though her more effective to the audiences view point.

11 To an extreme close up of the killer cutting an Close up shot

image with a knife.

12 Back to the same shot as number 10. A pin in the Close up shot

13 The same shot as 10 and 12 but this time the Close up shot
picture of the victim (Donna) eyes have been cut all
the way out.

14 To the same shot as 10 and 12. This is to Close up shot

familiarize the audience with the last few shots.

15. Back to the same shot as 11. But this time he picks Close up shot
at the eyes more. (flash back)

16. This shot is of the killer’s hand with tweezers Close up shot
plucking the picture of the victim’s eyes out on the
cut out picture.

17 Then the killer brings the tweezers close to the A very quick cut. A close up and an eye line view.
camera. So we the audience can see what has
been pulled from the picture.

18 You then see the killer’s hand writing on some Close-up and a low angled shot.
paper, but you can’t see what he has put. This is to
leave the audience questioning.

19 Then, you see what the killer is drawing out a map This is a bird’s eye view shot, but as the killer looking
to the victim’s house and where he is going to wait. down at the paper. It is also a close-up and an eye line
In this shot you see, her house her road and her view.

20 A clear map of her house from Google maps. Then This is an eye line view/ birds eye view, but it is also a
the killer puts a pin into where she lives and to close-up.
where he is going. This is so the viewer can see his

21 To a picture of the victim walking down the road This is a close-up and an eye line view shot.
then a pin is put in her head by the killer. This
makes the viewers feel scared and on edge.

22 To another quick glimpse of the killers tools, but this Birds eye view and a mid/ pan shot.
time you see his black gloves. This will make the
viewer think “is he going to get her now”.

23 To a close up of his hammer that he will use on the This is a close-up shot.

24 To the next shot of the killers evidence that he has This is an eye line match of his hands looking down.
collected of the victim. This is of maps, pictures,
and of the killer’s hands sorting them out.

25 This is to a pair of the killers scissors that are close This is a clos-up shot but looking though his eyes. So this
to the camera. Looking as if they are cutting her is an eye line view.
head off!

26 In this shot you see a photo of the victim walking Close up shot also an eye line view of the killer looking at
down a road or even walking home. the photo.

27 To a real bit of footage of the victim looking around This is a close up of Donna’s head and shoulders as she
as if she’s knows she is being watched and filmed. turns her head. This is also an eye line view from the

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