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Windows 7 install fix

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November 9th, 2009, 07:31 #1

Windows 7 install fix
Charter Member 2012
Modifying the CFS3.exe comes curtsey of Deadmeat1971. Original
instructions can be found here
Blacksheep-ghost03 and I have Win7 working in both on and off
line sessions but have had to use different means to do so.
These instructions assume that your game is installed on a C:\
Join Date: Jan 2008 partition
Location: Torontoish Main game folder is located at c:\Programfiles\Microsoftgames
Age: 50 \Combat Flight Simulator 3
Posts: 853 STEP ONE:
Install CFS3. Choose complete install option. Look for and uncheck
the option to place short cut on desktop. Follow the instructions to
complete the game install. Once done DO NOT choose run game
now. Close all windows and go to desktop. If you have a short cut
to CFS3.exe on your desktop delete it. Now browse to your main
game folder. Right mouse click on the CFS3.exe and select COPY.
Go to desktop and select PASTE. The CFS3.exe should now be on
your desk top. Right mouse click on it and select rename. Change
the name to CFS3win7. Right mouse click on the CFS3win7.exe
and select CUT, browse to your main game folder and select
paste. In the main game folder you should now have two .exe
icons. The original one and the new CFS3win7 one. Right mouse
click on the CFS3win7.exe and go to properties. Select
Compatibility. Put a check mark in the “run this program in

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Windows 7 install fix

compatibility mode for” and then select Window XP SP3 in the

drop down box.NOTE: This is the only choice that will work. SP2
will not. In privilege level at the bottom select “run this program
as administrator” Click apply. Click OK. Now right mouse click
on the CFS3win7.exe icon and select Send to and
Desktop(created shortcut). Close all windows. You should have
an icon on the desktop that is named CFS3win7. Go to properties
on this and double check that Windows XP SP3 and administrator
settings are selected in compatibility. If they aren’t select them
and click OK. Run the game for the first time. If it’s OK then apply
the CFS3 patches. Test in multiplayer if required
This method worked on my system but not on Blacksheep-
ghost03. For his system he applied step 2 which involves applying
the same settings but to the original CFS3.exe
Step two
If you have installed the game as above and created the new icon
and it doesn’t work or won’t fly in multiplayer, delete the
CFS3win7 icon from your desktop. Browse to your main game
folder and delete the CFS3win7.exe. You should now have only the
original CFS3 .exe in the game folder and no icons on your
desktop. Right mouse click on the CFS3.exe and follow the same
steps as above for compatibility and privilege level. Once done
create a shortcut for the CFS3.exe on your desktop. Check that
the compatibility and privilege settings are correct. Run the game.
If it works apply the CFS3 patches. Test in multiplayer if required.
I have Windows 7 64 bit installed. It would not run multi player
regardless of the steps performed above and would crash to
desktop. Event viewer described an MFC70.DLL error. I browsed
and found an old Microsoft article that referred to the same type
of issue I was having.
I followed the recommended fix. Go to main game folder and
delete the OLEACC.DLL file. After doing this my game runs fine
and I can host and join multiplayer games.
Hope this works for you too.
Special thanks to Deadmeat1971 and Blacksheep-ghost03 for
their contributions

PTO RS MP Missions nights

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November 9th, 2009, 12:32 #2

2 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix

Tryin' to build summat like this
From a frustrated Win7 64-bit user, thank you both very much!

I wasted a lot of time trying to get the pre-release 64-bit version

Join Date: Mar 2007 working with CFS3, so it's good to see someone crack that nut. It
Posts: 2,319 might now be safe to say that CFS3 has still more years ahead of
it yet!

Cheers guys!

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all
thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

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November 9th, 2009, 14:02 #3

Moparmike Good post Tailwind!

TY for the info...I've been working on getting CFS3 set up on my
Senior Administrator
new Win7 rig too. Will have to keep this in mind.

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Location: ND
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November 9th, 2009, 14:09 #4

Naismith Let me get this right, Win7 a Microsoft product has issues with
CFS3 ---- a Microsoft product of not ancient age. Who would've
Members +

3 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix

Join Date: Jul 2005

Posts: 1,740

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November 12th, 2009, 19:07 #5

Tailwind Hi,
Charter Member 2012
I would like to make an adjustment to step two.For Blacksheep-
ghost03 to get his to work he had to set compatibility to Windows
Vista SP2 first. Fly the game then change it to Windows XP SP3.
We deleted his install a couple of times to test and this worked
every time. We really never sorted what caused this but he is
running an RC candidate and I am running a post release version.
Might have something to do with it

Join Date: Jan 2008 So step two should read

Location: Torontoish
Age: 50 STEP TWO
Posts: 853 If you have installed the game as above and created the new icon
and it doesn’t work or won’t fly in multiplayer, delete the
CFS3win7 icon from your desktop. Browse to your main game
folder and delete the CFS3win7.exe. You should now have only the
original CFS3 .exe in the game folder and no icons on your
desktop. Right mouse click on the CFS3.exe go to compatibility
and select Windows Vista SP2. Also select run this program as
administrator. Once done create a shortcut for the CFS3.exe on
your desktop. Go to properties and check that the compatibility
and privilege settings are correct. Try and run the game. It will
probably crash. That's fine. Go to the main game folder CFS3.exe
again and change compatibility to Windows XP SP3. Go to
desktop and check your short cut to make sure it is also
Windows XP SP3 if its not change it. Fly the game. If it works
apply the CFS3 patches. Test in multiplayer if required.

Sorry for the mix up but there were so many attempts to get this
working I forgot about the vista setting


PTO RS MP Missions nights

4 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix

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November 12th, 2009, 21:33 #6

Originally Posted by Tailwind
Members +

I would like to make an adjustment to step two.For

Blacksheep-ghost03 to get his to work he had to set
compatibility to Windows Vista SP2 first. Fly the game then
change it to Windows XP SP3. We deleted his install a couple
of times to test and this worked every time. We really never
sorted what caused this but he is running an RC candidate
and I am running a post release version. Might have
Join Date: Dec 2007
something to do with it
Location: Sanur, Bali, Indonesia
Age: 6
So step two should read
Posts: 278

If you have installed the game as above and created the new
icon and it doesn’t work or won’t fly in multiplayer, delete the
CFS3win7 icon from your desktop. Browse to your main game
folder and delete the CFS3win7.exe. You should now have
only the original CFS3 .exe in the game folder and no icons
on your desktop. Right mouse click on the CFS3.exe go to
compatibility and select Windows Vista SP2. Also select
run this program as administrator. Once done create a
shortcut for the CFS3.exe on your desktop. Go to properties
and check that the compatibility and privilege settings are
correct. Try and run the game. It will probably crash. That's
fine. Go to the main game folder CFS3.exe again and change
compatibility to Windows XP SP3. Go to desktop and check
your short cut to make sure it is also Windows XP SP3 if its
not change it. Fly the game. If it works apply the CFS3
patches. Test in multiplayer if required.

Sorry for the mix up but there were so many attempts to get
this working I forgot about the vista setting


Heheh i wil have to call you grandnerd form now on grumpy old


5 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix

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November 13th, 2009, 12:12 #7

chriseponymous Ive recently treated myself to a brand new sparkling computer.

The OS is Vista 64 bit but I have also bought a voucher for an
Charter Member 2012
upgrade to Windows 7. Basically I was just wondering is it worth
waiting for the upgrade to arrive before I go installing CFS3?
Bearing in mind though the fact I have been without it for at least
a week! Cheers in advance.

Join Date: Aug 2007

Location: Tamworth, UK
Age: 31
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November 13th, 2009, 14:55 #8

hairyspin Is it worth it? Too true, mate! It's not that Vista and Win7 are so
dramatically different in terms of how you use them, but Win7 has
Tryin' to build summat like this
been so much better thought out from a user's point of view. Plus
there are the little interface tricks which Vista just doesn't have
and make work more productive - windows can be tiled to the left
or right halves of the screen with ease, making working between
two apps, or Explorer windows a breeze. A quick keystroke pair
will restore one window to maximum in a moment, or restore the
Join Date: Mar 2007
split layout.
Posts: 2,319

One BIG caveat - some of the CFS3 tools will NOT work in
Vista/Win7: that .MOS editor which gave you trouble needs XP -
don't throw your XP CD away if that's important to you and put it
on a separate partition (or HD - I fitted two to my rig).

Good choice going for 64-bit, I did the same.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all
thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

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November 13th, 2009, 15:00 #9

hairyspin Back to the thread topic!

Tryin' to build summat like this
Tonight I put CFS3 on my retail Win7 Home Premium 64-bit,
patched it to 3.1a, set compatibility to XP SP3, Run as an

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Windows 7 install fix

Administrator and made a separate renamed copy of CFS3.exe

with the same compatibility settings.

Then I joined a multiplayer game using the renamed version. It

works. No CTD, no aircraft mismatches!
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 2,319 Thank you very much, Tailwind and Blacksheep-ghost03!

Note: the OFF boys are reporting that OLEACC.DLL needs to be

taken out of 32-bit installs as well. Anyone else try this?

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all
thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

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November 13th, 2009, 18:17 #10

Originally Posted by hairyspin
Charter Member 2012
Back to the thread topic!

Tonight I put CFS3 on my retail Win7 Home Premium 64-bit,

patched it to 3.1a, set compatibility to XP SP3, Run as an
Administrator and made a separate renamed copy of
CFS3.exe with the same compatibility settings.

Then I joined a multiplayer game using the renamed version.

Join Date: Jan 2008 It works. No CTD, no aircraft mismatches!
Location: Torontoish
Age: 50 Thank you very much, Tailwind and Blacksheep-ghost03!
Posts: 853

Note: the OFF boys are reporting that OLEACC.DLL needs to

be taken out of 32-bit installs as well. Anyone else try this?


You are welcome. Glad its working out for you.

I have been to darn busy to try OFF. Plus I only have 64 bit
Windows 7 right now. I will keep an eye on the OFF forum for

On a side note I installed MAW on Win7 64 bit and fired up multi

player and spawned in with no CTD. Not a true test as I have not
been able to have someone try and join. But at least no CTD.

7 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix


PTO RS MP Missions nights

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November 14th, 2009, 06:39 #11

hairyspin The problem with OLEACC.DLL appears to be one of versions. FS9

had a similar problem reported, which is where Tailwind's answer
Tryin' to build summat like this
came from. The file supplied with CFS3 has a date of 2003 and is
about 5KB in size. XP's own version in \System32 is about 160KB
in size, but doesn't seem to clash.

The same file in Windows 7 is several hundred KB in size, much

more recent, and presumably doesn't live happily alongside the
Join Date: Mar 2007
CFS3/FS9 versions. Happily, CFS3 seems to work perfectly well
Posts: 2,319
with the Win7 version, so everybody wins.

Headspinning stuff, all we need now is a clearly laid-out guide for

anyone to follow. Wonder who might do that.....

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all
thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

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November 14th, 2009, 08:11 #12

Originally Posted by hairyspin
Charter Member 2012
The problem with OLEACC.DLL appears to be one of versions.
FS9 had a similar problem reported, which is where Tailwind's
answer came from. The file supplied with CFS3 has a date of
2003 and is about 5KB in size. XP's own version in \System32
is about 160KB in size, but doesn't seem to clash.

The same file in Windows 7 is several hundred KB in size,

much more recent, and presumably doesn't live happily
alongside the CFS3/FS9 versions. Happily, CFS3 seems to
Join Date: Nov 2007 work perfectly well with the Win7 version, so everybody wins.
Location: Live: Western

8 of 11 11/24/2012 12:17 PM
Windows 7 install fix

Maryland. From: North Central West, Headspinning stuff, all we need now is a clearly laid-out guide
By God, Virginia. for anyone to follow. Wonder who might do that.....
Age: 56
Posts: 1,602

Yeah, I wonder? LOLOLOLOL Good luck, Hairyspin.

Tooth, Fang, & Claw

Another use for sheep:

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December 28th, 2009, 17:40 #13

madmachinest A easy to follow guide for Windows 7 64bit would be great! I can't
get CFS3 multiplayer to work for anything!

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January 1st, 2010, 11:02 #14

Boomer2212 I can't find my CFS3.exe to move it.Help please!!If you can't get
me here my email is Thank you!!

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January 27th, 2010, 17:58 #15

Odd mouse thingy
Charter Member 2012
OK so I was working on a box today. Standard sort of hardware
setup nothing odd Windows 7 Media. Clean install all patched up
and current drivers. I installed CFS3 clean, ran the game and then
the updates. Ran the config file.

Here is the funny thing. I went to customize the joystick setup.

Logitech extreme 3D pro. I went into controllers in CFS3 and
created a new profile. Then I scrolled to zoom out and double
Join Date: Jan 2008 clicked on it. I selected button 4. As soon as I did that I lost click
Location: Torontoish function on the mouse. At first I thought the computer had locked
Age: 50 but then I realized that the mouse cursor was moving OK and the
Posts: 853 video in the back ground was still moving. It would not let me
click OK to finish the task

I went to task manager and checked and the game was still
running OK. I went back to the setup screen and realized I could
use the tab button to highlight the OK option and then hit enter on

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Windows 7 install fix

the keyboard to select.

I tried rebooting, changed KB/Mouse from USB to PS2 but the

same thing kept happening I ended up configuring the rest of the
buttons by using tab and hitting enter

I have installed CFS3 on many machines and never run into this
before. I thought I would post it in case some one else has this
happen and thinks the machine is locked up.


PTO RS MP Missions nights

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