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“Idaho, Regions, and Natural

Lesson Plan for Grade 4, Social Science/Geography
Prepared by Ms. Madison Smith


- This lesson is designed as an introduction lesson to help students better

understand geography where they are, as well as some of the differing
geographical features in Idaho.
- In addition, student will be able to create a map of Idaho for further reference.


1. SS.2.1.4 Describe the physical regions of Idaho and identify major natural


1. Students will be able to make a map of Idaho and point out different counties and
districts, as well as which county and district they live in.
2. Students will be able to give an example of natural resources in Idaho and tell
where the state’s capital is on the map.
3. Students will also complete a writing assignment on natural resources and use
advanced thought in their conclusion.


1. Paper (30)
2. Pencil (30)
3. Colored pencils packed (30)

4. Crayons (30) or markers
5. Laptop (optional)
6. Stickers, 30 stars, 30 random


Steps to check for student understanding

1. Students will write a paragraph about different Idaho resources.

2. Students will create a diagram of Idaho, labeling all the different counties, in the
different regions.


1. The teacher will create an example project before to show the students. It should
be scanned up and shown on a large screen or should be made on a bigger
example. The teacher should take pictures of the project throughout each step so
that the students may see the progression of the project.
2. Give students a blank outline of Idaho, with the counties outlined as well but not
filled in with names.
3. Have the students copy the county names neatly from the example project using a
pencil. They may also copy it from an online map. The students should be given 20
minutes to complete this.
4. The students should then get out seven colored pencils, crayons, or markers
colored teal, red, orange, purple, blue, pink, and green.
5. Have the students make 7 boxes to the right of the Idaho outline and color each of
them in with one of the colors. These boxes should be spaced apart about a fourth
of an inch. The students should label the boxes District 1-7. Have the student color
each of the boxes in the same order as the example. Students should be given five
6. Show the example with all the districts colored to the students. Instruct them to
color it the same as the example, including the same colors. Have students come
up to the board or look on their computers if they are not able to see the example.
Students should be given 20 minutes.
7. Have students come up to the board and guess where the capital is and what
county they are in. Give them five minutes for this. If they have not guessed it by
time, go ahead and show them where it is on the example project.

8. Give each of the students a star sticker and have them place it where the capital is.
Give each of the students another random small sticker and have them place it
where they are currently. Give them 5 minutes to do this.
9. The teacher should brainstorm with the students what kind of resources might be
in Idaho, as they write them on the board. Once 15 specific resources have been
written on the board, instruct the students to pick three and write about what
district or county they might come from. Remind students that they may pick the
district they are in. Students should write this statement on the back of their state
project, and it should be three sentences long. The first sentence should be their
statement of which place they picked and what they believe is in it. Their second
sentence should state why they believe those might be there. The third sentence
should state what these natural resources could be used for.

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