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Master in Business Management Program

Leadership focused on Human Flourishing

Diana Laura Figueroa A01451247

May 19th, 2021


This is your first year as leader of your neighborhood board; lately, you have thought about not
continuing with this job because some of the residents have been calling you constantly to complain
about the cleanliness of the common areas, the lack of security, and the poor lighting in the

You have been very patient and you are always willing to listen to your community, and as such you
have even received calls at dawn from complaining neighbors. As much as you have tried to help and
pay attention to them in a cordial way, you question whether continuing with this commitment is
worthwhile since you feel worn down.

You have always been aware of the responsibility that comes with living in a community and, being
a new neighborhood, it needs people who want to participate and be open-minded like you.

Self-diagnosis based on self-knowledge

Knowing ourselves is essential for growing personally for facing new challenges, and in short,
for feeling more comfortable with ourselves, and this person is aware of what it takes to be the
leader of a neighborhood, it seems to be patient, and this will help in many situations. If they are
many complains about problems in the neighborhood, this person should develop a plan to solve
them and if he can’t by his own, recruiting some help is not a bad idea and he also delegates and
not all calls go on him.

Self-diagnosis based on emotional intelligence

It is the same neighborhood, they must all be having the same problems, so being emphatic may
help to understand the rest of the complains, they all work for their benefit and same cause, so
there will be no problem in understanding every position, be patient and emphatic with every

Self-diagnosis based on social intelligence

Transmit tranquility and positivism to the ones around, don’t be pessimistic, give due dates so
people can see an advance on the work. Try to be nice to everyone, set hours for calls, make
reunions, communicate everything and listen to everyone.

Action plan that has a self-development element

Evaluate if it is something you enjoy doing and are aware you have time and patience to handle
everyone, seek for a common interest and create a group that are also willing to help, declare
positive thoughts and create a plan with dates, how projects will starts, who has contacts, and so
on, work together so everyone knows the struggle is not easy and is not just about making
complaints but finding a solution as a whole.

Action plan that has a positive relationships element

1. Self-evaluation if the work fulfills you.
2. Divide agenda in order to dedicate special time to the activities of being the neighbor leader.
3. Start creating and organizing reunions and activities to form a tie or relationship with the
persons, so communication may be easier.
4. Set goals that everyone feels committed and work altogether to achieve them.
5. Set a calendar with due dates to work on every project.
6. Involve everyone positively because they have the same problems for all.

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