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NOTE: This is for your self-evaluation purpose, Don’t cheat yourself

1. A 62-year-old woman was brought into the B. Chronic non-ulcerative colitis
admission room with complaints of severe C . Irritable bowel syndrome
burning retrosternal pain and asphyxia. She has D. Crohn disease (regional enteritis)
a 10-year-long history of essential hypertension. E. Whipple disease
Objectively her condition is moderately severe.
4. A 72-year-old man complains of lower
She presents with skin pallor, cyanotic lips, and
extremity edema, sensation of heaviness in the
vesicular respiration over her lungs. The II heart
right subcostal area, dyspnea at rest. For over
sound is accentuated over the aorta. Blood
25 years he has been suffering from COPD.
pressure - 210/120 mm Hg, heart rate (pulse) -
Objectively: orthopnea, jugular venous
76/min. ECG shows elevation of ST segment in
distention, diffuse cyanosis, acrocyanosis.
the leads I, AVL, and V5-V6. What is the most
Barrel chest is observed, on percussion there is
likely diagnosis?
a vesiculotympanitic (bandbox) resonance,
A. Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute
sharply weakened vesicular respiration on both
myocardial infarction
sides, moist crepitant crackles in the lower
B. Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis
segments of the lungs. Heart sounds are
C. Hypertensive crisis complicated with instable
weakened, the II heart sound is accentuated
angina pectoris
over the pulmonary artery. The liver is +3 cm.
D. Hypertensive crisis complicated with acute
What complicated the clinical course of COPD in
left ventricular failure
this patient?
E. Pulmonary embolism
A. Pulmonary embolism
2. A 35-year-old patient developed an epileptic B Chronic pulmonary heart
attack with tonoclonic spasms that lasted for 3 C. Acute left ventricular failure
minutes. After the attack the patient fell asleep D. Diffuse pneumosclerosis
but in 5 minutes the second attack occurred. E. Community-acquired pneumonia
The first step of emergency aid would be to:
A Prescribe antiepileptic drugs 5. A 72-year-old man with pneumonia
B. Take blood from the vein for analysis complains of marked dyspnea, chest pain,
C. Introduce diazepam intravenously severe cough with expectoration, t o is 39.5-
D. Ensure patency of airways 40oC, no urination for a whole day. Objectively
E. Administer chloral hydrate via an enema the patient is conscious. Respiratory rate is
36/min. Over the right lower pulmonary lobe
3. A 27-year-old woman, a teacher in the percussion sound is dull; on auscultation there
elementary school, complains of frequent is bronchial respiration and numerous moist
stools, up to 3 times per day, with lumpy feces crackles. Blood pressure is 80/60 mm Hg. Heart
and large amount of mucus, abdominal pain rate is 120/min. Heart sounds are muffled,
that gradually abates after a defecation, there is tachycardia. What tactics should the
irritability. Her skin is pale and icteric. Pulse is family doctor choose in the management of this
74/min., rhythmic, can be characterized as patient?
satisfactory. Blood pressure is 115/70 mm Hg. A. Hospitalization into the intensive care unit
The abdomen is soft, moderately tender along B. Outpatient treatment
the colon on palpation. Fiberoptic colonoscopy C. Treatment in the day patient facility
detects no changes. What disease can be D. Hospitalization into the pulmonology unit
suspected? E. Hospitalization into the neurology unit
A. Chronic enteritis
6. 2 hours after eating unknown mushrooms, a A. Coarctation of the aorta
28-year-old man sensed a decrease in his B. Aortic stenosis
mobility and deterioration of his ability to focus. C. Pulmonary artery stenosis
This condition was then followed by a state of D .Mitral stenosis .
agitation and agression. On examiantion he is E. Patent ductus arteriosus
disoriented and his speech is illegible. 4 hours
9. A 23-year-old man complains of severe pain
later he developed fetor hepaticus and lost his
in his left knee joint. Objectively the left knee
consciousness. What syndrome can be
joint is enlarged, with hyperemic skin, painful
observed in this patient?
on palpation. Complete blood count:
A. . Cytolytic syndrome
erythrocytes - 3.8 · 1012/L, Hb- 122 g/L,
B. Hepatolienal syndrome
leukocytes - 7.4 · 109/L, platelets - 183 · 109/L.
C. Portal hypertension
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 10 mm/hour.
D. Cholestatic syndrome
Bleeding time (Duke method) - 4 min., Lee-
E Acute hepatic failure
White coagulation time - 24 min. Partial
7. A 36-year-old man complains of marked thromboplastin time (activated) - 89 seconds.
dyspnea and cardiac pain. He ascribes his Rheumatoid factor - negative. What is the most
disease to the case of influenza that he had 2 likely diagnosis?
weeks ago. Objectively he leans forward when A. . Werlhof disease (immune
sitting. The face is swollen, cyanotic, cervical thrombocytopenia)
veins are distended. Heart borders are B. Hemophilia, hemarthrosis
extended on the both sides, heart sounds are C. Rheumatoid arthritis
muffled, heart rate = Ps = 118/min., BP is 90/60 D. Thrombocytopathy
mm Hg. Blood test: ESR is 46 mm/hour. ECG E. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein
shows low voltage. Xray shows trapezoidal purpura), articular form
cardiac silhouette and signs of pulmonary
10. A 24-year-old woman, a kindergarten
congestion. Choose the treatment tactics:
teacher, has been sick for 2 days already.
A. Pericardial puncture (pericardiocenthesis)
Disease onset was acute. She presents with
B. Diuretics
elevated body temperature up to 38.0oC, pain
C. Antibiotics
attacks in her lower left abdomen, liquid stool
D. Pericardectomy
in small amounts with blood and mucus
E. Glucocorticosteroids
admixtures 10 times a day. Pulse - 98/min.,
8. A 39-year-old man suffers from chronic blood pressure - 110/70 mm Hg. Her tongue is
rheumatic heart disease. He complains of moist and coated with white deposits. The
dyspnea during physical exertion, cough with abdomen is soft, the sigmoid colon is painful
expectoration, and palpitations. Ausculation and spastic. Make the provisional diagnosis:
detects intensified I heart sound and diastolic A. . Salmonellosis
murmur; the sound of opening mitral valve can B. Escherichiosis
be auscultated at the cardiac apex. The II heart C. Shigellosis
sound is accentuated over the pulmonary D. Yersiniosis
artery. The patient is cyanotic. X-ray shows E. Rotavirus infection
dilated pulmonary root and enlargement of the
11. A pregnant woman is 28 years old.
right ventricle and left atrium. What is the most
Anamnesis: accelerated labor complicated by
likely diagnosis?
the II degree cervical rupture. The following two
pregnancies resulted in spontaneous abortions curettage of the uterine cavity yields a
at the terms of 12 and 14 weeks. On mirror significant amount of medullary substance in
examination: the uterine cervix is scarred from the scrape. What is the most likely diagnosis?
previous ruptures at 9 and 3 hours, the cervical A. Chorioepithelioma
canal is gaping. On vaginal examination: the B. Adenomyosis
cervix is 2 cm long, the external orifice is open 1 C. Uterine corpus cancer
cm wide, the internal orifice is half-open; the D. Uterine cervix cancer
uterus is enlarged to the 12th week of E. Hormone-producing ovarian tumor
pregnancy, soft, mobile, painless, the
14. A 48-year-old woman complains of
appendages are without changes. What
disturbed menstrual cycle: her periods last for
diagnosis can be made?
7-9 days and are excessively profuse
A. Isthmico-cervical insufficiency, habitual
throughout the last half-year. She notes
noncarrying of pregnancy
occasional hot flashes in her head, insomnia,
B. Threatened spontaneous abortion
irritability, and headaches. Her skin is of normal
C. Incipient abortion, habitual noncarrying of
color. Blood pressure - 150/90 mm Hg, pulse -
90/min., rhythmic. The abdomen is soft and
D. Cervical hysteromyoma, habitual noncarrying
painless. Bimanual examination shows no
of pregnancy
uterine enlargement, the appendages cannot
E. Cervical pregnancy, 12 weeks
be detected. The vaginal fornices are free. What
12. On the day 4 after the cesarean section a is the most likely diagnosis?
woman developed fever with body temperature A. Climacteric syndrome
up to 39oC and abdominal pain. Pulse - B. Premenstrual syndrome
104/min. She vomited twice. The patient is C. Adrenogenital syndrome
sluggish, her tongue is dry and has gray coating. D. Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary
The abdomen is distended. Signs of peritoneal syndrome)
irritation are positive in all segments. Peristalsis E. Uterine myoma
cannot be auscultated. No passage of gas
15. A 30-year-old multigravida has been in
occurs. Uterine fundus is located at the level of
labour for 18 hours. 2 hours ago the pushing
the navel. The uterus is painful on palpation.
stage began. Fetal heart rate is clear, rhythmic,
The discharge is moderate and contains blood
136/min. Vaginal examination reveals complete
and pus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
cervical dilatation, the fetal head in the pelvic
A. . Parametritis
outlet plane. Sagittal suture is in line with
B. Metroendometritis
obstetric conjugate, the occipital fontanel is
C. Progressive thrombophlebitis
near the pubis. The patient has been diagnosed
D. Pelvic peritonitis
with primary uterine inertia. What is the further
E. Diffuse peritonitis
tactics of labor management?
13. A 58-year-old woman came to the A. Vacuum extraction of the fetus
gynecological clinic. She complains of bloody B. Labour stimulation
discharge from her genital tracts. Menopause is C. Cesarean section
8 years. Gynecological examination: the uterus D. Skin-head Ivanov’s forceps
is slightly enlarged, dense to touch, with limited E. Outlet forceps
mobility; the uterine appendages cannot be
16. A woman is 40 weeks pregnant. The fetus is
detected; parametrium is free. Fractional
in the longitudinal lie and cephalic presentation.
Pelvic size: 26-29-31- 20. Expected weight of the gynecologist choose?
fetus is 4800 gram. The labor contractions has A. Abortion
been lasting for 12 hours, within the last 2 B. Prescription of antibacterial therapy
hours they were extremely painful, the C. Prescription of antiviral therapy
parturient woman is anxious. The waters broke D. Treatment of incipient abortion
4 hours ago. On external examination the E. Prescription of hemostatic therapy
contraction ring is located 2 finger widths above
19. A 9-month-old child presents with fever,
the navel, Henkel-Vasten sign is positive. Fetal
cough, dyspnea. The symptoms appeared 5
heart rate is 160/min., muffled. On internal
days ago after a contact with a person with
examination the uterine cervix is fully open, the
URTI. Objectively: the child is in grave condition.
head is engaged and pressed to the entrance
Temperature is 38oC, cyanosis of nasolabial
into the lesser pelvis. What is the most likely
triangle is present. RR- 54/min, nasal flaring
during breathing is observed. There was
A. Abruption of the normally positioned
percussion dullness on the right below the
scapula angle and tympanic sound over the
B. Complete uterine rupture
other areas of lungs. Auscultation revealed
C. Hyperactive uterine contractions
bilateral fine moist crackles predominating on
D .Threatened uterine rupture
the right. What is the most likely diagnosis?
E. Anatomically contracted pelvis
A. Acute bronchiolitis
17. A 23-year-old woman came to the B. URTI
gynecological clinic. She complains of pain, C. Acute laryngotracheitis
itching, and burning in her vulva, general D. Acute bronchitis
weakness, indisposition, elevated body E. Pneumonia
temperature up to 37.2oC, and headache. On
20. The mother of a 3-month-old child came to
examination in the vulva there are multiple
a family doctor with complaints of her child
vesicles up to 2-3 mm in diameter with clear
being physically underdeveloped and suffering
contents against the background of hyperemia
from cough attacks and dyspnea. Anamnesis:
and mucosal edema. Make the provisional
the child is the result of the second full-term
pregnancy with the risk of miscarriage (the first
A. Papillomavirus infection
child died of pulmonary pathology at the age of
B. Primary syphilis
4 months, according to the mother). Body mass
C. Genital herpes infection
at birth is 2500 g. Cough attacks were observed
D. Vulvar cancer
from the first days of life, twice the child was
E. Cytomegalovirus infection
treated for bronchitis. Considering the severity
18. A woman with the pregnancy term of 8 of the child’s condition the doctor made the
weeks complains of elevated temperature up to referral for hospitalization. What diagnosis was
37.6oC, skin rash that can be characterized as most likely stated in the referral?
macular exanthema, enlargement of posterior A. Recurrent obstructive bronchitis
cervical and occipital lymph nodes, small B. Acute obstructive bronchitis
amount of bloody discharge from the genital C .Mucoviscidosis (Cystic fibrosis)
tracts. She was examined by the infectious D. Pertussis
diseases specialist and diagnosed with rubella. E. Acute obstructive pneumonia
What tactics should the obstetrician-
21. A 46-year-old man notes swollen legs, C. Varicocele
weakness, sensation of fullness and heaviness D. Dystopic kidney
in the right subcostal area; it is the first E. Necrotic papillitis
occurrence of these signs in the patient. The
24. A man complains of constant dull pain in the
patient has 20-year-long history of rheumatoid
perineum and suprapubic area, weak flow of
arthritis. The liver and spleen are enlarged and
urine, frequent difficult painful urination,
dense. Blood creatinine - 0,23 mmol/l,
nocturia. The patient has been suffering from
proteinemia - 68 g/l, cholesterol - 4,2 mmol/l,
this condition for several months, during which
urine specific gravity - 1012, proteinuria - 3,3
urination was becoming increasingly difficult,
g/l, isolated wax-like cylinders, leached
and pain in the perineum has developed. On
erythrocytes in the vision field, leukocytes - 5-6
rectal examination: the prostate is enlarged
in the vision field. What is the most likely
(mainly its right lobe), dense, asymmetrical,
central fissure is smoothed out, the right lobe is
A. Chronic glomerulonephritis
of stony density, painless, tuberous. What
B. Renal amyloidosis
disease is it?
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
A. Prostate tuberculosis
D. Heart failure
B. Prostate sclerosis
E. Chronic pyelonephritis
C. Urolithiasis, prostatolith of the right lobe
22. A 23-year-old man had taken 1 g of aspirin D. Prostate cancer
to treat acute respiratory infection. After that E. Chronic congestion prostatitis
he developed an asthmatic fit with labored
25. A boy was born at 32 weeks of gestation. 2
expiration that was arrested by introduction of
hours after the birth he developed respiratory
aminophylline. The patient has no medical
distress (RD). The RD severity assessed by
history of allergies. The patient has undergone
Silverman score was 5. The respiratory
two surgeries for nasal polyposis in the past.
disorders progressed, respiratory failure could
What is the most likely diagnosis?
not be eliminated by Martin-Bouyer CPAP
A. . Symptomatic bronchospasm
(continuous positive airway pressure). X-ray of
B. Atopic bronchial asthma
lungs shows reticular and nodular pattern, air
C. Infectious allergic bronchial asthma
bronchogram. What is the most likely cause of
D. Exercise-induced asthma
respiratory distress syndrome?
E. Aspirin-induced asthma
A. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
23. A 50-year-old patient was delivered to a B. Segmental atelectasis
hospital with complaints of blood traces in C. Hyaline membrane disease
urine. Urination is painless and undisturbed. D. Congenital pulmonary emphysema
Macrohematuria had been observed for 3 days. E. Edematous hemorrhagic syndrome
Objectively: kidneys cannot be palpated,
26. A 9-year-old girl complains of fever up to
suprapubic area is without alterations, external
37,5oC, headache, inertness, weakness, loss of
genitalia are non-pathologic. On rectal
appetite, stomachache, and frequent painful
investigation: prostate is not enlarged, painless,
urination. Provisional diagnosis of acute
has normal structure. Cystoscopy revealed no
pyelonephritis is made. Clinical urine analysis:
alterations. What is the most likely diagnosis?
specific gravity - 1018, no protein, leukocytes -
A. Renal carcinoma
10-15 in the vision field. What investigation
B. Bladder tuberculosis
method can verify the diagnosis of urinary
system infection? 30. A 32-year-old woman complains of body
A. Bacteriological inoculation of urine weight loss despite her increased appetite,
B. Rehberg test (creatinine clearance test) nervousness, and tremor of the extremities.
C. Zymnytsky test (measurement of daily Objectively: the skin is moist; the thyroid gland
diuresis) is diffusely enlarged, painless, soft, and mobile.
D. Complete blood count Blood test: increased level of T3, T4, and
E. Clinical urine analyses, dynamic testing thyroid-stimulating hormone (THS). What is the
most likely diagnosis?
27. During assessment of work conditions at the
A. Diffuse toxic goiter
mercury thermometer manufacture, content of
B. Thyroid carcinoma
mercury vapors in the air of working area is
C. Autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis
revealed to exceed maximum concentration
D. Thyroid adenoma
limit. Specify the main way of mercury
E. Diffuse nontoxic goiter
penetration into the body:
A. Intact skin 31. A 57-year-old patient complains of
B. Respiratory organs sensation of dryness and pain during
C. Damaged skin swallowing, frequent unbearable cough, the
D. Gastrointestinal tract voice is hoarse. Disease onset was abrupt. On
E. Mucous tunics laryngoscopy: laryngeal mucosa is hyperemic,
vocal folds are swollen, laryngeal lumen
28. During health assessment of car drivers and
contains viscous secretion. What diagnosis is it?
police officers on point duty, the physicians
A. Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis
detected carboxyhemoglobin in the blood of
B. Acute laryngitis
the patients, weakened reflex responses,
C. Bronchial asthma
disturbed activity of a number of enzymes.
D. Flegmonous laryngitis
Revealed professional health disorders are most
E. Laryngeal diphtheria
likely to be associated with the effect of:
A. Nitric oxide 32. A 24-year-old pregnant woman on her 37th
B. Sulfurous anhydride week of pregnancy has been delivered to a
C. Mental stress maternity obstetric service with complaints of
D. Aromatic hydrocarbons weak fetal movements. Fetal heartbeats are
E. Carbon monoxide 95/min. On vaginal examination the uterine
cervix is tilted backwards, 2 cm long, external
29. On the 3rd day of life a newborn, who had
orifice allows inserting a fingertip. Biophysical
suffered birth asphyxia, developed hemorrhage
profile of the fetus equals 4 points. What tactics
from the umbilical wound. Laboratory analysis
of pregnancy management should be chosen?
reveals hypocoagulation, thrombocytopenia,
A. . Urgent preparation of the uterine cervix for
and hypothrombinemia. What is the cause of
such clinical developments?
B. Treatment of placental dysfunction and
A. Congenital angiopathy
repeated analysis of the fetal biophysical profile
B. Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
on the next day
C. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
C. Doppler measurement of blood velocity in
D. Thrombocytopenic purpura
the umbilical artery
E. Umbilical vessel trauma
D Urgent delivery via a cesarean section
E. Treatment of fetal distress, if ineffective, then C. Total protein content in the pleural fluid
elective cesarean section on the next day above 30 g/l
D. Specific gravity exceeding 1015
33. During regular preventive gynecological
E. Total protein content in the pleural fluid
examination a 30-year-old woman was detected
below 25 g/l
to have dark blue punctulated ”perforations” on
the vaginal portion of the uterine cervix. The 36. A 28-year-old woman complains of girdle
doctor suspects endometriosis of the vaginal pain in her epigastric and left subcostal areas
portion of the uterine cervix. What investigation with irradiation to the back, nausea, and
method would be most informative for vomiting without relief. On examination a
diagnosis confirmation? surgeon observes stomach distension and
A. Colposcopy, target biopsy of the cervix meteorism. There are positive Mondor’s, Mayo-
B. US of small pelvis Robson’s, and Cullen’s symptoms. What is the
C. Hysteroscopy most likely diagnosis?
D. Curettage of the uterine cavity A Aortic dissecting aneurysm
E. Hormone testing B. Acute cholecystitis
C. Acute intestinal obstruction
34. A 26-year-old woman came to a
D. Acute pancreatitis
gynecologist for a regular check-up. She has no
E. Splenic infarction
complaints. Per vaginum: the uterus lies in
anteflexion, not enlarged, dense, mobile, 37. A 36-year-old woman complains of pain in
painless. On the left from the uterus in the area her lumbar area, which irradiates to her lower
of uterine appendages there is a mobile right limb and increases during movements, and
painless outgrowth that can be moved sensation of numbness in her limb. Objectively:
independently from the uterus. On the right the palpation of the shin and thigh muscles is
appendages cannot be detected. What painful, positive stretch symptom on the right.
additional investigation would be informative MRI scan: herniation of intervertebral disk L5-S1
for diagnosis clarification? 4 mm in size. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Metrosalpingography A. Vertebrogenic lumbago
B. US of lesser pelvis B. Vertebrogenic radicular syndrome of L5-S1
C. Examination for urogenital infection on the right
D. Colposcopy C. Endarteritis of lower extremities
E. Colonoscopy D. Spinal stroke
E. Acute myelitis
35. A 57-year-old patient complains of dyspnea
at rest. The patient presents with orthopnea, 38. During routine medical examination a 35-
acrocyanosis, bulging cervical veins. On year-old woman presents with enlarged cervical
percussion: dull sound over the lower lung and mediastinal lymph nodes. Her overall
segments; on auscultation: no respiratory health is satisfactory. ESR is 30 mm/hour.
murmurs. Heart rate is 92/min. Right-sided Cervical node biopsy was performed. In the
cardiac dilatation is observed. The liver is specimen there are granulomas composed of
enlarged by 7 cm. Shins are swollen. Pleural epithelial and giant cells, no caseous necrosis
effusion is suspected. What indicator would detected. What is the most likely diagnosis?
confirm the presence of transudate in this case? A. Infectious mononucleosis
A. Positive Rivalta’s test B. Lymphogranulomatosis
B. Presence of atypical cells C. Sarcoidosis
D. Nonspecific lymphadenitis 42. A 17-year-old girl has made an appointment
E. Lymph node tuberculosis with the doctor. She plans to begin her sex life.
No signs of gynecological pathology were
39. A 39-year-old woman complains of violent
detected. In the family history there was a case
pain in her left lumbar area with irradiation to
of cervical cancer that occurred to the patient’s
the right iliac area. Several years ago she was
grandmother. The patient was consulted about
diagnosed with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
the maintenance of her reproductive health.
The patient’s condition is moderately severe,
What recommendation will be the most helpful
the skin is dry. Ortner’s symptom is negative;
for prevention of invasive cervical cancer?
costovertebral angle tenderness is observed on
A. Vaccination against human papillomavirus
the right. The most reasonable treatment
tactics would be
B. Vitamins, calcium, omega-3 C.
A Urgent hemodialysis
B. Spasmolytics and analgesics
D. Antiviral and antibacterial drugs
C. Peritoneal dialysis
E. Timely treatment of sexually transmitted
D. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
E. Antibiotics
43. A 6-month-old infant is not vaccinated. The
40. An 18-year-old patient complains of skin
physician recommends a DPT (diphtheria,
rash. The patient has been suffering from this
pertussis, tetanus) vaccination but the mother
condition for 5 years. The first instance of this
is absolutely against this procedure. Choose the
disease occurred after a car accident.
most substantial argument in favor of
Objectively: the patient presents with papular
rash covered in silvery scales, ”thimble”
A. Risk of lethal consequences
symptom (small pits on the nails), affected
B. Epidemic risk for the others
joints. What is the most likely diagnosis?
C. Personal professional experience
A. Onychomycosis
D. High quality of vaccines
B.. Panaritium
C. Psoriasis 44. In autumn a 45-year-old man was
D. Lupus erythematosus recommended an elective surgery for coronary
E. Rheumatism artery bypass grafting due to multivessel
coronary artery disease. The patient has never
41. A 20-year-old student was brought to the
received anti-influenza vaccination. Why would
first-aid center. He has a closed fracture of the
the family doctor offer a scheduled yearly
left forearm and a contused lacerated wound
vaccination against influenza to this patient?
on his left shin. After the patient received initial
A. Prevention of seasonal influenza
wound management, he presented the
B. Secondary prevention of exacerbations of
documents confirming that he has received all
chronic ischemic heart disease
the necessary preventive vaccination as
C. Immunoprophylaxis of postoperative
scheduled. What should the doctor do to
pulmonary complications
prevent tetanus in this patient?
D. Primary prevention of influenza during
A. Antibiotic therapy
postoperative care
B. Administration of tetanus immunoglobulin
E. Decrease the risk of mortality due to
C. Administration of anti-tetanus serum
pneumonia and heart failure
D. Dynamic case monitoring
E. Administration of tetanus toxoid
45. A 28-year-old woman has made an 48. Among first-year schoolchildren there was a
appointment with the family doctor to receive case of measles registered. A 7-year-old boy
vaccination against influenza. However, having from the same group was not vaccinated
collected the patient’s medical history, the against measles due to refusal of his parents.
doctor claimed this procedure to be absolutely His clinical history has no cases of measles in
contraindicated for this woman. What the past and is not contraindicatory to
anamnestic data is the absolute immunobiological agents. Choose the most
contraindication to vaccination? rational tactics of measles prevention in this
A Blood hemoglobin - 109 g/L schoolboy:
B. Pregnancy at 30 weeks A Immunomodulators
C. Egg white intolerance B. Isolation for 20 days
D. Body temperature - 37.2oC C. Antiviral agents
E. Psoriasis in the remission phase D. Antibiotics
E. Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine
46. A 26-year-old man complains of chills,
rhinitis, dry cough, and fever up to 38oC. 49. A 40-year-old man developed fever up to
Examination shows him to be in a moderately 37.5oC and macular rash 10 days after the first
severe condition; there are small pale pink non- dose of MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella)
merging spots on the skin of his back, abdomen, vaccine was administered. The vaccination was
and extremities. Palpation reveals enlarged considered necessary as there was a measles
occipital and axillary lymph nodes. No outbreak in the city and the patient had not
information about vaccination history could be received MMR vaccination in his childhood. Is
obtained. What is the likely etiology of this revaccination with MMR vaccine possible?
disease? A Simultaneously with antihistamines
A Epstein-Barr virus B. Forbidden
B. Rubella virus C. After a course of glucocorticoids treatment
C. Streptococcus D. Possible
D. Mumps virus E. Under supervision in the infectious diseases
E. Neisseria meningitis inpatient ward

47. During administration of planned DPT 50. A 26-year-old man is undergoing a regular
vaccination the child suddenly developed acute check-up. One year ago he had a case of
anxiety, signs of pain response, dyspnea, tonsillar diphtheria complicated with
grunting respirations, cutis marmorata, cold myocarditis. Presently his condition is
sweat. Objectively the child’s consciousness is satisfactory, no signs of cardiovascular failure;
disturbed, heart rate is 150/min., blood ECG shows firstdegree atrioventricular block.
pressure is 60/40 mm Hg, heart sounds are What vaccine was administered to this man
muffled. The child was diagnosed with according to his age?
anaphylactic shock. What drug should be A Acellular DPT vaccine
administered first? B. Adsorbed diphtheria tetanus vaccine
A. Epinephrine (modified)
B. Lasix (Furosemide) C. Tetanus anatoxin
C. Suprastin (Chloropyramine) D. Oral polio vaccine (OPV)
D. Euphylline (Aminophylline) E. BCG vaccine
E. Analgin (Metamizole)
51. During analysis of morbidity in the city, it 55. On laboratory investigation of a pork sample
was determined that age structure of there is 1 dead trichinella detected in 24
population is different in each district. What sections. This meat should be:
statistical method allows to exclude this factor, A. Sent for technical disposal
so that it would not skew the morbidity data? B. Allowed for sale with no restrictions
A. Standardization C. Processed and sold through public catering
B. Wilcoxon signed-rank test network
C. Correlation-regression analysis D. Processed for boiled sausage production
D. Dynamic time series analysis E. Frozen until the temperature of -10oC is
E. Analysis of average values reached in the deep layers, with subsequent
exposure to cold for 15 days
52. Clinical statistical investigation was
performed to determine effectiveness of a new 56. To assess the effectiveness of medical
pharmacological preparation for patients with technologies and determine the power and
ischemic heart disease. What parametric test direction of their effect on the public health
(coefficient) can be used to estimate the indicators, the research was conducted to study
reliability of the results? the immunization rate of children and measles
A. Wilcoxon signed-rank test incidence rate by district. What method of
B. Sign test statistical analysis should be applied in this
C. Matching factor case?
D. Student’s t-distribution A. Calculation of correlation coefficient
E. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test B. Calculation of morbidity index among the
53. In a rural health care area there is an
C. Calculation of matching factor
increasing cervical cancer morbidity observed.
D. Calculation of standardized ratio
The decision is made to conduct a medical
E. Calculation of statistical significance of the
examination of the women living in this locality.
difference between two estimates
What type of medical examination is it?
A. Regular 57. Having studied the relationship between the
B. Preliminary distance from villages to the local outpatient
C. Target clinics and frequency of visits to the clinics
D. Complex among the rural population of this area, it was
E. Screening determined that the rank correlation coefficient
in this case equals -0.9. How can this
54. In the process of hiring, a prospective
relationship be characterized?
employee has undergone preventive medical
A. Strong inverse relationship
examination and was declared fit to work in this
B. Strong direct relationship
manufacturing environment. What type of
C. Moderate inverse relationship
preventive medical examination was it?
D. Moderate direct relationship
A. Comprehensive
B. Scheduled 58. In the inpatient gynecological unit within a
C. Periodical year 6500 women underwent treatment. They
D. Specific spent there a total of 102000 bed-days. What
E. Preliminary indicator of the gynecological unit work can be
calculated based on these data?
A. Bed turnover rate
B. Average bed occupancy rate per year D. Aminocapronic acid
C. Number of beds by hospital department E. Vicasol (Menadione)
D. Average length of inpatient stay
62. A 67-year-old man complains of dyspnea on
E. Planned bed occupancy rate per year
exertion, attacks of retrosternal pain, dizziness.
59. A middle school teacher with 4-yearlong He has no history of rheumatism. Objectively:
record of work was issued a medical certificate pale skin, acrocyanosis. There are crackles in
for pregnancy and childbirth leave. What the lower lungs. There is systolic thrill in the II
amount of pay will she receive for the duration intercostal space on the right, coarse systolic
of her leave in this case? murmur conducted to the vessels of neck. BP-
A. 50% of average salary 130/90 mm Hg, heart rate - 90/min., regular
B.100% of average salary rhythm. The liver extends 5 cm from under the
C. 70% of average salary edge of costal arch, shin edemas are present.
D. 60% of average salary Specify the suspected valvular defect:
E. 80% of average salary A. Ventricular septal defect
B. Pulmonary artery stenosis
60. In the air of the feed kitchen at poultry
C. Mitral insufficiency
factory, at the area where formula feed is being
D .Aortic stenosis
mixed, the dust concentration reaches 200
E. Tricuspid regurgitation
mg/m3. Air microflora is represented
63. A 24-year-old female teacher complains of
predominantly by Asperqillus and Mucor fungi.
dizziness and heart pain irradiating to the left
What effect determines pathogenic properties
nipple. Pain is not associated with physical
of the dust?
activity and cannot be relieved by nitroglycerin,
A. . Mutagenic
it abates after taking Valocordin and lasts an
B. Teratogenic
hour or more. The patient has a nearly 2-year
C. Allergenic
history of this disease. Objectively: Ps- 76/min.,
D. Fibrogenic
BP110/70 mm Hg. Heart borders are normal,
E. Toxic
heart sounds are clear. The ECG shows
61. A 16-year-old adolescent has been respiratory arrhythmia. Radiograph of the
hospitalized with complaints of unceasing nasal cervicothoracic spine reveals no pathology.
hemorrhage and unbearable pain in his right Lungs, abdomen are unremarkable. What
elbow joint. Objectively: the large joint is changes in blood formula can be expected?
enlarged and defigurated, the skin over the A. Increased ESR
joint is hyperemic. Arthropathy signs can be B. Leukocytosis
observed in the other joints. Ps- 90/min. Blood C. Thrombocytopenia
test: erythrocytes - 3, 9 · 1012/l, Нb- 130 g/l, D. Leukemic hiatus
color index - 1,0, leukocytes - 5, 6 · 109/l, E. No changes
platelets - 220 · 109/l, ESR- 6 mm/hour. Lee-
64. A 51-year-old female patient complains of
White coagulation time: start- 24min , end27
frequent defecation and liquid blood-streaked
min10 sec. What drug would be most efficient
stools with mucus admixtures, diffuse pain in
in the treatment of this patient?
the inferolateral abdomen, 6 kg weight loss
A. Cryoprecipitate
within the previous month. Objectively: body
B. Calcium chloride
temperature - 37, 4oC, malnutrition, skin is pale
C. Concentrated red cells
and dry. Abdomen is soft, sigmoid is painful and
spasmodic, makes a rumbling sound. Liver is C. Dexamethasone
dense, painful, extends 3 cm below the costal D. Lasolvan (Ambroxol)
margin. What is the most likely diagnosis? E. Salbutamol
A. Helminthic invasion
68. A newborn with gestational age of 31 weeks
B. Bacillary dysentery presents with hypotonia and depressed
C. Sprue consciousness. Hematocrit is 35%,
D. Intestinal enzymopathy cerebrospinal fluid analysis shows increased
E. Non-specific ulcerative colitis content of erythrocytes and protein, and low
glucose. These data correspond with the clinical
65. Chief physician of a polyclinic charged a
presentation of:
district doctor with a task to determine the
A. Meningitis
pathological prevalence of disease N in his
B. Intracranial hemorrhage
district. What document allows to estimate the
C. Sepsis
disease prevalence in the population of a
D. Anemia
medical district?
E. Prenatal infection
A. .Statistic coupons (-)
B. Statistic coupons (+) 69. A 16-year-old girl has primary amenorrhea,
C Prophylactic examinations register no pubic hair growth, normally developed
D. Statistic coupons (+) and (-) mammary glands; her genotype is 46 ХY; uterus
E. Vouchers for medical appointments and vagina are absent. What is your diagnosis?
A. Sheehan syndrome
66. A 32-year-old woman complains of
B. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
dizziness, headache, palpitation, tremor. For the
C. Cushing syndrome
last several months she has been under
D. Testicular feminization syndrome
outpatient observation for increased arterial
E. Cushing disease
pressure. Since recently such attacks have
become more frequent and severe. Objectively: 70. 6 hours ago the waters of a 30-year-old
the skin is covered with clammy sweat, tremor gravida 1, para 0, burst; her preliminary period
of the extremities is present. HR110/min., BP- was pathologic and lasted for over 2 days; the
220/140 mm Hg. Heart sounds are muffled. term of pregnancy is 39 weeks. No labor activity
Blood test results: WBCs- 9, 8 · 109/l, ESR- 22 is observed. Fetal head presents above the
mm/hour. Blood glucose - 9,8 millimole/l. What pelvic inlet. Fetal heartbeats are 142/min., clear
disease is the most likely cause of this crisis? and rhytmic. On vaginal examination the
A. Preeclampsia uterine cervix is not dilated. What further
B. Essential hypertension tactics should the doctor choose?
C. Pheochromocytoma A. Stimulate the labor with oxytocin
D. Primary hyperaldosteronism B. Induce cervical dilation with prostaglandins
E. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis C .Perform cesarean section
D. Wait for the onset of spontaneous labor
67. A 14-year-old boy presents with moderate
E. Prolong the pregnancy, while providing
bronchial asthma in its exacerbation period.
antibacterial treatment
What drug should be prescribed to stop an
acute attack of expiratory dyspnea? 71. Mother of an 8-year-old girl complains that
A. Strophanthine (cardiac glycosides) the child is too short and has excessive body
B. Cromolyn sodium (Cromoglicic acid) weight. Objectively: obesity with fat deposits on
the torso and face (round moon-like face), acne, E . Veloergometry
striae on the thighs and lower abdomen,
75 A 59-year-old male patient with essential
hirsutism. What hormone can cause such
hypertension of stage II is registered with the
symptoms, when in excess?
dispensary department of a polyclinic. The
A. Glucagon
patient regularly takes ACE inhibitors and
B. Thyroxin
calcium antagonists. How often should a
C. Testosterone therapeutist examine this patient (except for
D. Insulin exacerbation periods)?
E. Cortisol
A. Every 6 months
72. An emergency team deliverd a 83year-old B. Every 3 months
patient complaining of inability of her right leg C. Every 4 months
to support the body after falling on her right D. Once a year
side. Objectively: the patient lies on a gurney,
E. Every 9 months
her right leg is rotated outwards, the outside
edge of foot touches the bed. There is positive
straight leg raising sign. What is your provisional
diagnosis? 76. A 47-year-old woman came to the
admission room with complaints of general
A. Femoral neck fracture weakness, dizziness, vomiting with blood clots.
B. Femoral diaphysis fracture Condition onset was 3 hours ago. The patient
C. Hip dislocation has no preceding illnesses. Blood pressure is
D. Hip joint contusion 90/60 mm Hg, pulse is 106/min., of poor
E. Cotyloid cavity fracture volume. The abdomen is soft, with mild
tenderness in the epigastrium. Blood test:
73. A newborn has Apgar score of 9. When
erythrocytes - 2.1·1012/L, Нb- 70 g/L,
should the infant be put to the breast?
hematocrit - 28%. What tactics should the
A. After 2 hours
doctor on duty choose?
B. After 12 hours
A. Refer the patient to the family doctor
C. In the delivery room
B. Consult the surgeon
D. On the 2nd day
C. Give spasmolytics
E. On the 3rd day
D. Perform gastric lavage
74. A hospital admitted an 11-yearold boy E. Make an appointment for colonoscopy
diagnosed with medium-severe asthma,
77. A 45-year-old woman complains of
exacerbation period. In order to arrest the
paroxysmal intolerable facial pain on the left
attacks the boy was administered
with attacks that last for 1-2 minutes. Attacks
broncholytic nebulizer therapy. During the
day the child’s condition stabilized. What is are provoked by chewing. The disease onset
the most appropriate method for further was two month ago after overexposure to cold.
monitoring of respiratory function in this Objectively: pain at the exit points of the
patient? trigeminal nerve on the left. Touching near the
wing of nose on the left induces new pain
A. Peak flowmetry attack with tonic spasm of the facial muscles.
B. Spirometry What is the most likely diagnosis among those
C. Pneumotachometry listed?
D. Bronchodilatation tests A. Maxillary sinusitis
B.Glossopharyngeal neuralgia A. . Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (Hereditary
C. Temporomandibular joint arthritis hemorrhagic telangiectasia)
D. Facial migraine B. Hemophilia
E. Trigeminal neuralgia C. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
D. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
78. A 10-year-old boy with symptoms of
E. Acute vascular purpura
arthritis and myocarditis was delivered into a
hospital. Based on clinical examination the 81. A 7-year-old boy has been an inpatient for
preliminary diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid 1.5 months. He had been delivered to the
arthritis was made. What symptom is the most hospital with complaints of edemas all over his
contributive for the diagnostics of this disease? body, low urine output, and headache. Clinical
A. Reduced mobility of the joints in the morning urinalysis: proteins - 7.1 g/L, leukocytes - 1-2 in
B. Regional hyperemia of the joints the vision field, erythrocytes - 3-4 in the vision
C. Affection of the large joints field. During the course of treatment the
D. Enlarged heart edemas gradually dissipated, headache abated,
E. Increased heart rate diuresis normalized. Daily urine proteins - 3 g/L.
Biochemical blood test: total protein - 43.2 g/L,
79. A 25-year-old patient was delivered to an
urea - 5.2 mmol/L, cholesterol - 9.2 mmol/L.
infectious diseases unit on the 3rd day of illness
What glomerulonephritis syndrome is the most
with complaints of headache, pain in lumbar
likely to be present in the patient?
spine and gastrocnemius muscles, high fever,
A. Nephritic
chill. Objectively: condition of moderate
B. Nephrotic
severity. Scleras are icteric. Pharynx is
C. Isolated urinary
hyperemic. Tongue is dry with dry brown
D. Hematuric
coating. Abdomen is distended. Liver is
E. Mixed
enlarged by 2 cm. Spleen is not enlarged.
Palpation of muscles, especially gastrocnemius 82. 2 weeks after labour a parturient woman
muscles, is painful. Urine is dark in colour. Stool developed breast pain being observed for 3 days.
is normal in colour. The most likely diagnosis is: Examination revealed body temperature at the
A. Malaria rate of 39oC, chills, weakness, hyperaemia,
B. Viral hepatitis type A enlargement, pain and deformity of the
C. Leptospirosis mammary gland. On palpation the infiltrate was
D. Infectious mononucleosis found to have an area of softening and
E. Yersiniosis fluctuation. What is the most likely diagnosis?

80. A 28-year-old woman complains of skin A. Infiltrative-purulent mastitis

hemorrhages after minor traumas and B. Phlegmonous mastitis
spontaneous appearance of hemorrhages on C. Lactostasis
the front of her torso and extremities. On D. Serous mastitis
examination: the skin is variegated (old and E. Mastopathy
new hemorrhages), bleeding gums. Blood
platelets - 20 · 109/L; in the bone marrow there
is increased number of megakaryocytes and no 83. A 10-year-old girl complains of stomachache
platelet production. Treatment with steroid that appears and intensifies after she eats
hormones was effective. What is the likely rough or spicy food, sour eructation, heartburn,
diagnosis? frequent constipations, headaches, irritability.
She has been presenting with these signs for 12 E. Pregnancy I, 39 weeks, pathological
months. Her meals are irregular and consist of preliminary period
dry food. Objectively her diet is suffi- cient in
86. The institutions that take part in medical
calories. The tongue is moist with white coating
examinations include prevention and treatment
near the root. The abdomen is soft and painful
facilities, medical board of Ministry of Defense,
in the epigastrium. What method would be
medical board of Ministry of Home Affairs,
optimal for diagnosis-making in this case?
medico-social expert commissions, forensic
A. Biochemical blood test
medical boards etc. What institutions are
B. Intragastric pH-metry
responsible for temporary disability
C. Fractional gastric analysis (Fractional test
A. Medico-social expert commissions
D. Phase-contrast X-ray imaging
B. Sanitary-and-prophylactic institutions
E. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
C. Prevention and treatment facilities
84. A 64-year-old patient complains of severe D. Medical boards of Ministry of Defense
pain in the right side of chest, dyspnea, dry E. Medical boards of Ministry of Home Affairs
cough which appeared suddenly on exertion.
87. After a lengthy march an army regiment has
Objectively: the right side of the chest lags
set camp for 3 days near a settlement. Sanitary-
behind in the act of breathing. Percussion
hygienic investigation detected several water
reveals tympanic sound. Auscultation reveals
sources. Choose the source that would satisfy
pronouncedly diminished breath sounds on the
the demands for potable water the most under
right. Ps100/min, weak, arrhythmic. AP- 100/50
mm Hg. Cardiac sounds are decreased. What the given field conditions:
disease can be suspected in this patient? A. Melt water B. Brook
C. River
A. Right-sided pneumothorax D. Rain water
B. Right-sided hydrothorax E. Artesian well
C. Right-sided dry pleurisy
D. Right-sided pleuropneumonia 88. Examination of an electric welder with 15
E. PATE years of service record revealed dry rales in the
lower lung fields. Radiograph shows diffuse
85. A 23-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks nodules sized 3-4 mm in the middle and lower
gestation has been admitted to the maternity lung fields. What disease can be suspected?
ward with irregular contractions. The intensity A. Heavy-metal coniosis
of uterine contractions is not changing, the B. Silicosis
intervals between them stay long. Bimanual C. Silicatosis
examination reveals that the cervix is centered, D. Carbon pneumo coniosis
soft, up to 1,5 cm long. There is no cervical E. Bronchitis
dilatation. What diagnosis should be made?
A. Pregnancy I, 39 weeks, labor I, 1 period, the 89. A 30-year-old parturient woman was
latent phase delivered to a maternity hospital with full-term
B. Pregnancy I, 39 weeks, preliminary period pregnancy. She complains of severe lancinating
C.Pregnancy I, 39 weeks, labor I, period 1, the pain in the uterus that started 1 hour ago,
active phase nausea, vomiting, cold sweat. Anamnesis states
D.Pregnancy I, 39 weeks, birth I, 1 period, the cesarean section 2 years ago. Uterine
acceleration phase contractions stopped. Skin and mucous
membranes are pale. Heart rate is 100/min., BP
is 90/60 mm Hg. Uterus has no clear margins, is most probable way of herbicides reaching
sharply painful. No heartbeat can be human organism from soil:
auscultated in the fetus. Moderate bloody A. Soil-animals-human
discharge from the uterus can be observed. B. Soil-microorganisms-human
Uterus cervix is 4 cm open. Presenting part is C. Soil-plants-human
not visible. The most likely diagnosis is D. Soil-protozoa-human
A. Uterine rupture E. Soil-insects-human
B. Initial uterine rupture
93. A 52-year-old patient complains of pain in
C. Threatened uterine rupture
the right part of her chest, dyspnea, cough with
D. Premature detachment of normally
a lot of albuminoid sputum emitting foul smell
positioned placenta
of "meat slops". Objectively: the patient’s
E. Compression of inferior pudendal vein
condition is grave, cyanosis is observed,
90. A parturient woman is 23 years old. Internal breathing rate is 31/min, percussion sound
obstetric examination shows the uterine cervix above the right lung is shortened, auscultation
to be completely open. Fetal bladder is absent. revealed various moist rales (crackles). What is
Cephalic presentation is observed in the plane the most probable diagnosis?
of the small pelvic outlet. Sagittal suture is at A. Chronic pneumonia
the longitudinal section of the small pelvic B. Lung abscess
outlet, small fontanel is situated closer to the C. Pleura empyema
uterus. What cephalic position will the newborn D. Multiple bronchiectasis
have during birth in this case? E. Lung gangrene
A. Longitudinal lie
94. A 15-year-old patient suffers from
B. Minor oblique lie
headache, nasal haemorrhages, sense of lower
C. Transverse lie
extremity coldness. Objectively: muscles of
D. Medium oblique lie
shoulder girdle are developed, lower
E. Major oblique lie
extremities are hypotrophied. Pulsation on the
91. Against the background of angina a patient pedal and femoral arteries is sharply
has developed pain in tubular bones. dampened. BP is 150/90 mm Hg, 90/60 in the
Examination revealed generalized enlargement legs. Systolic murmur can be auscultated above
of lymph nodes, hepatolienal syndrome, carotid arteries. What is the most probable
sternalgia. In blood: RBCs - 3, 6 · 1012/l, Hb87 diagnosis?
g/l, thrombocytes - 45 · 109/l, WBCs - 13 · 109/l, A. Aorta coarctation
blasts - 87%, stab neutrophiles - 1%, segmented B. Aorta aneurism
neutrophiles - 7%, lymphocytes - 5%, ESR - 55 C. Aortal stenosis
mm/h. What is the most likely diagnosis? D. Aortal insufficiency
A. Chronic myeloid leukemia E. Coarctation of pulmonary artery
B. Erythremia
95. A patient with frostbite of both feet was
C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
delivered to an admission ward. What actions
D. Acute leukemia
should be taken
E. Multiple myeloma
A. To apply a bandage, to introduce vasodilating
92. For a long time to eradicate weeds on medications
agricultural lands herbicides retaining in B. To administer cardiac medications
environment have been used. Point out the C. To put feet into hot water
D. To rub feet with snow D. Threatened miscarriage
E. To apply an alcohol compress E. Ectopic pregnancy

96. A 26 y.o. male patient with postoperative 99. A 68 year old patient has been suffering
hypothyroidism take thyroxine 100 mg 2 times from chronic pancreatitis for 35 years. During
a day. He has developed tachycardia, sweating, the last 5 years he has been observing
irritability, sleep disorder. Determine further abatement of pain syndrome, abdominal
treatment tactics. swelling, frequent defecations up to 3-4 times a
A. To decrease thyroxine dosage day (feces are greyish, glossy, with admixtures
B. To increase thyroxine dosage of undigested food), progressing weight loss.
C. To administer betablockers Change of symptom set is caused by joining of:
D. To add mercasolil to the treatment A. Chronic enterocolitis
E. To administer sedatives B. Endocrine pancreatic insufficiency
C. Syndrome of lactase deficiency
97. A 20 y.o. patient was admitted to the D. Irritable bowels syndrome
hospital with complaints of having skin and E. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
sclera icteritiousness, dark urine, single
vomiting, appetite loss, body temperature rise 100. A patient suffering from acute
up to 380 for 2 days. Three weeks ago he went posttraumatic pain received an injection of
in for fishing and shared his dishes with friends. morphine that brought him a significant relief.
Objectively: the patient is flabby, t 0- 36, 80, Which of the following mechanisms of action
skin and scleras are icteritious, liver sticks from provided antishock effect of morphine in this
under the costal margin by 3 cm, it is sensitive; patient?
spleen isn’t palpable. Urine is dark, stool is A. Block of central cholinergic receptors
partly acholic. What is the most probable B. Stimulation of opiate receptors
diagnosis? C. Stimulation of benzodiazepine receptors
A. Infectious mononucleosis D. Inhibition of dopamine mediation
B. Leptospirosis E. Intensification of GABA-ergic reactions
C. Virus A hepatitis
101. During the induction of labor of a 41.5-
D. Hemolytic anemia
week multigravida woman, with misoprostol,
E. Intestinal yersiniosis
the mother begins to feel increasing pelvic
98. A 36-year-old female pesented to a pressure and low back pain. FHTs are reassuring
gynecological hospital with a significant bleeding and maternal vital signs are p-92, BP 110/68, R-
from the genital tract and a 1-month delay of 18; T-37 contractions are every 2 to 3 minutes
menstruation. Bimanual examination revealed and moderate. Her cervix is 2 cm50%, —2
soft barrel-shaped cervix. Uterus was of normal station with blood tinged mucus. What does
size, somewhat softened. Appendages were this situation represent?
unremarkable on both sides. Speculum (A) impending rupture of the uterus
examination revealed that the cervix was (B) normal early labor
cyanotic, enlarged, with the the external orifice (C) tachysystole
disclosed up to 0,5 cm. Urine hCG test was (D) misoprostol syndrome
positive. What is the most likely diagnosis? (E) primary arrest of labor
A. Uterogestation 102. A 23-year-old woman with right-sided
B. Cervical pregnancy lower abdominal pain and chills is seen in the
C. Abortion in progress
emergency department. The pain began 3 days other complaints recorded. Anamnesis states
ago and is associated with a vaginal discharge. causeless urticaria and skin itching that
Her LMP was 5 days ago. She uses an occurred 1 year ago. Objectively: liver margin is
intrauterine device for contraception and had rounded, painless, and can be palpated 3 cm
coitus 1 week ago with her new boyfriend. below the costal arch. No other pathology was
There is no history of nausea, vomiting, or detected during physical examination of the
diarrhea. Her vital signs are blood pressure, patient. Body temperature is normal. X-ray
120/80 mmHg; pulse, 100 bpm; and reveals a hemispherical protrusion in the right
temperature, 101.4°F. Abdominal examination cupula of the diaphragm. What disease can be
shows bilateral lower quadrant guarding with suspected in the given case?
rebound tenderness on the right side. Pelvic A. Liver abscess
examination shows pus at the cervical os and a B. Hydatid disease of liver
tender 6-cmright adnexal mass. Laboratory data C. Hepatocellular carcinoma
are hematocrit, 38% (normal, 35% to 45%); D. Metastatic tumor
WBC count, 25,000/mL (normal, 3–10,000/mL); E. Subdiaphragmatic abscess
and serumpregnancy test, negative.
105. A 33-year-old woman presents with a
Transvaginal sonography shows a 6-cmcomplex
cellulitis of the dorsum of the right hand 24
right adnexal mass. The uterus and left adnexa
hours following a cat bite. A Gram stain of
are normal. Which of the following is the most
serosanguinous discharge from a puncture site
likely diagnosis?
shows neutrophils and small gram negative
(A) appendicitis
rods. What is the treatment of choice for this
(B) adnexal torsion
(C) pyosalpinx
A. cefazolin
(D) hydrosalpinx
B . norfloxacin C. amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
(E) endometritis
D. gentamicin
103. A 36-year-old man has had stable
106. In utero heart failure, often with fetal
ulcerative colitis for 5 years. He is being treated
pleural and pericardial effusions and
with sulfasalazine 1000 mg three times daily.
generalized ascites (non-immune hydrops
On routine follow-up, he is found to have an
fetalis) may occur in ?
ALT of 250 IU/L, an AST of 225 IU/L, an alkaline
A. ventricular septal defect
phosphatase of 450 IU/L, and a bilirubin of 2
B. coarctation of aorta
μmol/L. Ultrasound of the abdomen reveals no
C. d-Transposition of great arteries
bile duct dilatation or gallstones. Endoscopic
D. Ebstein anomaly
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
E. single ventricle
reveals multifocal strictures and dilatations of
both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile 107. You are discussing the risk of radiotherapy
ducts. What is the MOST likely diagnosis? with the parents of a child with
A. sclerosing cholangitis medulloblastoma; the mother has a concern
B. common bile duct stone about the late neurological complications post
C. primary biliary cirrhosis radiotherapy. The statement that should be
D . drug-induced hepatitis included in the discussion that late neurological
sequelae post radiotherapy is more severe
104. A 41-year-old patient, a hunter, complains
of heaviness in the right subcostal area. No
A. focal radiotherapy rather than craniospinal
irradiation attacks in this disease?
B. children with an age of less than 3 year A. Erythrocytic schizogony
C. concomitant chemo-radiotherapy B. Tissue schizogony
D. low grade tumors rather than high grade C. Exotoxin of a causative agent
tumors D. Endotoxin of a causative agent
E. infratentorial tumors rather than E. Gametocytes
supratentorial tumors
111. A patient is 30 years old, works as a
108. Which of the following statements are carpenter. Six months ago there appeared some
true? behavioural changes: he got interested in
A. Identification of the causative organism philosophy, began writing a treatise on the
should be done before starting antibiotics. purpose of his human existence, quitted his job,
B Wounds are best managed by delayed stopped caring about his children, went out
primary or secondary closure. carelessly dressed, heard "voices in his
C Subcuticular continuous skin closure head"that guided his behaviour. The patient
decreases the incidence of wound infection. claimed sure that he was an Ambassador of God
D Polymeric films can be useful in infected on Earth and was constantly feeling His
wounds. influence. He is not critical about his disease.
E Administration of antibiotic preparations What diagnosis can be assumed?
locally is more effective than the oral route. A. Reactive psychosis
B. Alcocholic psychosis
109. Which of the following statements
C. Schizophrenia
regarding burn depth are true?
D. Somatogenic psychosis
A) The depth of a burn together with
E. Organic psychosis
percentage of TBSA and smoke inhalation are
key parameters in the assessment and 112. A 27-year-old patient complains of nasal
management of a burn. haemorrhages, multiple bruises on the anterior
B)Alkalis, including cement, usually result in surface of the trunk and extremities, sudden
superficial burns. weakness. In blood: Hb- 74 g/l, reticulocytes -
C) Fat burns are deeper than electrical contact 16%, RBCs - 2, 5 · 1012/l, platelets - 30 · 109/l,
burns. ESR- 25 mm/h. What is the most effective
D )Capillary filling is not present in superficial measure for the treatment of
burns. thrombocytopenia?
E) Deep dermal burns take a maximum of 2 A. Iron preparations
weeks to heal without surgery. B. Splenectomy
C. Hemotransfusion
110. A 47-year-old patient came to see a doctor
D. Cytostatics
on the 7th day of disease. The disease
E. Vitamin B12
developed very fast: after the chill body
temperature rose to 40oC and lasted up to 7 113. 2 days ago a patient presented with acute
hours, then dropped abruptly, which caused pain in the left half of chest, general weakness,
profuse sweat. There were three such attacks fever and headache. Objectively: between the 4
occuringonce in two days. Two days ago the and 5 rib on the left the skin is erythematous,
patient arrived from Africa. Objectively: pale there are multiple groups of vesicles 2-4 mm in
skin, subicteric sclera, significantly enlarged diameter filled with transparent liquid. What
liver and spleen. What is the cause of fever diease are these symptoms typical for?
A. . Streptococcal impetigo 117.A healthy child 1 year and 5 month of age is
B. Pemphigus being vaccinated agains the hapatitis B. The child
C. Herpes simplex did not receive the first dose the vaccine
D. Herpes zoster previously, while in the maternity hospital. The
E. Herpetiform Duhring’s dermatosis doctor makes an individual vaccination schedule
for this child and planning the administration of
114. After lifting a load a patient felt undurable
the next dose the vaccine. What is the minimum
pain in the loin. He was diagnosed with acute
interval between doses of vaccine in this case?
lumbosacral radiculitis. Which of the following
is contraindicated for this patient? A. 2 months B. 3 months C. 6 months D. 12
A. Warming procedures months E. 1 month
B. Dehydrating drugs
118. A 19-year-old has been bleeding
C. Analgetics
intermittently for 26 weeks. She presents with a
D. Vitamins of B group
change to dark bleeding and minimal cramping
E. Intravenous injection of aminophylline
for 4 days. Your clinic ultrasound notes an
115. A 30-year-old woman complains of intrauterine fetal demise. She is distraught. She
irregular copious painful menstruations, pain would prefer to let “nature take its course.” She
irradiates to the rectum. Anamnesis states asks if there is any risk to her. What do you
10year-long infertility. On bimanual explain as the only significant risk?
examination: uterus is of normal size; uterine (A) a positive human chorionic gonadotropin
appendages on the both sides are corded, with (hCG) titer (B) systemic allergies (C) bone
rectricted mobility, painful; there are dense marrow depression (D) coagulopathy (E)
nodular painful growths detected in the toxemia
posterior fornix. A doctor suspects
endometriosis. What method allows to verify 119. A 15-year-old patient complains of
this diagnosis? excessive body weight, headache, irritability,
rapid fatigability. Significant increase of body
A. Laparoscopy weight occurred at the age of 14. Objectively:
B. Diagnostic curettage of uterine cavity
weight is 90 kg; height is 160 sm, proportional
C. Paracentesis of posterior fornix body built. Fatty tissue is distributed evenly.
D. Uterine probing There are thin pink striae (stretch marks) on the
E. Hysteroscopy
thighs, abdomen and mammary glands. BP -
116.A 60-year-old man presents with 145/90 mm Hg. Provisional diagnosis is:
subcompensated viral liver cirrhosis (HCV Child- A. Pubertate dyspituitarism
Pugh class B. What tactics should I chosen B. Alimentary constitutive obesity
regarding the vaccination again influenza in this C. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
case? D. Itsenko-Cushing’s disease
A. . Contraindicated due to disease progress E. Cushing’s syndrome
stage, as shown by Child- Pugh class
B. Scheduled yearly vaccination 120.A 12-year-old girl after a case of respiratory
C. In case of influenza outbreak infection developed dyspnea at rest, paleness of
D. Combined with antiviral drugs skin. Heart rate is 110/min., BP is 90/55 mm Hg.
E. Contraindicated due to elderly age of patient Heart sounds are muffled. Borders of relative
heart dullness: right - the parasternal line, upper
- the III rib, left - 1,0 cm outwards from the
midclavicular line. Make the provisional
diagnosis: 124. Describe the coronavirus structure.
A. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction A .Club shaped glycoprotein spikes protrude
B. Functional cardio C. Infectious myocarditis through a lipid bilayer
D.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy E. Exudative B. An icosahedral structure with an envelope
pericarditis C. An icosahedral large pleomorphic virus
D. Large regimented barrel shaped virus
121.A child is 9 months old. The patient’s body
temperature is 36,7oC, the skin is pale, humid, 125. A 21-year-old male, working in a grocery
there is pain in leg muscles. There is no store in California where the virus has spread,
extremities mobility, sensitivity is present. The had high fever, fatigue, and body ache similar to
child has been diagnosed with poliomyelitis. the symptoms of regular flu/common cold. He
The causative agent of this disease relates to was suspected of COVID-19 by his doctor. He
the following family: had mild symptoms and was recommended to
isolate and take care of himself at home. If the
A. Paramyxovirus
symptoms worsen with difficulty in breathing, a
B. Picornavirus
confirmation test for COVID-19 must be
C. Tohovirus
performed. All of the following statements are
D. Adenovirus
true for the COVID-19 test, EXCEPT?
E . Rotavirus
A. Nasal swab, throat swab, and saliva are taken
122. A parturient woman is 27 year old, it was as a sample for the detection of the virus
her second labour, delivery was at term, normal B. The samples taken immediately after the
course. On the 3rd day of postpartum period exposure to the virus may give false-negative
body temperature is 36,8oC, Ps - 72/min, AP - test results
120/80 mm Hg. Mammary glands are C. A blood test is the primary diagnostic test for
moderately swollen, nipples are clean. the identification of the virus
Abdomen is soft and painless. Fundus of uterus D. RT-PCR technique is used as a diagnostic test
is 3 fingers below the umbilicus. Lochia are for the identification of the virus
bloody, moderate. What is the most probable
diagnosis? 126 A 38-year-old African American woman
presents with heavy menses and an enlarged
A. Physiological course of postpartum period uterus. After an examination the clinical
B. Subinvolution of uterus diagnosis is leiomyoma of the uterus. Which of
C. Postpartum metroendometritis the following best describes this finding?
D. Remnants of placental tissue after labour (A) a soft, interdigitating mass of the uterine
E . Lactostasis wall
(B) a premalignant papule of the uterine wall
123 Which of the following is an unusual (C) a rapidly dividing necrotic malignancy
feature of the replication cycle in (D) a rounded, smooth, firm, well-circumscribed
coronaviruses? mass
A. They take advantage of recombination with (E) erythematous, tender, and hereditary
the long RNA genome
B. The RNAs all terminate in a common 3´ and 127. A 16-year-old girl is brought to clinic by her
produce nested set transcripts. mother with concerns regarding the lack of any
C.They are not highly mutable. signs of puberty. The appearance of external
D.They use capped cellular mRNA's. genitalia is of a normal prepubertal female.
Laboratory studies show markedly elevated FSH following, the MOST appropriate
and LH levels. Which of the following causes of explanation for the child behavior is
delayed puberty accompanies elevated
circulating gonadotropin levels? A) acute phobic hallucination B) early sign
(A) chronic illness of schizophrenia C)delusional infestation
(B) gonadal dysgenesis D) night terror E)bipolar disorder
(C) hypothalamic tumors
(D) Kallmann syndrome
(E) malnutrition

128. A 65-year-old man who has lived all his life

in Britain presents with severe and constant
back pain at L3, which does not radiate down
the legs. It wakes him at night and he has night
sweats. X-rays show destruction of the disc
space at L2/L3 with invasion of the destruction
into the adjacent vertebral bodies. What would
you expect to find on needle biopsy?
A Tumour cells (metastases)
B Primary chondrosarcoma cells
C Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D Escherichia coli
E Sterile avascular necrosis.

129. A 35-year-old multiparous woman presents

with marked dyspnea and orthopnea in the
ninth month of what is known to be a twin
pregnancy. She is in atrial fibrillation, and
her blood pressure is 130/95 mm Hg. She
has elevated jugular venous pressure,
cardiomegaly, and a third heart sound.
There is a grade 2/6 pansystolic murmur at
the apex. Chest examination reveals
bibasilar inspiratory crackles. In addition to
digoxin and furosemide, which of the
following medications would be MOST
A. hydralazine B. captopril C. prednisone
D. warfarin

130 A parents came to your clinic complaining

that their 5-year-old boy had attacks of
frightening with imagination of a snake
crawling over him and he is acting as trying
to remove it. You assessed the child and
find no acute physical illness and he is
cooperative and quite intelligent. Of the

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