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Crash Course #34

The New Deal

1. What are the controversial New Deal Questions posited?

The controversial New Deal Questions posited are “Did the New Deal end the
Great Depression?” And “Did it destroy American Freedom or expand the
definition of liberty?” And “Was it a good thing?”

2. What did the New Deal redefine AND realign?

It redefined the role of the federal government and it also realigned the
constitutes in the Democratic Party.

3. What were 3 points the candidate FDR made prior to the Election of
The three points were
- It was the government’s responsibility to guarantee every man a
comfortable living
- Balanced budget
- End probation

4. Basically, what is the New Deal?

The New Deal was basically a set of programs that intended to fix the
depression and prevent it in the future.

5. What are the 3 R’s of the New Deal AND what are 3 problems with
looking at the New Deal as the 3 R’s?
Relief gave help to the poor
Recovery fixed economy and put people to work fast
Reform regulated economy to prevent future depressions

6. What are the 2 phases that other historians look at the New Deal and
the dates for BOTH?
The First New Deal (1932-1935)
The Second New Deal (1935-1945)

7. Describe 3 1st New Deal programs that dealt with businesses AND 3
that dealt with labor.

- Civilian conservation corps paid young people to build national parks

- Agricultural adjustment Act offered farmers substitutes in exchange for
limiting production of certain crops
- Glass Stegall Act barred commercial banks from buying and selling
- National industrial recovery act established national recovery
- Emergency banking act attempted to stabilize the banking system
- Federal emergency relief administration gave welfare payments to
people who were desperate

8. Explain why the Agricultural Adjustment Act was so contentious.

It gave the government the power to try to raise farm prices by setting
production quotas and paying farmers to plant less food. This outraged those
who were hungry. Property owners were in benefit, but tenants and
sharecroppers suffered.

9. How was the 2nd New Deal different from the 1st AND explain the 2 laws
that best represent the 2nd New Deal?
The 2nd New Deal was different as it looked away from recovery and focused
on economic security. The National Labor Relations Act guaranteed workers
the right to unionize and the Social Security Act allowed savings for
retirement, 2 laws that best represented the 2nd New Deal.

10. So, why is the New Deal important if it didn’t end the Great
It shaped the Democratic Party as blacks and union workers were now
reliable voters.
It changed the way of thinking to liberty as security rather than safety.
Changed expectations from the government and developed expectations of the
government helping.

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