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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Evaluation of Intern by Cooperating Teacher

VTFT I Intern’s Name:      Hannah Keane
Cooperating Teacher’s Name: Ashley Downs
Internship Format (highlight): virtual or face-to-face or both

Please evaluate your intern’s progress in each area thus far, or write “N/A” if not applicable/not
observed. If at all possible, schedule time to discuss each skill with your intern and how you feel he/she is
developing. Thank you very much for your time, supervision, expertise, and feedback!

1 2 3 4 5
Characteristic very
poor average above

enthusiasm X
performance of assigned tasks X
ability to follow directions X
acceptance of responsibility X
engagement in classroom X
initiative in classroom X
ability to build rapport with students X
ability to manage students X
instructional skills X
acceptance of responsibility X
communication skills: written X
communication skills: verbal X
professional demeanor X
attendance and punctuality X
overall assessment
Please comment on your intern’s strengths:    
Hannah was a wonderful addition to our class. She was punctual, engaged, and willing to
help out wherever she was needed. She taught a lesson using Costas leveled questions and
did an exemplary job. Hannah engaged the class, modeled the expectations, practiced with
the students, and allowed them time to work independently. She formatively assessed
students throughout the lesson and had a plan for struggling students. Hannah also addressed
misconceptions during the lesson and asked students to explain their thinking. In addition, she
was able to reflect on her lesson after it was executed. She had excellent classroom
management skills, in Zoom, and built a positive rapport with the students.

Please give your intern some constructive criticism:   

Hannah was a model intern.

Cooperating Teacher’s Signature: Ashley Downs

Date: 5/14/2021

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