BLOG Talking About Emergencies

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Talking about emergencies

Hello, I’m going to talk about emergencies.

My medical emergency happened about two years ago, I was on the

way to my grandmother's house with my brother when I was rolling a
car at high speed and that hit me. I fell to the ground and lost
consciousness for a few minutes. Then people came to help me and
called an ambulance. The paramedics arrived and laid me down on a
stretcher. In the ambulance, the paramedics told me that we were on
our way to a hospital and that I had a broken foot and arm. Then they
called my parents who came to the hospital and told me that nothing
happened to my brother. I was very calm then the doctor arrived and
told me that they had to operate to put screws in my arm and leg
because the bone was broken. After a few minutes, they put me to
sleep and when I woke up, they had already operated on me. They
sent me home with a cast on my leg and arm. The doctor ordered me
to stay in bed for a month and take medication if I felt pain.

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