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The Hiss manifest in human hosts in
numerous ways. The most common and
least intense form is seen in the many
corrupted agents floating throughout the

The Hiss Agents have maintained their human appearance,

undergoing no obvious physical transformation. The most notable
distinction from an unaffected human is the fact that they levitate.

These Hiss have displayed no aggressive behavior. They only seem

interested in vocalizing the strange incantation ad infinitum. Perhaps
these vessels are only meant to propagate the Hiss corruption, like
spores or wi-fi boosters. Or are they cocoons, preparing to enter
their next stage of evolution? When attacked, Hiss Agents
disappear, perhaps entering a state of invisibility or undergoing a
transformation into a purely resonant form? Research is ongoing.

Refer to file | for full report.

The Hiss resonance field is a physical impediment that is difficult to

Hiss Barriers appear as ways to impede escape or access by

Bureau personnel. Two methods have been discovered for lowering
them. 1) Destroy the multiple concentrated resonance sources
found in the vicinity. 2) Destroy the Hiss entities in the area.

The resonance fields seem to require support for their size and
density from other, non-connected sources of Hiss resonance.
Without the ability to draw from these sources, the Barrier will fall.

Does an inactive structure made of Hiss resonance qualify as a

conscious being? Does the distinction make any difference when
considering the Hiss? What does the very act of building walls to
prevent our movement tell us about the Hiss? To what degree is it
watching and planning?

Refer to file hy for full report.

The Hiss Charged Agents are examples
of extreme physical deformation resulting
from Hiss corruption.

Hiss Charged display an unthinking

fixation on any non-corrupted individuals
in the area. Once within a specific proximity, they erupt into a burst
of focused Hiss resonance, so dense that it acts as a physical
force. The Hiss Charged is depleted of the Hiss corruption after
this eruption. The host is left lifeless.

This behavior may be an adaptive response to the HRAs. The Hiss

Charged are designed to blow the devices off potential hosts,
exposing them to the resonance. Is the Hiss capable of customizing
a corrupted host's altered ability to this degree? Why is the
physiology of the Hiss Charged so dramatically different from the
host's original form? Lots of questions, no answers.

Refer to file | for full report.

Hiss Clusters are unique in that they are
concentrated manifestations of Hiss
resonance without the need of a host.

Hiss Clusters are dense spherical

compressions of Hiss resonance that
serve support functions in the hierarchy of Hiss entities. The
Clusters are capable of replenishing Hiss hosts with infusions of
resonance. This does not heal any physical damage inflicted on the
organic host, but rather seems to rejuvenate them, allowing them to
endure more bodily harm than normally possible.

The fact that the Hiss makes an effort to preserve its corrupted
hosts underlines a level of awareness and discretion that was
previously just speculation on my part. Can this entity be
considered an individual or simply an extension of the Hiss as a
whole? Capturing one “alive” would be quite interesting.

Refer to file | for full report.

The Bureau only allows certain highly-
trained individuals to handle volatile
materials and weaponry. Our demolition
experts are instructed in the use of
explosives in dimensions with distinct
physical laws, making them important assets for engineering work
as well as combat situations.

Hiss Demolition Experts are the only observed Hiss variations to

wield the specially-built rocket propelled grenade that is designed
to identify and track fs entities once fired, making them a
threat whose termination should be prioritized in combat scenarios.

| find it remarkable that the Hiss restrict usage of this weapon to the
Bureau personnel who trained specifically for its use. What does
this tell us about its behavior? Can it not pass along new
information to corrupted entities? Still too many unknowns.

Refer to file hy for full report.

Hiss Distorted Agents are able to render
themselves invisible and emit a powerful
concussive blast when in close range of yf |
their target. Curiously, the Hiss Distorted Fi 3X
is apparently not able to utilize both ;
abilities at once. It must make itself visible
when it goes on the offensive.

The Hiss Distorted is unique in the fact that it wields a paranatural

ability previously unknown to the Bureau (perhaps tapping into a yet
undiscovered Object of Power?). How does this invisibility work?
Does the Distorted become resonance temporarily? Does it use
Hiss resonance to refract light?

The physical deformation of this particular Hiss entity is noteworthy

in its thoroughness. Clearly the human host would have died from
such extreme alteration, which prompts the question: Are the
corrupted simply animated corpses?

Refer to file hy for full report.

Hiss Elevated Agents display abilities
similar to telekinetic competencies
observed in Bureau parautilitarians. Some
prefer to charge their targets, while others
launch objects at them. Telekinetic attacks
have been ineffective against the Hiss
Elevated, due to their own talent in the area. They do not use any
weaponry except their own paranatural capabilities. Some Hiss
Elevated have been seen levitating while strapped into chairs. This
is likely the result of individuals being corrupted while undergoing
cognitive recording in Parapsychology.

How are they able to use paranatural abilities? It is possible that

these individuals were bound to Objects of Power prior to
corruption. It’s also worth considering that the Hiss resonance can
identify and express latent paranatural ability in the individuals it

Refer to file hy for full report.

The Bureau has many internal security
personnel. The Hiss was quick to take
advantage of this fact.

Hiss Guards use the standard-issue

“bullpup” rifles they carried prior to corruption, while the armored
guards carry pump-action shotguns. They have no observed
paranatural abilities, with the exception that certain Hiss Guards are
protected by a shielding of dense Hiss resonance, capable of
stopping bullets. Is this shielding a result of prolonged Hiss
corruption? Does the Hiss mature in organic hosts over time? More
data is needed.

Did the Hiss target individuals with combat training? Does the Hiss
have that level of cognizance? Does it utilize hosts for tasks they
are best suited to? Combat-trained hosts are reserved for combat?
These are all questions for later, though it is obvious that corrupted
individuals retain knowledge on the use of their weapons.

Refer to file | for full report.

The Rangers are the Bureau's well-trained =
and well-armed expeditionary forces. fio YA
Their Hiss-corrupted counterparts are }
equally formidable. be}

Prior to corruption, Rangers were trained

to use a variety of weapons in order to face any threat found during
AWE response or Threshold exploration, including sub-machine
guns, assault rifles, and automatic shotguns. Hiss Rangers utilize
these weapons as well as the advanced tactics taught by Bureau
instructors. Some are additionally outfitted with Bureau-made body
armor. Hiss Rangers have no observed paranatural abilities beyond
some being protected by a shielding of dense Hiss resonance,
capable of stopping bullets.

Considering the advanced training the Hiss Rangers are capable of

applying to their situation, is it feasible to consider the human mind
still remains intact to some degree? Or is the Hiss able to tap into
this combat training and utilize it? Further observation is required.

Refer to file (EE for full report.

This subgroup of Hiss-corrupted Rangers
has manifested the ability to levitate,
similarly to Hiss Elevated Agents.
However, these airborne Hiss Rangers
display no telekinetic abilities and simply
continue to use mundane Bureau weaponry.
This evolution, being so similar to the Elevated, possibly indicates
that Hiss can “share” permutations through a type of network or
perhaps osmosis. However, the fact that this development in Hiss
Rangers has only been observed in the Investigations Sector may
indicate that an environmental factor is responsible. They could be
responding to an Altered Item or other paranatural element found
only in that sector. Or perhaps this is the natural progression of the
Hiss Ranger phenotype. Not enough time has passed to determine
a conclusive trajectory of development for each of the Hiss
manifestations, assuming any such trajectory exists.

Refer to file | for full report.

Hiss Sharpened Agents display the
parautilitarian ability to rapidly move short
distances. This ability is unique in the fact
that it's not associated with any known
Object of Power. However, we should not
discount the possibility that this ability is
an Object variation. For example, Abrupt Physical Relocation (APR)
could potentially be a variant of the Jukebox's effect. Other
explanations of the Hiss Sharpened’s ability currently include:

a) Momentary time manipulation

b) Brief increase in physical speed

c) Inhibiting the witness’ sense of sight

If we do accept that the Hiss Sharpened's ability is not connected

to a known Object of Power, then the Hiss are either manifesting
unique paranatural abilities or there are Objects in the House that
we aren't aware of. Either way, the Hiss are continuing to develop
new strains of corruption and that is cause for concern.

Refer to file fs for full report.

Bureau snipers specialize in eliminating
threats from a distance, using the telltale
searchlights affixed to their rifles to
search for targets.

Hiss Snipers are no less lethal. The

corruption has not changed their tactics. They clearly prefer to
maintain a good distance from their target, waiting in elevated
positions for a clear shot. Care should be taken in open spaces.
Check the balconies. | should note that their rifles are equipped with
a bayonet for close-quarters combat and the Hiss Snipers are well
aware of how to use it.

Refer to file | for full report.

Troopers are meant to be the first agents
to enter unknown AWEs, Thresholds, or
any other paranaturally hazardous } |
situation. They are heavily armored and Wife AAA \)
heavily armed in preparation for the worst. = o

As a result of their role, Hiss Troopers have access to the heaviest

armor and weaponry from the Bureau’s armory, including military
grade chain guns and grenade launchers. In addition to their already
formidable FBC-issued armor, the Hiss resonance surrounding
these entities is dense enough to stop bullets. If forced to engage
one of these, be sure to make use of any available cover. Also note
that, to the telekinetically-talented, enemy grenades can be a
welcome source of ammunition.

Refer to file; for full report.

The Hiss Warped wield only paranatural
abilities, similar to Drifters. They are able
to telekinetically shield themselves with
nearby material and launch objects at 4
their target. These entities are particularly yoy
destructive and difficult to kill, possibly
indicating a greater internal reinforcement of Hiss resonance.

Why do certain Hiss display paranatural abilities while others rely

on Bureau firearms? Do certain corrupted entities have less
potential than the hosts that become Hiss Warped? Or is this
perhaps an indication of evolution or maturation of the Hiss
corruption? Are there other stages of evolution yet to be found?
What if the Hiss inhabits a host for a month? A year? Do hosts
expire after a certain amount of time? Does the corruption become
too strong for an organic body to endure? Only time (and well-
documented observation) will tell.

Refer to file hy for full report.

Initial encounters with the entity known as the Hiss have revealed
various behavioral facts. Most notably, the Hiss is able to invade or
corrupt Control Points, Altered Items, and even humans, radically
changing their behavior. Curiously, any person wearing one of the
wearable HRA devices that Dr. Darling has been distributing over
the past weeks was not affected by this corruption.

The only known exception to this fact is the new Director, Jesse
Faden, who possesses an inherent immunity to the Hiss. This could
indicate that she has already been corrupted, but her behavior is so
in contrast to that of the other Hiss that | have dismissed the theory.

My final observation comes from Ms. Faden herself. She is able to

“cleanse” material and organisms of the Hiss corruption. We tested
this ability on a Hiss corrupted entity, but unfortunately the process
seems to kill the host. Perhaps the host's physiology becomes
reliant on the Hiss? More work to be done.

Refer to file hy for full report.

Researchers were sent to transcribe the recursive chant repeated
by the Hiss entities. In the interest of safety, this was done with the
non-aggressive floating Hiss entities, however no distinction
between this repeating phrase and the one repeated by the more
violent Hiss entities has been observed. What is the purpose of this
repeating string of words? Is this how the Hiss corrupts
individuals? Does the chant produce a physical effect? Is it a
message? An incantation?

We were able to record a firsthand recitation of the chanting. See

the corresponding audio record.

Refer to file YY for full report.

If we understand the Hiss to be a force based on vibration and
resonance, then perhaps their incantation (which is now the agreed
upon term for their vocalizations) is an effort to express that
resonance using human vocal cords and speech. Would there be
differences if the incantation were recited in a different language?

The most common word used is “want”. Interestingly, every usage

of the word is attributed to a “you”. “You want to listen”, “you want
this to be true”, “you must want these waves to drag you away.” Are
we the “you” the Hiss are referring to? Does the Hiss believe
humanity, possibly all non-Hiss life, wants to join it? To be
consumed by it? Is that its goal?

The second most used words are “through” and “time”. Is this
possibly the Hiss stating how they arrived here? Or an indication of
its age?

There is clear intention in the words. Dismissing the incantation as

“nonsense”, as some of my colleagues recommend, is beyond
Refer to hy for full report.
To examine the invasion’s timeline of events for possible patterns in
Hiss behavior.

Establishing a timeline is difficult at present because of lack of

reliable communications between Bureau sectors and staff.
Preliminary models indicate ground zero of the invasion is located
within the Executive Sector. Once it becomes possible to interview
surviving personnel, pinpointing the exact location should be

Other outstanding questions that a timeline may help answer:

How did the Hiss get past the internal lockdown?

How does Hiss resonance advance through space? Deliberately or


What is their ultimate goal? The outside world? A cross-

dimensional destination?

Refer to FY for full report.

Hiss corruption manifests in vastly different ways. Some hosts
remain largely unchanged, while others are barely recognizable as
human. What determines this level of alteration? Is it the duration of
corruption? It could simply be an evolutionary process, each entity
representing a stage of growth in an undiscovered linear
progression leading towards... what?

Additionally, Hiss entities possess various paranatural abilities.

How have they achieved this? Do they gain them from corrupting
Objects of Power? Have they corrupted a single highly-talented
parautilitarian and divided their access to paranatural abilities
across the network of Hiss-corrupted hosts?

As a scientist, | am hindered by the sheer number of questions. It's

difficult to identify where one should begin. What is the most
pertinent question?

How do we kill it? That seems like a good start.

Refer to file fs for full report.

For some time now there has been a steady increase in the annual
number of AWEs that the Bureau responds to. Between 2010 and
2015 we responded to ND Aes For comparison, note
that we only responded to| between 1995 and 2005.

Is this rise a result of Ee improvement in

our detection procedures, or perhaps simply coincidence? We
cannot say for sure, which is why this proposal for an AWE Task
Force to be created within the hierarchy of the Investigations Sector
has been compiled. We need to spend more time examining what
causes AWEs rather than just containing them.

Refer to file 5-95-1737 for full report.




The airplane in question has been brought in from a private airfield

located in the town of |i itisd Cincinnati. It is suspected to
be connected to the | sd AWE (see case file
Es «0. details) and is being evaluated for altered status.
The plane is currently being stored in the Transit Corridor in the
Containment Sector, brought there through the New York subway
tunnel, special access hy (for more information on
tunnel HE anc links to urban legends centered on ghost
stations, abandoned tracks, and = see file 4-12-

A ME iil roacings have

4521). The plane's black box is currently being evaluated for

been taken by a research team, though no altered status has yet

been detected.

Refer to file 9-12-8371 for full report.

After reaching out to the Bureau, Alice Wake was brought into the
Oldest House for an interview on hy. 2017. See file
; for the full transcript.

The interview conducted by Agents Shah and Dempsey revealed
that Mrs. Wake has had recurring nightly “visitations” from her
missing ex-husband in her New York apartment (address:
Re. Mr. Wake “appears out of nowhere and
rushes at [her] down the corridor”. According to her impression, he
appears “crazy and horrifying”, clearly coming at her “with violent
intent”. Mrs. Wake believes that he is “haunting” her, insisting he is
“not Alan, but a fucking monster in his body”.

Mrs. Wake has not been sleeping out of the fear of these visits. Her
attempts to keep the lights on through the night result in the relevant
hallway’s lightbulb breaking every night (possibly indicating
involvement of the .

Further investigation required. We propose installing monitoring

equipment in the apartment. Copies of supply request form L-501-
4 have been sent to Mr. Kirklund and administration for approval.
Recently there have been some alarming changes in behavior and
altered effect in two Altered Items in the Panopticon. The
FY and therf have become much more
aggressive, with entirely new effects manifesting for no discernible

The items have been investigated for updated containment

procedures to counter these new effects with one successfully
discovered to be contained by constant visual contact, but this
development is worrying. What if all the Altered Items undergo this
behavioral change? We need to find out why this is happening,
what is changing.

Handling these Altered Items has also resulted in numerous

Panopticon staff being i. | would say they've gone to
the Astral Plane, but these aren't Objects of Power. Not one of
them has come back. This, plus the uptick in Astralnauts not
returning from their dives has me wondering what the hell is going
on. Is anyone looking into this? Is there any plan?

Refer to filehm for full report.



An item resembling a fondue set was sent to America Overnight’s
(a.k.a. FBC Initiative #72-A) offsite studio accompanied by a
threatening letter and cremated human remains. Long-time show
producer Karen Harris was killed when she la her | into
the item. Mr. i. the program's host, was able to contain
the item by it.


The fondue set is undergoing evaluation at the FBC satellite

facility in 7.

The package was traced back to a PO Box belonging to the

Blessed Pictures production company. This same company was
involved in the discovery of Al80.

According to Post Office records, Blessed’s PO Box was opened

in 1968 and paid through December 2029. Employees cannot
recall anyone ever collecting mail from the PO Box.

Case 13-HQ-612 has been reopened. Attempts to locate the

physical address or staff of Blessed Pictures are ongoing.


It should be noted that during debriefing, Mr. ;

revealed he was in a romantic relationship with Ms. Harris. He has
since been placed on mandatory leave of absence for violating
Bureau guidelines.



The “America Overnight” program has operated successfully for

over BB years. Originally designed to assist in providing
disinformation to the naturally skeptical population of America, it
has additionally led to the discovery of numerous AWEs and
altered materials by allowing civilians to call in and report their
experiences with the paranatural. In fact, America Overnight alerted
the Bureau of iS 21; ST in its
first year of operation alone.

In this report, the Investigations Sector have catalogued and

categorized each episode of America Overnight that has resulted in
a successful Bureau investigation in order to help AWE occurrence
analysis (the more Po results of Night
Springs have also been cataloged in a separate report).

Refer to i i” for full report.

This report serves as an introductory guide to the Astralnaut
program including candidate requirements, training practices, and
Astral research procedures.

Astralnauts are chosen individuals who explore and document the

Astral Plane by making physical contact with the X-Ray Light Box
(see case file OOP18 for details) in the Hypnosis Lab, a section of
the Parapsychology Division. Physical and psychological training is
vital for the repeated transition between planes, known as “dives”.
After each dive, Astralnauts must undergo a | session
in the cognitive recording chairs to record their experience in the

Gathered data has conclusively proven that hy

hy within the Astral Plane vary widely between
Astralnauts. On rare occasions, these dives can result in losses,
often occurring when teams encounter aggressive Astral entities.

Refer to file 8-29-1838 for full report.

A black-market hub specializing in the trade of occult talismans,
relics, and other assorted ceremonial objects, as well genuine
altered and paranatural materials was raided in a
Czech Republic by a team of special investigators. Unsuccessful
attempts by suspects to escape using Altered Items resulted in
numerous casualties and prevented the Bureau from questioning all

The following interrogations revealed that not only is there a vast

network of these retailers, but that they seem to be gathering
information on Altered Items and other paranatural materials from
sources unknown to the Bureau.

The Bureau's concern here is three-fold:

a) There is a growing underground market for paranatural materials,

which implies a growing awareness of their existence among a
niche group of the general public

b) These criminal individuals do not seem aware of the items’

paranatural powers and their attempts to activate them could prove
devastating if done in populated areas

c) The motivations of these collectors are largely unknown

Refer to file 5-12-0221 for full report.

This group/individual has operated outside of the Bureau’s notice
for decades, perhaps longer, displaying a level of skill and caution
rarely seen in paracriminal groups. A review of past cases has
found various mentions of their activity over the years.

In 2016, a production company called Blessed Pictures was

connected to an Altered Item case, as well as the death of an agent
from exposure to illicit paranatural materials.

In 1994, a Los Angeles-based public speaker named Chester

Bless was involved in the illegal use of an Altered Item.

In 1988, a business called Blessed Repair and Service was

suspected of involvement with an Object of Power case, perhaps
even creating it.

None of these businesses or individuals have ever been located.

However, their connection to appearances of Altered Items and
Objects of Power is too direct to be considered circumstantial.

An arrest order has been issued for any persons believed to be

involved with the “Blessed” organization.

Refer to file 7-39-0922 for full report.




Staffing, Surveillance,
| ititisd Data Center Initiative,
Construction, a,

Office Equipment, Janitorial Costs, hy Mold Removal,

HQ Livability Costs

(For cost breakdown spreadsheet, see pg. 5. For five-year

comparison chart, see pg. 9)




Per authorization from Mr. Kirklund, internal investigation D-084-5

was launched into the ethical practices of Dr. Casper Darling, Head
of Research.

Despite the accounts of anonymous | regarding

inhumane treatment of a a currently housed in the
Bureau, our official findings regarding this were inconclusive.

Numerous obstacles arose during this investigation. The majority of

FY Sector personnel seem to be — unaware of any
such [ee contained there. One confirmed the
El ; codename to behm. but all files pertaining
to that name were inaccessible, being classified under the highest
clearance level. Investigators were similarly blocked from entering
the Fs Research wing to interview its staff. The
matter was further complicated by the lack of clarity on whether
non-human paranatural entities warrant “humane” treatment.

While this investigation cannot address any charges against Dr.

Darling, we do recommend an investigation into eee]

Refer to file 9-82-0136 for full report.

Last month, our onsite server experienced
an intrusion by unauthorized users. After a
thorough investigation, it was confirmed
that the users only accessed a video file,
which contained portions of various Dr. Darling presentations.
Investigators were able to track the users through their IP
addresses. The following are the confirmed identities of these
- Patrick Streutjens

- Rubens Nogueira

- Arto Kolumaki

- Christopher Mills-Bowling

- Jaakko Saarinen
These individuals are in breach of Bureau Code 91 and have been
placed under surveillance by our external investigation team. Further
action is pending.

Per authorization from Mr. Kirklund, Ee
HE 2: launched into the of Director
Zachariah Trench.

A recent change in HE witnessed in Director Trench,

including aggressive fT when FY with
other staff has been observed. However, this investigation is aimed
at interpreting this issue rather than proving it.

Notable iy between Director Trench and Dr. Darling

has been witnessed by numerous Bureau staff. Although both
declined to meet for an interview on the matter, witness accounts
suggest their arguments center around the Dimensional Research
wing and the iy kept inside. However, no evidence
exists to confirm Director Trench's fF as anything more
than interpersonal disagreements.

This investigation has concluded that Director Trench’s behavior is

not indicative of any hy and that his fitness to lead is not
in question.

Refer to file re for full report.

An excursion into the Oceanview Motel & Casino discovered a
previously unseen door in the lobby hallway. This door featured a
spiral-shaped marking (designation: Door i. Similar to the
other doors, it is locked and cannot be forced open.

Alice Wake, a person of interest in the Bright Falls AWE (refer to

AWE-35 for details) and the former wife of missing author Alan
Wake (a suspected parautilitarian and ha. contacted
Agents Shah and Dempsey of the Investigations Sector using the
phone number given to her in 2010 in accordance with civilian
outreach protocols.

The call resulted in Mrs. Wake being brought into the Oldest House
for an in-person interview (for a full transcript, refer to file
ro on hy 2017. The excursion into the
Oceanview Motel occurred later that same day.

Determining whether this was a basic synchronicity event, if Alice
Wake is responsible for its appearance, or if the door itself relates
to AWE-35 is paramount. She should be returned to the Oldest
House, possibly even taken into the Motel itself, to confirm if any
other changes occur.
Dr. Yoshimi Tokui, a Japanese citizen residing in Tokyo, has
produced a series of “guided imagery experience” audio recordings
that have gained notable popularity around the globe. Due to his
unusually swift rise in fame, along with reports of vivid
| accompanying the use of his tapes, Investigations
Sector staff were asked to look into Dr. Tokui’s background.

We found no past incident with an altered occurrence, nor any

evidence of involvement with an altered organization. However,
agents that attended a signing event reported | ss
when hearing Dr. Tokui speak.

We recommend that the Research team obtain an audio recording

of Dr. Tokui’s voice and perform any and all relevant analyses.
Based on the findings, the Investigations Sector will determine next
steps regarding Dr. Tokui, as well as his eligibility for the Prime
Candidate Program.

Refer to file 7-42-9633 for full report.

9:30 am — Breakfast is brought

11:54 am — Gets out of bed. Uses toilet.

Returns to bed

11:57 am — Asks for television to be turned on. Staff do so

12:00 pm — Lunch is brought. Breakfast is removed

12:02 pm — Eats lunch

2:38 pm — Uses toilet

4:03 pm — Begins talking to self (recording speech is not possible

due to noise from television)

4:07 pm — Becomes upset. Throws lunch tray at glass

4:09 pm — Sedated. Crew clean the cell. Television is turned off

6:12 pm — Comes to. Asks for television to be turned on. Staff


6:16 pm — Sleeps (?)

“Television privileges were refused due to hostile behavior.
Transcript of conversation (subject: Dylan
Faden) for review by Dr. Darling

NOTE: Subject was alone during this

DF (17:52:16) — You again. | thought | told you to leave me alone.

DF (17:52:22) —- Why are you showing me this? | can’t do
anything. Can't you see where | am? Why don’t you help me get the
fuck out of here? You always show me things | can’t do anything

DF (17:52:36) — Stop showing me her! | don’t care anymore! And |

don’t care about you! You both left me here to rot!

DF (17:52:46) — Fuck off, you bitch! I will dig out my own brains if
it means getting rid of you! | don't want you here! Get the fucking

Subject repeated the phrase “Fuck off” numerous times before

being sedated at 17:53.
Employee Report

Incident in question occurred on
Pe was brought to HR
Department's attention by the internal
security personnel who intervened.
According to reports supported by security camera footage, Agent
Philson entered the staff kitchen with the intention of consuming his
private meal (a home-made sandwich cut diagonally and packed in
a plastic container) but discovered the refrigerator had
ST his meal. Agent Philson began to kick
the Bureau-owned appliance as he expressed his frustration in a
loud and profane manner.

This behavior caused multiple staff members present to become

alarmed. Security was alerted soon after. Philson complied with
security's commands to desist.

Agent Philson was reprimanded and suspended for the remainder
of the ongoing work week. The Review Committee recommends
one non-mandatory counseling session.
Agent Samuel Turnbull committed a
misdemeanor while performing his duties
as supervising agent of Project
— designed to help
undercover agents re-assimilate to office duties.

The incident began when Agent Turnbull refused one of the

operatives entry into the Oldest House, claiming that they had been
compromised. The situation escalated as Agent Turnbull attempted
to “force a confession out of the bastard”. The injuries inflicted
upon the victim required a trip to the Medical Wing.

Agent Turnbull denied any guilt, maintaining that the victim was
“some sort of pod person” and that he, unlike his colleagues, could
see their true intentions; to use the Bureau’s connections to climb
the ranks of government and eventually into the Oval Office.

Despite breaching Bureau offense code 45, Agent Turnbull was
given leave of absence with full pay due to his sterling record. He
will be required to undergo a psychological evaluation upon his
Per authorization from Mr. Kirklund, internal investigation P-142-9
was launched into the legality of the Prime Candidate Program
hy by the Federal Bureau of Control.

Since all known subjects relevant to the investigation used executive

privilege to decline interviews, very little firsthand information was
gathered. However, anonymous sources and documentation
declassified by Mr. Kirklund both paint an alarmingly clear picture of
systematic iS ond i IE wore
brought into the Oldest House and placed under [
examination and testing with the aim of appointing one as Director
upon maturity. This program has produced no successful cases
and only resulted in the traumatic fF of paranaturally-
inclinedhm. Not only is this in breach of the Ash Act, but
it flies in the face of basic human | sd

This investigation team unequivocally |i ”stsCi Prime

Candidate Program and recommends that it be iy

Refer to file 9-82-0136 for full report.

CASE #74-WA-004
Hartman, Emil

Wake, Alan; Anderson, Tor; Anderson,
Odin; a. Lane, Rudolf; Desole, Wendy; Emerson,
Thomas; aT

Denis, Special Agent Remy


Code 4 — Kidnapping of Altered Individuals (1 count)

Code 8 — Sanctions against Altered Organizations (1 count)

Code 37 —- Obstruction of Bureau Investigation (1 count)

Code 74 — Breaching the Ash Act (6 counts)


- Offender's property seized as evidence, to be used in conjunction

with an ongoing AWE investigation. Offender’s personal effects
have been sent to Research for analysis.

- After being cleared by Bureau researchers, all victims have been

released. Bi-annual surveillance orders were assigned to each,
except the Anderson brothers (due to their senility) and Wake
(possibly deceased).
Dr. Emil Hartman is an academic psychotherapist that owned and
operated a recovery center in _ WA focused on
the treatment of artists struggling with creative blocks and other
mental disorders.

Publicly, Dr. Hartman's treatment center seemed unremarkable in its

methods and purpose. Privately, however, Dr. Hartman was abusing
his patients in order to utilize any latent abilities
they may possess with the aim of shaping mm. his own
benefit, which has earned him a Class 2 Paracriminal designation.
(NOTE: For more on the link between artists and their ability to
| reality through artistic mediums, see file
Investigation has proven that Dr. Hartman’s illegal endeavors were
conducted alone. After being approached by the Bureau during the
FY investigation, he displayed no remorse or intention to
cease his actions. Dr. Hartman was taken into custody, evaluated,
and released [J months later, having been deemed a negligible
threat. His medical license has been permanently revoked.

Refer to file 7-12-8557 for full report.

8/19/2019 — 2:45 pm — Director Trench

8/26/2019 — 12:13 pm — Director Trench

8/31/2019 — 11:09 pm - Bill Everett (custodian)

9/02/2019 — 2:45 pm — Director Trench

9/09/2019 — 2:45 pm — Director Trench

9/14/2019 - 10:57 pm - Bill Everett (custodian)

9/16/2019 — 2:45 pm — Director Trench

9/23/2019 — 2:45 pm — Director Trench

9/28/2019 — 9:13 am — Director Trench

9/28/2019 — 10:59 pm - Bill Everett (custodian)

10/01/2019 — 3:34 am — Director Trench

10/12/2019 - 11:03 pm - Bill Everett (custodian)

10/26/2019 — 11:11 pm — Carol Bishop (custodian)
The Songmaster Jukebox (OOP10-KE) came to the Bureau’s
attention through a local radio piece regarding Tex's Roadside
Diner and the events that transpired there. Every diner reported
being temporarily transported to an undetermined location that they
later described as a sandy coastline. The Bureau took custody of
the object the same day. The diners were told a gas leak was
responsible for their imagined beach vacations.

In an interview with the diner’s owner, it was discovered that the

albums in the object had been replaced the day before the event by
a service responsible for the machine’s upkeep, who left only the
single hm record inside. Agents attempted to track down
“Blessed Repair and Service” but could find no company by that
name in the state.

“Blessed Repair and Service” has been added to the list of
outstanding investigations. Any and all information on this business,
its employees, or any known associates should be forwarded to Mr.
in the Investigations Sector immediately.
RE: Eastward Movement - Cause for Concern?

9/24/2019 — Departs Cheyenne, WY

9/24/2019 — Arrives in Sidney, NE

9/25/2019 — Departs Sidney, NE

9/26/2019 — Arrives in Des Moines, IA

9/30/2019 — Departs Des Moines, IA

10/01/2019 — Arrives in Chicago, IL

10/08/2019 — Departs Chicago, IL

10/08/2019 — Arrives in South Bend, IN

10/11/2019 — Departs South Bend, IN

10/11/2019 — Arrives in Cleveland, OH

10/19/2019 — Departs Cleveland, OH

10/20/2019 — Arrives in Bloomsburg, PA

10/29/2019 — Departs Bloomsburg, PA

10/29/2019 — Arrives in New York City, NY


The deceased was a HB year-old hy with no
significant past medical history. The subject was brought in after
being discovered in the Active Threshold, in an early state of decay
that is characteristically fungal-based in its appearance.

During autopsy, the cadaver's pleural cavities were revealed to be

entirely filled by the fungus known as the Mold, to an extent that
medical staff were forced to put on decontamination suits. The
procedure was also hindered by anomalies such as the deceased's
high body temperature and undulating torso muscles presumably,
but not provably, caused by trapped gases. Routine samples, as
well as tissue samples requested by Dr. Underhill, were
successfully extracted, however their rapid retrogression outside of
the host body needs to be noted.

Cause of death: Mold ingestion.

Refer to file 5-94-2716 for full report.

Following the NASA/FBC Coordination Agreement of 1972, the
Bureau has provided NASA with numerous technological
advancements based on our research, including the Black Rock
lining now found in all space-faring vessels. In return, all data
gathered during space missions is made available for Bureau
researchers to analyze.

Recently, certain individuals have raised the concern that this

relationship does not adequately benefit the Bureau, either
intellectually or financially. A thorough examination of the costs
accrued by both organizations has shown that the expense of
NASA's recent launch of the iy far outweighs any
spending related to the processing and delivery of Black Rock.
From its Medium Earth Orbit, the iT wii provide the
Bureau with an unparalleled resource for remotely monitoring and
photographing AWE sites, a resource that would be lost if the
partnership ends.

It is the opinion of this committee that maintaining a cooperative

relationship with our colleagues at NASA is of vital importance.

Refer to file 3-81-4812 for full report.

CASE 45-HQ-121


Agent killed during PF involving |

code name P6.

|. Blunt force injuries of the head and neck

Il. Extensive trauma of the abdominal region:

a. Lacerations and contusions of the upper and lower torso

b. Fracture of the spinal cord between the L1 and L2 vertebrae

c. Avulsion fracture of the 3rd through 1 Oth ribs, left and right

Ill. Blunt force injuries of the extremities:

a. Abrasions, lacerations, and contusions of the extremities

b. Dislocation of left and right elbow

c. Dislocation of left and right knee

After examination, it was determined that the cause of death was
internal bleeding that occurred when the| was
contorted through his [i



In this proposal, I'd like to explore the matter of containment policy.

When an Altered Item enters the Oldest House, we thoroughly
investigate any possible combination of actions or words or
material that will prevent the item from applying its altered effect.

However, | work with these entities every day and | have good
reason to believe that a less convoluted form of containment is
possible. The items crave | tS If we initiated
a series of PY praising the items, or
perhaps incorporating their images into pieces of HB tht
could be visited throughout the Bureau, | believe the Altered Items
would behave without needing to resort tohm or
hz. which only lead to the items feeling mistreated.

If we treat them like criminals, we can’t be surprised when they try

to escape.

Refer to file 4-83-4382 for full report.

Employee Report

Dr. Darling has personally recommended
Ms. Pope for a promotion based on her
work ethic and assistance in advancing
many ongoing research matters (see
research reports Po for breakthroughs
resulting from her work).

According to her colleagues, Pope has displayed a keen eye for
detail and a quick grasp of paranatural concepts. She is
professional and diligent, though some of her co-workers complain
of social disinterest.

The Review Committee approves this recommendation and

promotes Ms. Pope to the position of Research Specialist.
After numerous attempts, I've finally found a way to intercept and
contain the ambient energy of the leylines in a kind of non-
Aristotelian battery I've dubbed the “Power Core”. | admit it was
difficult capturing an energy | can barely measure, much less
interact with. Luckily, it seems that the porous stone of the
Foundation’s caverns possesses such conductive qualities. Using
stone flakes and copper wire, my Power Cores collect significant
power. My early prototypes collected too much, in fact, but I’ve
since reinforced the container.

We don't yet know the repercussions of tapping into this power

field. As a precaution, these devices should not be taken outside of
the House. Ideally, the Bureau should no longer need to rely on
typical energy sources. It’s my greatest feat of engineering yet.

I've always had an interest in invention. | like the creativity that it

allowed, set within the firm boundaries of logic and physics. Father
never approved, calling it a “mundane” science. With that in mind, |
dedicate this invention to Theodore Ash Senior. May he scowl in
During my weekly safety inspection to the Quarry Threshold, |
discovered the entire crew in a state of — The whole
team was Fs aligned and staring in a uniform direction;
the City in the distance. Despite my most vocal efforts to gain their
attention, they remained fF for more than |
minutes until | had to resort to literally Re
Afterwards, they were dazed and could not provide any rationale for
their behavior or any specific memories of engaging in it.

My official recommendation for any crew working in a Threshold

area is to either shorten the length of their shifts or to carry out
mandatory psychological evaluations on a weekly basis — or
preferably both.

And maybe we should order another expedition to the City.

Refer to file 5-58-3096 for full report.

Before using the recording devices,
please ensure the following safety
measures are met:
1. Ensure the volunteer is securely
fastened in their chair.

2. Ensure the hood is placed over the

volunteer's head. This will prevent the volunteer from taking in visual
stimuli during the record process, which can lower the quality of
captured footage. (This also prevents recording technicians from
viewing the volunteer's face, which undergoes muscle spasms
during recording that some consider upsetting).

3. Check if the volunteer is comfortable.

4. Activate the recording apparatus.

5. After recording is complete, check volunteer cognitive ability

using the provided questionnaire.

REMINDER: Do not be alarmed if the length of recorded footage

exceeds the volunteer's period of unconsciousness. Astral dilation
is a known issue.

If any problems arise during this process, contact your supervisor.



co) tee)

20177 jan/ 19

2az0/ jans 19



Threshold with effect ; manifested in the Containment

Sector, in the middle of the ; Department. Simultaneously,
numerous HE appeared in the area, injuring and killing many
hi. After rescue operations were completed and
, Rangers were sent in to discover the
Threshold’s epicenter. The sheer amount [iii made the
expedition impossible.

The area was sealed off after removing the clocks proved an
impossible task. The department was relocated and the area

Researchers theorize the Threshold introduced unstable matter to

our dimension, which adopted the form of the 7
i :: eee when introduced to more
stable i.
Refer to file 9-51-3981 for full report.
An alert from the hy. WA
monitoring station indicated minor i
activity occurring in the area. Agent
Estevez was dispatched to investigate. Inside the
hy Lodge, she discovered the facility's former
owner, Dr. Emil Hartman. He had been converted into a Shaded
Individual (per definitions found in file 6-34-1923) and displayed
violent behavior characteristic of its type.

Agent Estevez alerted the on-site research team to the specimen’s

presence and, with some difficulty, it was successfully contained in
a Black Rock cell. The cell and its inhabitant were transported

safely back to HQ, where the specimen remains detained in the


Once the investigation is closed, research teams have petitioned to

relocate this specimen to their sector for study.

Refer to file 5-11-0203 for full report.

The purpose of internal investigation X-039-7 is to examine the
containment failure of specimen SI-1 that resulted in the deaths of
; | agents.

An inspection report of the containment equipment three days

earlier showed no faults. Investigators suspect human error to be
the cause, yet no department has provided any evidence to support

Technicians were able to recover the researcher's notes on the

specimen from the internal network. On the | of a, the
specimen began displaying a sharp increase in aggressive
— | Cross-referencing that date with various logs found
only two events inconsistent with the sector's daily routine. 1) The
air filters were changed, and 2) an hour prior to the incident, a
civilian named Alice | entered the sector regarding an
unrelated investigation (see interview #65-F-124).

Given their connection to the same AWE case, it is likely that Mrs.
a: rnc is relevant to the specimen's escape and to the
. Investigation is ongoing.

Refer to file 6-23-0721 for full report.

An odd thing happened today. | was on my way into the lower
caves to visit the Id (I was bringing them a teddy bear, to see what
they'd do with it) when I came across a stranger. | found his
unperturbed composure in this strange place curious, so | engaged
him in conversation. He explained himself in an idiosyncratic,
foreign manner. | believe he's one of the Finnish immigrants that
have been arriving to the city. It's odd that the Bureau has already
brought sanitation services down here. Cleanliness is next to
godliness, | suppose.

His name was difficult to make out, but | found him to be an

interesting fellow. He knows a surprising amount about this place
and seems to move in it with uncanny ease, which | admit vexes me
a bit. | thought | would master the twists and turns of this beast’s
belly before some janitor. And yet, he easily slipped away and left
me lost in the red caves when | tried to pursue.

| hope to run into him again. He seems to feel right at home here, as
| am beginning to. Perhaps next time I'll introduce him to the Id. | bet
they'd like that singing voice of his.
Based on the success of America
Overnight, we would like to propose the
creation of a television series that
presents superstition and skeptical
thought as entertainment, in order to
popularize these concepts among the civilian population and create
less resistance to redirecting information regarding public
paranatural events.

We can also use a solid media outlet to test paranatural concepts

on civilian audiences, seeing how they react to certain facts
(presented as fiction) in the event that the Bureau ever decides to
make certain realities public knowledge.

There are various show licenses that we could purchase and

“reboot” rather than starting from scratch. One particular property
seems promising, especially considering its content and tone are
precisely what we're looking for. It’s called “Night Springs” and has
been off the air for a few years now.
“So sad, so strange, the days that are no more.”

For years, the Federal Bureau of Control has been wrongfully

forcing a philosophy upon itself and its people. This philosophy is
known to you all as “science”.

We all realize that the concepts we explore here are mystic ones,
with arcane-thinking required to understand them. Yet we insist on
using words like “paranatural” and “parautilitarian” to create the
illusion of a scientific structure; a tidy little system. The Bureau is
desperate to stand with the close-minded cult of logic and data that
has overrun our society. If a thing cannot be quantified, then we
dismiss it outright. We live in an age that is openly hostile to faith in
the veiled forces governing our reality.

| must remain anonymous for fear of reprisal from the anti-esoteric

bureaucrats watching us from their plush offices. Those same
bureaucrats, Trench and Darling chief among them, have been
steering us away from the Bureau's arcane foundations for decades
now. It is time we corrected course.

If you stand with me, share this message. We are not alone.



With the recent arrival of the fe S there are

certain glaring gaps in the Bureau's ability to educate and raise a
young i. There are no other Ee la to play
with and la is expected to learn about a frightening new


Ee i require a slow, BB friendly introduction to

paranatural topics. With this in mind, allow me to introduce the
Threshold Kids, a television show in which a cast of cheerful
puppets explain the dangers of living at the Bureau, but also show
the fun side of the paranatural!

Budget would be minimal. | took a few puppet-making courses at

my local community center. We can have research staff build the
sets, record the footage, and even do the voices. It will be good for
morale, and | guarantee iE will respond positively to
these videos. We can’t expect a. enjoy lectures and
people in lab coats. But, as television has proven for years,
love puppets!


co) tee)

2019/ acts 24
Dr. Raya Underhill is a professor at the University of Woodrow in
the United Kingdom, where she teaches biology with a focus on
botany. Dr. Underhill once worked with the Bureau as a
parabotanist stationed in the Research Sector of the Oldest House.
She served with no incidents or demerits and is praised by those
who formerly worked with her, including Dr. Darling.

Dr. Underhill has no known connections to paracriminal

organizations or any record of breaching her NDAs since leaving
the Bureau. Her civilian behavior has been ideal, with the exception
of an ongoing personal relationship with Dr. Darling that appears to
have begun during their time as co-workers in the Research Sector
and revisited intermittently ever since. Depending on the duration of
her work in the Oldest House, it may be required to have both
parties sign a relationship clearance form.

This investigation has found no compelling reason to deny Dr.

Darling's request to offer Dr. Underhill an interim position with the
aim of finding a solution to the Mold Threshold issue.

Refer to file 7-08-5286 for full report.

A photograph of Alan Wake captured by
Alice Wake during an event in her home.

Alice Wake, former wife of Alan Wake (see AWE-35 for details),
has recently been visited at night by her ex-husband (or entity
resembling him, see (ic A fo: more). Being a
professional photographer, Mrs. Wake positioned cameras with
motion sensors around the corridor he appears in and managed to
capture an image of Mr. Wake on film.

During an interview with Mrs. Wake, she mentioned that her favorite
camera, a model, was lost in 2010, during AWE-35.
No match has been found among the confiscated evidence from
AWE-35. It has been filed as a potential Altered Item and research
staff stationed at Bright Falls are being contacted to check if they
have any knowledge of such an item.
- A hollow sphere (stone-like material)
- Vitrified soil, HD pieces of various sizes and colors

- Animal carcass (possibly canine)

- Rusted metal bucket

- Leather wallet

- Aged shotgun cartridge

All materials to go to the Investigations Sector for further analysis.

ese Unaware ous

“| was nine or something when | found my dad's Old Gods

album. | became a huge fan instantly.” -Jesse Faden
The Astral Exhibition was originally built for the Astralnauts to use
as a training location. A place to grow accustomed to the sights
and sounds of the Astral Plane before diving into the real thing. We
could have done a better job with it, but — was being
stingy with the budget.

However, once we discovered the hy we decided to

repurpose the space. Similar to how zoos hope familiar
surroundings will affect the wellbeing of their animals, we hope to
observe the iy behavior in an environment similar to its
home dimension. So far, it just breaks everything we put in with it.
But Rome wasn't built in a day!

Refer to file 3-19-3811 for full report.


New naming conventions have been established for the Astral entity
now known as “Astral Spike”. Outdated terms in this report have
been redacted.
The Bureau has spent years studying why Objects of Power
transport users into the Astral Plane when touched. My
predecessor, Dr. Ash, theorized that a potential receptacle
(determined by Jungian archetypes and the collective
subconscious) would be inhabited by paranatural energies when an
AWE occurred in its vicinity, creating an Altered Item. Over time, a
link was created by the — and the Astral Plane to that
item, making it an Object of Power.

So many additional theories have been raised since Dr. Ash’s time.
Objects of Power were placed on Earth as tests by some Astral
entity. Our dimension was once part of the Astral Plane, and the
Objects were left behind as its borders receded. The Astral Plane
was an early Threshold into the Oldest House, but the connection
was severed and now the two are linked solely through the Objects
of Power.

| will attempt to disprove some of these in order to thin the herd.

Hopefully, the truth will emerge.

Refer to file 6-32-6498 for full report.

Dr. Darling is insistent that certain Objects of Power share a direct
connection to the hm an entity or group of entities that we have
little information on (or little that | am allowed to access). In his
written reports, he states that there is a clear link between these
Objects of Power, the ; the Astral Plane, and the Oldest
House itself. His work supposes these links are innate, a fact
ingrained into the very hm of Objects such as the Hotline
or the Service Weapon.

But what if these particular Objects were never linked to the

; but had that connection forced upon them? Isn't it strange
that no other Objects of Power require such direct contact with the
ha: Isn't it strange that using the Service Weapon or the
Hotline will result in grievous harm or even death if the user is not
the Director or at least worthy of the role? Why do we assume this
involvement b' the iy is a natural fact and not something more

Refer to file 6-23-9382 for full report.

The Atlas is a physical expression created by the Oldest House. Its
purpose and function are currently unknown.

The specific shape and dimensions of the Atlas (see file ATL-03 for
said dimensions) seem to indicate a more explicit purpose than the
Oldest House's usual walls, floors, or shifts. The Atlas changes
form, but resists observation when doing so. No visual observation
has been made during its change, and it only ever occurs between
frames when monitored by surveillance cameras.

A previous theory was that this change corresponds to House

Shifts and that the Atlas is aPo of the
FP itself. However the shape changes do
not occur at the same time as the building shifts, which makes this
theory doubtful.

Structurally the Atlas is made of the same FY material as

the rest of the Oldest House. Further observation will hopefully aid
in discovering its purpose.

Refer to file 8-37-3592 for full report.

Black Rock has allowed the Bureau to make great strides in
containment procedures since it was first discovered. This report
will examine how its very structure is comprised _—_
density that nullifies all resonances with a range ofr to
2. Bureau innovations that incorporate Black Rock will be
analyzed, most notably the Firebreaks: feats of engineering
designed to contain any future outbreaks, attacks, or other internal

The goal of this report is to encourage Bureau staff to explore

further innovations using Black Rock, as work in that field has
markedly slowed in recent years.

Refer to file 5-93-1733 for full report.




Black Rock Prisms are unique formations of Black Rock, distinct in

both their shape and potency. While the density of Black Rock
dampens paranatural forces, the unique | structure of
Prisms retain frequencies in the range MM to. Hz with
perfect | harmonization.

This report analyzes the results of focusin: a BEE through

a harmonized Prism on to a Ls Methods
for the imprinting of non-physical fields onto hm, imbuing
them with the properties of the harmonized resonance
FY in the Prism will be explored and explained.

Refer to file FY for full report.

At first | thought the cave paintings in the Foundation chronicled
ancient humans’ encounters with natural occurrences like weather,
but it soon became clear they depicted events far outside the
average human experience.

Also, it seems | was wrong to assume the images are ancient.

Radiocarbon dating suggests something impossible: that I've been
down here longer than the paintings. That's absurd though. The
style and medium clearly indicate a Paleolithic origin.

| was ready to conclude that an ancient community of humans lived

in or around the Oldest House. Now, with this information, | don’t
know what to think. Is one of our agents drawing these? Or is there
someone down here with us?

This place has a habit of skewing my results, so perhaps the data is

corrupted. Or perhaps some paintings were created at different
times. The art does seem to chronicle not only the past, but also the
present and possibly even the future. | see in them echoes of the
Board, some linear architecture, even what could be interpreted as
a director.

Are the paintings telling a story that's still being written? If so, who
is writing it?
Collective unconscious is defined as a form of the unconscious that
is shared in all human minds. From this arises unconscious
knowledge linking us through our ancestral heritage (see Jung
report, pg. 12-34). Through this collective unconscious, we
unknowingly attribute a series of images and archetypes to all
elements of our lives. These archetypes are never fixed, but shift
and change in tandem with our species and culture.

This internal belief in the power of images, shared by a massive

population, is ee] in the creation of Altered
Items and Objects of Power. The sheer amount of hm
hm exuded is attracted to the best representation of that
image, imbuing a single object with massive amounts of

Theoretically, Places of Power could likewise be formed by the

simple power of sustained, collective belief.

Refer to file 5-41-7532 for full report.

Control Points are locations that the Bureau has identified as being
vital junctions of the Oldest House. When the appropriate
harmonization devices are arranged around the Control Point in the
hm arrangement, the surrounding area will not
experience any unforeseen Building Shifts.

These Control Points are discovered by Re

detection of an unobstructed ping using the Ee within a
37 foot radius. Numerous researchers have attempted to define
Control Points, calling them nerve junctures or a or
vulnerable spots of the Oldest House. The common factor in these
theories is that Control Points are susceptible to external influence,
which allows us to stabilize the Oldest House and work more
confidently inside it.

Theoretically, this technology could be extrapolated to stabilize the

Oldest House as a whole, but testing has found that certain parts of
the building refuse to be | sd

Refer to file 7-25-2788 for full report.

My explorations of the Foundation have resulted in yet another
mystery: a fascinating series of etchings on large stone tablets.

The tablets themselves are likely not native to the Foundation,

seeing as they're slabs of sedimentary stone, quite different from
the cave’s categorization-defying rock. Their placement and form
are also too intentional to be naturally occurring. But who braved
this place to carry them in? And for what purpose? | discovered a
five-point macro-entanglement between the tablets, with the pillar at
its center. These links seem to extend beyond our level of
consciousness, to some astral realm | can't detect. Is Northmoor’s
Board somehow tied to all this?

The etchings on these tablets are similarly curious. They differ from
the cave paintings in style and technique, so are clearly not of the
same origin. Are they the visual narration of some event? Or do
they indicate intent, a wish, a plan? They only seem to consist of a
tree and the pillar, but the sizes of either are inconsistent. What
does that signify?

I'm missing key pieces of this puzzle and it’s unlikely I'll ever find
The pillar found in the Crossroads is best described as an onyx
spike that protrudes from the cave floor like an imposing stalagmite.
Despite its aggressive silhouette, the structure has an undeniable
allure. Freud would certainly have something to say about the
pillar's overly “erect” nature, but I'm more drawn to Witmoore's
essay on dynamic layers, structures within structures, the fractal
mirror in every being. Given its significant location, | believe the
pillar is either the very heart of the Oldest House or an intrusion
within that heart.

Or perhaps it’s like the husk of a seed, from which the Oldest
House sprouted. Trottier wrote that great architecture isn’t built; it
grows. But then why does the pillar look so different from the rest
of this place’s concrete walls and rocky caverns? It’s easier to see
it as an anomaly, a buried artifact, a foreign body, a demonic

| wonder if this pillar is any more welcome here than we are.




This study extends the works of Irving Janis, Robert Baron and
others by proposing strong, causal links between groupthink and
the passive or active use of telepathy. To prove these connections,
the Parapsychology Department carried out variations of Solomon
Asch’s original conformity experiments using a telepathic individual
as the subject (see experiments Po for
details). Extensive qualitative and quantitative data resulting from
these experiments was then used to identify telepathic interference
within the group. Further empirical findings suggest measures can

ono2cin TT tc bolt,
be taken to safeguard against telepathic influence on behaviors by

this paper stands to revolutionize decades of groupthink theory and

provide new directions for further experimentation on the mind,
including manipulation ofPo and
Refer to file 3-18-2849 for full report.
Hedron and the Hedron Resonance are arguably the greatest
assets this Bureau has ever possessed. The security of Hedron is
unspeakably vital, which is why we have
from the majority of Bureau employees.

This report details the containment procedures required for the

IIE being purrped nto the

Hedron containment chamber, including details on the

containment cell, mechanical upkeep of the resonance siphons, and

the arrangement of the acoustic pillars to dampen or amplify the
sonic range of the chamber.

(NOTE: For more information on the proper operational procedures

of the resonance siphons, an additional report is coming soon.)

Refer to file 7-31-1830 for full report.

The Oldest House has revealed much to me during my months in
the Foundation, but many questions remain. Primarily, the tree
etchings bewilder me. What is their significance? If the House has
changed shape over its lifetime as I've theorized, then was a tree its
first form?

| sent a team to the Schwarzman Building in search of pre-

settlement accounts of Manhattan Island. From those, | discovered
a single relevant line: “And there | found a tree not known to me.
The Devil twisted within its bark.” That line, taken with the fact that
certain American cultures believed some trees would offer wisdom
and guidance, is indeed interesting. However, it's hardly firm
evidence. And though | am now bound to the Oldest House, |
remain a man of science.

Of course, there are numerous ancient beliefs regarding trees.

Yggdrasil, the Tree of Knowledge, yaax imix che. Some cultures
offered blood sacrifices to trees, while others claimed trees
endowed chosen individuals with inhuman powers. Do New York
City’s many murders act as sacrifice for the Oldest House? Does
the House have a chosen champion?

Is it me?



The Safe Object of Power can produce a barrier using objects or

material from its immediate vicinity (see OOP22 case file for more
details). Bureau Rangers were given permission to employ heavy
weaponry against a parautilitarian bound to this Object in order to
gauge the barrier’s durability. Po and
hm velocity ammunition were tested with ;

Testing will continue after [i |

The Safe Object of Power is clearly a viable candidate for use in
combat response scenarios. Allowing parautilitarians to participate
in altered engagements would be an advantage worth considering.

Refer to file 8-53-8367 for full report.

For all my research into the Oldest House's leylines, | still don’t
understand why they converge here, at the base of this pillar. |
suppose the simplest reason is that they have to converge
somewhere. Occam's Razor and all that. But that seems wrong.
The esoteric world abhors coincidence.

So what is the true relationship between this pillar and the leylines?
Does it act as a magnet, attracting them? Polar North? Or is the
pillar a product of their focused energies? A sprout, nourished by
the constant flow of the Oldest House's power?

Perhaps classifying that power would provide some insight.

However, we currently have no means of measuring or quantifying
it. Given time, it may become possible to collect and even harness
this energy.

On that note, Northmoor is bringing in the much-lauded Dr. Gustav

Wagner from headquarters in D.C. to “aid my research”. | suppose
this is his way of saying he doesn't trust me to work unsupervised.
Let’s just hope Dr. Wagner is as smart as his dearly departed
Fuhrer once believed him to be.
Lucky Item Manifest

Bronze Koi Fish, China: Attracts

abundance and wealth. Feng Shui.

Horseshoe, Ireland: Wards off evil.

Orientation important — heels up allows
luck to be kept. Heels down, luck flows

Maneki-neko, Japan: Beckoning cat used in shops. Paw held up

to beckon customers, creating luck for the business owner.

Four-leaf clover, Ireland: Shamrock. Rare plant variation.

Connections to Druidic healing rituals.

Elephant, China: Protection. Good luck. Wisdom. Feng Shui.

Lightbulb, various: Documented gambling rituals indicate luck is

produced when all lights in the room are turned on.

NOTE: Effects of items to be tested. Consider investigating the

orientation of horseshoe. Also, consider positioning of Feng Shui
objects. Proximity of luck items may influence luck readings.

For more information on ritual use, “lucky” actions to perform and

avoid, and relevance to OCD behavior see file 9-28-1672.
This proposal is to finally determine the precise nature of the
“reflected” space within the Altered Item. Is it transplanar,
psychologically-generated, or rooted within our own dimension?
How does the Altered Item “know” the space in its vicinity well
enough to reflect it? Why does it reflect some materials, but not

Is the space a parallel reality? If so, then we need to consider that

while we possess this physical end of the Mirror, someone else
owns the other. What purposes might they use it for? Can they
walk through into our own world? What are their motives?

Lastly, to what purpose does the Altered Item produce the

reflections of individuals that enter it? Can these reflected entities
leave the Altered Item? As with all Altered Items, we need to
— to distinguish if this behavior is fF

Refer to file 5-12-8251 for full report.

AI60, the Mirror, does not reflect its surroundings with perfect
accuracy. The environment seen in its glass contains slight

It is unknown why the Mirror does this, if there is any re

hy then it's something we can't perceive. The popular theory
is that the Mirror has a goal in mind, that it reflects the world it
wishes were real, subtly replacing our reality with its own. While
certainly far-fetched, the theory is worth noting here as a warning
not to underestimate the Mirror. The specially-designed Black Rock
panels have been installed to prevent access, from our side or the
Mirror's. For added security, a particular arrangement of the panels
is required to open the door.

Refer to file 9-15-7412 for full report.

So you want to know how my Mold research is getting on, Casper?
Here it is:

Microscopic organisms, similar in appearance to hz,

construct the architecture of the Mold. | do not understand if these
HR are the original disseminators of the Mold or are bidden
by some fungal infection. The Mold is the most prolific and durable
organism | have ever seen. | theorize there is a Mold source located
somewhere on our side of the Threshold, rooted here to accelerate
growth in our dimension. | refer to this yet unknown source as
The Mold produces an enticing aroma to encourage human
consumption of itself. It propagates in the chest cavity and quickly
subsumes the entire body, seizing control of motor functions. This
behavior was not observed when | first arrived, which means the
Mold has adapted to our presence, targeting our biological
imperatives as a way to spread. It is a truly ingenious little thing.

A full report will be ready soon. Keep your slacks on.

The NSC was designed by order of Deputy Chief Trench shortly
before he became Director. The container provides a safe method
of extraction of a : excess energy output while acting
as a humane way to house him.

The coolant pumps keep the container (and its fs from

overheating while the energy is siphoned. The energy is then
conducted to the converters, where it is rendered into a r
through the use of turbine generators. The electricity produced
powers the entire Bureau, making us completely self-sufficient and
effectively invisible on the New York City grid.

After NSC-01's disappearance by some unknown manifestation of

hy ; power, the occupant was restrained and a second
model was built. NSC-02 possesses built-in spatial anchors that
are designed to prevent any translocative effect from its occupant.

Refer to file 9-23-0544 for full report.

[NOTE: This screenplay was found after the Bureau acquired the
Night Springs television series and all its past episode scripts. It
appears to be written by Alan Wake as part of an application to
become one of the show’s writers.]



It is only human nature to wish to control the forces around us, and
even more so to possess them. But what happens when those
forces are not ours to claim — or even of this world? What if they
are the things you can discover... in Night Springs.


We are in a Secret Lab. The large sign on the wall reads “The
Federal Bureau of Night Springs”.

I've told you several times, Director: it isn’t ready.

It's ready when | say it’s ready, Doctor!

But the being beyond the portal... We have no control over it!
The robust Director shoves the nerd-like Scientist aside, and heads
for the portal control panel. He slams the "ON" button with a
determined fist.

All the more reason.

The entire screen is filled with DANGEROUS red. Then it fades

away and we see that the two men are in another dimension. The air
ripples around them as if they were a 1983 Pontiac Firebird Trans
Am sitting in the Texas sun after a 5-day road trip.


What have you done?! You've doomed us!

Control yourself, Doctor. Where's this beast of yours?

Right there, sir.

A horrible shapeless, shifting ENTITY fills the horizon. It can’t be

described, that’s how horrible it is.

What a thing of beauty you've been keeping from me!
The Director steps closer to the horrible Entity. He reaches out with
a steady hand.

You are mine now, creature. | will return you to my facility and
control your power!

Sir, we don't know--

The Entity instead rushes forward and engulfs the Director. He

SCREAMS in pain as the Scientist looks on and does nothing, like
the coward that he is.

ENTITY (subtitled)

| am not the one being examined. | am not the one locked inside a

Gradually, the Director emerges from the entity. His once sparkling
eyes are now empty and dull. The Scientist rushes to him.

Sir, sir? We have to escape!

We cannot. They are in control now. | got what | wanted.
The Scientist turns from what used to be his Director, now
transformed into a stranger, an alien that only resembles the
Director in form.

He drops his all-important clipboard as he stumbles towards the

closing portal, but the horrible Entity is already rushing through it in
a flow of INSANITY and CHAOS. The Scientist becomes caught in
it and the Entity devours him, screaming, as it enters our world. The
Director lifts his pistol to his head. His hand is steady, sure in its
Or so | thought.

Camera fades to black. A GUNSHOT is heard.

And so, our hunger for control, our obsession for domination and
power, the hubris at play in this children’s puppet show we're
starring in can only lead to our fall from control, to submit to those
who really hold the strings and control us... in Night Springs.

While Altered Items and Objects of Power may seem similar at
first, it's important to note some very key distinctions.

Firstly, Objects of Power grant parautilitarian abilities (see file PUT-

812 for an introduction to the subject).

Secondly, Objects of Power translocate anyone who makes

physical contact to the Astral Plane. This is widely believed to be
due to the a : affiliation with Objects of Power. Not
every individual is allowed in the Astral Plane, which indicates the
fs evaluates who can or cannot enter.

Thirdly, and this is not always the case, Objects of Power are much
more paranaturally = than Altered Items.

Looking at the specific criteria that defines an Object of Power, it is

no wonder they are notably rarer than Altered Items. In fact, we have
hy Altered Items for every Object of Power contained
within the Bureau.

Refer to file 5-29-9485 for full report.



“...the [first slide] was a room with dirty wallpaper and dolls on a
shelf. There were lots of dolls.” — D.F. (interview, 2002)

“The ‘House’ was empty. No one lived there. We played in there a

lot. It was our secret playhouse.” — J.F. (therapy session, 2010)

“I went to school with Neil. Some kids called him Nosebleed Neil
(note: Likely Neil Hosenberg, missing). It was mean. He had
asthma. Tom (note: Likely Tom Barlow, missing) and his gang,
Freddy (note: Likely Frederick Bartwell, missing), Hugo (note: No
one by this name was found in public records) bullied him. We
brought Neil to the dump to play.” — D.F. (interview, 2002)
Unconfirmed existence of additional slide, designation: “House”.
“The second slide we called the ‘Meadow’ but... it was really just
an empty lot with a bunch of weeds. There was a shack and a
phoneline. It smelled like flowers there. It was powerful, intoxicating.
We had crazy dreams there. It must have been because of the
smell. | didn’t like it. Didn't like losing control. In the dreams
everything was melting, and then, when we'd come out, everything
had melted around the projector.” — J.F. (therapy session, 2010)

“Neil was really into it. We found out he'd been coming there more
and more on his own. Then Tom beat the secret out of Neil and
found [the projector]. He and his goons took it.” — J.F. (therapy
session, 2010)
“We thought Neil had got lost inside the ‘Meadow’ when Tom
changed the slide. But that’s not what happened.” — D.F. (interview,
Unconfirmed existence of additional slide, designation: “Meadow”.


“After what happened at school, to Mrs. Chester, we started spying

on [Tom] and saw where they took the projector.” — D.F. (interview,

“Tom and his troglodytes were using the Sled Hill Cave as their
headquarters. That's where [the projector] was. They'd been using
the ‘Temple’ slide... we called it that, but really it was a broken
concrete thing, like a warehouse, or a bomb shelter, or something.
Very dark. The Not-Mother lived there with her... babies, children, |
don’t know. She was feeding Tom and the others her milk. They
were changing into little monsters. We called them Dung Monkeys.”
— J.F. (therapy session, 2010)

Unconfirmed existence of additional slide, designation: “Temple”.

Unconfirmed existence of paranatural entity, designation: “Not-

Mother” (EID-19928).
“Tom and the others had gotten worse. Scarier. The math teacher,
Mrs. Chester, tried to make them listen and... they pushed over a
piano on her... broke her legs. Then Tom bashed her head in. Bye-
bye, Mrs. Chester. | always liked her. | liked math.” — D.F. (interview,

“That was the tipping point. It was ‘Lord of the Flies’ level bad. The
grown-ups realized something was wrong. The police came and
literally dragged Tom and Hugo and the others away. Tom was
screaming that [the Not-Mother] would make them all go away.
They enacted a curfew for every kid in Ordinary. Mom and dad were
pissed, asking us about the dump, about everything. | remember
wanting them gone like Tom had said. When we woke up the next
morning, pretty much all the adults had just... vanished. Was |
responsible? Did I... | don’t know.” — J.F. (therapy session, 2010)
Disappearance of majority of Ordinary’s population confirmed to
result from Slide Projector-related AWE.
“Jesse and me followed the Dung Monkeys to the cave. There was
a lot of them. More of the kids from town had joined up. It was
really scary. Jesse grabbed [the projector] and we ran as fast as we
could. They chased us. | fell and hurt my knee. Jesse tried to help
me, but the Dung Monkeys were coming. They were just about to
get us. But then Neil showed up! Neil looked like a dog... like a
melted dog, but | knew it was him. Neil said a lot of times he didn’t
like being a boy because Tom just beat him up. | think he liked being
a dog.” - D-F. (interview, 2002)

“The projector wouldn't turn off, so we changed the slide to the

‘Hand’. | heard her immediately. She promised to help.” —J.F.
(therapy session, 2010)

“Jesse said we should call her Polaris. It's because she was doing
stars at school.” — D.F. (interview, 2002)

Additional slide, designation: “Hand” (SID-36) is verified and in
Bureau possession.

Unconfirmed existence of paranatural entity, designation: “Dog Neil”

“We went in and met [Polaris]... like a star. She told us we were
special. She made us special. It felt like being born, or reborn, the
world fading in for the first time. Familiar, but somehow different.” —
J.F. (therapy session, 2010)
“[Polaris] told us how to turn off the projector. The Dung Monkeys
and the Not-Mother were coming straight at us. Dylan was crying. |
turned it off and... they were gone. It was over. | took all the slides
and burned them. All of them except “Hand”. — J.F. (therapy
session, 2010)

Unconfirmed existence of paranatural entity, designation: “Polaris”
Objects of Power are unique in their capacity to grant certain
individuals paranatural abilities. We call these individuals

The potency of these abilities depends on the parautilitarian. Using

the hm Object of Power as an example, some
parautilitarians can achieve a throw distance of hy while
others are only capable of as little as | (see Dr. Darling
presentation 11.15 for more information).

What exactly determines an individual's paranatural competence is

unknown, but it is largely believed that sone iy
exists within the body and that, like all muscles, it can be exercised.
To continue my analysis, | have officially requested access to the
Northmoor records, considering he is one of the most
accomplished parautilitarians the Bureau has ever seen. Dr. Darling
is still considering this request.

Refer to file 8-54-1982 for full report.

I've been going through my library, researching pyramids and
triangles. If that shape does relate to the Board as Northmoor says,
then perhaps our predecessors in the occult can offer some insight
through their geometric knowledge.

In esotericism, the triangle is closely associated with the Holy

Trinity and other three-part concepts. Past, present, future. Mind,
body, spirit. Interestingly, the term “Board” also implies multiple

Upright triangles in Judeo-Christian imagery indicate ascent into the

rational/divine realm. Inverted, it signifies a descent into the
corporeal/human. Naturally, the ascent is masculine and the fall is
feminine. Adam and Eve. That's just a bit of old-world patriarchy.
It's 1964 now and we're well past that silliness.

Considering the above, what does the inverted triangle tell us about
the Board? They're clearly not corporeal or human. Perhaps they
wish to be? Or they once were? The likeliest answer is simply that
theological imagery cannot help us define alien entities.

But still, the pyramid seems significant. Shapes have power and
clearly so does the Board.




Resonance. It's there, but we can’t see it. It vibrates around us,
through us, from us. But what if the vibration is conscious? What
could a force like that do?

ERE © pened the door to a MT ve

called hy. The emits a force that is far
beyond the forces we've previously dealt with. It has shown me so
much that | have to wonder. Is resonance the key element in all
altered phenomenon? AWEs, Altered Items, Objects of Power, do
they share a common FY that we've yet to discover? We
can harmonize Control Points, what else would the correct
frequency allow us to achieve? What if resonance has been the
answer this whole time?

Refer to file fF for full report.




Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, hoarding, anxiety disorders.

While certain manifestations of these conditions are simply the
result of mental illness, sometimes the individuals are simply
performing Po called rituals.

The of rituals can vary. Numerology, dream-logic,

forfeiture, verbal formulae, repetitive action, and causal tethering are
just some of the procedures involved. Some rituals are consistent,
such as pulling the light switch cord three times to enter the Motel,
but some are erratic.

While most people engage in minor rituals every day, the vast
majority do not understand the importance behind their actions.
Avoiding disaster, amassing luck, or simply locating lost keys are
all the results of daily rituals. Individuals who recognize a deeper
meaning behind these compulsive actions are inherently aware of
the paranatural world and, when located, should be considered for
employment at the Bureau.

Refer to file TE jor full report.

Dr. Hartman is the first Type 2 Shaded Individual to be examined
alive by the Bureau and has proven a valuable asset for our
understanding of A-010, a.k.a. the Shadow.

Like all Shaded Individuals, the specimen is constantly shielded by

(or produces?) a ; of darkness that makes visual
observation difficult. Thishm also protects the specimen
from harm. During testing, non-lethal ballistics proved ineffective
against it.

The specimen uses words and phrases that seem to originate from
its previous life as a therapist. Some phrases have even been
identified as quotes from Dr. Hartman's book “The Creator's
Dilemma”. This seems to indicate the host's personality remains
ME, 10 some degree.
For research purposes, Shaded Hartman was relocated to the
Cauldron Lake Lodge replica built for the hy AWE
investigation. Researchers hope a familiar setting may trigger new
behavior. This experiment has yielded no results thus far.

Refer to file 5-22-1019 for full report.

The Slide Projector only works with Slide
36. Logically this means the slide itself is
a part of the Object of Power, or a
distinct Altered Item. But of course | had
to make sure no other slides worked. |
had to try. | thought maybe emotion had
something to do with it. Connection.
History. Love.

| brought in my parents’ old slides. Birthday parties, vacations to

Niagara Falls, my first day of high school, that kind of thing. There
were two boy's worth. | had to dig around the garage for an hour to
find them. Never once thought of looking at them since they passed.

| tried them all. | waited until all the staff left for the night. | stayed up
in that booth for hours, trying every one. Projector off, slide out,
slide in, Projector on. Nothing happens. Projector off, slide out,
slide in, Projector on. Nothing happens.

Love wasn’t the common factor. There’s no correlation that | can

see. Maybe the slide itself is the Object of Power. Maybe the
Projector’s just an accessory. Maybe it doesn’t matter.

Why'd that fucking kid have to burn the other slides?

Auditory Experience 84.C: Poets of the Fall — “My Dark


1) Did the song elicit any particular memories? If so, elaborate.

2) Did you at any point feel a strong emotion? If so, what emotion?

3) Did a clear image of a weapon appear at your mind during the

song? If so, elaborate.

4) Provide a detailed description of your current surroundings as

you see them.

5) Have you ever heard the murmur of voices when no one is

present? If so, what did they say? Do you hear them now?

6) Please choose one from each of the following pairs:

6a) 1 or 2

6b) AorB
6c) Day or Night
6d) Apple or Orange
6e) Burn Out or Fade Away
Synchronicity is a phenomena long recognized by the wise, but only
recently given a name by science. It is how we rationalize events
connected by no identifiable causality, yet clearly conjoined in
purpose. How does a dream foretell an event in the physical plane?
Why do hounds bale at the death of their master, which has
occurred miles away? The world is unified in ways we do not yet
understand, and sometimes we stumble across these invisible
unseen cords and wonder at the result.

The visionary Carl Jung laid the road, now we must walk it. My
fledgling Research Department will make it our mission to reliably
reproduce Po behavior by the
close of 1959. Once done, the mechanics of synchronicity will lay
themselves bare in due time. We are striding into the future of
science. History may not remember our names, but God himself
Refer to file hy for full report.
As a test, television sets were placed in a variety of locations
around the world inside rooms identically decorated. The
hypothesis was that by identically altering the décor of every room,
and then changing the channel in every room but one, that the single
differing television would spontaneously align the incoming
frequency to match its synchronized counterparts.

The experiment seemed like a failure, until it was observed that the
agents responsible for arranging and monitoring these rooms were
all experiencing the same emotional turmoil as one clinically-
depressed member of the team (himself being located in the
eastern part of i. Psychological examination of the
agents proved the correlation. Interestingly, the phenomenon of
Synchronicity did occur, but not in the way we predicted.

Refer to file 1-87-3452 for full report.

The Oldest House imposes certain limitations on our Bureau, but
by far the most restrictive is the inability to use certain technological

The Oldest House does not allow devices that receive or emit any
| signal. Radio waves are the only transmittable signals in the
Oldest House, and even those are often unreliable.

If the power of collective unconscious is taken into account, it could

be that certain pieces of technology are too “new” in the cultural
Es 0. the Oldest House to fF them.
Similarly, these items have not been known to become receptacles
for altered status. Technology may be moving at too fast a pace for
the | to occur.

Modern technology tends to disappear and break here, sometimes

quite violently. hm agents have been injured by cell phones
exploding in their pockets while entering the Oldest House.

Refer to file 4-19-1935 for full report.




The Formation is a tall stone structure found in Quarry Site Beta,

only reachable by placing distinct tokens into the Jukebox Object of
Power (see OOP10 case file for details). The Formation's exact
purpose is Ee. but we can at least examine
its relationship with the EY surrounding it.

Measuring devices found trace evidence of hm

at certain lines running from the Formation to the ha.
When examined properly, four direct ritual tethers were detected.
Some form of sympathetic causality connects the Formation with
the | which means, in theory, that when certain
Re are performed at one, it will physically
affect the other. I've been urged to note here that some individuals
believe the Formation responds to any fulfilment of purpose or
desire in nearby individuals (though I'd like to remind those
individuals that we're the Parakinesiology Department, not the Para-
Feelings Department).
I'm proud to report that my team was able to design, construct, and
install a permanent detection system. These arches will help
Rangers identify when the causal tethers are active, allowing them
to better a.
Refer to file 8-38-1989 for full report.
Paranatural entity A-010 (a.k.a. the Shadow) is an aggressive
hm consisting of three known types.

Type A: Localized manifestations of sentient hz capable of

occupying organic and inorganic material, as well as exerting
over its surroundings.

Type B: Shaded Individuals — Human bodies hy by the

Shadow. These individuals become notably more aggressive but do
seem to retain FY of their previous selves. Research is
ongoing as to whether this condition is reversible.

Type C: Shaded Objects — Similar to Type B, except that inanimate

objects are a solely to be used as destructive tools.

Each type seems to work towards a shared goal, possibly targeting

certain individuals (see AWE-35), which may imply a shared link to
a FY intelligence.

The threat this entity poses warrants immediate exploration of

offensive/defensive measures. The Investigations Sector is being
outfitted with additional lighting sources, some internally powered,
to prepare for the eventuality of an

Refer to file 6-34-1923 for full report.

Thresholds have always been sources of great inspiration and great
challenge. When a new Threshold manifests in the Oldest House by
ey we never know what new discoveries it
will provide to the Bureau, but we must always seize these
opportunities. This report will examine the process of distinguishing
recent Threshold effects based on their utilitarian possibilities.

The Quarry brought Black Rock, one of our most invaluable

discoveries, but if the Mold has any scientific value, it has been
difficult to find due to the lengths we must go to in fighting back the
particularly prolific plant. These are very distinct cases and worth
comparing as their study offers vastly different dangers and

Refer to file 5-94-1284 for full report.

Dr. me recently-penned essay titled fF
contains some glaring omissions that | feel | must shine
a light on.

Firstly, the entire premise of the essay is that the Quarry Threshold
is beneficial to the Bureau, while the Mold is “actively hostile”, to
use his words. We cannot determine the worth of these dimensions
and their lifeforms using bureaucratic definitions.

Secondly, the Mold is much more beneficial than some rock. If the
creating the Mold were reconfigured in their purpose,
the structures they could build would rival the greatest skyscrapers.
The Mold’s resistance to various strains of disease we've
—_ to introduce could be derived into

Yes, admittedly, this application is more difficult than picking up a

rock and gluing it to a wall, but | pause to wonder when the Bureau
lost its eagerness for a challenge.

Refer to file 2-35-1863 for full report.

The Oldest House is a place in flux. Thresholds appear with no
warning. What the Threshold will contain is a question we can only
answer once it manifests.

The widely accepted theory is that Thresholds are dimensions

vibrating on a | frequency different from our own.
When these frequencies match, the Threshold will manifest in the
Oldest House, which acts as ahm. Others theorize
Thresholds are parallel universes or possibly our own reality at a
different point in time. Some believe our collection of altered
materials affects the House or attracts the Thresholds. We do know
for certain that Thresholds are not permanent. Eventually their
frequency will shift.

Some believe Earth itself is just another Threshold connected to the

Oldest House, which is actually rooted in some other reality. This
theory, while impossible to disprove, causes a in
those who learn of it so is actively denied.

Refer to file 5-05-1881 for full report.




Urban legends are believed to affect the creation of altered

materials, but can also dictate the characteristics of an Altered
World Event.

Urban legends are understood as the modern evolution of Jung's

archetypes. We recognize certain hi. informed by our
own and popularized by our media. We
have additionally proven that urban legends can even be artificially
fr in popular culture using hy (our Bureau-
made anthology television program). Once the seeds are sown,
human imagination exacerbates the details.

Certain paranatural phenomena contain clear elements of

popularized folklore. AWEs that = occur on hy. A pair
of scissors that consume human through two punctures
on the | These details, living in the minds of so many, have
been given strength through belief.

Urban legends are not just stories for children. They are paranatural
realities waiting to happen.

Refer to file 4-93-6942 for full report.

With the Astral Plane now physically accessible, a torrent of new
information has been collected on the entities known as Astral

The Copies’ bodies are composed of a dense stone-like material

that is both resilient under controlled circumstances and brittle
when struck with significant force (see report 8-11-1633 for full
composition analysis). Whether the Astral Copies possess
individual consciousness or are directed by a higher intelligence
such as the Board remains unknown. However, their shared
aggression seems to indicate a unified goal.

Director Faden's encounters with these entities when binding

Objects of Power in the Astral Plane indicate they serve as live
targets for potential parautilitarians to practice on. Some have been
equipped with Bureau weaponry, though it seems unlikely they were
armed by our personnel.

It is important to note that they appear immune to Hiss corruption.

Refer to file [EE for full report.

Astral Mimics are physically indistinguishable from Astral Copies,
but considerably more dangerous due to the fact that they possess
parautilitarian abilities. The most notable ability witnessed is

It is unknown how this Astral entity gained its paranatural abilities.

The relevant Objects of Power are currently bound to Director
Faden, which indicates the Objects are not responsible. However,
Objects of Power are intrinsically linked to the Board and the Astral
Plane. A similar link between the Objects and the Mimics could also
exist. Or perhaps the Board is able to dispense these abilities at
their leisure, with no trial in the Astral Plane required?

The prevailing theory, however, is that the entities are simply

replicating observed abilities performed by the Hiss, or even the
Director herself, thanks to a prolonged exposure to our world
caused by the Astral Bleed.

Refer to file hy for full report.

Astral Spikes are metastructural entities found in the Astral Plane.
Their existence was first confirmed when a single Spike travelled
into our dimension through the mind of an Astralnaut (see report
hm for details re: Agent Gibson).

Astral Spikes seem to exist beyond our dimensions physical laws.

They do not resemble any living creature or animate object we have
yet encountered. They are even dissimilar to Astral Copies, despite
the fact that both originate from the Astral Plane.

The Spikes are immensely dangerous, emitting a wavelength that

disrupts all organic and inorganic matter in their immediate vicinity
with catastrophic results. Discerning the nature of this wavelength
has been difficult for obvious reasons, but the Parakinesiology
Department continues to investigate.

Refer to file | for full report.

Ashtray and Cigarette (OOP11-KE)
No unique procedures required.

The object is a steel ashtray with a maze
engraved on its bottom. An ever-burning
cigarette rests in it.

When bound, the object allows

parautilitarians to create a maze of shifting corridors without
adjusting the dimensions of the space around it. This maze forms
wherever the object is placed. Only the binder can navigate the
maze, though they may allow others through.

The object is currently bound to Director Trench.

The object was discovered atPo by a team
of Rangers sent to a care facility for the elderly that had become the
center of numerous missing persons reports. Local authorities also
disappeared inside after responding to reports.

Agent hm discovered the object in a hi,

which indicates it was the source of the disappearances. The
whereabouts of the missing persons are still unknown, though they
are presumed to be lost in the Maze.
Benicoff TV (OOP7-KE)

No unique containment procedures
required while bound.

A CRT television built by Benicoff and
Sons Electrics. The screen is still

The object can levitate itself off the ground to a maximum observed
altitude of iz. When bound, the object allows parautilitarians to
harness this effect for their own use (see report Es 0.
the results tested with Prime Candidate

The object is currently bound by——|


The object was first discovered in a local news story from

—, Kansas. A figure had been seen = over
buildings. The Bureau dispatched agents to the town, who
discovered that a man named | had bound
himself to the object. Mr. Ee v2; detained (see case
39-HQ-656) and the object was brought to the Bureau for study.
Floppy Disk (OOP5-KE)

Must be contained in a cell with no other
loose material.

The object is an 8 inch diskette containing
Soviet-era nuclear launch codes.

When bound, the object allows

parautilitarians to telekinetically lift material and throw it a short
distance (see Dr. Darling presentation 11.15 for more information).

The object is currently bound toPo for

research purposes.


Stolen from a Soviet military base located in | by agents

EE 21: EN with the CIA. The
diskette contained launch codes to |] missiles, believed to
be reserved for use against a. After being returned to
America, the diskette began throwing computational hardware at
members of the decoding team. An informant in the CIA tipped the
Bureau off and it was requisitioned by agents the next day.
Home Safe (OOP22-KE)

No unique procedures required.

The object is a “Guardhouse” brand
home safe. Weight measurements vary.

When bound, the object allows

parautilitarians to telekinetically gather
items and debris from their surroundings.

The object is currently bound by hy.

Discovered in the basement of a home in FCS Ohio, the
object gained rapid interest in certain online forums dedicated to
opening abandoned safes. After months of failure, the owner
attempted to open it with explosives. The object survived with no
physical damage. Bureau agents were dispatched, now confident of
its paranatural nature.

Blood occasionally emerges from seam around the object's door.

Tests confirm the blood is not human. X-rays taken of the object
indicate that something is trapped inside, though the images are
always blurred, which indicates the contents of the object are
moving. All attempts to open the object have been unsuccessful.
Hotline (OOP3-UE)


Object should be inaccessible for use

except to the Director.

Object is a 1960s era red bakelite
telephone. The rotary dial has been
replaced with a black knob of unknown
a The phone weighs

The object allows the Director to communicate with the i. If

used by anyone other than the Director, the object will cause lethal
Po (see Dr. Darling presentation 11.6 for
more information).

The object is currently bound to Director Trench.

The object spontaneously manifested in the Director's Office,
placed on the desk. Director Northmoor was the first known Bureau
agent to use it.

A battery of tests were run on the object, including

RS 21: RE, bt its origin
remains unknown.
Songmaster Jukebox (OOP10-KE)


Item is to be kept in a secure location in

the Executive Sector (see security order
239-A). The room must be sealed before
usage to prevent unintentional
transportation of staff.

A classic 1950s jukebox, made by
Songmaster Entertainment LTD. The Jukebox was found with a
_ record inside, titled “A Song for the Others” by

When this record is played in the object, anyone within earshot is

translocated for as long as the album is playing. Those involved in
the object's first known incident report being transported to a
tropical beach (exact location unknown).

When this object is used in the Oldest House, it only transports

users to an area located in the recently-manifested Quarry
Threshold. Researchers theorize that this site's unique spatial
density results in all transitioning material gravitating to its position,
as has been observed with other Bureau equipment. The Oldest
House’s unique nature could also be having an effect on the object

This object is not bound to any known individual. Attempts by

Bureau staff to bind it have resulted in HE anc should
not be attempted again.
Merry-Go-Round Horse (OOP16-KE)

Object should be kept in a confined
space when unbound.

A fiberglass horse once used as a seat
for a merry-go-round ride. The pole is still
connected to the object.

The object is capable of moving short distances at high speeds.

This can be quite dangerous when FC its path.

The object is currently bound by i.

The object was discovered at the site of an abandoned amusement
park. Local fF reported that the rides would move on
their own, and that they would be chased out.

When these rumors reached the Bureau (see America Overnight

episode 235), agents were dispatched to investigate. Three local
| were found dead at the scene. The object attacked
agent Sy
Agents invoked Formula C.5 to | the object long
enough to E
Service Weapon (OOP1-KE)

No unique procedures required.

The object's form is variable.

When bound, the object allows

parautilitarians to hy. This
object must only be bound by individuals
seeking the role of Ls The object will
determine whether Jy.
rejected, the applicant is terminated. This process is dictated by the
, though their criteria is unknown.

The object was discovered inside the Oldest House, in the room
that is now used as the Director's Office. The popular hypothesis
Ee many forms throughout history,
eV olnir,
Excalibur, Varunastra, all weapons that
of their wielders. If Objects of Power are the convergence of forces
based on the collective subconscious, then this may be the original
manifestation of that event. If this is the case, |
(see Dr. Darling presentation 11.1 for more details).
Slide Projector (OOP15-UE)


The object is a Ee wit: a
vertical tray.

The object creates

(see Dr.
Darling presentation 26.1 for more details). The on) iii”
to successfully produce this effect resulted in the capture of
BE (2 Dr. Darling
presentation 26.3 for more details).

Object has not been successfully bound. The parautility of this

object does not require binding.


Discovered when the Bureau responded to |

es (sc AWE-
24 case file for more information).

Many of the accompanying J! were ay

(see files on P6, P7 for details). The entirety of the iy
was transported to the Bureau for examination, to find additional
hy or other altered materials.
X-Ray Light Box (OOP18-PE)

No unique procedures needed.

The object is a lightbox used to examine
x-ray images. The image cannot be
removed from the lightbox. The
information on the image belongs to a
patient named hi.

The object allows parautilitarians to forcefully seize an individual's

Ee The seized individual becomes
; to the user. The effect lasts hi. Once
released, the seized ; | as a result of the psychic trauma.

The object has no current binder.

A janitor named fF bound the object at St.

ee i
Anne's Hospital in hi. Soon, the building's occupants

The Bureau dispatched an emergency response team to |

BE the perpetrator and SEE the item.
Fatalities numbered in the i. For operational details, see
case 26-HQ-452.
Albany (AWE-29)


A response team was dispatched to a possible AWE in progress at

| sss Albany. At the scene, the team
encountered and retrieved Al63.


The Bureau had discovered numerous online message boards

regarding loud noises coming from an abandoned shipping
warehouse belonging to the = Corporation. Local law
enforcement had discovered numerous bodies in various states of
mutilation in the vicinity. This, along with the noises, were
considered to be evidence of a “werewolf” due to the fact that they
only occurred on the last three full moons.

Field Agent ; accompanied a squad of ranger trainees

to the site as a form of field training. The likelihood of a genuine
AWE was considered low. Despite this evaluation, the team
encountered a highly-volatile Altered Item, which they successfully
Albany (AWE-29)


Upon arrival, the squad broke into the warehouse and discovered
boxes of undelivered merchandise abandoned by the previous
owner of the warehouse. As they investigated the noise,
PF along the south side of the building caused

NN 2, MMII erent ckdliges

it to collapse inward. Wooden crates in accelerated physical

; ss and two of the trainees unconscious. The others

escaped the warehouse before it collapsed entirely. In the rubble,
they found AI63 at the origin of the ha, attracting
and repelling debris.

They stood guard around the item until the moon set, at which point
the altered effect ceased. They returned the item to the Bureau
without further incident. No fatalities occurred.

The collapse of the warehouse was not witnessed by civilians and

thus no re-informing by the Communications Department was
Bright Falls (AWE-10)

An unconfirmed Threshold manifestation occurred at Cauldron

Lake, WA.

The citizens of Bright Falls had gathered in the town’s southwestern

fields for the annual festival known as Deerfest. Eyewitnesses all
claim that the day had been sunny, confirmed by reviews of the
area's weather reports, but then, with no warning, a thunderstorm
appeared in the direction of the Anderson Farm and a tornado rose
from Cauldron Lake. The torrential rain that followed caused a flash
“It was as if the = had turned to night.” —testimony from

Frank Breaker, the Sheriff of Bright Falls (formerly a Bureau Agent,

see employee file . managed to guide the crowd to
safety as the festival grounds were destroyed by the flood. The
festival was cancelled, ending one day early.

Lack of official Bureau presence on the scene makes this event

difficult to report as a confirmed AWE, though the similarity to other
known events in the Bright Falls area lend credence to the accounts
of the townspeople.
Bright Falls (AWE-10)

On the day of the flooding, the rock band Old Gods of Asgard was
rehearsing in a field outside the Anderson Farm, the homestead of
band members Odin and Tor Anderson. Both admitted to being in a
heavy state of inebriation at the time, having spent “days” drinking
their home-brewed moonshine while celebrating Deerfest.

After the townspeople were evacuated from the flooded field,

Sheriff Breaker was asked by Freya Anderson, daughter of Tor
Anderson, to check on her father and uncle. Breaker drove to the
Anderson Farm and found the band members alive but in need of
medical aid. Tor Anderson had been struck by lightning and Odin
Anderson had cut out his own right eye (a possible ref. to Norse
deities ; and Ha. They claimed they had fought and
“valiantly defeated” a “dark army of the scratching hag” rising from
Cauldron Lake (see AWE- of 1970, related to the suspected
at Diver's Isle).

While impossible to verify, these events are relevant to the recurring

AWE at Bright Falls and the Cauldron Lake EEE. Odin
and Tor Anderson have been listed as persons of interest.
Bright Falls (AWE-35)

An unconfirmed Threshold manifestation at Cauldron Lake, WA

resulted in a fictional story written by the author Alan Wake creating
an AWE in which reality was altered to match that of the story,
though only locally and for a limited time.

Mr. Kirklund, Head of Investigations, was alerted on Sept. 13, 2010
by ex-Bureau agent Frank Breaker (see hm that an AWE
event was taking place in Bright Falls, WA (refer to events
investigated in 1970, 1976, 1978). Breaker had received a call
from Barry Wheeler (Alan Wake’s literary agent) on behalf of
Breaker’s daughter, Sarah, who is the current sheriff of Bright Falls.

A Bureau field team arrived at the site two days later, only to
confirm that the event was over. Interviews were conducted (refer to
the 1970 HB Thomas Zane; 1976, 1978 Odin Anderson, Tor
Anderson). Alan Wake was believed to fF
instigator. Eyewitness reports highlight an old light switch (possible
Object of Power) that | missing.
Wake was not found at the scene. Reports claim he dived into the
lake, but no body was recovered in the search.
Bright Falls (AWE-35)


Alice Wake, Mr. Wake's wife, was found during the Bureau
investigation. She was interviewed and evaluated. She showed
signs of severe mental trauma in the form of iii” memory
loss. She was later directed to treatment. It was concluded that she
had been trapped in the Threshold during its manifestation.

Notable individuals still missing after the Bright Falls event are FBI
Special Agent Robert Nightingale and Dr. Emil Hartman (refer to
“The Creator's Dilemma” and the file re: the Cauldron Lake Lodge).

Bureau researchers believe this event was the result of a forceful

perception of subjective reality (stemming from Mr. Wake)
overlapping on our own. Wake has been flagged as a potential
parautilitarian (see Prime Candidate Program file for more details).

In 2011, a book by Clay Steward titled “The Alan Wake Files” was
published by Roundabout Press (New York and Olympia). Agents
interviewed Clay Steward and suspected minor parautilitarian
sensitivity. He was placed under indefinite surveillance.

A monitoring station was established at Cauldron Lake to alert the
Bureau of any future activity.
Butte (AWE-17)


A spate of disappearances was traced to a home in the city of

Butte, where Bureau agents discovered a translocative light switch
Bureau agents arrived at the home of a local celebrity, located at
EEE BE wich had been
connected to a total ofy | disappearances in the area. Agents
found no one inside. While searching a closet, an agent pulled the
light switch cord and disappeared from view.

Another agent was selected to pull the cord in order to replicate the
event. He disappeared as well. Both agents were discovered at the
Oldest House fi days later, found in a sealed room by Rangers
exploring a new area of the House.

The light switch cord in the Butte home's closet disappeared during
this incident.
Butte (AWE-17)


According to their testimony, the agents had been transported from

the Butte home to a roadside motel (named the Oceanview Motel
and Casino) and discovered a room key by performing a ritual (see
file MOT-01). The key opened a door marked with an inverted black
pyramid, which they only learned after a lengthy period of trial and
error. After pulling another motel cord found inside this room, they
were transported to the Oldest House.

The disappearances of the home’s owner and the other locals of

Butte have been attributed to the light switch cord. The Oceaniew
Motel is now known to have many doors and pathways.

Since the occurrence, identical light switch cords to the one found
in the Butte home have begun appearing throughout the Oldest
House. At the time of writing, | | light cords have been found in
the Oldest House, located in the [TY and
HE Sectors. These all access the Oceanview Motel,
though how exactly this link operates is hy but initial
— center on the Butte AWE as a [TY
(see Dr. Darling presentation 24.3 for more details).
The Eagle Limited (AWE-44)


A train derailment resulting in 62 casualties and numerous injuries

was suspected to have been the work of a paracriminal group
known as i. As a result of this event, the agents
discovered that one of the cars had become altered with a
persistent auditory event. It remains to be determined whether the
AWE was spontaneous or the direct result of the sabotage.

The Bureau had been tracking said group at the time and the intel
gathered suggested an event of this caliber was imminent in
Bloomington. As a result, a response team on site was able to
respond to the train accident site within minutes of its occurrence.
They arrived to find emergency processes underway, but also
equipment left behind by the suspected group. A suspicious
onlooker managed to elude agents after they attempted to make

Further investigation of the accident site revealed a curiously

undamaged train car that exhibited an altered state when entered.
This individual car was secured and transported to the
Investigations Sector for further studies.
The Eagle Limited (AWE-44)


The Bureau has gathered concrete evidence that the train

derailment was in fact the work of the paracriminal group known as
hm. which, according to the Bureau's intel, has shown a
concerning interest in experimenting with the artificial manufacturing
of altered materials.

Knowing the group largely operates in the American Midwest, the

Bureau worked alongside the FBI to ascertain their movements and
rendezvous locations. This cooperation provided agents with
information that led to an arrest in conjunction with the AWE case.
Under suspicion of involvement, HE cs brought in for

An interrogation performed by Agent ; | resulted in the suspect

being kept in a holding cell for two days without food, in breach of
the Paracriminal Rights Act. Afterwards, the suspect confessed to
his involvement in the ; group and provided information
on other members in exchange for his freedom.
n/a (AWE-18)

A possible AWE in which an unnamed individual experienced
transcorporeality via a phone line. Event is notably similar to
AWE, in which

Event is believed to have been caused by re

Po and as a result the following measures
have been taken to a a. PF
n/a (AWE-18)

(transcript of a call to the California state emergency services)

Dispatcher: 911, what is your emergency?

Voice: Hello... Hello. I'm here. Can you hear me?

D: | can hear you, ma’am. Where are you?

Voice: I'm, um, inside the wires. I’m lost.

D: Ma’am, have you been drinking tonight?

Voice: | feel like I'm stretching through the wire. Towards you. Don't
hang up. | might go if you hang up.

D: Go where, ma’am?

V: Go. Gone. Away.

D: OK, and can you describe your surroundings-

(unknown noise)
D: Ma’am? Hello, ma’am?

NOTE: Dispatcher attempted to call the number back, but it was no

longer in service.
Fra Mauro (AWE-7)


A paranatural entity arrived on Earth by infiltrating the Apollo 14

lunar mission at an unknown point of their voyage to the Fra Mauro
highlands of the Moon.

32 hours after the return of the Apollo 14 command module to
Earth, the Bureau was contacted by Mr. i, a White
House senior official, and instructed to send a small team to the
Johnson Space Center in Houston.

At the base, the team examined the entity and carried out interviews
with NASA staff. They learned that four astronauts had returned to
Earth instead of the expected three. Each human crewmember was
insistent that the mission left with four members, though they
couldn’t name the fourth when asked. The entity seemingly affected
their memory to make its presence feel unremarkable.

The entity was transported to the Oldest House for further


NOTE: An altercation between NASA security and the investigation

team occurred upon their arrival. Mr. — called to clarify
the matter, though tensions remained high. Bureau jurisdiction and
clearance should be defined more clearly with other federal
Fra Mauro (AWE-7)


The Apollo 14 entity (commonly known as “Fra”) underwent a

series of physical examinations upon its admittance into the Oldest

The entity can speak, though its poor grasp of the English language
makes any meaningful communication impossible. Interview material
can be found athi.

Its physical form consists solely of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit

(EMU) spacesuit used by NASA astronauts, the same model worn
by the other crew. This could be an authentic EMU taken from one
of the NASA astronauts (though this suit does not bear any
wearer's name) or one materialized through hm
conversion or possibly hm corporealization. The suit itself
is slightly damaged, which is likely due to the fact that the command
module did not have a fourth seat for the entity to strap into during

The EMU is entirely hollow and pieces can be removed, though this
seems to agitate the entity. X-rays and spectrograph imaging have
shown HE shaped outlines existing within the suit. For
safety reasons, the entity will be contained in a secure cell until
more information can be gathered.
Havana (AWE-48)


An auditory event occurred at the United States embassy in

Havana, injuring the majority of diplomatic staff stationed there.
ia deaths were reported and the outgoing information has been

Bureau agents arrived at the embassy on the same day as the event
was reported through federal channels, but were too late to witness
the AWE, which is reported to have been SEN
Staff experienced sudden intense vibrations and noise,
accompanied by an intense pressure in the ears. This lasted for
| | minutes. No visual phenomena was witnessed. The scene was
cordoned off and the embassy staff were transported to the
continental U.S.

After Formula |.9 was recited in the vicinity, a single cowboy boot
began to vibrate, identifying it as an Altered Item. The item was
contained and brought to the Bureau for examination (see case file
AI85 for details).
Havana (AWE-48)


Bureau medical staff personally evaluated the injured embassy

personnel when they arrived back in the country. While the victims
reported cognitive issues, dizziness, and fatigue, further testing by
Bureau medics found intense cell damage similar to that of
radiation exposure.

Agents and research staff remained to take soil samples from the
surrounding area, but found no trace of an FY
FY beyond the health issues of the staff.

vers i ASET
The Communications Department disseminated a story of foreign

embassy staff, resulting in various health issues that required the

embassy to be evacuated. The story successfully took hold, gaining
brief international attention.
Kyiv (AWE-37)


A series of reverberating sounds observed in downtown Kyiv with

no clear point of origin. The event was witnessed by the city's
general public. Mental and physical symptoms were reported,
including aphasia, sleep paralysis, and excess = in the
reported individuals.

Due to the brief nature of the event, overseas Bureau agents were
not able to respond while it was active. Immediately upon arrival,
agents collected audio recordings taken by local witnesses. All
Bureau monitoring stations located at global junctions of acoustic
amplification were directed to monitor any auditory events of similar
pitch, wavelength, and duration in an effort to trace echoes or
epicenters. In the following weeks, similar cases were reported
from both various amateur sources and Bureau stations in major
cities across the globe. The subsequent events diminished in
volume and frequency per each occurrence.

Event is believed to be generated by planar friction, though this is

not confirmed (see file 71-849-062 for full hypothesis).
Kyiv (AWE-37)


Recordings of the audio phenomena were uploaded onto the

internet shortly after the event. These records circulated rapidly on
popular message boards. The Communications Department utilized
this exposure by creating “Sky Trumpet hoax” videos and posting
related theories to spread confusion and draw attention away from
the event's paranatural origin. Industrial noise, particularly the sound
of metal drilling was found to be a widely-accepted explanation.
Theories about the sounds emanating from the Earth itself, known
as Seismic Hum, emerged from the public itself and were
encouraged by the Bureau to generate further misdirection and
eventual public disinterest.

Witnesses of the event were monitored discretely afterwards.

Observed symptoms were consistent with —
deprivation, but subsided after 12-15 days. The length of the
symptoms directly correlated to the individual's proximity
(unsheltered) to the supposed epicenter. One linked, although
accidental, casualty can be listed (see report re: the effects of
planar friction on hearing aids in file 14-200-1010).
Meteor Hill (AWE-3)

NOTE: Per Archival Mandates 8.A, this document has been edited
to meet current administrative standards. Certain terminology may
be out of date.

This Paradimensional Occurrence consisted of three sequential
sinkholes induced by subterranean implosions revealing foreign
material of magmatic qualities.

A local chapter of the Youth Science League were participating in
an archeological dig on the hill when the event occurred. Many boys
were injured in the resulting collapse. Some touched the magma

Bureau agents arrived at the scene seven days after the incident.
Samples of the lava-like material were taken. The area was quickly
sealed off from the public at our recommendation. Our aim was to
ensure all remnants of the material were rendered inoffensive but
the magma descended too deeply into the earth to retrieve. Foul-
smelling odors were detected in the area, which were hypothesized
being the dissipated element's vapor trail left at the scene.

All acquired material was delivered to Washington for examination

in the Bureau's onsite laboratories.
Meteor Hill (AWE-3)

NOTE: Per Archival Mandates 8.A, this document has been edited
to meet current administrative standards. Certain terminology may
be out of date.

The retrieved material was subjected to Felstrom’s Array,
configuration 74-B, but the tests were halted as the matter began
to physically elude the equipment. Attempts to constrain the
element were made but, under further stress, it became vaporous.
The researchers suffered corrosive injuries prior to their deaths.

The child victims at Meteor Hill recounted the material enveloping

them in a pleasant manner upon making contact but when
discovered, they an and screaming. Bodily
changes were perceived immediately (deformities, loss of pigment
in the skin and hair) and mental symptoms surfaced in subsequent
examinations (confusion, heightened aggression).

The Department of Public Knowledge and Diversions gave

statements claiming the incident was caused by debris from poorly-
made Russian satellites, which the public accepted with no

The children were sent to the Bureau's recuperation facility in

hy to receive help, away from society.
Ordinary (AWE-24)


An AWE occurred in the town of Ordinary, caused by an Object of

Power (Slide Projector, ID: OOP15) discovered by local children at
the dump outside of town. When a specific set of slides are used in
the Projector, the projected images open doorways to other
dimensions. Multiple slides were used by the children, resulting in
the disappearance of the town's adult population.

On Aug. 30, 2002, siblings Dylan Faden (10-years-old, see P6
materials) and Jesse Faden (11-years-old, see P7 materials) were
playing at the local dump when they found a discarded Slide
Projector (see OOP15 case file and Darling presentations Hil ior

A team led by Director Trench and Dr. Darling arrived at the site on
Sept. 14. The AWE had ended, but the team found the Faden
children, who led them to the Slide Projector and the slides, which
had been burned with the exception of one. Jesse escaped when
agents attempted to detain the pair.

In total, 17 surviving individuals were found in the town. All of them

were brought in for questioning and tests (see interviews
— and Prime Candidate Program files ED.
Ordinary (AWE-24)


Details are largely based on interviews conducted with Dylan Faden

(see interviews FY and hy for relevant
information) and the obtained therapy sessions of Jesse Faden, as
well as circumstantial evidence found at the Ordinary site. Note that
accounts provided by all three sources contain conflicting data.
Example: D.F. claims there were eight slides for the projector. J.F.
mentioned nine slides. The Bureau found one intact slide
(designation: 36) and the burnt remains of six others. Unfortunately,
these slides are too badly damaged to be used in the Projector.

Jesse Faden is believed to be the individual responsible for burning

the slides.

Dr. Darling has ordered that the entirety of the Ordinary town dump
be brought to the Bureau for examination and analysis, with the
hopes of finding additional slides or other altered materials.

Due to the limited space in the Investigations Sector, this AWE will
be investigated in the Containment Sector.
Sterling (AWE-46)


A paranatural object appeared in a field outside the town of

Sterling, Colorado, near a billboard advertising i. No
civilians were injured, though a family dog has been reported as
missing since the event.

Local authorities arrived on the scene and began issuing orders
over a monitored line of communication, using several watchwords
flagged by the Bureau (including Ls)
Bureau agents from the regional office were dispatched and arrived
two hours after local police. The situation was contained and
analysis began.

Bureau research staff arrived the next day and examined the object.
After | | days of evaluation, the object was lifted into an enclosed
truck with built-in Black Rock panels and relocated to Bureau
headquarters via the subway transit system leading into the Oldest
Sterling (AWE-46)

Local witnesses report a bright flash in the field, at approximately
hy. No noise accompanied the light.

Authorities had assumed the object fell from the sky, but our
examination found the object actually manifested there, a
the soil around it in an intense spherical |
which possibly explains the light seen from the town.

The object is a hollow sphere made of a stone-like material.

Structural analysis of the material does not
hm on record. The sphere has a broken portion, as if
something a from the object. The object
has been inactive since arriving at the Bureau.

The Communications Department officially stated to the press that

the object was a small meteor, while also using the America
Overnight program to a (see episode

NOTE: This AWE will be studied in the Containment Sector until

the spherical object is deemed safe to be transferred to the
Investigations Sector.
Ocelot’s Anchor (Al11-UE)

Black Rock panelling successfully
prevents manifestation of the sphere.

A Trotman-style anchor, made of iron with
a wooden stock. Surface is rusted in
places. Weighs 3789 lbs.

The item generates a persistent blank sphere, the purpose of which

is currently unknown. This sphere is always generated at a precise
point in relation to the item, specifically HB horizontal feet and
; | vertical feet from the hy of the anchor.

4/25/1983 — Ee Ranger First Class was
dropped into the sphere wearing a diving suit with dedicated
oxygen line at FY am EST. After ten minutes and thirteen
seconds inside the sphere, hy ; oxygen line was cut at
the sphere’s border by an unseen force. All agents in the room
during i ; entry into the sphere experienced vomiting,
vertigo, and loss of fingernails within an hour of one another.
Ranger | ss has been declared MIA, presumed dead.
Ocelot’s Anchor (Al11-UE)

The crew of the White Ocelot first encountered a strange spherical
phenomenon while fishing in thehm. Witnesses
described it as “a black sphere with faint light behind it.” It hovered
just off the bow of the ship. The —
by throwing a tin bucket, which disappeared into the sphere.

Soon after, the vessel lost structural integrity. The ship’s metal
rusted and fell apart within minutes. As the ship sank, the sphere
lowered into the water. A passing fishing vessel called the
hy rescued the four surviving crew.

Agents were dispatched to the White Ocelot’s last known

coordinates i! and began diving
operations. On the ocean floor, the agents found the sphere. The
ship was entirely destroyed except for its anchor. As agents lifted
the anchor off the ocean floor, they noticed the sphere behaved in
conjunction with the anchor, moving and stopping as one.

Contact with the sphere was avoided, but handling the anchor
proved harmless. The item was transported by the hy to
the US port hi.
of Upon arriving in New York, it was
brought into the Bureau via the
SHUM Arcade Cabinets (Al40-PE)

A distance of 10 feet between the items

suppresses their effect. Effect only
triggers on physical contact.

Items are a pair of arcade game cabinets,
originally designed for the games
“SHUM” (AI40:A) and “SHUM 2:
Culgar’s Revenge” (Al40:B). The games were manufactured by
Bon-Co Entertainment, now out of business. Despite being a
popular arcade game in Japan during the late 80s/early 90s, no
other SHUM cabinets have been found by our investigators.

When touching one of the items while it stands within 10 feet of its
counterpart, the user's mind is transported to a version of their
subjective reality that resembles a video game in logic and function.
Events from their everyday lives become game-like sequences in
which speed and efficacy are paramount. The brain enters a stroke-
like state (as proven by EEG studies on users) which only ends
after the user “finishes” their game, at which point they resume
normal brain and motor function.
SHUM Arcade Cabinets (Al40-PE)

Both items were purchased from a closing arcade hm.

Michigan as part of a program to improve employee wellbeing
through recreation. The program was cancelled before any game
machines were dispersed throughout the Oldest House, but not
before these Altered Items were discovered.

Teams in the Research Sector have voiced considerable interest in
the items due to the fact that they only exhibit an altered effect when
physically paired together, a codependent relationship previously
unseen in Altered Items (see Research Specialist Pope’s paper
titled “The Parasensitivity of Sequels” for more information).

However, after proving the items’ altered status, the Investigations

staff insisted on keeping them, claiming that they are important for
sector morale. To date, numerous petitions have been filed by
Research Sector personnel to move the items there for more
extensive analysis.
“Get Well” Balloon (AI58-KE)


Item must be kept away from animals. The

cell must be regularly cleaned of the black

tools must be
substance the item produces. All cleanin:

along with the black substance itself.

Item is a novelty balloon made of silver
mylar. On its face is a colorful message to “Get Well” surrounded
by cartoon hearts. A ribbon is attached to the balloon. Item has not
stopped floating after a considerable amount of time in the Bureau,
which suggests it does not hover through the use of helium.

The item produces a dark-colored sticky substance which drips

down its ribbon.
“Get Well” Balloon (Al58-KE)


The item was used in the children's ward of a local hospital in

hy. Witnesses do not recall where the balloon came
from. Therapy dogs, part of a program called hy
meant to comfort the sick children, were noticeably attracted to the
item. They reportedly jumped at the item, licking it when they could.

The children claimed the dogs began walking through the halls of
the hospital at night, howling in a low pitch. One child described the
sound as “singing”.

A few days later, the dogs were all discovered dead, a dark
substance leaking from theirhi. The hospital staff called
local authorities, who called the CDC. Bureau agents intercepted
this call and arrived at the scene within | hours. The item was
taken for evaluation, along with the remains of the dogs (see file
PAI-2411.B for details).
The Oscillator (AIl3-KE)
NOTE: Per Archival Mandates 8.A, this
document has been edited to meet
current administrative standards. Certain
terminology may be out of date.

Water placed on the item prevents it from
exercising its thaumaturgical force.
Contained in Possessed Object Gallery.

An "The Oscillator" brand electric standing fan with protective grille.

The item in question robs the immediate vicinity of all oxygen. The
range seems to be variable.

While on assignment in Korea, Foreign Investigator iy
learned of odd fatalities in the area. fF visited the site of
the most recent death. Superstitious locals blamed the electric fan.
HR seized the fan and placed it in a small room with a
hl. The hm suffocated. The investigator booked
two cabins on the sSHiy one for himself and one for
the fan.
The Oscillator (Al3-KE)

(extract from formal interdepartmental complaint)

The notion of “fan death” has now become widely known in the
region, since Foreign Investigator FY met with a local
journalist to explain how electric fans operate at speeds that may
suffocate users by overly disturbing the air.

As our agency is still young, we must take care to avoid missteps.

Any explanation given to the public must provide sufficient yet
vague rationale that will reaffirm their certainty that ours is a stable,
controlled world. We must tread carefully, especially in this
increasingly technological world, with the radio and other
innovations allowing information to travel at speeds previously
undreamt of. This is precisely why we insist that our department
handle all communication with public bodies.

With all due respect,

William S. Powers, Head of the Department of Public Knowledge

and Diversions
Wolff Globe (Al72-PE)
No unique procedures required. However,
contact should be limited, as some report
feeling disoriented after touching it.

Item is handmade, set in dark wood. The
item itself is lacquered, hand-painted,
spins freely on all axes. While the
continents and oceans are recognizably those of Earth, careful
examination has revealed numerous Ls and
other geographic additions that do not exist on our planet. One of
these islands has a city marked on it, named “Tan Relio”. There are
no signatures left by its maker.

Physical contact renders subjects dizzy and disoriented, with some

reporting a feeling of unfamiliarity with their surroundings. This
effect seems to grow worse with prolonged contact, culminating in
a sense of listlessness and depression. Suicide has been observed
in || handlers.
Wolff Globe (Al72-PE)
The item was found in the penthouse suite at fF SY
Toronto belonging to David Wolff, who was being investigated for
illegally dealing in altered materials (see case 13-HQ-37). Bureau
agents raided his penthouse and found numerous paranatural
belongings, including | and
this item. Mr. Wolff was arrested.

(article from the Toronto Daily)

“So why would a 36-year-old Bay Street investment trader, filthy

rich, married to a model, disappear overnight? That's the question
that's kept Toronto high society up at night this past week. Police
say it's being looked into, some nut job radio show in the States
claims he disappeared to join the Illuminati, but it’s this reporter's
opinion that Mr. Wolff, bored of his job, sick of his family, left it all
behind to retire in some remote beach paradise. Now he’s sipping
Mai Tais while the world thinks he’s dead.”
Game Hammer (AI5-BE)

NOTE: Per Archival Mandates 8.A, this

document has been edited to meet
current administrative standards. Certain
terminology may be out of date.


No method for suppressing the item’s

thaumaturgical effect is yet known. To
prevent infection, wear proper safety
gloves when handling.

The item is a wooden mallet from a “High Striker” carnival game. A
long wooden handle extends from the head.

The item infects any organic material with an unknown disease upon
making physical contact. The effects of this disease are similar to
leprosy, but develop at a much faster rate. Within a matter of days,
tissue loss develops in the limbs closest to the point of infection.
While the disease itself has not claimed any lives, secondary
infection has resulted in numerous deaths.
Game Hammer (AI5-BE)


The Smiley Sisters Carnival traveled throughout the eastern United

States during the 1950s. Beginning in 1956, young men in the
towns visited by the carnival became plagued by a strange form of
leprosy originating in the hands and swiftly moving up the arms. As
the death toll climbed, newspapers named the disease “Farmer's

Rumors began circulating that the carnival itself was to blame. In

November of 1959, the townspeople of FS Georgia
took it upon themselves to raze the carnival to the ground, believing
the entertainers to be servants of the devil.

Bureau agents had been monitoring the carnival while investigating

the odd disease. Posing as fF sss agents
confiscated all carnival property that survived the flames. At a field
office, stray MB were placed in rooms with individual
pieces of the carnival equipment. The game hammer was identified
as the cause of the disease. The remaining property was
incinerated, along with the infectedhi. The carnival
owners were told they had been carrying a dangerous pathogen in
their equipment.
Human Hand Chair (Al63-KE)


Item must be kept in isolation, removed

from other unsecured objects. Under no
circumstances is the item to be sat in.

A plastic seat shaped like a human hand
from the 1960s. The hand's palm forms a
seat with the fingers acting as the chair’s

The item affects gravitational forces, attracting and repelling objects

near itself with a force of i. Its fingers have also been
observed to change position, though too quickly to be witnessed or
filmed. The item may be changing forms rather than moving.

The item only displays these effects during full moons.

Sample analysis confirms that it contains human genetic material.

Found in a warehouse at Ee Albany. A
team of ranger trainees (accompanied by an experienced field
agent) were dispatched to investigate local rumors when they
encountered the item. They successfully retrieved the item (see
case PAI-61 22 for details).
Moving Letters (AI77-KE)

Black Rock panelling suppresses the

item's effect.

A stack of four envelopes, each
containing a single page of paper. All four
letters are illegible due to extreme water
damage. The envelopes, curiously, do not
show any sign of such damage and are covered in messages of

The item(s) are able to move short distances at a pace of less than
hy and always ina hy direction. This is the
first Altered Item to have multiple separate parts, a fact previously
believed to be an impossibility by Ls

A proposal to take the item(s) outside the Oldest House and follow
their movement to its final destination is under consideration with
the budget committee (see file RTO-7158 for details).

Item(s) was found in the Dead Letter Archives, where the Heard
Archivist found it attempting to escape a filing cabinet. She reports
having no record of the item(s) in her archive of letters.
Maneki-neko Statue (Al48-PE)


None known.


A ceramic “beckoning cat” figurine,

common luck object found in Japanese

The following is a list of the item(s)

observed altered effects: Non-corporeality, affinity for specific
human behavior, and minor physical movement (waving its arm).

Multiple simultaneous incarnations of this item have been observed.

Whether these are independent Altered Items acting uniformly or
replicated instances of Al48 is unknown.

How the item(s) originally arrived in the Oldest House is unknown.
It was first discovered sitting in the Director's chair and was
immediately contained in a Panopticon cell. The next day, an agent
noticed two additional figurines had appeared. Hours later, all three
vanished. The item(s) has been sighted throughout the Bureau,
appearing while agents perform a tasks. It is theorized
that fulfilling certain unknown criteria will encourage the item(s) to
Present location is unknown.
Waist Mannequin (AI7-KE)


No known procedures for preventing the

item's effect.

UPDATE (3/90): Lining the item's cell

with the newly-discovered Black Rock
has yielded positive results. Test with
other Altered Items.

A wire and fabric waist mannequin. The base and head are made of
stained wood.

The item duplicates. The trigger for this behavior is unknown. No

correlation can be found in either the number of duplications that
manifest during an episode or the duration for which they last
before disappearing.
Waist Mannequin (AI7-KE)


The item was last owned by Madame ;tstsiCS an operatic

performer from Berlin. After her career ended in a public scandal,
she relocated to
hi, Maine for reasons unknown. With
her came the trappings of her old life, including this item.

Locals report that she rarely left her home in the short years she
spent hi.
in After her death (caused by hy
a) the state held a public auction of her belongings,
seeing as she had no known relatives.

Various conflicting firsthand reports exist, but testimonies provided

by witnesses of the event do contain some common elements. Most
every witness saw numerous mannequins break through the
house’s windows, tumbling outside. Some witnesses report bright
lights. Some report high-pitched singing. These are unverified.
Numerous civilians inside the house at the time of the incident were
hospitalized for various injuries. Two were crushed to death.

Agents were dispatched upon seeing an article regarding these

events during the Bureau's daily scans of national periodicals. The
item was quickly identified and brought to the Bureau.
Victorian Mirror (Al60-UE)

The item should be kept in a sealed

chamber with minimal external visiblity.

A hanging mirror, oval in shape. The
frame is made of ornately wrought brass.
The item does not reflect its surroundings

The item's effect is complex. Most notable is the fact that the glass
transports individuals to a paranatural space when touched. In this
space is an imperfect reflection of our reality. Some objects inside
the reflection are simple mirror images, some arc 7
hm while some do not appear at all.

The reflection only contains areas within hm

a distance
from the item itself. Relocating the item has proven that the
reflection changes to depending on its surroundings. Agents have
been sent in to explore the reflection. Re
has been observed in the test subjects sent inside, believed to be
psychosomatic. Prolonged exposure to the reflection is not
Victorian Mirror (Al60-UE)


She was
admitted to a mental ward for “emotional instability” soon after
relocating to Illinois with her family in 1914.

The item only appears on record again in 2006 when the Bureau
investigated a sudden rise in disappearances hi,
Illinois. Agents found the item hanging in the local library. They
contained it quickly, though the missing people of the town were
never recovered.
DATE: August 18th, 1915

We certify that the case of Mrs. hy has shown her to be

a lunatic under the reasons of Hysteria, Bad Company, and
Imaginary Female Trouble. Her fixation with the family looking glass
is noteworthy, though not an uncommon matter when considering
the female disposition.

Mrs. Carver is a fit subject for the lunatic asylum and will remain in
its confines until her affliction has passed.


ActionMaxx Camera (Al80-UE)

The item should be isolated from any

person or event that is objectively
interesting since its effect is activated by
the presence of dramatic incidents.

A movie camera used to make
commercial feature films. Internal
mechanisms are unremarkable.

Subjects near the item will often experience a “torqued” version of

reality resembling the heightened drama and action of a movie.
Whether these events are localized alternate realities or products of
hallucination is currently unknown.

Additionally, the item seems to record footage from these incidents

and creates VHS copies, edited in the style of short films.

During their investigation, agents learned that a podcast titled
“Brian's Movie Den” had reviewed the item-generated movie
“Delivery Disaster”. The podcast's creator, Brian Hennerman, was
taken for questioning. The staff of Movie Knight, the store Mr.
Hennerman rented the film from, were also questioned to no effect.
ActionMaxx Camera (Al80-UE)


The item first came to the Bureau's attention after a hospitalized

mailman from {EEE Arkansas claimed his injuries had been
caused by a movie camera. Further investigation connected the
incident to Al80, which was being shipped in the mail truck at the
time. The packaged camera was later found in an empty warehouse.
The return address led agents to a PO Box located in the San
Fernando Valley belonging to a company called Blessed Pictures.
Whether Blessed Pictures is involved in the creation and
dissemination of the item’s VHS films is unknown (see investigation
13-HQ-61 2).
The following is a list of all known films believed to have been shot
by AI80-UE.
- Shoot First, Die Last (unreleased)*

- Coffee Bullet

- Billy's First Car

- Bike Hard
- Delivery Disaster

“Item was used in the filming of an unreleased western in 1968 on

the Italian island of Sardinia. A cast member was killed during an
on-set accident, stopping production. It is believed that Blessed
Pictures bought the camera when equipment from the shoot was
sold at auction.
Ramen Lantern (Al69-KE)


The item should be kept in a locked

containment cell. Any prolonged
observation of the item should be

The item is a paper lantern known as a
“chdchin”. The paper is red with elegant
black Japanese characters that translate to “Ramen”.

Item has an attractive effect that is both physical and psychological.

Nearby objects gravitate towards the item with a minor force of
. More notable is its ability to attract sentient
organisms with its rich red color and warm, comforting glow.
Ramen Lantern (Al69-KE)


The lantern was discovered at a streetside ramen shop in Tokyo,

Japan named a. The shop gained immense popularity
due to this item, this shining beacon hanging in its doorway. A
visiting documentarian was similarly enthralled by the crimson luster
of the lantern and helped it find international acclaim through a
television series highlighting the world's finest restaurants.
Audience's interest in the lantern brought it to the attention of the
Bureau and soon the lantern found its way here, to us. | write this as
| sit beside the very item. Its light is so comforting, so familiar. It
reminds me of summer nights when | was a boy. The sun setting,
the air warm, the chittering song of the evening insects. The lantern
knows we all want to feel safe, at home, secure in the knowledge
that the world won't change and neither will we. We'll be young and
happy forever, here in its glow.

The author of this document was detained shortly after this case file
was distributed. Individual handling of the item is now prohibited.
Information in this document may be compromised by the author's
obvious infatuation with the item.
Bremen Basket (AI54-UE)


Item to be stored in a Black Rock

panelled cell. Keep away from lab animals
when not in use.

A simple wicker basket with cloth lining.
No food items inside.

The item produces a hypnotic effect that solely affects non-human

animals, forcing them to congregate passively around the object.
Animals from every genus and species that have thus far been
tested are susceptible. Single-cell organisms do not appear to
react to the effect.


6/97 — Item was taken to a forest upstate for testing. Results of the
test provided contradicting data as some of the attracted animals
exhibited hyper-aggressive behavior. The exercise unfortunately
resulted in Re Further testing
should be restricted to more low-risk animal species with medical
staff on standby.
Bremen Basket (AI54-UE)

The item came to the Bureau's attention through several news
reports in which a family was harassed by animals during a picnic
in the FY National Park.

The family fled the scene with the basket. Witnesses report seeing
the family chased by the following species of animal: |
Th family
eventually abandoned the basket, at which point the animals
remained with it for an unknown length of time. Agents acquired the
item from the park’s Lost and Found offices.
Pink Flamingo (Al46-KE)


No unique procedure required. Altered

status is suspected, but unverified.

A plastic, pink flamingo lawn ornament.
Two steel prongs extend from its

The item is suspected to influence atmospheric physics, altering

meteorological phenomena in the area. This effect is currently


New altered effect has been observed. See file Al46.D for details.
Pink Flamingo (Al46-KE)


Agents noticed a transient commonly found outside the entrance of

the Bureau headquarters would carry the item and loudly claim to
be responsible for the lack of inclement weather. The frequency of
these claims attracted the personal interest of Dr. Darling.

In interviews disguised as casual conversations, the transient

reported that the item "gives me clouds when it's hot and sun when
it's not." An event of note occurred during a heavy downpour when
the vagrant was witnessed performing a possible ritual with the
item (see file PAI-1372 for a detailed observation). Dr. Darling
reported a wait of | seconds before the rain stopped.

The vagrant was seized the next day. After FY he

was found to possess no hm and was released. The
item remains in Bureau custody under suspicion of altered status,
though this still has not been proven. All known variations of
Identification Formulas have failed to elicit a response from the
Holiday Memories Tree (Al14-AE)


Item must be contained within a

soundproof cell.

A "Holiday Memories" brand white plastic
tree with green plastic stand.

The item repeats words and phrases

spoken within a range of feet, always in a tone below
=. This verbal mimicry has profoundly distressing effects
on the individual it is copying.

The item was taken from the hy a Canadian research
station established on Ross Island in Antarctica, where it was used
to celebrate the holiday season. In 1979, solar radiation damaged
the radio, severing the base's only means of communication with
the world.

After the frozen passages opened, a military expedition visited the

base to re-establish contact. They found the base’s occupants in
various states of madness, rambling about voices in the tree.
Military personnel discovered they also heard the tree speaking.
After locking the item in a supply crate, they brought it back to the
mainland, at which point the Bureau intervened.
Holiday Memories Tree (Al14-AE)


(Excerpt from "Altered Speech of Al1 4" by Dr. Theodore Ash)

“The results are incredible, but more so the speed of discovery this
allows us. Al14 copies our speech, but after numerous tests we've
discovered that certain words are missing from its vocabulary. We
began isolating these words, cross-referencing them with esoteric
texts from the early days of the Bureau. We found that these words,
when arranged in particular formations and spoken at varying
speeds and cadences, elicit a reaction from altered materials.
We tested this specific string of words, a “Formula” if you will, on
the other Altered Items kept in the Examination Hall. Varying
physical responses were recorded with each one, with an 82%
success rate. We've proven that words can tangibly affect these
items. Specific applications must be explored, possibly for
containment or identification purposes. This will drastically change
our approach moving forward.

And to think, there are still more words to be found!”

Jasper Post Box (AI31-PE)


Black Rock panelling has proven

effective in hindering, but not eliminating
the object's altered effect. Agents in the
immediate vicinity may still experience
paralysis. Keeping a distance of
feet from the cell is
recommended unless agent is confirmed
to be non-susceptible.


A dark blue United States post box, model hi. Paint is

chipped at the edges. The item itself is empty, with no mail
discovered inside at the time of retrieval.

The item seizes the motor functions of organisms meeting an

unknown criteria. Paralyzed subjects are still capable of moving
their eyes and limited speech. During tests, approximately 16% of
agents remained unaffected by the item. Age, gender, race,
height, weight, blood type, eye color, clothing, place of birth, diet,
heart rate, and socioeconomic standing are all factors proven to
have no correlation to an individual's vulnerability to the item.
Victim's states of mind were recorded during onset of paralysis,
but no emotional correlation has yet been found.
Jasper Post Box (Al31-PE)


Agents arrived in the town of Jasper Crossing, Arizona after the

communications department intercepted multiple phone calls to
local authorities regarding “frozen people” in the streets. Four of the
five dispatched agents became paralyzed upon arriving at the
scene. Additional assessment teams were dispatched.

Variations of Identification Formulas were tried with ineffectual

results. Agents resorted to using aerial photography to study the
positioning of the paralyzed individuals. Soon after, agents
discovered the event's “epicenter” to be the local post office.

Unaffected agents cleared the area of all paralyzed civilians,

animals, and Bureau personnel before beginning to study the item.
Agents deemed susceptible to the item were tasked with
interviewing and re-informing the public away from the site.

The item was soon placed on a transport vehicle manned by

unaffected agents. Air travel had been deemed too dangerous given
the item's effect. Numerous reports of temporary paralysis were
reported by civilians along the truck's route from Arizona to New
York City.
Smoking Pram (Al13-KE)


Containment cell must be properly

ventilated. Inhalation of the item's smoke
Item is a baby carriage, with a black
shade and steel wire wheels. Left front
wheel is slightly bent, causing a distinct
wobble when pushed.

Item produces smoke incessantly. Smoke density varies. Smoke is

generated without apparent fire or ignition source.

An incident in Paris in 1979 brought the pram to the attention of the
Bureau. Smoke filled an antique store where the pram was being
sold, killing the shop’s owner.

UPDATE: Detailed records of the events leading to the item's

discovery were destroyed in an incident in the Panopticon.
Interviews with living witnesses were re-performed at the order of
the Archives and Records Chief.
Smoking Pram (Al13-KE)


(interview with hy, conducted with the aid of a French

translator on Nov. 17, 2009 in a retirement home in a.
A: Where were you on August 2, 1979, Mr. Beaulieu?

RB (translated from French): So specific a date! (laughter) As if |

could ever forget. | was called to a fire at the Rue

A: What did you see?

RB: Smoke, white like a new Pope, rising up from the windows of a
small shop. | sent my men in. | was fire chief back then.

A: What happened next?

RB: We pulled the shop owner out. He was already dead. Smoke in
his lungs. We found the source afterwards. A baby's walker. Poured
water onto it, but that only encouraged the smoke. We pulled the
carriage outside. Smoke kept shooting out! A crowd gathered.
People said it was a miracle. But | disagreed. It seemed to me like
more of an omen. We brought the strange thing back to the fire hall.
Some Americans, like yourself, came later and took it away.

(end of relevant portion)

Arctic Queen (Al10-KE)
No unique procedures required.

An "Arctic Queen" brand electric
refrigerator model from the 1960s. No
cooling functionality. The door is
decorated with crayon illustrations by
es 1.
illustrations cannot be removed from the item. All attempts have
failed. The paper cannot be burned or torn.

The item first came to the Bureau’s attention after it survived the
collapse of New York City’s Grand Central Hotel, where it served
as an appliance in apartment hy. rented by a man named
La It became the subject of local infamy
after surviving the building's collapse undamaged. Mr.
hi. who was out of the building at the time of collapse
>...), retained ownership of the item until 1974, when
the Bureau purchased the item through a false identity.

New altered effect has been observed. See file Al1 0.F for details.
See file Al10.K for new containment procedures.
Arctic Queen (Al10-KE)


(GER interview - 11.20.1974)

A: Can you tell us why you left your building that day?

LM: | was running out to get eggs, there was that corner store on
30th. That's why | left Michael there on his own. Knew | wouldn't be
gone long. He was drawing at the table when | left. Had his crayons
out. Happy. The building came down when | was a block away. | ran
back, started digging. City workers found Mikey later, beside the
fridge. The drawings hadn't come off. Tons of bricks fall on it and
those drawings are still there. How does that happen?

A: You kept the refrigerator after the accident. Why?

LM: It still had his drawings. God must have kept them safe for a
reason, right? I'd get home from work and stare at them all night. |
was in a bad way back then.

A: Why did you sell the fridge with your son’s drawings still on it?

WM: They'd gotten stuck to it, or something. | thought about cutting

them off those magnets, but maybe it was better | didn’t hold on to
them, you know? Gotta move on, everyone says. What's my fridge
got to do with the building collapse anyhow?

(end of relevant portion)

Rubber Duck (AI52-AE)

Direct contact with the item is not

permitted. Safety gloves are required
when handling.

Item is a yellow rubber duck bath toy from
the 1950s. A single hole at the bottom
allows air and water to flow in and out.

The item makes a sound analogous to quacking. The item travels

considerable distances with surprising speed. How it achieves this
motion is unknown. The item forms a of unknown
purpose with anyone who makes direct physical contact with it and
begins to follow them, quacking often. This has led to a researcher
named Po entering cardiac arrest, though
due to the individual’s health issues, the matter may not be
connected to the item’s effect.

Item on loan to the Research Sector for further study.
Rubber Duck (AI52-AE)


Discovered in the home of Agent hm after his young

daughter complained of being followed by her rubber duck.
According to Agent hy the matter was ignored, believed
to be the result of a child's imagination, until he began to hear the
quacking at night.

After discovering the item hiding in his daughter's closet, he

brought it to the Bureau for study.

UPDATE: It was discovered that Agent hy was bringing

known paranatural materials into his home, illegally taking them
outside the Oldest House. How this may have affected the creation
of an Altered Item is being investigated. Agent iii’ has
been terminated.
Guru Surfboard (Al43-PE)

No unique procedures required. Any

attempts to abuse the object's effects for
personal gain will result in termination.

An antique surfboard. Believed to
originate from the 1960s due to its

The item enhances self-confidence when touched. The duration of

this effect is hi


The item came to the Bureau's attention through a popular

nationwide tour of speaking engagements advertising the item as a
proven miracle-worker, especially for those afflicted by personal
shortcomings. This self-help course was called “The Power of the
Board”, created and operated by a man named Chester Bless.

Numerous attendees experienced an immediate surge in optimism

and daring after touching the item. Once the craze reached a fever
pitch, with events attracting thousands of people, the Bureau took
action. Agents raided Mr. Bless’s Los Angeles home only to find
the house empty and the man gone. Only the item remained in the
house, in plain sight.
Guru Surfboard (Al43-PE)

(interview with custodian EE after theft of Al43)
A: After touching the item, what did you experience?

| experienced confidence! Cranked all the way up. | wanted to

become somebody. An artist, a stock trader.

A: How did these feelings manifest externally?

i. Don't know. If I'd gotten out there, to the city, I'd have done so
many things. Made my fortune, gone out and owned the world. That
shit was mine. | would have taken it all. Money, fame, women-

Agent: You also experienced an increased sex drive?

MM: Yes! Increased everything! I've been cleaning shit for you
people long enough! I'm going out on a fucking conquest!

A: Would you say you're still under the effects of the object?

a. Who the fuck are you to keep me in here? I'm worth four of
you, you suit-wearing piece of shit. Twenty!

A: The Bureau appreciates your candor. You are no longer required.

i. I'm HE fucking i. Remember that name!

(end of relevant portion)

Swan Boat (Al19-KE)
No unique procedures required.

Item is made of fiberglass, painted to
resemble a swan. Foot pedals allow the
item to propel forward in water.

The item emits a pulse of physical force

at an estimated force of a (possible
connection to OOP5?). Measuring the exact force created by the
item has been hindered by concerns from the Human Resources

The item was seized from an activity rental service called
EE (0c:20d on Lake ET on
Vancouver Island, Canada after it ejected numerous riders over the
course of a summer, bringing the boat to the attention of the media.

The item was transported to the Bureau by helicopter. A

containment specialist accompanied it, sent to recite Formulas C.9
through 32 recursively. What occurred in the helicopter is not
known, but all agents were lost in the crash. The item was
recovered and then transported by train. It arrived at the Bureau
without further incident.
Oh Deer Diner Coffee Thermos
No unique procedures required. Altered
status is suspected, but unverified.

A blue coffee thermos with a white plastic
cap and a logo of the “Oh Deer Diner”
located in Bright Falls, Washington. The
cap doubles as a mug.

The item responds to Formula I.16, yet no discernable altered effect

has been discovered, other than keeping liquids warm for
surprisingly long periods of time. It's also worth noting that the
coffee from the thermos is always refreshing and strong, no matter
its quality before being poured into the item.

The thermos was discovered on the shore of Cauldron Lake,
outside the town of Bright Falls. Both are known sites of a recurring
AWE (see Bright Falls AWE case file for further information).
According to witness statements, Alan Wake (see Prime Candidate
Program entry for further information), who went missing shortl
before the discovery of the thermos, had been seen a
collecting similar thermoses for an ; purpose.
Burrough Tractor (Al82-KE)

Item is not in Bureau custody. None known.

A Frank Elk tractor. Olive green. Dried blood on the grill when last
Item is capable of vocalized responses (or “growls”) and unmanned
locomotion. Considered highly aggressive and dangerous.

The item first came to the Bureau's attention after the death of
William Burrough, owner of Burrough Farm outside of Trenton,
Texas. Local authorities arrived on scene after an employee found
the mutilated body of Mr. Burrough beneath his tractor.

Police arrived, but were immediately driven away by the tractor.

Panicked calls to federal authorities were intercepted by Bureau
communications staff. A team was dispatched.

Upon arrival, the agents approached the item. It responded by

“growling like a bear”. Three agents were injured when they tried to
detain the item, which escaped. Aerial searches for the item are

Speaking to Mrs. Burrough only revealed that she had a domestic

altercation with Mr. Burrough earlier the night of the incident.
Whether these events are connected is currently unknown.
Burrough Tractor (Al82-KE)


[NOTE: Miscommunication led to a local coroner examining the

body of William Burrough]
BURROUGH, WILLIAM - Male - Caucasian

CASE SUMMARY: 33-year-old man found dead on his property,

per police report. Remains obtained for Coroner's office also
include blood, urine, bile, stomach contents, and bone fragments.

Blunt force injuries - head:

a. Lacerations - left ear/cheek

Blunt force injuries - extremities:

a. Dislocation - right knee

b. Complete avulsion of the right upper extremity with associated

fracture of the proximal right humerus

Extensive trauma - abdominal region:

a. Complete avulsion of multiple organs, including stomach, heart,

liver, pancreas, kidneys, and portions of the large and small
intestine (all missing from scene)

CONCLUSION: It is my opinion that Mr. Burrough’s death is not

the result of a mechanical accident, as claimed by authorities. The
removal of organs is consistent with animal attack.
Red Light (Al49-KE)
The object's effect is subdued by
exposure to sunlight.

A traffic light with three distinct lights
arranged vertically on each of its four
sides. From top to bottom, the lights
shine red, yellow, and green.

A popular children’s game (see CBA-316 for details) is believed to

be integral in the manifestation of this item and its effect. If an entity
approaches the item while its red light is activated, they will be
instantaneously relocated a distance | iii” from the item.

NOTE: Theories that the item is shifting people to a former timeline

or parallel universe have been explored and dismissed.

The item was discovered after a street light at an intersection near
the elementary school began shifting people away from itself after
sunset. A local panic brought the case to the attention of the
Bureau. The item was contained and a gas leak was blamed for this
confusion in the townspeople's perception.
Eagle Limited Train Car (Al78-UE)


The item's altered effect can be avoided

by simply not entering it. Proper signage
and barriers should provide sufficient

The item is currently held in the

Investigations Sector's AWE West
hangar for ongoing investigations.

The item’s exterior is that of a standard CZ10 Vista Dome train car
(the largest known Altered Item on record). Its interior seems to be
an adjacent reality related to a trauma or memory belonging to a
and not the physical item's own history.

Causation for this link is still to be determined, but possibilities

include the outside interference possibly responsible for the item's
altered state or trauma imprinting via shared memory states.

The item was discovered when the Bureau responded to a
suspected crime scene in Bloomington, Illinois. The item was
identified as an Altered Item and transported to the Bureau for
examination and testing. See AWE-44 for further details.
Typewritten Page (Al83-KE)

No unique procedures required.

A standard letter-size typewritten page
with minor water damage. The page is full
of text, but apart from the top seven lines,
all the rest has been violently scratched
out. Only a few individual words and
phrases can be made out.

The page emits a dim glow in the dark. When the text is read, there
is a feeling of dislocation, as if witnessing the page being written as
you read it and as if reality around you was being Ee
match the words on the page. This feeling is made stronger if the
text is i.

Forensic and linguistic analysis confirm that the text has been
written by Alan Wake with the same typewriter as the earlier
materials discovered in Bright Falls in 2010 (see Bright Falls AWE
case file for information).
Typewritten Page (Al83-KE)


The page was discovered in an instance of the the Oceanview

Motel and Casino that was linked to the Investigations Sector. The
page had been pushed into the motel's corridor from under the
door with the symbol of a Spiral. Po


(Text transcribed from the item)

“For ten years I've tried to write my escape, only sinking deeper. |
used to know where fiction ends and reality begins. Here, they are
all the same. It's a hideous trap, my every thought made real. Fear.
Desire. How can | ever know for sure I've escaped and not just lost
in my own fantasy of it? That thought alone can drive you mad.”

The identifiable words in the scratched-out portion:

“Falls” (Bright Falls?), “haunting”, “Wake” (Alan Wake?), “light

switch", “ocean”, “too late”, and the final sentence “You've been
VHS Cassette Tape (Al12-PE)

Item has proven impossible to fully

contain when in proximity of human

Item is to be sent to | ss
ES») th: RE oF the
Oldest House in order to prevent any
future access.

A VHS (Video Home System) tape cassette. Item will not eject from
the television player used at the time its altered status became

The VHS plays footage of | | (Entity A-001) cleaning a floor and

dancing. This footage renders individuals incapable of movement,
speech, or thought while the television screen is within view. This
effect is estimated to last indefinitely, though the most time spent in
this state by a test subject is 21 hours. Individuals only recollect
hearing strange music during their entranced state. Footage plays
on a constant loop even when the television is not connected to a
power source.
Even when the television and its footage are contained within an
enclosed cell with no window, agents in proximity have been driven
to open and enter the cell by the item's entrancing nature.
VHS Cassette Tape (Al12-PE)


This item's creation is the source of much research and debate.

It was a product of the Bureau's first attempts to film | | (Entity A-

001) during Operation Shallow Tide. An agent was able to conceal
themselves in an area frequented by Ahti, at which point they began
filming. The agent reported that the video camera showed no signs
of disturbance during the filming.

Later, when reviewing the footage, the research staff became

mesmerized by its altered effect. Measures were taken and altered
evaluation began.

Never before have Bureau personnel been so closely involved in the

creation of an Altered Item. The experiment was quickly replicated,
though not with the same results. The footage was simply useless
in every subsequent attempt.

This event spawned a great debate as to whether Altered Items are

created by paranatural entities, intentionally or otherwise. Similar
experiments were prohibited soon after (see the Ash Act for
details), as the creation of altered materials was deemed an action
the Bureau should not engage in.
Vending Machine (Al81-KE)


None known. Testing in the Investigations

Sector is currently ongoing.

A vending machine, its front covered in a
faux-wood panel. Coin-operated, buttons
for selecting food products.

The item generates and stores a variety of material (both edible and
otherwise) in its rows of internal trays. Initial testing suggests the
item reacts to the mind of the individual in closest proximity and will
produce whatever they subconsciously desire.

Attempts to cause the item to create a living hy have

consistently failed.

The item was discovered in a = home in i, Alberta
after a resident named Muriel called a local news
station about a “magic” vending machine. The news story reported
that the nursing home's staff was purposefully stocking the machine
with distinctive food and objects as a way to raise residents’ spirits.
The Bureau response team encouraged this story while confiscating
the item.
Simulacrum (AI53-KE)

No unique procedures required.

If the item's form is different than any

previously reported, then make a note
describing the new form.

The object's true shape and appearance
are unknown. It has been known to take the form of the following
objects: Ring of keys, lunchbox, wrench, microscope, stapler,
glasses, mail tube, spoon.

The item is able adopt the physical form of items in its immediate
vicinity. The item is capable of limited physical movement,
repositioning itself whenever it changes form. This only occurs
when it is unobserved, physically and digitally. Because of this, the
transition between shapes has never been observed. Reciting
Formula I.14 or 1.32 causes the item to reveal itself by shuddering.

The item was initially discovered within the Bureau itself. Whether
an agent brought it inside (intentionally or otherwise) or it resided
here prior to the Bureau's arrival to the Oldest House is unknown.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Potts,

| regret to inform you that your son,

Graham Potts, was killed in active duty
this past week.

While the details surrounding his death

are classified, | am honored to tell you
that he died in the service of his country. You can be proud of his
courage in the face of danger, and his commitment to protecting
our nation against her enemies. He will be remembered by his
comrades and colleagues.

| sincerely regret the pain this message will bring you. Take some
solace in knowing that his sacrifice helped protect the country he
loved so much. His effects will be returned to you with all speed.

Sincerely yours,

Howard J. Murray

Deputy Chief of Communications

Federal Bureau of Control

While penning any notifications of death
related to the Willow AWE, please adhere
to the following guidelines.

Words/Phrase to use:

- In the service of his/her country

- Regret

- Proud/Pride

- Will be remembered

Words/Phrases to avoid:

- Alaska
- Scissors

- Blood/Bleed
- Loss

- Apologies/Sorry
An Object of Power escaped the
Panopticon a couple weeks ago and they
want everyone to keep an eye out for it.

So if anyone sees a Merry-Go-Round

Horse zipping around the sector, alert me
immediately. Do NOT try to contain it on your own. And definitely
don't bind it to yourself!

Your Security Chief,

Simon Arish
Hey Simon,

| got your message. Yeah, if someone in

the sector is asking about Ahti, just tell
him you'll handle it and leave it at that.
Under no circumstances should any
personnel intervene with his day-to-day
routine. | told you everything | know about him so you could better
deal with his odd habits, but yes it’s still very much a classified

Also, | saw your report about the Quarry worker who wandered into
the Foundation. Detaining him was the right move. We'll figure out
what he saw before we decide on next steps.



P.S. In case you hadn't noticed, something is up between Trench

and Darling. | know this isn’t your strong suit, but try your best to
stay out of it.

Dr. Ash,

As Chief Excavation Officer, it’s my job to

support the Research team, so | got you
your machine for that ridiculous “sand
research” project. However, it’s also my
responsibility to ensure the safety of my
crew. Do you know how many trips it took to get an entire bulldozer
down here piece-by-piece? And do you know how many of my
guys we lost in those trips?

Here's a hint: too fucking many.

Which brings me to my point. I'm writing you today because of this

request form that just landed on my desk. Apparently, you want a
“lightweight, one- or two-man, military-grade helicopter for the
purpose of surveying the vast expanse of columns by air.”

| bet you didn’t even stop to wonder how much time, money, effort,
and BLOOD this toy would cost us. Well, no, sir, | am sorry, but |
will not subject my men to another month of marching through that
death trap upstairs. For Christ's sake, these people have families,
not that they ever get to see them anymore.

Request denied.

-Lewis McNairy
Director Trench,

As head chef, | need to express my concern about rumors I've

been hearing regarding mold appearing near some of my kitchens.
| am alerting you that any food handled, prepared, or consumed in
the vicinity of mold can be contaminated and unsafe for ingestion.

If | can verify these reports, then | will need to close multiple

cafeterias. | realize this would be an inconvenience to many, but
as a caterer, | pride myself in keeping a pristine environment for
food preparation and service.


J. Pullman, Head Chef of The Golden Chow Catering Company

Thank you for the file. It was very helpful.
I've re-archived it with the Black Rock
research in case you need to refer to
them again.

Yes, the video shoots are always

interesting. | expect my availability for
those to decrease in the future, however, as my analysis of this
newly discovered Black Rock variant is reaching a critical point. |
hope you will be able to attend them still. Darling seems to be
under a lot of pressure lately, and I'm sure he would appreciate any
support you can provide.

Regarding the analysis you provided, | do not have any questions.

Thank you for the expeditious delivery.


Research Specialist Dr. Carla Vaughn

Federal Bureau of Control

Mr. Denis,

A request came through recently from an

FBI agent asking for all our files on Bright
Falls, specifically on the disappearance of
the author, Alan Wake. Per the Inter-
agency Information Exchange Agreement,
| had some paper-pushers gather up a
folder of all the pre-approved files. Don’t
worry, all the “inappropriate” material is either missing or redacted.

But I'm writing to let you know that we received this request from a
special agent named Alex Casey. Sounds familiar, right? That's
because Alex Casey is the name of the fictional detective in those
hardboiled crime books Alan Wake wrote. Pretty interesting that an
FBI agent sharing a name with the most famous character Wake
wrote is looking into a case dealing with a writer's fiction coming
true. | think this is worth looking into, but what's your opinion?

Just give the word and I'll start surveillance on this guy.

- Special Investigator Gleeson


To Chief Investigator Denis,

It happened again. Third time this year.

Something certainly has it out for our
| Could be raccoons, the
locals certainly complain about them
enough, but why the hell would raccoons
keep going after a monitoring station? Doesn't add up. Anyway, I've
got a Bureau tech going to the site next week to take a look.

Next on the list of recurring problems is the staff at the Lake House
research station. How am | supposed to effectively keep an eye on
fF Lake if they won't let me see any data? Hell, | don't
even know what they're researching out there. We need to petition
them again to share their info with Investigations agents. It’s only a
matter of time before this | hits again and | want to be

Anyway, if anyone at HQ asks why the Bright Falls report is a little

thin this month, tell them it's because we couldn't take any readings.
In the meantime, | might invest in some raccoon traps.


Agent Estevez
Dear Dr. Darling,

| suspect my colleague Dr. Harrington has

already contacted you asking for an
increase in her department's budget. I'm
not surprised. Parapsychology has
always been the squeaky wheel, all fuss
but no results. Parakinesiology has always been the stronger
department. More breakthroughs, more tangible data, more usable

I'm sure a man of your esteem can plainly see which department is
more deserving of the budget increase. Just think what those
additional resources could do for an already formidable research

Anyway, | know you're a fan of single malt so | left a bottle of well-

aged brown on your desk.
Yours in Admiration,

Dr. Abraham Lewis


Dear Dr. Darling,

| feel | must inform you of the VERY

questionable documentation | am seeing
from Underhill’s desk. She clearly has no
concept of what the Mold is. She claims
there are micro-organisms responsible
for constructing the Mold. Ridiculous. It’s a rapidly growing
fungus, not dissimilar to kudzu! She's fabricating complexity to
justify her absurd budget demands.

Speaking of which, | find it interesting that an old friend of yours

gets her budget approved with no questions asked. | wonder if
the operations oversight committee would be interested to learn
of that.

Yours in Estimation,

Dr. Abraham Lewis

By order of Dr. Darling, all work in the
Ordinary Dump is to stop effective

immediately. Resources will be allocated

department. Details will be forthcoming.

This area will be sealed at the end of the month. Please remove all
personal effects before that time.

Any photographic slides (the type used in slide projectors) found in

the area should be delivered to Dr. Darling immediately.
Agenda Items for Next Executive Meeting:

Rising Costs of AWE Response

Update on Mold Eradication Efforts

Upcoming Annual Salary Review

New Supplier of Coffee Filters to be

Found and Vetted

Please come prepared. Thank you for your time.

I'd like to file a formal complaint re: the
unauthorized use of my voice in a state of
quality that | did not agree on.

The fact that they were planning to use

material from what | thought was a
rehearsal was not communicated to me at
all. Had it been, | would have disallowed the use of those

| want use of the Ranger Field Training Course recorded messages

to halt immediately. | will not stand for this humiliation among my
peers. | will go to HR with this if necessary.


Randall Polaski

Mr. Wilder,

| have some bad news. You remember

that Robert Ricardo fella we brought in as
a “special consultant” to map the lower
caves? Well, today he found a chamber
with weird eyes covering every inch of the
walls, and a strange black pillar in the center. Kinda looks like the
one at the Crossroads, but smaller.

We had a Bureau member shadowing him, but whatever happened

in there did a number on our guest. The docs are taking a look but
it’s pretty clear Mr. Adventure’s exploring days are over.

| know we were careful to limit this guy’s exposure to the non-

ordinary (drugging him and carrying him through the upper floor
was a real hoot, by the way), but we really need to re-evaluate our
policies on external contractors. Honestly we'd be better off forming
a special division trained in rappelling and orienteering than
subjecting more outsiders to the shit we deal with. They almost
always end up dead or loony.

- Marcus

Hi Carla,

Does it strike you as odd that Darling

insists on having us appear in those
bizarre videos of his? | mean, we just
stand there, he doesn’t even let us have
lines or anything. Don’t get me wrong —
beats a day in the lab. Plus it’s always great to work with you.
Oh yeah, | finished the comparative analysis of the two Black Rock
samples you sent. The prism or whatever you called it. | filed them
in the usual place, under C for Carla. A handy mnemonic device,
right? Ha ha.

Anyway, let me know if there’s anything you want to discuss about

the data. I'll gladly explain! Maybe we could chat about it over some
drinks, or dinner even. | can't remember the last time | had a good
steak! Maybe we could go together after work sometime? I'm free

All the very best!


We checked out the suspected AWE in

Duluth. Wasn't anything. Just like the
house fire before this. And the malfunctioning clothes dryer before
My team is getting pretty sick of duds. We need to find better a way
to sort the fake AWEs from the real things. Or you need to rotate
these field agents off for a bit.

Anyway, we're en route to Sherman Ranch, next one on the list.

Let's hope it’s a little livelier there.


Special Agent Keenum

Pay attention, Alberto. This is the last time
I'm explaining this.

Internal lockdowns are manually triggered

events that lock one or all of the sectors
by restricting use of the Sector Elevator,
effectively locking staff in their sector until
the emergency is handled. They can only be lifted via the Directorial
Override in Maintenance once the Director is satisfied that the
situation is under control.

External lockdowns are a bigger deal. Nothing in or out of the whole

building. It’s only triggered by a code red containment breach,
based on some complicated system that security and research
slapped together. It can only be lifted once A) the threat has been
neutralized and B) a high clearance individual gives the system the
all clear. This process is NOT the same as the Directorial Override,
so stop saying so in documentation!

| know it’s confusing as hell. I've told Darling a hundred times to

change it, but they’re adamant it stays the way it is. Honestly | don’t
think they even know how to change it at this point. Let’s just make
sure our staff understand how this mess all works, OK?

- Marshall
Have you noticed the recent tension
between Trench and Darling? They've
both been acting odd lately.

Trench concerns me the most. His

sudden hostility towards Darling’s project
is very unlike him. He was the one to
approve all this Hedron research in the first place, but after Darling
unveiled those HRAs, he was livid. | personally don’t see any
reason not to equip Bureau staff with an additional protective
device, especially not if it's as strong as Darling says.

What do you make of this? Have you seen anything from either of
them that strikes you as odd? Let's talk in person soon, before the
next Bureau Heads meeting.

EE 201”
Mr. Kirklund,

Here are latest agents confirmed missing,

presumed dead, from the containment
breach yesterday.

- Agent Jonathon Conner

- Researcher Ezra Cruz

- Agent Caroline Dempsey

- Agent Lindsey Malcolm

- Agent Charles Murray

- Agent Derek Shah

Letters of condolence will be delivered to you to sign prior to

sending them to their families. You will be updated as soon as
additional confirmations are made.

Also, per your request, a network engineer checked how many

cases were backed up digitally. Unfortunately, a large number of
active investigations were not archived yet, and the only hard copies
of reports exist behind the Firebreak. They're lost, I'm afraid.
All Bureau personnel are reminded to
kindly NOT SMOKE in the Quarry.

Even though the Quarry area is technically

an outdoor space, it is still a part of the
Bureau and therefore the no smoking rule
does apply.

Not only is it considerate towards your fellow employees to refrain

from inflicting the harm of second-hand smoke, it is also prudent to
avoid any risk of gas fires, unforeseen Threshold reactions, and
possible creation of altered receptacles (UNDER NO
Thank you for your understanding.
From the Desk of

Director Northmoor

To Dr. Theodore Ash Jr.,

As Director of the Federal Bureau of

Control and chosen representative /
liaison / benefactor of the greater
authority of the Board, | demand your
immediate withdrawal from the Foundation.

Prior memos issued broadly to Foundation staff called for swift

reassignment of all personnel to the upper levels of the House. All
staff complied except you. This demonstrates a lack of respect for
my office and the Board itself.

This is their House and we are their guests. We should conduct

ourselves accordingly. Normally, such insubordination would be
grounds for dismissal, but, out of respect for your late father,
consider this instead my final warning.

The Board and Director Ash chose me as successor to the office,

and no amount of petulance will change that. Indeed, your actions
seem to suggest you know better than myself, and by extension,
better than the Board.
Permit me to assure you that this is not possible.


Director Broderick Northmoor

From the Desk of

Director Northmoor


| have reviewed your report of my latest

medical. | was disappointed to see that
you believe my connection to the Service
Weapon and the Board are “products of
delusion brought on by the stresses of leadership.”

You witnessed my feats firsthand. You yourself declared my body

temperature “impossible”. These are no delusions, they are the
product of divine collaboration. The Board has awoken in me a
power beyond your understanding and that power will only continue
to grow. Your job is to merely ensure that | survive my gift, and with
absolute discretion.

To that end, my gifts are best used with a degree of mystery that
your needles and probes betray. No further medicals shall be

| forbid you to speak of this matter with your colleagues, especially

Dr. Ash. Under no circumstances do | want him involved. Keep your
mouth shut and keep me alive. The Board knows what | have
become, and theirs is the only opinion that counts.


Director Broderick Northmoor

Nadine, send this to Research for
analysis re: my precognitive powers.

Dr. Darling,

Last night | had a dream. In the dream |

was given the solution to a staffing problem I'd been presented with
JUST YESTERDAY. The problem is of a confidential nature and
must therefore remain unclarified here, but | can assure you that the
method through which | received this helpful information was
undeniably paranatural.

| can only draw the conclusion that | possess exceptional

precognitive abilities and as such, offer my services to the Bureau's
research teams. We must utilize my powers for the greater good.


Mr. Francis Bertram

Certain objects are not allowed inside the
Bureau. Recent incidents have
necessitated an issued reminder on
prohibited materials.

- Unauthorized Weapons

- Pagers

- Laptops

- “Smart” Watches

- “Smart” Phones

- “Smart” Gaming Devices

- Anything “smart”

- Number 2 Pencils

- Any objects considered iconic representations of an archetypal

concept (e.g. rubber ducks, ketchup bottles)
All material under Bureau investigation is to be brought in through
the private entrances. If you see any lobby personnel in breach of
these policies, please notify your supervisor immediately.


As you all should know by now, the R4

reports are due by the end of the week.
We're still waiting on them from a number
of people. If you need an extension,
please request form R4.e from your
supervisor. If you think you're exempt from filing an R4, then you'll
need to get written permission from your department chief saying
so. Remember, R4s are mandatory under section 75.2 of the
employee manual.

If your R4 requires inter-departmental claims, then please contact

the appropriate department head (Dr. Darling, Ms. Marshall, Mr.
Salvador, or Mr. Kirklund) as needed. They'll be busy on Thursday
in their annual policy review so please schedule accordingly.


Your Admin Team


PE« 2010
To Whom It May Concern,

It is with great anger and regret that |

tender my resignation as Head of
Investigations for the Federal Bureau of

| do this in protest of the rampant disregard for my department's

— My staff cannot continue to work in these conditions.
Previous requests and warnings have fallen on deaf ears, so | must
now rely on my actions to speak louder than my words ever could.

| blame this situation on our

BEE, who has routinely ignored
my requests for assistance in reclaiming the parts of the
Investigations Sector lost to the ee loose inside. |
will never forget the screams of brave agents begging for us to
open that Firebreak. | will carry that shame for the rest of my days.

The 7 has failed his agents. | shall never forgive him for


William Kirklund


a shark in
his ee although
permission to Ee following
basic protocol [ Shoot to kill.
Good luck.
Darling here!

Some of you were curious why | had

these sensory deprivation tanks installed.
| thought I'd shed some light on the

Maybe some of you have heard of a Dr.

Yoshimi Tokui, the man behind the hugely popular guided imagery
experience tapes. Apparently his tapes go beyond the normal
meditative qualities of such things, but create genuine hallucinatory
visions in some listeners, or so the reports say.

We brought these tanks in to test Dr. Tokui’s tapes for ourselves.

Plus, there may be some stress-relieving uses for the staff down
the road. | think we could all benefit from some time in a dark,
enclosed space, don't you?

If you have any more questions, feel free to stop by my office! You
know where it is!
National news sites have begun
publishing the story of the polar bear
attack on the Alaskan town. You all know |
don’t like to boast, but claiming that the
family was killed by migrating polar bears desperate for food
because their ecosystem is being ruined by global warming was a
stroke of genius. Using current ecological concerns makes the
public much less likely to [iii
So, another AWE behind us and the public is none the wiser. Well
done, everyone. It was a strong campaign and perfectly executed.
This doesn't mean we can stop monitorin —
hy and for any off-message
opinions, but it’s looking like we're in the clear.

Tommasi out!
Week 83 Report


Visited the following Nevada accommodations: Desert Sun Inn, Big

Sky Motel, Starlight Motel, Inn and Out, Aztec Court, Sleep-E-Bear
Motel, Silver Spurs Ranch, El Gato Blanco Inn, A+ Lodge.


Accommodation - $831.29

Meals - $714.84
Gasoline - $295.12

Minibar* - $313.61
| do wonder if a motel called the “Oceanview” is going to be found
in a landlocked state, but hey | guess I'm not paid to think, right?
And, for the record, | AGAIN request that you give us the budget to
get two rooms each night. Agent Rowley and myself are very tired
of sleeping in the same room.

See you on the road,

Agent L. Heinz

* The boys in research said performing rituals may help identify any
Places of Power. Drinking those little whiskeys is my ritual.

To all Executive Staff,

| know there is some concern regarding

our operations exceeding the annual
budget. So long as we operate within the
Oldest House, we are obscured from
scrutiny in many respects. If our budget
demands are not exorbitant to the point of drawing attention, then
they will be granted by the U.S. Treasury without question. The FBC
is just another line in another spreadsheet that some lowly
accountant won't even notice. Their eyes will skip over us, as if we
weren't even there.

The nature of the Oldest House allows us certain freedoms in how

we operate. Our being here is no accident.


Zachariah Trench, Director of the Federal Bureau of Control

Greetings Director Trench,

I'd like to thank you for approving my

request for the Dead Letters Archive.
Cataloging the Bureau's collection of
delinquent mail will provide an extremely
handy database that research teams can
use to search for any connections or related topics found among
the letters.

Aside from the more functional purposes, the archive will allow us
to preserve these windows into authentic human encounters with
the paranatural world. The letters came to us from various places
and times, gathered by the Postal Service as undeliverable. The
Bureau is the perfect home for them. | realize not all letters contain
accounts of genuine paranatural events, but even the erroneous
ones allow us insight into how the unknown is perceived by real

Of course, | will first compile a system to allow us to analyze the

letters for any information or suspected connections to AWEs and
other altered materials.

So thank you again! Can't wait to delve into my dead letters!

P. Bartwell


lam growing tired of your blatant

attempts to lay your incompetence at my
doorstep. | know you want this to be true,
but you are Head of Investigations. This
failure is your responsibility.

What did you think would happen, holding a dangerous specimen in

Investigations? The Containment Sector exists for a reason. They
are better trained and better equipped for this type of work. In fact,
they have admirably taken on certain AWE monitoring
responsibilities that your staff are no longer capable of. This
happens more and more now.

And don't think your petty internal investigations have gone past my
notice. You are a worm! Everything I've done has been for the
benefit of the Bureau. The Prime Candidate Program only failed
because of Darling. You are both failures, plotting against me! You
are traitors, but the truth will emerge out of you!

You are choosing to become my enemy, Kirklund. You don’t want to


Zachariah Trench, Director of the Federal Bureau of Control

From the Desk of

Director Northmoor

To All Foundation Personnel,

It has come to my attention that members

of our Exploration teams have been
relieving themselves of their God-given
liquids in the chasms of the Foundation.

As per earlier orders, all personnel currently serving in the

Foundation must expel fluids / urinate / do their business exclusively
into the correctly colored and labeled vials provided by research
personnel. To do otherwise disrupts the ongoing study of the
Foundation and demonstrates a profound disrespect not only for
the Board and its Oldest House, but also for the Bureau you so
proudly serve.

If | discover firsthand any agents treating the oblivion as their

personal lavatory, they will be forced to go down there and
personally clean up their mess.


Director Broderick Northmoor

Due to recent fluctuations in the nearest
Control Point, this area's stability has
been downgraded to Yellow.

Reference Chart:

Green — Stable.

Yellow — Low possibility of unanticipated building shifts.

Orange — High likelihood of unanticipated building shifts.

Red — Frequent unanticipated building shifts.

Start with the following:

“Welcome to the Federal Bureau of

Control, established in 1964 as part of
an effort to strengthen government
relations. We are proud to serve the United States and her people
as we strive for transparency and excellence in all aspects of our
esteemed nation’s infrastructure.”

If they do not leave, then ask them these questions:

1. Are you here to see someone?

2. Are you from New York City or just visiting?

3. How'd you find this place?

If their answers are sufficiently harmless, explain that this is a

secure federal office and that they'll need to leave.

If their answers seem FCS escort them to a private room.

There, perform the Gunnars Psychological Assessment. If their
responses are within the acceptable range of deviance (see the
provided scoring sheet) then PC immediately.

Remember: There’s no such thing as too suspicious!

Dearest Mr. Talbot,

My heartiest congratulations for achieving something that few

others have! Consider my curiosity thoroughly yours! For who
wouldn't be intrigued when the United States government claims to
need an expert spelunker to explore the depths of “a cave the likes
of which no man has ever seen"?

A subterranean channel beneath the very heart of New York City is

fascinating in and of itself. | have explored every cave system from
Kentucky to Kathmandu, but a formation below America’s own Big
Apple is a welcome surprise. You are certainly building grand
expectations. Do not let me down!

| have decided to come see this mystifying cave myself. My

assistant will be in touch with the details of my arrival. As
requested, | will avoid making an announcement to the press, but |
cannot guarantee that my travels will slip past their notice. The
world is always waiting for word of Robert Ricardo’s next grand
endeavor. Such is the burden of a globe-trotting man of adventure
such as myself! Such is the way of adventure!

Keep Exploring,

Bob Ricardo
“Unless You” — review by Cpt. Lopez

These days, most YA novels intertwine the “coming of age” story

with either a contrived dystopian setting or a tragic romance.
“Unless You” managed to do both.

In the story, the protagonist and her love interest search for a
cure to a virus called “the Fix”, which is simultaneously killing her
and spreading across the whole world. To find the cure, they go
on expeditions into dangerous, uncharted territories (the people
all live in walled cities now because dystopian future), and along
the way they just have to fall in love.

| liked how we never got to know if the Fix was ever actually...
fixed. The ending was bold, especially for YA. The main character
succumbs to the Fix when she’s so close to the cure and
commands her love interest to go on and save the world. She
knows this is the end for her, but that the job can still get done.
She dies out in the unknown, alone and surrounded by danger,
but never loses sight of the goal. That’s a good soldier's death.

| give this book 3/5. | feel most of the teenage angst is a little lost
on me, but I'd recommend it to my brother's kids.
Hello avid readers!

The Bureau Book Bunch will convene at the usual spot in the corner
table of the cafeteria at 5 pm on Tuesday.

Currently discussing: “Unless You” by J. D. Brooks

Everyone should get their reviews to me by Monday before lunch so

| can generate some conversation starters before the meeting.

Happy reading!

- Penny Bartwell
Book Club Thoughts

By Phillip P.
“Unless You" hooked me right away. It began with visceral
dismemberment scenes, and this great unsettling vibe created by
the unexplained creature they named “the Fix”.

As an avid horror fan, | loved how this story veered from the genre
conventions into something a little more, for lack of a better word,
weird. Everything felt familiar, but just a little off. The characters
even comment on it, saying how their lives felt out of control, as if
they were just programmed to perform the same empty actions over
and over. Very meta.

And | loved the way they left the ending wide-open. What happened
to the guy ordered to watch those monitors for the rest of his life?
Did the Fix get him? Is he dead? Did he end up in the parallel reality
with the others? We don't know. And that’s okay.

All in all an interesting read. I'll give it a solid 4/5. Points deducted
for some of the clunky dialogue and unbelievable choices the
characters made. | mean, who the hell would follow orders from
their boss in the middle of such a horrible slaughterfest? But |
guess | shouldn't demand too much realism from a work of fiction.
Book Club Notes for Penny

By L. Samson

So | don’t usually read a lot of sci-fi, but as far as space operas go,
this was all right. The title “Unless You” could refer to a bunch of
things in the book, | guess, but | thought it was a little vague and
stupid. The way the characters kept throwing it around almost like a
catchphrase got real annoying real fast.

The best part of the story was the space battles. | sided with the
Fixers, obviously, because they had the coolest tech and their
motives made the most sense to me. Honestly, if | had to choose
between some hoity-toity flowers-in-guns space hippies or a bad-
ass bunch of warriors who go around devouring planets like cheap
sushi on a Sunday, | know who I’m picking. That scene where they
invade city-planet and convert the entire population using those
brain worms? And that space dog fight between those two ace
pilots? Sign me the fuck up.

What kind of ruined the whole thing for me was when my favorite
character got killed not even halfway through the story by getting a
battery cylinder launched into his face by a gravitational anomaly.
His death didn’t feel necessary at all.

OH NO! This Spooky Man letter has found you! The Spooky Man
Curse is coming to you! To miss the curse, you must mail this letter
to people. If you don’t, the curse will get you! The more letters you
mail, the better off you will be.

Sally in Houston did NOT send the letter and the Spooky Man ate
her cat. Terrence in Greenstone did NOT send the letter and the
Spooky Man gave him acne. Kyle did NOT send the letter and now
his wife eats dinner alone!

Linda DID send more letters (30 letters in total, so far!) and look at
her now! She owns three cars! She has all her fingers! She speaks

You NEED to mail this letter! You BETTER mail this letter! DON'T
let the Spooky Man come! He'll take your cat!


That gross blockage down in the water
systems is back. What the fuck is it? And
where does it keep coming from?

And why the hell does Ahti keep yelling

nonsense at it? He acts like it can
understand him. Of course, he acts like
we can understand him, too. Guess that’s just his brand of crazy.
I'm gonna try out a new drain cleaner. Extreme strength.
Dimensional Research is going to
change everything. The work we do
there will be brilliant, dangerous, and
revolutionary. So we'll need staff that
meet the challenge.

So far I’m considering:

Carla Vaughn

Lorenzo Dunne

Hubert Tan

Edna Pierse

Either Beth Harrington or Abe Lewis if their departments can

spare them for a bit.

Emily is an obvious choice, but who knows what will come out of
the doorways we open. Perhaps it’s better to keep her
somewhere where the work is less unpredictable. But she won't
like that.

And there’s no way she won't notice a secret new research

department. She's too sharp.
Dinner reservations at 7 pm at Chez

Wife will meet you there - Don't be late!

Flowers are ready for you at lobby


Remember: She is turning 46

Good news! The Dr. Tokui tapes arrived
this week. Finally. You really should have
used same-day shipping.

| sent them out to Dr. Darling and Dr.

Harrington to check out before we begin
serious examination. If you need them
right away, I’d check Darling's room and the Ritual Office.

Can't wait to start testing Dr. Yoshimi Tokui's famous “Guided

Imagery Experience”!
Re: The Furnace — why aren't we allowed
to burn outdated paperwork in it? Seems
like a waste of a perfectly good fire. I'm
just trying to save you a few bucks and a
lot of sweat. Usually people in suits
appreciate that, right?

What is the furnace even heating? And who's in charge of it

anyway? It's always lit but | never see anyone tending to it. And the
noise it makes, isn't it a little... | don't know, off? | mean | can’t be
the only one who hears that weird wheezing or whatever it is.

Someone should take a look at that thing. Might be time for a


So you put me on desk duty just because | did the thing | was
fucking hired to do? My JOB? Want to know what |call that?
Asking us to interrogate these scum without using words like
“Altered Items” or “AWEs” or “paracriminal” is the stupidest thing
I've heard in my life and I've heard some fucking stupid things. They
already know the facts, hell, they know just as much as us, if not
MORE. And they get to sit there laughing at us while we dance
around our words, trying not to leak “classified terminology”. They
already know the fucking terminology!

If you think pulling me off the case will stop me, then think again.
That piece of shit blew up those tracks. He killed those people, all
to make a train turn altered. We have him dead to rights and you
need to let me back in that interrogation cell so | can get him to flip
on his buddies. These people are terrorists and deserve to be
treated as such. This won't stop unless we stop them.

You can go ahead and put me on suspension, see if that slows me


- Agent Hewitt
Has anyone else seen that janitor
mopping up around here? Isn't this is a
restricted access area? Who gave him
permission to come in here?

And how the fuck did he get through the


- Dr. Tan
Mr. Kirklund,

We stopped at Keystone on our way to the target AWE, like you

asked. I'm sending my report directly to you, to try and keep a lid on
this Gruman/Morales desertion issue.

We didn't find any sign of them here. Given their records, it is

possible they've switched teams, like you suspected, but | don’t
think that’s the case. An event definitely occurred here in Keystone
and | think Gruman and Morales got caught up in it. The entire
population has vanished into thin air. Reminds me of the Ordinary
case, but that was just the adults if I'm remembering the file
correctly. This is different. | think our guys are casualties, not

If it was an AWE, it seems to be over. We walked through the

whole town and the only strange thing we noticed were markings on
various buildings. Two overlapping circles, with a dot in the shared
space. Could be unrelated. I'll show you the pictures when | get

In the meantime, you should send a team out here to cordon this
place off and maybe get the comms guys working on a cover story.


Agent Keenum
Hey Bozer,

Get this. The accounting department

STILL says they haven't received my
expense reports. They say the receipts
probably got lost in the mail tubes
because of a shift or a threshold or some
such fuckery and that if | don’t have the originals they can’t verify my
expenses for reimbursement. This is such bullshit! Why do we even
use these fucking tubes if they just spit our mail out in some other
goddamn dimension?

Just venting here before | make a formal complaint. Useless pieces

of shit!

- Rodriguez
Hey Stu,

Did you hear about Fischer? Got himself in trouble in the Motel.
Why the hell does anyone volunteer to stake out that place? Gives
me the creeps. But hey, at least he came back, if you can call it that.

| saw some of the footage they pulled out of there with him. Tom
down in evidence processing showed me. Crazy stuff. Fischer had
the cameras pointed at himself half the time. I’m guessing he went
nuts on day one. He did catch something though. Got one of those
fiber optic cameras under the door of the room he was hiding in
and recorded something out in the hall. Looked like a shadow,
maybe human. Tom tried to get the quality up, but it's still blurry as
Just reaffirms my position. Stay the fuck out of the Motel.

Anyway, up for some SHUM later? Lisa got up to an hour and 38

minutes yesterday. New record to beat.

See ya,

Hey, so | was just wondering about the
plants in Research. Is it really necessary
to sing to them? | mean, that janitor does
have a nice voice and the plants sure
seem to like it. Maybe he could just
switch it up a bit? I'm getting pretty tired
of the tango.

And where did these plants even come from? No one seems to
remember when they were planted. And people like them a bit too
much, if you ask me. Are we being invaded by houseplants? Worth
looking into.

- Dr. Lewis
We need additional diamond blades
ASAP, continuous rim this time to get the
clean cut Research wants. This Black
Rock shit is tough. We're going through
blades like we're made of the damn
things. The dimensions for these slabs of
Black Rock they want are outrageous. For
all the grief they’re causing me, these Firebreaks better fucking work
a treat.

Go ahead and double the last order.



| saw David last night. | was working late

in the Quarry when he stumbled out from
behind some Black Rock. Looked like hell.
| called up to medical right away. He was
half-starved. He’s been missing for two
weeks, so | guess it's not a surprise. While | was waiting for
someone to come help, he kept telling me about some carvings.
Something about an “ancient tree”. | couldn't really understand him.
When the medics came, they brought security. They grabbed David
and hauled him off. They interrogated me for a couple hours about
what David had told me.

Anyway, | know you're on the next shift so thought I'd leave this for
you. He was your husband, you have a right to know. The way
security was acting, well, | don’t know if we’re gonna see David

I'm so sorry, Linda. Burn this after you read it.



You missed the good news! I'm sure the

official memo will go out soon, but
Northmoor called an all-hands at the
Crossroads to announce we're finally
moving out of this hellhole and up into the
House proper. Bureau brass apparently solved the moving walls
problem... or at least figured out a way to pinpoint where and when
they happen.

All | know is going up means goodbye darkness, goodbye weird

lunches with that ex-Nazi scientist, and goodbye pissing into the pit
(| know that was you, Barry).
Northmoor’s ordering the Foundation sealed as soon as we can
haul our stuff out and somehow convince Ash to come with us.
He's the only one kicking up a fuss.

This is long overdue. We've lost eleven men and damn near ten
thousand dollars in supplies moving between the entrance and the
Foundation. And for what? Research? Ash is batty if he thinks we
want to stay here and sift through more sand for him. It's just rusted
iron flakes anyway. Did you know that? We were breathing that shit

To ALL Dimensional Research staff,

I've heard that numerous people have

been complaining about the sand piled up
around Dimensional Research. This sand
is precious research material from a
foreign dimension and will be examined
more thoroughly when | have the time. If you attempt to clean or
dispose of this sand, | will bar you from any future research
endeavor! You will spend the rest of your career licking envelopes
in a cubicle staring at a cat poster!


-Dr. Darling

To whoever finds this,

| am Containment Processes Designer Jeanne Gibbs and I'm

writing this to document the largest Building Shift to ever occur.

Here are the facts: a considerably large section of the Containment

Sector, including the Processes and Protocols offices, our research
facilities, and a fair chunk of the Firebreak has been yanked down to
a chasm that reaches far below lobby level (I think?). It was a
violent Shift, and | regret to report several casualties. Injuries were
sustained by all, but many of us, myself included, are still mobile.
We've set up a base camp and started triaging. There are little

We explored our surroundings and found caverns of all things.

Maybe we're in some kind of cave Threshold, like the Quarry?
Wherever we are, we're not the first. There were some rusty power
cores, old lights, signs — infrastructure.

What was this area used for? Why did they seal it off? Why have
we never heard of it?

More importantly, how are we going to get out?

Gibbs, reporting in. It has been eight days since the collapse and
still no sign of any rescue efforts. The Bureau is either completely
unaware of our situation or are incapable of helping us. Or maybe
it's intentional. How many times have we seen the Bureau not give
two shits about its own hardworking staff when they go missing in
this place? How many times did we let it slide, thinking “Oh, at least
it wasn’t me”?

Too many, I'm ashamed to admit.

Anyway, there have been some developments. Strange crystals

have begun growing through the walls. They seem to block some
corridors, but not others. The path to the caves is always left open,
but we're not sure why. Luckily, the crystals keep out the Astral
Spike. One's been hounding us for days.

John, Nicolay, and Sarah went to try and find a radio, but never
came back. We think the Spike got them. | think it's hunting us.
Doug says Spikes only exist in the Astral Plane, so what the fuck is
it doing here?

If we get out of here, I'm hiring a lawyer. These are unsuitable

working conditions.
It's clear no one is coming. We're running out of ideas and
supplies. We tried going into the caves to find anything edible, but
all we found were noxious gases and endless pits. The crystals only
let us go one way, even though we could see the caves branched
out. We did find some weird spikey pillar. | only got a glimpse of it
before the Astral Spikes attacked. There were a few of them this
time. We lost a lot of people. There’s only six of us left.

We didn't ask for this. We didn’t want to come down here. I’m
convinced something brought us here. The others say I'm going
nuts, but it’s clear that this was no House Shift. Shifts slide a
bathroom a sector over, or rotate a hallway, they don't drop full
divisions into some caves. We were brought here. | know it.

But for what? Why tear us away from our lives just to torture us? If
this is some sort of test or mission, then here's some advice for
whoever's running it: give out clearer instructions next time.

| hope these notes are a good read for whatever Ranger finds them.
Fuck you. Put that in your report.


| know you can't control building shifts,

but the executive level restroom has been
missing for weeks now.

| worked my ass off in the Islamabad

station for three years, I’ve earned the
right to a nice workplace shitter. If you can’t bring it back, at least
find out where it went.

- D. Rodriguez
Mr. Denis,

So yes, there’s an increase in AWE cases and yes, it would be a

good idea to put together a special Task Force to examine exactly
why that is. However, it seems that a tiny little detail has slipped
through the cracks. We don't have the damn staff!

If you expect us to detect, investigate, and process more AWE

cases, you need to give us more people! It’s simple math. Between
the staff we lost in the Hartman thing and the ones who left for
other departments after Kirklund quit, we're barely managing to
keep up with the workload. Hell, just filing the paperwork for all the
Altered Items we left behind in the sector has been an ordeal.

Another thing, and this is going to sound paradoxical, but we have

an overcrowding situation. This lobby isn’t meant to accommodate
a whole sector's worth of staff. We put forward a motion to move
Investigations to a more suitable location months ago. It better not
still be sitting on your desk. The people are getting restless and, as
Kirklund’s interim replacement, it's your job to handle it.

Best regards,

Agent Grayson
To Whom it May Concern,

In case you are not aware, something

caused a sticky note in my office to
duplicate. My office is unusable now.

| will be working from home until this is

resolved. You can reach me on my cell or
home phone.


J. Bozer, Vice Chief of Staff

Hey Malcolm,

Yes, tee time is at 7. I'll see you at the

course on Sunday morning.

By the way, have you heard about this

Tennyson Report? Apparently there’s a
bunch of copies drifting around the office.
Trench is looking to get his hands on any information about who
wrote it. You wouldn't happen to have heard anything about that,
would ya?
See you Sunday!

- Jim
Listen, Trench is on the warpath about
this Tennyson Report thing. He wants to
know who wrote it and he wants to know
yesterday. Whoever did is gonna get

| don’t know if it was one of you guys and

| don’t want to know. I’m not super keen on leading a witch hunt, so
tell everyone in the sector to keep their heads down. Best not to be
on anyone's radar right now, you know?

| tell ya, not even counting all the weird shit we deal with, this place
can be a downright hostile work environment sometimes.


| am not to be disturbed! Cancel all my

appointments for the day. For the rest of
the week!
| can’t trust them, Barbara. Not a single
- Trench
Hello Raya!

How is it going down there? Enjoying the

Mold so far? Settling back into life at the
old FBC?
| also wanted to ask how your coffee with
Emily went. She's a star on the rise,
incredibly bright, extremely intuitive. But | want to hear what you
thought of her. | think you two could be very good on a project
together, could learn a lot from each other. Let's get together and
chat about it soon.

Anyway, sorry for the interruption! I'm sure you can't think of
anything besides the Mold right now. You always were a woman of
focus. | always admired that about you.

Talk soon!

- Casper
Next game is Wednesday at 8, usual spot

Hazzard — owes me $20

Arish — still on a fucking winning streak (someone please figure out

how he’s cheating)
Thomson —suspended for a game because of that shady dealing

Guy - 1.0.U. $60

| brought beers last time so it’s Hepstonstall’s turn

- Remus
| see your creepy teeth delivery and raise
you a dead dog. Yeah, like a straight up
deceased dog. Had a collar on it and
everything. It'd been rotting in that box
since they packed it up. Go ahead and
imagine how that smelled.

So don't go whining to me. | wish | got to watch a parade of human

Okay, Mr. Dead Dog, what do you think of
this — You know that airplane we brought
in? Like, the actual proper airplane?
Guess who they made catalogue every
individual piece of that plane to be
examined for “suspected altered status"?
| had to count every bolt, nut, and piece of
non-connected metal. And that’s just on the exterior of the damn
thing. Do you know how many pieces of hardware it takes to make
an airplane? | do! | DO!
Guess who just had to inspect an
inbound delivery of like a hundred teensy
tiny little boxes? Me, that's who. And you
know what was inside each one? A single
human tooth. Fucking gross.
Dearest Hollywood,

Have you ever wished you had an actor who could do it all? Who
could be a man or woman, an adult or child, a dolphin or a Boston
terrier? Well, today is your lucky day.

My name is Garreth Clemens and | am the world’s greatest actor.

Not only do | have years of stage experience, but | am an
accomplished shapeshifter. Whether you need a misbehaving cat,
ferocious wolfman, swashbuckling pirate, or debonair southern
belle, I'm your man.

Or am I?

| will be arriving in town on May 11, 1971 and will be available for
meetings and auditions beginning on the 13th.

See you in the movies!

G. Clemens
To the good-for-nothings at the security check,

| know you took a part of my brain when you put me through that
“metal detector”, I'm not stupid. | know what they're really for. What
| don't know is whether taking a part of my brain causes me to lose
my memories or to lose sleep. I've been told if you lose sleep you
lose everything else too. That's where you trick us regular people.
Now | don't know which it is and | can't remember what you did to

But I can tell you all this much, | don’t find this funny at all! | want my
memories back, and you can be sure the next time | visit the
Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, |
will come and find you and make you fix what you broke!


| don’t think | will be signing this with my real name. Like | said, I'm
not stupid. You can just mind your own business!
My clock is shaped like a cat and its eyes move and | think its angry
but | keep apologizing and it wont stop but | said Im sorry sorry
sorry sorry SORRY SORRY SRORRYRRY but it wont leave me
alone and | don’t know what it wants | cant keep apologizing g fo do
you see it now too it told me everyone is here and | need to be
careful so they don’t see me writing this letter it wants me to stay
with it with my eyes on its eyes and moving very fast but | cant keep
going and | worry they will forget about meso Ineed to writ eyou
about this because Icant keep goin gbut the cat willbecause of its
Dear House of Representatives,

My husband, Francis, read an article before he died about how the

universe was really just a computer program. He believed it. |
thought it sounded silly, but now | think he was right.

Francis was hit by a car a few months ago. A drunk driver. | don’t
think it was supposed to happen.

My neighbor's son, Jeremy, broke one of our windows with a

football a week before Francis died. Francis yelled at Jeremy for it.
He was a bit harsh.

This is important because | see Jeremy on his computer through

their living room window. He's on it all the time. His mother says he
is a computer whiz. | think Jeremy is operating the computer
program and he changed the universe so that driver would hit
Francis. He did it to get back at Francis for yelling at him.

Is there a way to change the computer and make Francis come

back? | have some money if it’s expensive. | don’t know how these
things work. | don’t care if Jeremy gets in trouble or not. | just want
Francis to come home.

Francis and | were very happy together. | can feel him not being
here and | know it's not right.


Stephanie Miller
To Whom it May Concern,

| am being contacted by the past Presidents of the United States of

America. They appear as spirit guides, giving me their wisdom.
John Adams keeps saying | need to fix America, but | can’t really
understand him. They all have a lot of opinions.

People tell me I’m imagining it but Theodore Roosevelt showed me

how to fix my lawnmower and | don’t know a thing about
lawnmowers. Explain that!

| have great dead men telling me about the past and the present. If
you'd like to use my abilities to help run the government, please let
me know. | know the White House could use me.

Yours in earnest,

James Bartholomew
Dear New York Tribune,

Airplanes aren't real. | figured out how they do it.

The windows are TV screens. The whole thing moves on big tracks
like a rollercoaster that moves through underground tunnels in the
Earth. Airports are more like train stations.

They do this because the sky is full of monsters that they don’t want
us to know about. The planes we see in the sky are the monsters.
The government made the Earth-trains look like the monsters so
they could lie to us better.

Don't contact me.


My feet gossip at night and now | have to wear shoes to bed.


| don't know if yuo can see this because | dont know if I'm reelly
here. | see a pen in myh hand, | see myself but it’s all wroong it’s the
wrong angle it’s thewrong me andd it’s all green. Look out fr thee
color green everythig turns greenn when its close. Dn't let it get
close. Don't let it in.

But iff yu do no maater what YOU DO NOT SPEK TO IT. Please. |

need yu safe Pegy. | donnt want you to ennd up here too.

| don’t know where I've gon.

| had a Dream and | built the thing | saw in my dream. A machine
that will contain God, but not the God you know or the ones anyone
knows. A new God. This machine will be his body, his heart, and
his mind. | made it just like the Dream showed me.

| used the motor from the refrigerator and the coils from my toaster
and the fans plus the timing belt from my car's engine and the
wheels from my son's skateboard. God can't move yet, but the
dream said he would learn how on his own. This is just a beginner's
body. Like a baby’s but a machine instead. God only needs a place
to start.

If you want to interview me, please contact me at the address on the

envelope. My phone does not work anymore. | had to use the
dialing plate on God.
| learned a brand new language. The fish taught me. You probably
don't believe me, so | will prove it.

Hou-llilel, meeutti. Jer meellooabt eus oeman-eqqo. Quido? Kib

quido urt-urt, pippo hurum eoolin req | bu-wit 1455 Os-pirrtrun
Klob, HeNw 20222. Quidi wi-wip eoolin n yuum ret buozem quim
xual-ten. Jebini-rog.

See? Please publish this letter and maybe other fish-speakers will
get in touch. They'll be able to read my address, even if you can't.


Larry Humbert
You have questions and the prophets have your answer. If you are
truly intrigued, watch the time. We've lost about 45 days in the past
4 years. The shortening of days, this is why the Vatican is a sun dial
and also simultaneously a key hole. Another thing while I’m here if
you want the secret to everything compare plasma next to brain
cells. The sun+moon are composed of plasma (simply light)(not
planets) after this is cemented in your psyche ponder the current
whereabouts of where you, I, and humanity reside.

I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe
world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a
pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit
in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid
suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a
plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a pinstripe world.
I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe
world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit ina
pinstripe world. ee. I'm 2
plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a pinstripe world.
I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe
world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit ina
pinstripe world. I’m a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit
in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid suit in a pinstripe world. I'm a plaid
suit in a pinstripe world.
Mr. Govurner,

| called the police, but they never come to my house. | got a

problem and you got to send folk to fix it.

| got my wife one of them singing fish on the walls. It's not a real
fish. It sings when you hit a button. But it's got the Devil in it. It flies
around at night and sings Devil songs. Says lots of cuss words.

The Devil got in my house cuz of the fish and you got to come
handle it. My wife is real upsit. When can you come?


Dwayne Barr
Dear Elected Official,

Thanks to the recent smoking ban in my state, | am happy to inform

you | will not be voting for you in the next election.

As everyone knows, smoking is being banned because the smoke

is toxic to the aliens that the government sold our planet to in a
secret deal. If humans keep smoking, the aliens won't be able to live
on Earth. Our air would be poison to them. If you government
traitors can't stop people from smoking then you won't get your
millions of dollars from the aliens.

| have a website. People know what's going on. We're going to

keep smoking, no matter what. This is a national emergency.
Politicians are handing the planet over to alien overlords. We won't
let you. We will resist.

| will smoke forever!


A proud smoker/rebel/patriot
To the Esteemed Members of the American Psychiatric Council,

| am writing you to inquire about the significance of dreams in

relation to one’s mental health? | am aware that there are many
books purporting to contain the True meanings of dreams, but |
have reservations about their legitimacy.

| understand that this is not usually done, but if | would greatly

appreciate your thoughts on my Condition. Ever since | was young,
| have had intensely-vivid dreams. They only occur sporadically, but
in them | witness very strange events. | understand dreams can
seem real at the time, but these feel markedly different. They do not
occur often, perhaps only one or two a year.

Last night | had one. | saw a small, empty town. It was utterly dark.
There was a Lake at its center. Shadows of people moved around
me, muttering odd things. A bright light woke me up. | was
screaming in my sleep. My wife had been shaking me for minutes
before | woke.

Because of this recent incident, | have decided to seek help. The

doctor says | am physically fine, but | wanted to consult your
Expertise. Thank you for your valuable time.

Yours Very Sincerely,

Richard Bowker
Dear Science,

There's a person in my pet salamander. He has human eyes. Why

doesn’t anyone else see him?

| think it’s like werewolves but with every animal. Weredogs,

werecats, wereotters, werebutterflies, were-everything. There are
people inside and they can’t get out. They're stuck in the animal
body. It’s not ALL animals, but it can be ANY animal. My parents
don't believe me.

Maybe this has happened before? | thought you would know.


John Lomaine
Dear Gentlemen of the Society of Sciences,

It has been some time since| sent my initial letter. | hope it is not
the case that you have dismissed my claims outright. In that hope, |
am writing you to once more ask for your help in understanding the
oddity that has befallen me in my home.

| have recently begun renting a new apartment in the city. The space
is nothing special, though for a time | found the isolation quite
soothing. Recently, | have begun experiencing a strange occurrence.
When I'm in my kitchen, a tiny little thing with not much but a sink, |
sometimes lose myself. My surroundings change. | find myself
standing on strange dark stone. | stare out at a colorless sky, as
white as undisturbed snow, terrified of moving.

Perhaps this is a brain issue? | think not, as it feels terribly real. This
has been occurring for some months now and | have become
frightened of entering the kitchen. If it’s not too much of an
inconvenience, | would dearly appreciate a visit from one of your
professionals to see what they make of it.

| await your response with little expectation, but with great hope.

Very Truly Yours,

Lorraine Fitzgerald

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