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Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109
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The 12th
12th International
International Conference
Conference Interdisciplinarity
Interdisciplinarity in
in Engineering

Post-tensioned Flat Flat Slabs
Slabs with
with Unbonded
Unbonded Tendons
Tendons for
for Public
Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30 June
2017, Vigo (Pontevedra), Spain
a, a a
Iosif Török
Töröka, *,
*, Attila
Attila Puskás
Puskása,, Jácint
Jácint Virág
Costing models for capacity optimization in Industry 4.0: Trade-off


aTechnical University of Cluj Napoca, 25 Baritiu Str., Cluj-Napoca, 400027, Romania
Technical University of Cluj Napoca, 25 Baritiu Str., Cluj-Napoca, 400027, Romania
between used capacity and operational efficiency
Abstract A. Santanaa, P. Afonsoa,*, A. Zaninb, R. Wernkeb
The main purpose of this paper is to describe
the post-tensioning
University methods
of Minho, 4800-058 possible
Guimarães, to use for flat slabs of public buildings. The
The main purpose of this paper is to describe the post-tensioning methods possible to use for flat slabs of public buildings. The
analysis follows the process of the structuralb
design, considering
Unochapecó, in the analysis
89809-000 Chapecó, SC, Brazilthe advantages the method might present in
analysis follows the process of the structural design, considering in the analysis the advantages the method might present in
future of the analyzed constructions, with all the advantages the method might present.
future of the analyzed constructions, with all the advantages the method might present.
This method can be efficiently used for buildings with spans larger than 7 meters, where the relative openings do not present
This method can be efficiently used for buildings with spans larger than 7 meters, where the relative openings do not present
major variation. Although the post-tensioning of flat slabs is widely used in some countries, in Romania it is still avoided in the
major variation. Although the post-tensioning of flat slabs is widely used in some countries, in Romania it is still avoided in the
realization of reinforced concrete slabs due to the reduced knowledge in design and execution of post-tensioned slabs.
realization of reinforced concrete slabs due to the reduced knowledge in design and execution of post-tensioned slabs.
© the
2018The conceptPublished
Authors. of "Industry
by 4.0",Ltd.
Elsevier production processes will be pushed to be increasingly interconnected,
© 2019 The Authors.
2018The Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open
information access
based onarticle
a realunder
time the
basis BY-NC-ND
and, license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
necessarily, (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licensemuch more efficient. In this context, capacity optimization
goes beyondand peer-review
the under
traditional aimresponsibility
of capacity of the 12th International
maximization, Conference
contributing Interdisciplinarity
also for organization’sin Engineering.and value.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity inprofitability
Indeed, lean management and continuous improvement approaches suggest capacity optimization instead of
Keywords: post-tensioned slabs; unbonded tendons; material economy; inovation; developing technology;
maximization. The study
Keywords: post-tensioned slabs;of capacity
unbonded optimization
tendons; and costing
material economy; models
inovation; is antechnology;
developing important research topic that deserves
contributions from both the practical and theoretical perspectives. This paper presents and discusses a mathematical
model for capacity management based on different costing models (ABC and TDABC). A generic model has been
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
developed and it was used to analyze idle capacity and to design strategies towards the maximization of organization’s
value. The
Currently,trade-off capacity
for public maximization
buildings for designvsslabs,
is chosenefficiency
the flat is highlighted
slab and it iseffective,
method, simple, shown that capacity
reducing the
optimization for public
hide buildings for
operational design slabs, is chosen the flat slab method, simple, effective, reducing the
time of execution comparative to a classic beam and slab system and offering advantage for useful height and total
Published to a classic
B.V.beam and slab system and offering advantage for useful height and total
height of constructions. The by Elsevier
main problem in this situation is the increasing total weight of the structure that can be
height of
Peer-review constructions. The main problem in this situation is the increasing total weight of the structureConference
that can be
eliminated under
with responsibility
post-tensioning of the
slab, incommittee
this caseofthethe Manufacturing
slab thicknessEngineering
is reducedSociety
and theInternational
non-presstresed steel
eliminated with post-tensioning the slab, in this case the slab thickness is reduced and the non-presstresed steel
quantitie as well. Case studies conducted on comparisons on quantities of materials on different buildings executed
quantitie as well. Case studies conducted on comparisons on quantities of materials on different buildings executed
with flat Cost
slab solution, redesign with post-tensioned solution shows that aEfficiency
minimum of 10% direct economy can be
with flat slabModels;
Keywords: solution,
TDABC; with post-tensioned
Capacity Management; Idle solution shows
Capacity; that a minimum of 10% direct economy can be

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
* The
cost author.
of idle capacity is a fundamental information for companies and their management of extreme importance
E-mail address: torokjozsika@yahoo.com, jacint.virag@dst.utcluj.ro
E-mail address: torokjozsika@yahoo.com, jacint.virag@dst.utcluj.ro
in modern production systems. In general, it is defined as unused capacity or production potential and can be measured
in several ways:
2351-9789© 2018Thetons of production,
Authors. available
Published by Elsevier Ltd. hours of manufacturing, etc. The management of the idle capacity
2351-9789© 2018The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is anAfonso.
* Paulo open access
Tel.:article under
+351 253 510the761;
+351 253license(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open access article under the CCfax:
BY-NC-ND 604 741
E-mail and peer-review
address: under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.

2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

2351-9789 © under
The Authors. of the scientificbycommittee
Published Elsevier of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the 12th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109 103
2 Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

achive just on slab, whitout taking into account the reduction of structure weight that positively influences the
vertical structural bearing elements and the foundation as well. For this case studies were used in the first phase
theoretical square form, 3 by 3 spans, slab models with 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters spans to demonstrate this conclusion.

2. Rules and conceptions of current design

2.1. Materials

A minimum compressive strength class for post-tensioned slab with unbonded tendons is C25/30 usually C30/37
concrete class is used for a more economic results. Steel grades used for post-tensioned systems are Y1770 and
Y1860 and the diameters of tendons 12.9mm and 15.7mm ussualy used, but they can be found in other dimensions
for example 12.5, 12.7 or 15.3mm also for post-tensioning were created bars with the same steel grades but in
different diameters curently from 26mm up to 66mm. Steel grades for non-prestressed reinforcement is not imposed.
The materials for non-prestressed steel and the concrete strength class are standardizated in each contry, but for
the tendons and one of the most important piece for post-tensioning, the ancorage, the need a technical approval or a
certificate authorized be an organization to can be used in that country for example in Europe is EOTA “European
Organisation for Technical Assessment”.

2.2. Span/depth ratio

To calculate the depth of slab we can use recommended span/depth ratios generally is the span/40 value but if we
have a higher live load, for example 5-10 kN/m2 , this value can be change to span/36 even span/30.[2]
The next step is to devide the slab in column strips and each column strip can be calculated separately, if we
extract a strip we can calculate the total structural load in kN/m and than we need to use an uplift load given by the
tendons that balance the structural load, from this ecuation we get a number of tendons given by the diameter of
tendons and the steel grade we want to use. In Fig.1 it shown the load given by the dead load, (green diagram) and
the uplift load given by the prestressing (red diagram) that is in the opposit direction creating a favorable load on the
slab, this load counteract the loads that are on the slab and reduce the unfavorable loads as shown in the fig 2. This
reduction is creating a smaller bending moment in the slab.

Fig.1. Representation of the uplift force given by the prestressing (red diagram) [1]

Fig. 2. Reduced loads on the slab [1]

2.3. Anchorages

One of the most important element in post-tensiong is the system we want to use and this is influenced by the
anchorages. This are various and given by the producers and the number of tendons that can be introduce. For
104 Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109
Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 3

post-tensioned flat slab communly is used 1, 3 or 5 tendons in one anchorage, producers are created anchorages that
can hold up to 55 tendons.

Fig.3. Monostrand anchorage [1] Fig.4. Multistrand anchorage [1]

The minimum distance between the anchorages and between the anchorage and the slab edges were given in the
technical data sheet and is different given by the dimensions of the anchorage and the concrete strength and the
maximum distance between the anchorages is the mimimum between the slab thickness multiplied by 8 and 1,5m.
In fig. 5 is ilustrated an example of this informations from the technical data sheet from Dywidag company [3]
for a monostrand anchor, this data sheet offers information about minimum concrete strength, distances and
additional reinforcement.

Fig.5. Example of data sheet information for distances between anchorages [3]
Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109 105
4 Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

Another important aspect for anchorages is the type of this, dead end (fixed end) or live end (stressing end). The
dead end means that there the tendon is anchored before the grounting and the live end means that the tendons will
be tensioned after the concrete reach the compression strength.
This type of anchorages are given by the length of tendons as shown in fig.6. For example for a tendon length
between 6 and 38 meters the tendons will be tensioned in one end but for a distence bigger than 38 meters is
necesary to tension in both ends to reduce the losses of prestresing effort in the tendons.

Fig.6. Types of anchorages given by the length of tendons [1]

2.4. Tendons and non-presstressed reinforcement

For the post-tensioned slab to be economical it is recommended to be a minimum precompression efort of

0,7MPa [2] 0,86 MPa [4] and a maximum of 2 MPa in the current strip.
The minimum percentage of non-prestressed reinforcement is given by the standard use in the country with the
mention that in this percentage is not added the tendons if the are unbonded.

2.5. Tendon layouts

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 7. (a) Banded tendons in main direction, (b) Banded tendons in both directions, (c) Distributed tendons in both directions, (d) Banded and
distributed tendons in both directions (mixt) in an equal percentage[14]
106 Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109
Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 5

3. Other uses for post-tensioning

3.1. Other types of post-tensioning slabs

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 8. (a) One way slabs with beams, (b) One way ribbed slabs with beams, (c) Two-way waffle slab, (d) One-way solid slab with band beams

3.2. Transfer plate

For public buildings usually on the ground floor, commercial spaces are wanted and on the next floors
apartments are being built, to eliminate the small spans between the columns on the ground floor the solution of
transfer plate can be use for the first slab where the gravitational loads of the building are tranfer in the massive
columns on the ground floor, in order to create bigger spans and for the apartments of the next floors can be reduce
the spans and can be changed the structural solution, a structural model of this solution can be seen in fig.9.

Fig. 9. Structural model of a transfer plate [1]

3.3. Consolidation

The post-tensioning solution can also be used for consolidation for existent structural element such as beams,
slabs and even silos, most often these tendons are positioned on the outside of the consolidated elements, in which
Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109 107
6 Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

case they can be easily installed without the need to demolish existing structural element parts, instead, these
tendons must be protected to prevent damage.

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. (a) Consoliated beams for a parking structure [1] (b) Consolidated silo [3]

4. Case study: Price comparison between flat slab and post-tensioned flat slab for different spans 7, 8, 9 and
10 meters

For the design Adapt Builder 2017 software has been used. A square slab having 3 by 3 spans with different
size of openings has been adopted. For the vertical supporting structure columns of 600x600mm have been
considered, but no other structural elements have been used, the deformated shape of the structural model can be
seen in fig.11.

Fig. 11. 3D deformated model in adapt software

The loads for the slab are given by the self-weight, the super dead load given by the floor finishing layers of
3.2kN/m2, load by marginal walls of 10kN/m and live loads corresponding to the commercial destination with a
value of 5 kN/m2. The materials used for the calculus are C30/37 for concrete, prestressing steel with specified
ultimate strength of 1860 MPa and non prestressed reinforcement having specified ultimate strength of 500MPa.
The price differences can be seen in Table 1.
108 Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109
Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000 7

Table 1. Price of the slabs

Span Price Price diference Price difference
[m] [€] [€] [%]

7 - RC slab 25811
7 - PT slab 23159 2652 10.27
8 - RC slab 36116
8 - PT slab 31665 4451 12.32
9 - RC slab 50918
9 - PT slab 43534 7384 14.50
10 - RC slab 69970
10 - PT slab 58520 11450 16.36



Price [€]

PT Slab
RC Slab

6.00 8.00 10.00
Span [m]

Fig. 12. Chart showing price increase for the two different type of slab taking into account the span length

5. Conclusions

Comparisons showed that with a minimum of 7 meter span and a live load of a minimum 3kN/m2 the savings
can be 10 to 20% which is given by reducing the material quantities. These savings can be directly influenced by the
distribution of tendons and the shape of the structure. In order to obtain the required post-tensioning one option is to
use unbonded tendons, other is the use of bonded tendons. The paper shows a comparison and the difference of the
savings with respect to the applied live load and the opening size, highlighting the most appropriate layout of
tendons for different opening sizes.
The paper presents a great opportunity for practical use for the tomorrow’s construction industry. Due to the
increasing need for the buildings studied also in the paper, the results of the proposed solutions have wide
application opportunity for the upcoming needs. It is very similar to the usual flat slabs yet very innovative due to
the advantages its brings to the buildings.


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[2] The Concrete Society. Tehnical Report No. 43, Second Edition-Post-tensioned concrete floors Design handbook, (2005) 1- 14.
[3] https://www.dsiamerica.com/products/post-tensioning-systems/monostrand-pt-system/system-description/
[4] American Concrete Institute. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 318M-11 (2011).
[5] C.H. Goodchild, R.M. Webster & K.S. Elliott.2009. Economic Concrete Frame Elements to Eurocode 2.p. 123-132.
Iosif Török et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 32 (2019) 102–109 109
8 Iosif Török, Attila Puskás & Jácint Virág / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2018) 000–000

[6] International FederationforStructuralConcrete.Model Code forConcreteStructures 2010. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin (2013).
[7] International Federation for Structural Concrete. Tehnical Report No.31 - Post-tensioning in buildings. Sprint-Digital-Druck Stuttgart (2005).
[8] PCI Industry Handbook Committee (PCI).2004. PCI Design Handbook, Precast and Prestressed Concrete. 6-th Edition.Chicago Illinois.
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Issue 8 (2000).
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[14]Torok I., Puskas A.,Virag J., ”Effects of different arrangement of tendons in post-tensioned flat slabs”, IASS Conference.Boston (2018).

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