Classroom Management Philosophy

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Katlynn Embrey

5th/6th period


The question is what classroom management philosophy is, it refers to the principles and beliefs

that will guide a teacher's classroom standards, routines, and rules for the students. These beliefs

and principles are what will shape the day-to-day interaction with the students.

To start my classroom management philosophy I decided to think and answer the first section

which was My beliefs about my students, do I believe that students need to be “controlled and

disciplined” or that they can be taught self-control and I believe at first students must be taught

discipline and control and then they can gradually make their way to being taught and learning

how to have self-control. Do I think that students are naturally disruptive and therefore need to

be molded, I do not think that students are naturally disruptive however I do think that in a way

students need to learn a sense of appropriate behavior and how they should behave in certain

situations. Another question is do I view my students as equals or as charges, in a way I do view

my students as charges because each student is unique in their special way and they learn in

different ways and have their own special needs which is why I view my students as charges

instead of equals because not every student is the same. The second part of my classroom

management philosophy is my belief about teachers’ roles, as a teacher, I would like to see

myself as a facilitator over a boss because as a teacher I want to be a person that will help

students can learn from and help them grow. Do I think I should create all the rules and

consequences, or do I think students should offer their thought, I think that I should create some

of the rules and consequences and I should allow students to put in their thoughts so that we can

get a system that will work for both the students and I. Do I believe that teachers should spend

time at the beginning of the year to teach rules and routines and the answer to that is yes, I fully

believe that teachers should spend time at the beginning of the year to teach rules and routines to

instill a sense a routine that students can follow along and have a system that they are

comfortable with. The final part of my classroom management philosophy is my beliefs about

managing a classroom while managing the classroom I believe that students who show good

behavior should be rewarded, the reason I believe this is because if one student has good

behavior and the rest of the class does not, if I do not reward that student for their good behavior

than what reason will they have to keep up with the good behavior, with that if the other students

see that student getting rewarded for their behavior it can encourage the others students to

change their behavior for the better. Finally, would I be okay with using a school-adopted

classroom management program, or do I want to have more freedom to choose my own

classroom management practices, at first, I would use the school-adopted classroom management

and as time goes by, I will slowly start to incorporate my own classroom management and see

which one will help benefit both the students and me.

With all of this put into consideration for my classroom management philosophy, I will use a

behavior management system, for this system I will use a clip chart for my classroom with this

the students will be able to move up and down on the chart according to their behavior. If

students clip is moved down it does not mean they stay, their students will be given the chance to

change their behavior and be able to move back up along the chart. The chart will go as follows:

Students will start each day at 3 points.

5pts means that the child has shown excellent behavior and went above what was expected, 4pts

means that the child made great choices and they had a good day, 3pts is ready to start the day,

2pts will be a warning for the students and the teacher will talk to the child about their behavior,

1pt is the teacher choice if the bad behavior continues the child will go to another classroom,

0pts is when the teacher will make a phone call home about the child’s behavior.

With this students’ will have a sense of order and structure, it can help with managing the

classroom and it can follow along with my classroom management philosophy.

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