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Essential transition metal homeostasis in plants

Marinus Pilon1, Christopher M Cohu1, Karl Ravet2, Salah E Abdel-Ghany3
and Frederic Gaymard2

The homeostasis of the essential transition metals copper, iron, for ligands is Mn < Fe < Zn < Cu. Thus relative to Mn
manganese and zinc requires balanced activities of and Fe, the potential for Zn and especially Cu to displace
transporters that mediate import into the cell, distribution to other metals in binding sites of essential proteins is
organelles and export from the cell. Transcriptional control is relatively high [2]. To balance need and avoid potential
important for the regulation of cellular homeostasis. In the case toxic excess, the cellular concentrations of Mn, Zn, Fe
of Fe and Cu much progress has been made in uncovering the and Cu are tightly controlled. For most natural soils,
regulatory networks that mediate homeostasis, and key deficiency for Cu, Fe and Zn seems to be a far larger
transcription factors have now been described. A master problem than potential excess, and much insight has
regulator of Cu homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtSPL7, is been gained by comparing the physiology of plants grown
related to the Chlamydomonas master regulator CCR1, under replete versus limiting conditions. Nevertheless,
suggesting that the key switch is conserved between the two there are several reports in the literature where very high
systems even though different sets of targets are regulated in metal ion concentrations have been used in such excess
the two systems. that cellular damage is observed. While such studies may
Addresses potentially give insight into general (oxidative) stress
Biology Department and Program in Molecular Plant Biology, Colorado recovery mechanisms, we think that this type of approach
State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1878, USA has yielded little useful information on metal ion homeo-
Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes, UMR
5004 Supagro/CNRS/INRA/UMII, Bat. 7, 2 Place Viala, 34060
stasis, and such approaches are not further considered
Montpellier Cedex 1, France here. We aim to summarize key findings in the homeo-
Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig stasis of essential metal ions with emphasis on the past
44519, Egypt two years. We discuss these metals in the order of what
seems to be increased tightness of their control mech-
Corresponding author: Pilon, Marinus (,
Cohu, Christopher M (, Ravet, Karl anisms: Mn, Zn, Fe and finally Cu. This same order
(, Abdel-Ghany, Salah E ( corresponds to how well we presently understand each
and Gaymard, Frederic ( system.

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357 Manganese

This review comes from a themed issue on
Cellular Mn homeostasis in A. thaliana seems to be
Physiology and metabolism maintained by the activities of transporters. ZIP family
Edited by David Salt and Lorraine Williams and NRAMP family transporters regulate transport
towards the cytosol [4]. The AtMTP11 (CDF) transporter
Available online 27th May 2009
allows transport of excess Mn into a prevacuolar compart-
1369-5266/$ – see front matter ment [5,6]. Some members of the CAX family of trans-
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. porters, which typically serve as Ca2+/H+ antiporters, may
also contribute to Mn homeostasis [64]. A Golgi or endo-
DOI 10.1016/j.pbi.2009.04.011
some localized P-type ATPase AtECA3, expressed highly
in root tips and the vasculature, can transport both Mn and
Ca into an endomembrane system compartment as
Introduction demonstrated by complementation studies in yeast
The transition metals copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese [7,8]. Mutants for eca3 in A. thaliana show severe growth
(Mn) and zinc (Zn) are essential trace elements for plants phenotypes and chlorosis on low Mn (and to a lesser
as cofactors of various proteins [1]. In cells, zinc exists extent low Ca), a phenotype that is rescued on moderate
only in its stable Zn2+ form; by contrast, the redox active Mn (or Ca) supply [8]. However, the eca3 mutant is also
metals Cu, Fe and Mn occur in variable redox states in extra sensitive to excess Mn. The expression of AtECA3 is
cells and therefore can participate in electron transfer not affected by metal ions. AtECA3 may be required to
reactions [2]. Owing to their redox activity, Cu, Fe and supply Mn to an essential endomembrane system enzyme
Mn can catalyze the formation of undesired radicals. The but also to help cells avoid Mn excess in the cytosol.
redox potential of Cu and Fe is such that these elements Plants have a functional homologue of yeast MTM1, a
would be especially prone to radical formation in the cells. mitochondrial carrier family member and a putative metal
The Irving-Williams series indicates that the relative ion chaperone that is needed to activate manganese-
binding affinities of the divalent forms of these metals superoxide dismutase in the mitochondria (MnSOD) Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

348 Physiology and metabolism

[9]. Expression of AtMTM1 was reported to be induced transporter for Zn2+ and perhaps binds Zn ions. As such,
in plants by paraquat, which promotes superoxide for- this loop may help to buffer and control the cytosolic free
mation [9]. Plants that were silenced for MnSOD had Zn2+ levels [65].
mild-growth phenotypes, reduced activities of TCA cycle
enzymes and were affected in their antioxidant responses Transcriptional control contributes to Zn homeostasis.
in the mitochondria [10]. However, the phenotypes of a The ZIP transporters involved in uptake are upregulated
plant mtm1 mutant, possibly defective in MnSOD by Zn and Fe deficiency in A. thaliana [21]. Thus Fe-
activity, have not been reported yet. deficiency, which leads to upregulation of the ZIP family
members IRT1 and IRT2, can cause excess Zn uptake.
Zinc The vacuolar transporter ZIF1 is induced by Zn excess
Even though Zn is not redox active, too high levels of Zn [14]. Genome wide transcript profiling is a powerful
are toxic because Zn can displace other metals in the cell. method to find candidate genes that respond to changes
Unlike what is reported for Fe, Cu and perhaps Mn, there in metal availability. However, because both deficiency
are no specialized assembly systems known for Zn cofac- and excess can lead to secondary phenotypes it is always
tors. Thus, proteins seem to acquire their Zn cofactors by challenging to distinguish which components are directly
spontaneous assembly. To allow this a bio-available Zn involved in homeostasis of the metal in question. By
pool should be maintained in cells. Interestingly, low comparing RNA expression levels at different Zn levels
basal cellular Zn levels may also be required for cell in the non-accumulator A. thaliana and the related Zn/Cd
survival as it was found that Zn levels mediate apoptosis hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri genes that respond
in Norway Spruce embryos [11]. Cellular Zn homeostasis directly to Zn status could be identified [21]. The
seems to be maintained by the activities of transporters in regulation of transporters is altered in A. halleri where
the cell and vacuolar membranes [4]. In A. thaliana and the roots seem to constitutively express homologous
other plants ZIP family transporters allow uptake into the components that mediate responses to Zn deficiency in
cell [4]. The CDF (cation diffusion family) transporters A. thaliana such as transporters involved in uptake [21].
AtMTP1 (root and shoot) and AtMTP3 (root) move Zn At the same time, the transcript of AhHMA4 is upregu-
into vacuoles [12,13]. AtZIF1, a major facilitator protein lated in A. halleri, both by increased gene copy number
in the tonoplast, may transport Zn bound to an organic and more active promoter sequences, and as a con-
ligand into vacuoles [14]. AtMTP1, AtMTP3 and AtZIF1 sequence Zn transport to the shoot is increased [22].
all may help to buffer cellular Zn levels. The AtHMA2 The vacuolar Zn transporter TgMTP1 in the Zn hyper-
and AtHMA4 transporters mediate Zn export from the accumulator Thlaspi goesingense allows this plant to tolerate
cell [15–17]. AtHMA4, which is active around the vascu- excess Zn. By removing Zn from the cytosol TgMTP1
lature in roots, is particularly important in regulating root induces a systemic Zn-deficiency response that in turn
to shoot transport by allowing Zn to be exported from the leads to upregulation of Zn uptake [66].
root symplast into the xylem [15]. Zn can be bound by
nicotianamine, and YSL family transporters could con- Iron
tribute to Zn (and Fe and Cu) re-allocation from vege- Transport and use of iron
tative tissue [18]. An overview of Fe transport in plants will be given
elsewhere in this issue [4]. Iron is utilized as a cofactor
Still much is to be learned about how any of the plant in three major forms: iron–sulfur clusters (with five sub-
metal transporters are regulated by substrate availability. types in plants), in the porphyrin ring of heme and
Work on AtHMA2 provided insights in possible regulation siroheme, and as non-heme iron [1]. Specialized assembly
of this and related P1B-type-ATPase transporters. The machineries exist for Fe cofactors. The major steps in
Zn-specific ATP-dependent HMA transporters have an heme and siroheme biosynthesis that branch off from the
N-terminal and a C-terminal Zn-binding domain. The chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway are localized in plastids,
transporter without the N-terminal metal-binding and regulation of these pathways and their coordination
domain still transports metal, indicating that the metal with chlorophyll synthesis have been described [1].
is directly bound by the transmembrane translocation site
[19]. Structural work on related bacterial Cu-transporters Regulation of Fe–S clusters biogenesis
lends support to the hypothesis that the N-terminal Iron–sulfur (Fe–S) clusters are ancient and important
regions inhibit ATPase and transport activity in the cofactors with roles in catalysis and electron transport
absence of the cognate metal ion [20]. In this fashion, [1]. Both plastids and mitochondria harbour a Fe–S clus-
the metal export activity from the cell may be regulated ter assembly machinery. Fe–S cluster biogenesis can be
by the affinity of the metal binding domains. divided into iron and sulfur mobilization, their pre-assem-
bly on scaffolds and finally transfer to apoproteins. In the
The AtMTP1 transporter contains a histidine-rich cyto- past years several potential scaffolds as well as systems
plasmic loop that is not essential for Zn2+ transport into that mobilize S have been identified mainly in A. thaliana.
the vacuole but may serve to increase the affinity of the In the mitochondria, frataxin functions to provide Fe to

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

Essential transition metal homeostasis in plants Pilon et al. 349

the Fe–S cluster biosynthesis machinery [23]. In plastids AtNBP35 gene caused an arrest of embryo development,
a similar function had been postulated for ferritin, how- which points to an essential role of this cytosolic machin-
ever a recent report has clearly shown that ferritin does ery [35].
not serve this role [24]. Sulfur is mobilized from
cysteine by cysteine desulfurases. Mitochondrial and Regulation of gene expression in response to iron
plastidial cysteine desulfurases are encoded by the essen- deficiency
tial nuclear genes AtNFS1 and AtNFS2, respectively Fe uptake is highly regulated in plants. Non-graminac-
[25,26]. The cysteine desulfurase activity of the plastid eous (strategy I) plants use the ferric-chelate reductase
and possibly also the mitochondrial cysteine desulfurase FRO2 and Fe transporter IRT1 [4]. These proteins are
is regulated by SufE proteins. The Arabidopsis genome regulated in response to Fe deficiency via the bHLH
contains three AtSufE genes. The three corresponding transcription factor FIT1 [36]. Recently, two other bHLH
proteins are chloroplast-localized and were shown to transcription factors, AtbHLH38 and AtbHLH39, have
enhance AtNFS2 activity [27,28,31]. AtSufE1 is also been shown to interact with AtFIT1 and to regulate
targeted to the mitochondria where it may activate AtFRO2 and AtIRT1 expression in A. thaliana [37]. More-
AtNFS1 [28]. AtSufE1 has been shown to interact, in over, AtFRO2 and AtIRT1 expression is also regulated via
vitro, with both AtNFS1 and AtNFS2 [27,28]. A sufe1 thus far uncharacterized post-transcriptional mechanisms
mutant is embryo lethal and can be rescued only when since overexpression of AtFRO2 or AtIRT1 results in
AtSufE1 is targeted to both plastids and mitochondria, accumulation of the corresponding mRNA in both shoots
revealing the essential function of this protein in both and roots regardless of the iron status of the plant, but
compartments [28]. Interestingly, two of the SufE ferric reductase activity and AtIRT1 protein are only
proteins exhibit additional domains that could integrate detected in iron-deficient roots. Lysine residues present
other metabolic signals. AtSufE1 contains a BolA-like in an intracellular loop of AtIRT1 have been shown to be
domain. In yeast, the cytosolic BolA has been shown to involved in AtIRT1 turnover [38]. Graminaceous
interact with monothiolglutaredoxins and to regulate the (strategy II) plants secrete mugineic acid family phyto-
iron-deficiency responsive genes [29]. The two plastidial siderophores (PS) to chelate iron followed by Fe-MA
monothiolglutaredoxins GrxS14 and GrxS16 from poplar chelate uptake. A large part of the regulatory network
have been shown to act as potential scaffold proteins for that mediates responses to Fe deficiency has been uncov-
the assembly of Fe–S clusters [30]. It is tempting to ered. The first cis-elements of the ‘iron-deficiency-
hypothesize that glutaredoxins participate in Fe–S cluster responsive’ pathway, named IDE1 and IDE2, have been
biogenesis by interacting with the BolA domain of SufE1 identified in the promoter of the IDS2 gene in barley.
proteins. AtSufE3 contains a NadA domain that provides Two trans-acting factors, OsIDEF1 and OsIDEF2, which
quinolinate synthase activity to the protein required for bind to respectively the IDE1 and IDE2 elements have
NAD/NADP synthesis [31]. Quinolinate synthase con- been isolated in rice [39,40]. Transcriptomic analysis in
tains a highly oxygen sensitive Fe–S cluster, and its link rice allowed the identification of another trans factor,
to a SufE domain in AtSufE3 may provide a necessary named OsIRO2 [41]. OsIRO2 was shown to be an essen-
direct link to the core of the Fe–S assembly system that tial regulator of genes involved in PS synthesis and iron
could ensure synthesis and repair of the cluster in the uptake [42]. Interestingly, putative IDE1 and IDE2
oxygen producing chloroplast. elements are also present in the OsIRO2 promoter,
suggesting that the expression of OsIRO2 is under the
In yeast, cytosolic Fe–S cluster proteins depend on the control of the IDEFs [42]. IRO2 binding sites have also
mitochondrial cysteine desulfurase and its associated been localized in the promoter regions of other transcrip-
machinery but the form in which Fe–S clusters or cluster tion factors [42] suggesting that additional activation
intermediates are exported from the mitochondria is as steps occur downstream of IRO2 (see Figure 1). Combi-
yet unknown (for review see [32]). In mammals, convin- natorial control that utilizes different cis-elements and trans
cing evidence for a cytosolic cysteine desulfurase and acting factors in the iron-deficiency response pathway
assembly scaffold that are required for Fe–S assembly has may be needed for adjustment to various possible
been reported [33]. Thus, in plants three origins for environmental conditions.
cytosolic Fe–S clusters would be possible. In A. thaliana,
two mitochondrial ABC transporters (AtATM1 and Alteration of iron homeostasis: consequence for
AtATM3) that are homologous to ATM1 of S. cerevisae metabolism and oxidative stress
have been shown to complement the yeast atm1 mutant. Iron homeostasis is maintained by the coordinated regu-
Therefore, these proteins could participate in the assem- lation of its transport between the different cellular
bly of Fe–S clusters in the cytosol [34]. AtNPB35, a P- compartments, its utilization and its storage. Because
loop NTPase homologous to that described in the yeast electron transport chains and primary carbon metabolism
and human CIA (cytosolic iron–sulfur cluster assembly) require Fe, both the chloroplasts and mitochondria are
machinery, could act as a scaffold protein for cytosolic Fe– major sites for Fe utilization in the cell. The mechanisms
S cluster assembly [35]. The disruption of the A. thaliana that allow Fe fluxes into and out of these organelles are Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

350 Physiology and metabolism

Figure 1

Model of the regulatory network that mediates response to Fe deficiency in monocots. In response to Fe-deficiency signals, IDEF1 and IDEF2 may
bind IDE1 and IDE2 motifs present in the promoter of the OsIRO2 gene and activate OsIRO2 expression. Then, IRO2 may activate expression of two
IRO2 binding sequence-containing transcription factors, TF1 (AK073848) and TF2 (AK109390), suggesting that other trans-activation steps may occur
downstream of IRO2. Interestingly, both IDE1, IDE2 and IRO2-binding sequences are present in the promoter region of a subset of genes involved in
the plant Fe-deficiency responses including Fe uptake and homeostasis. Some genes also contain IDEs and IRO2-binding sequences, which suggests
that the different transcription factors that appear to act sequentially in the transduction pathway could also act coordinately in the regulation of the
genes involved in the plant acclimation to low Fe. Solid red lines represent interactions of regulatory proteins with upstream regulatory sequences
based on experimental evidence. Dashed red lines are for proposed interactions.

largely unknown. Two proteins are reported to be Fe. Perhaps there are redundant systems for iron uptake
involved in plastidial Fe transport in A. thaliana. The into the chloroplast that can bypass AtFRO7. Notably,
plastid-localized ferric reductase AtFRO7 may participate the observed overaccumulation of ferritins in the pic1
in chloroplast Fe acquisition, and the corresponding mutant [44] suggests a plastidial Fe content increase,
mutant exhibits Fe-deficiency symptoms especially in which would contrast with the expected phenotype of the
the seedling stage [43]. AtPIC1 is targeted to the plas- mutant. The deregulation of iron transport over chloro-
tidial inner envelope and complemented iron acquisition plast envelopes could lead to strong alteration in iron
defective yeast mutants [44]. The redox state of the iron homeostasis. In plants ferritins are upregulated on mild
transported by AtPIC1 is unknown. Compared to the fro7 Fe excess and are central components involved in the
mutant, the pic1 mutant exhibited severe growth defects. maintenance of Fe homeostasis, by preventing free Fe-
Moreover, unlike pic1, fro7 can be rescued by supplying induced ROS production in the plastids [24]. In mito-

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

Essential transition metal homeostasis in plants Pilon et al. 351

Figure 2

Model for SPL7 and Cu-microRNA-mediated responses to low Cu availability in A. thaliana. Low cellular Cu activates SPL7-mediated transcription of
genes involved in copper uptake and assimilation as well as the four Cu-microRNAs (miR397, miR398, miR408 and miR857). The Cu-microRNAs in
turn mediate the RISC (RNA induced silencing complex)-dependent cleavage of transcripts that encode non-essential Cu proteins. As a consequence,
essential Cu-proteins such as plastocyanin can obtain their Cu-cofactor when plants are grown in soils with either high and with low Cu availability.

chondria, the frataxin protein may serve a related function pattern was observed for the SODs. A microRNA,
in protection against oxidative stress. In Chlamydomonas, miR398 targets mRNAs that encode the Cu/Zn super-
ferritin is upregulated not by Fe excess but under oxide dismutases AtCSD1 and AtCSD2 [49]. Strong
deficiency [45,46]. In this condition Chlamydomonas re- oxidative stress was shown to reduce expression of mature
models PSI, a major iron sink and ferritin seems to be miR398 levels, which in turn led to increased AtCSD1 and
required as a temporary safe storage site in this condition AtCSD2 mRNA accumulation and thus more CSD1 and
[46]. Thus, despite the seemingly opposite regulation by CSD2 activity [49]. However, Cu availability also
Fe, ferritins in plants and Chlamydomonas have related directly affects miR398 expression; on low Cu miR398
functions. Clearly, iron storage within cellular organelles accumulates while AtCSD1 and AtCSD2 mRNA abun-
contributes to the protection against iron reactivity with dance decreased. The reverse was found on high Cu
oxygen to avoid oxidative stress. The factors involved in [50]. Cu-availability was a much more important factor
Fe homeostasis that are discussed in this paper are listed for miR398 regulation than oxidative stress [50]. The
in Table 1. presence of sucrose in plant tissue culture media was
found to be another important regulator of miR398 and
Copper Cu/ZnSOD activity independently of Cu [51]. The
Regulation of Cu-protein expression via the biological significance of Cu/ZnSOD regulation by
Cu-microRNAs sucrose is so far not clear. Three additional microRNAs,
The delivery of Cu to cellular compartments in A. thaliana miR408, miR397 and miR857 are also Cu regulated
involves AtCOPT transporters for import into the cytosol [52]. These microRNAs also target Cu proteins (lac-
and export to organellar compartments or the apoplast by cases and plantacyanin). Additional Cu-regulated micro-
AtHMA5-8. The response to impending Cu deficiency in RNAs may regulate further laccases, although not all
roots and vegetative tissue is well described especially in laccases were found to be Cu regulated [52]. Thus at
A. thaliana (Figure 2). AtCOPT1 expression in roots is least four microRNAs, now called the Cu-microRNAs, are
upregulated by Cu limitation. On limited Cu, cytosolic regulated by Cu availability. We hypothesize that the
and plastid Cu/ZnSODs are downregulated in A. thaliana induction of the Cu-microRNAs and, therefore, a
[47] and a number of other plants in non-stress conditions reduction in Cu-protein expression during Cu-limited
[48]. At the same time a FeSOD is upregulated [47,48]. In conditions would allow for preferential allocation of lim-
Cu-supplemented conditions the reciprocal expression ited Cu to the most essential Cu proteins such as plas- Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

352 Physiology and metabolism

Table 1

Proteins involved in Fe homeostasis discussed in this paper.

Name Description Gene identifier Other names Cellular l Reference(s)

Fe homeostasis (Arabidopsis)
AtFH Frataxin homologue At4g03240 – Mitochondria [23]
AtFer1 Ferritin 1 At5g01600 – Plastid [24]
AtFer2 Ferritin 2 At3g11050 – Plastid [24]
AtFer3 Ferritin 3 At3g56090 – Plastid [24]
AtFer4 Ferritin 4 At2g40300 – Plastid [24]
AtFRO7 Ferric Reduction Oxidase 7 At5g49740 – Plastid [43]
AtPIC1 Permease in Chloroplast 1 At2g15290 AtTIC21 (Translocon at Plastid [44]
Inner Membrane) membrane
AtCIA5 (Chloroplast Import
Apparatus 5)
Fe–S cluster biosynthesis (Arabidopsis)
AtNFS1 Cystein desulfurase At5g65720 AtNIFS1 Mitochondria [25]
AtNFS2 Cystein desulfurase At1g08490 AtCpNIFS Plastid [26]
AtSufE1 Cystein desulfurase activator At4g26500 AtSULFURE1 Plastid, [27,28]
AtSufE2 Cystein desulfurase activator At1g67810 AtSULFURE2 Plastid [31]
AtSuFE3 Cystein desulfurase activator At5g50210 AtSULFURE3 Plastid [31]
AtQS (Quinolate Synthase)
AtOLD5 (Onset of Leaf
Death 5)
GrxS14 Monothiolglutaredoxin At3g54900 AtCIPX1 (Cax Interacting Plastid [30]
Protein 1)
AGrxS16 Monothiolglutaredoxin At2g38270 AtCIPX2 (Cax Interacting Plastid [30]
Protein 2)
AtNBP35 Nucleotide binding protein 35 At5g50960 – Cytosol [35]
Fe-deficiency signalling (Arabidopsis and rice)
AtIRT1 Iron-regulated transporter 1 At4g19690 – Plasma [4]
AtFRO2 Ferric reduction oxidase 2 At1g01580 – Plasma [4]
AtFIT1 Fe-deficiency induced At2g28160 AtBHLH029 Nucleus [36]
transcription factor 1
AtBHLH038 Transcription factor At3g56070 AtORG2 (OBP3-responsive Nucleus [37]
gene 2)
AtBHLH039 Transcription factor At3g56980 AtORG3 (OBP3-responsive Nucleus [37]
gene 3)
OsIDEF1 IDE1 (Iron deficiency-responsive AK107456 – Nucleus [39]
element 1)-binding transcription factor
OsIDEF2 IDE2 (Iron deficiency-responsive AK072874 – Nucleus [40]
element 2)-binding transcription factor
OsIRO2 bHLH transcription factor AK073385 – Nucleus [41,42]
OsAP2 AP2-domain transcription factor AK073848 – Nucleus [42]
OsNAC4 NAC-domain transcription factor AK109390 – Nucleus [42]

tocyanin, which is absolutely required for photoauto- availability [53]. This switch is mediated by a transcription
trophic growth in plants. factor called copper response regulator (CRR1), which
binds to a GTAC-containing core motif in the promoters
The master Cu homeostasis regulator SPL7 of Cu-regulated genes [53]. CRR1 expression is not
Whereas plastocyanin is essential in higher plants, Chla- regulated by Cu, which suggests that the presence or
mydomonas switches between cytochrome c6 (a heme absence of Cu causes a change in protein activity. CRR1
protein) and plastocyanin (Cu-protein) depending on Cu belongs to the family SPL (SQUAMOSA promoter-binding

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

Essential transition metal homeostasis in plants Pilon et al. 353

like) transcription factors, of which there are over a dozen AtPAA1 Cu-transporter [47,59]. Arabidopsis and most
members in Arabidopsis. The closest homologue in A. other higher plants have two plastocyanins, PC1 and
thaliana is AtSPL7 [54]. Interestingly, AtSPL7 activates PC2. PC1 is expressed at low levels relative to PC2.
miR398 transcription by binding at a GTAC core motif The two plastocyanin proteins seem to have a similar
present in miR398b and c during Cu-limitation [54]. In an function with respect to electron transport and mRNAs
spl7 T-DNA mutant miR397, miR398, miR408 and levels of both genes are not affected by Cu [60]. However,
miR857 were not detected even when Cu was limited. PC2 protein accumulates strongly as Cu levels increase.
spl7 mutants grown on low Cu demonstrated severe growth Interestingly, this PC2 accumulation did not positively
phenotypes, which indicates that AtSPL7 is an important correlate with increased photosynthetic capacity,
regulator during Cu-limitation [54]. The analysis of a suggesting that PC2 may serve an additional function
moss CRR1 and SPL7 homologue called PpSBP2 indicated to sequester excess Cu [60]. PC1 seemed more tolerant to
that it binds to a GTACT core motif of the FeSOD reduced Cu levels and may serve to provide a basal level
promoter regulating the expression of this gene in response of electron transport capacity even when Cu levels
to Cu [55]. In A. thaliana, spl7 mutants did not increase become limiting.
FeSOD expression during Cu-limitation [54].
SPL7 could affect other metals besides Cu. SPL7-
AtSPL7 seems to be a master regulator for the response to mediated and miR398-mediated downregulation of
low Cu. Wild-type A. thaliana plants increase mRNA CuZnSODs reduces the sink size for both Cu and Zn
expression for the transporters COPT1, COPT2, ZIP2, but is also accompanied by an increase in FeSOD expres-
FRO3 and YSL2 and the Cu-chaperone CCH when plants sion, increasing the pool size for Fe. The AtYSL2 pro-
are Cu-limited [54,56,57], but in the spl7 mutant the moter contains 5 GTAC core motifs and is regulated by
mRNA of these transporters did not increase [54]. AtSPL7 in response to Cu [54]; this transporter could
Surprisingly, AtSPL7 is expressed highly in the roots transport Fe, Zn or Cu. It is striking that the microRNA-
although expression is detected throughout the plant mediated downregulation is only seen for Cu proteins.
[54]. The Cu-microRNAs are found throughout the Perhaps only Cu binds its target sites so tightly that the
plant [52,54]. The high expression of AtSPL7 in absence of these sites is required to allow the remaining
the roots could suggest a role in detecting Cu availability Cu to be distributed to other essential targets. It is
at the site where Cu enters the plant, after which it possible that Cu-protein accumulation, which is partly
orchestrates whole plant Cu delivery. miR398 and regulated by the Cu-microRNAs and partly by protein
miR408 were found in the phloem of Brassica napus, stability, allows plants to store Cu when it is present in
which suggests that Cu homeostasis signals could move excess of physiological needs. Such buffering capacity
systemically throughout the plant [58]. This method of could be meaningful in times that Cu needs to be re-
signal delivery could be very important for young devel- allocated to new tissue or it could serve an ecological role,
oping leaves during Cu-limitation so that proper Cu allowing plants to sequester Cu that otherwise could be
delivery to essential Cu-proteins is maintained during used by competitors.
initial development. Some other transporters such as
AtHMA5 and AtFRO6 are also regulated by Cu, but Concluding remarks and outlook
AtSPL7 activity does not seem to influence these Whereas much is still to be learned about Mn and Zn use,
[54]. AtHMA5 is induced by high Cu and believed to transport and homeostasis, we seem to be much closer to a
be involved in removing excess Cu from the cytosol to the full understanding of Fe and especially Cu homeostasis.
apoplast [56] similar to the role of AtHMA2 and AtHMA4 It is evident that the regulation of metal ion homeostasis
in Zn homeostasis. The Cu-chaperone AtATX1 that is largely mediated by membrane transporters. It is clear
interacts with AtHMA5 is constitutively expressed and that in many cases transcriptional control of these trans-
not under AtSPL7 control [54]. In vegetative tissue the porters contributes to homeostasis, but too little is known
expression of AtFRO6, a possible metal reductase, is about post-transcriptional and post-translational control
decreased during Cu-limitation [57] but the mechanism of transporter activity. Compared to yeast and Chlamydo-
for this suppression has not been determined. It is monas, where there is clear evidence for interaction be-
possible that yet another Cu sensitive regulatory mech- tween Fe and Cu homeostasis, there is limited evidence
anism for these transporters exists. In this context it may for coordination of the regulatory networks that control
be noted that next to AtSPL7, two additional SPL tran- Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu homeostasis in plants. However, there
scription factors, AtSPL1 and AtSPL12, are related in is some crosstalk. Because Fe, Mn and Zn are all taken up
sequence to CRR1 albeit more distantly [53]. by the IRT1 transporter, these metals affect each other’s
uptake. For example, low Fe leads to IRT upregulation,
Cu-protein accumulation requires Cu supply. Cu is deliv- which in turn allows more Zn uptake. Zn toxicity could
ered to Cu/ZnSOD by the chaperone CCS [59]. Chlor- therefore be a secondary effect of Fe deficiency. Further-
oplastic Cu/ZnSOD levels are drastically reduced in A. more, Fe and Cu both need to be reduced before import,
thaliana plants that are deficient in AtCCS or in the which requires FRO2 (for details see [4]). Therefore Cu Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

354 Physiology and metabolism

and Fe affect each other’s uptake. Finally FeSOD and 10. Morgan MJ, Lehmann M, Schwarzländer M, Baxter CJ,
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14. Haydon MJ, Cobbett CS: A novel major facilitator
Acknowledgements superfamily protein at the tonoplast influences zinc tolerance
and accumulation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 2007, 143:
We apologize to authors whose work could not be cited owing to space 1705-1719.
limitations. Work in Marinus Pilon’s lab was supported by NSF grant
#NSF-IBN-0418993. Marinus Pilon’s sabbatical stay in the group of Dr 15. Hussain D, Haydon MJ, Wang Y, Wong E, Sherson SM, Young J,
Gaymard and Dr Briat at the Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Camakaris J, Harper JF, Cobbett CS: P-type ATPase heavy
Moléculaire des Plantes, UMR 5004 Supagro/CNRS/INRA/UMII was made metal transporters with roles in essential zinc homeostasis in
possible by funds from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2004, 16:1327-1339.
(CNRS) and the Agropolis Foundation.
16. Mills RF, Francini A, Ferreira da Rocha PS, Baccarini PJ, Aylett M,
Krijger GC, Williams LE: The plant P1B-type ATPase AtHMA4
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triplication of HMA4. Nature 2008, 453:391-395. chloroplastic Grxs have the potential to function as scaffold proteins and
The Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator A. halleri expresses the HMA4 transporter, may function in the storage and/or delivery of preformed Fe–S clusters or
that is required for root to shoot transport, to much higher levels than A. in the regulation of the chloroplastic Fe–S cluster assembly machinery.
thaliana, a closely related non-accumulator. High expression and thus
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induces oxidative stress. Plant J 2006, 48:873-882. sion is restricted to flower. SufE3 contains a NadA additional domain that
In the Arabidopsis frataxin mutant, the activities of mitochondrial Fe–S is similar to the bacterial quinolinate synthase. A highly oxygen-sensitive
cluster-dependent proteins are reduced, showing that frataxin is involved 4Fe-4S cluster is present in the NadA domain of SufE3, which can be
in Fe–S cluster assembly. Additional phenotypes are associated with this reconstituted in vitro in the presence of CpNifS, cysteine and iron. Thus,
mutation, like an increase in superoxide production and activation of additionally to the cysteine desulfurase activation, SuFE3 is involved in a
oxidative stress related genes. Thus, frataxin is also involved in protection crucial step of NAD biosynthesis.
against oxidative stress.
32. Lill R, Mühlenhoff U: Maturation of iron–sulfur proteins in
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26. Van Hoewyk D, Abdel-Ghany SE, Cohu CM, Herbert SK, In yeast and humans, the CIA (cytosolic iron–sulfur cluster assembly)
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cluster protein maturation requires the essential cysteine heteromeric complex and function as Fe–S scaffolds. In Arabidopsis, a
desulfurase CpNifS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007, gene encoding Npb35 homologue is present, but CFD1 is absent. When
104:5686-5691. expressed in yeast, AtNBP35 binds iron dependent on the mtNiFS
The cpNifS (NFS2) constitutively silenced plants are lethal. The in planta activity, indicating that this cytosolic machinery is dependent on the
functions of cpNiFS have been addressed using an inducible antisense mitochondrial Fe–S cluster biogenesis machinery. In vitro, the holo-
approach. In silenced plants photosynthetic electron transport and CO2 AtNBP35 was able to transfer an Fe–S cluster to an apoprotein. The
assimilation were severely impaired. On the contrary, mitochondrial Fe–S disruption of AtNBP35 gene was associated with an arrest of embryo
proteins and respiration were not affected. These results suggest that development, putting out the essential role of this cytosolic machinery,
mitochondrial and chloroplastic Fe–S cluster assembly operate indepen- likely to be essential to transfer Fe–S clusters to cytosolic and nuclear
dently. proteins.
27. Ye H, Abdel-Ghany SE, Anderson TD, Pilon-Smits EA, Pilon M: 36. Colangelo EP, Guerinot ML: The essential basic helix-loop-helix
 CpSufE activates the cysteine desulfurase CpNifS for protein FIT1 is required for the iron deficiency response. Plant
chloroplastic Fe–S cluster formation. J Biol Chem 2006, Cell 2004, 16:3400-3412.
CpSufE1 is targeted to the chloroplast stroma, like the cysteine desulfur- 37. Yuan Y, Wu H, Wang N, Li J, Zhao W, Du J, Wang D, Ling HQ:
ase CpNifS. CpSufE1 has been shown to interact with cysteine desul- FIT interacts with AtbHLH38 and AtbHLH39 in regulating iron
furases and to form tri-(NifS2-SufE) and tetramers (NifS2-SufE12). In vitro uptake gene expression for iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis.
reconstitution of the ferredoxin iron–sulfur cluster in the presence of the Cell Res 2008, 18:385-397.
CpNifS-CpSufE complex was 20-fold higher than that of CpNifS alone.
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AtSufE1 localizes to both plastids and mitochondria and activates both
mtNiFS and cpNiFS. A mutant in AtSufE1 gene is embryo lethal, and this 39. Kobayashi T, Ogo Y, Itai RN, Nakanishi H, Takahashi M, Mori S,
phenotype was rescued only when AtSufE1 was expressed in both Nishizawa NK: The transcription factor IDEF1 regulates the
plastidic and mitochondrial compartments. AtSufE1 acts, therefore, as response to and tolerance of iron deficiency in plants. Proc
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40. Ogo Y, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi Itai R, Nakanishi H, Kakei Y,
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356 Physiology and metabolism

42. Ogo Y, Itai RN, Nakanishi H, Kobayashi T, Takahashi M, Mori S, Next to Cu, Sucrose levels in tissue culture were shown to affect miR398
 Nishizawa NK: The rice bHLH protein OsIRO2 is an essential expression and as a consequence the miR398 targets CSD1 and CSD2.
regulator of the genes involved in Fe uptake under Fe-deficient Deletion mutants and over expressors of microRNA398 genes were used
conditions. Plant J 2007, 51:366-377. to firmly link CSD1 and CSD2 regulation to miR398 in the response to Cu
The rice bHLH trans-acting factor OsIRO2 is strongly induced by iron- and sucrose. Interestingly, only mild phenotypes were reported for these
starvation. This protein is an essential regulator of genes involved in plants.
mugineic acid synthesis and iron uptake. Interestingly, an IDE1 element is
present in the OsIRO2 promoter, suggesting that the expression of this 52. Abdel-Ghany SE, Pilon M: MicroRNA-mediated systemic
factor is under the control of IDEF1. OsIRO2 binding sites have been  down-regulation of copper protein expression in response to
localized in the promoter regions of some transcription factors whose low copper availability in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem 2008,
expression was downregulated in an OsIRO2 knockdown lines, suggest- 283:15932-15945.
ing that other activation steps occur downstream of OsIRO2. Four Cu-microRNA families (miR398 and the newly identified miR397,
miR408 and miR857) were shown to target the mRNAs for the Cu proteins
43. Jeong J, Cohu C, Kerkeb L, Pilon M, Connolly EL, Guerinot ML: Cu/ZnSOD, laccase and plantacyanin. Cleavage site analysis confirmed
 Chloroplast Fe(III) chelate reductase activity is essential for the new targets. Each of these Cu-microRNAs was upregulated on low Cu
seedling viability under iron limiting conditions. Proc Natl Acad throughout the plant. The Cu-microRNA target genes were accumulated
Sci U S A 2008, 105:10619-10624. only when Cu levels were sufficient. Plastocyanin, an essential Cu protein
FRO7 is a member of the ferric reductase oxidase family localized to the was not downregulated on low Cu. The expression of Cu-microRNAs was
chloroplast. Loss-of-function mutants are iron-deficiency hypersensitive, observed before Cu-deficiency affected Cu delivery to Plastocyanin to
exhibit decreased chlorophyll and chloroplastic iron contents and show the extent that photosynthesis would have been compromised.
alterations in photosynthesis activity and in photosynthetic complexes
composition. This study provides molecular and genetic evidence for the 53. Kropat J, Tottey S, Birkenbihl RP, Depege N, Huijser P,
involvement of FRO7 in chloroplast iron acquisition. Merchant S: A regulator of nutritional copper signaling in
Chlamydomonas is an SBP domain protein that recognizes the
44. Duy D, Wanner G, Meda AR, von Wiren N, Soll J, Philippar K: PIC1, GTAC core of copper response element. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S
 an ancient permease in Arabidopsis chloroplasts, mediates A 2005, 102:18730-18735.
iron transport. Plant Cell 2007, 19:986-1006.
AtPIC1 is homologous to the Synechocystis iron permease and is targeted 54. Yamasaki H, Hayashi M, Fukazawa M, Kobayashi Y, Toshiharu
to the inner envelope of the chloroplast. AtPIC1 complemented the iron  Shikanai T: SPL7 is a central regulator for copper homeostasis
acquisition defective fet3 fet4 and ctr1 yeast mutants, suggesting that the in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2009, 21:347-361.
protein exhibited an iron transport activity. The Arabidopsis mutant pic1 In plants several Cu-microRNAs and Cu-transporter genes contain multi-
grew only heterotrophically and was characterized by a chlorotic and ple putative Cu-responsive elements with GTAC motifs in their promoters.
dwarfism phenotype reminiscent of iron-deficient plants. The mutant pre- In WT plants the Cu-microRNAs are expressed on low Cu. In an A.
sented a severely impaired chloroplast development, differential regulation thaliana mutant for spl7 all Cu-microRNAs are de-regulated: they are no
of genes involved in iron stress, iron transport, photosynthesis and Fe–S longer expressed on low Cu. Consequently, Cu/ZnSOD mRNA is not
cluster biogenesis, but to a striking overaccumulation of ferritins. This study downregulated in spl7. Cu regulation of a number of metal transporters is
provides evidences of an iron transport activity when PIC1 was expressed also disturbed in spl7. The spl7 mutant shows a severe phenotype on low
in yeast and strong deregulations observed in the mutant at the molecular, Cu, which indicates the importance of the AtSPL7-mediated response to
structural and physiological levels indicate that PIC1 acts directly or low Cu for plant survival.
indirectly in the control of iron homeostasis.
55. Nagae M, Nakata M, Takahashi Y: Identification of negative
45. Long JC, Sommer F, Allen MD, Lu SF, Merchant SS: FER1 and cis-acting elements in response to copper in the chloroplast
FER2 encoding two ferritin complexes in Chlamydomonas iron superoxide dismutase gene of the moss Barbula
reinhardtii chloroplasts are regulated by iron. Genetics 2008, unguiculata. Plant Physiol 2008, 146:1687-1696.
56. Andrés-Colás N, Sancenón V, Rodrı́guez-Navarro S, Mayo S,
46. Busch A, Rimbauld B, Naumann B, Rensch S, Hippler M: Ferritin Thiele DJ, Ecker JR, Puig S, Peñarrubia L: The Arabidopsis heavy
is required for rapid remodeling of the photosynthetic metal P-type ATPase HMA5 interacts with metallochaperones
apparatus and minimizes photo-oxidative stress in response and functions in copper detoxification of roots. Plant J 2006,
to iron availability in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant J 2008, 45:225-236.
57. Mukherjee I, Campbell NH, Ash JS, Connolly EL: Expression
47. Abdel-Ghany SE, Müller-Moulé P, Niyogi KK, Pilon M, Shikanai T: profiling of the Arabidopsis ferric chelate reductase (FRO)
Two P-type ATPases are required for copper delivery gene family reveals differential regulation by iron and copper.
in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts. Plant Cell 2005, 17: Planta 2006, 223:1178-1190.
58. Buhtz A, Springer F, Chappell L, Baulcombe D, Kehr J:
48. Cohu CM, Pilon M: Regulation of superoxide dismutase Identification and characterization of small RNAs from the
expression by copper availability. Physiol Planta 2007, phloem of Brassica napus. Plant J 2008, 53:739-749.
59. Chu CC, Lee WC, Guo WY, Pan SM, Chen LJ, Li HM, Jinn TL:
49. Sunkar R, Kapoor A, Zhu J-K: Posttranscriptional induction of A copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase that confers
 two Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase genes in Arabidopsis is three types of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase activity in
mediated by downregulation of miR398 and important for Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 2005, 139:425-436.
oxidative stress tolerance. Plant Cell 2006, 18:2051-2065.
A firm link is established between miR398 and the regulation of the Cu/ 60. Abdel-Ghany SE: Contribution of plastocyanin isoforms to
ZnSOD genes CSD1 and CSD2 in Arabidopsis, in the context of oxidative photosynthesis and copper homeostasis in Arabidopsis
stress. miR398 targets CSD1 and CSD2 mRNA for cleavage. The authors thaliana grown at different copper regimes. Planta 2009,
found miR398 to be downregulated by oxidative stress treatments. Plants 229:767-779.
in which the miR398 system is de-regulated were used to establish a link
between CuZnSOD content and oxidative stress tolerance. However, 61. Uauy C, Distelfeld A, Fahima T, Blechl A, Dubcovsky J: A NAC
extreme experimental conditions had to be used to reveal phenotypic  Gene regulating senescence improves grain protein, zinc, and
differences with the WT. iron content in wheat. Science 2006, 314:1298-1301.
Most wheat varieties have a low Zn and Fe content in their grains. A QTL
50. Yamasaki H, Abdel-Ghany SE, Cohu CM, Kobayashi Y, Shikanai T, locus that controls wheat grain Zn, Fe and protein content was cloned.
 Pilon M: Regulation of copper homeostasis by micro-RNA in The gene encodes a NAC transcription factor involved in the regulation of
Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem 2007, 282:16369-16378. senescence. The locus is inactive in most cultured wheat species but
MiR398 was found to be regulated primarily by Cu. Compared to Cu, expressed and active in wild ancestors. Presumably, selection for yield
oxidative stress had only a moderate effect on miR398 and consequently has resulted in loss of function of this gene.
Cu/ZnSOD expression.
62. Durrett TP, Connolly EL, Rogers EE: Arabidopsis cpFtsY mutants
51. Dugas DV, Bartel B: Sucrose induction of Arabidopsis miR398 exhibit pleiotropic defects including an inability to increase
 represses two Cu/Zn superoxide dismutases. Plant Mol Biol iron deficiency-inducible root Fe(III) chelate reductase
2008, 67:403-417. activity. Plant J 2006, 47:467-479.

Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

Essential transition metal homeostasis in plants Pilon et al. 357

63. Seguela M, Briat JF, Vert G, Curie C: Cytokinins negatively A yeast expression system was used to study the kinetics of Zn transport
regulate the root iron uptake machinery in Arabidopsis of wild-type AtMTP1 as well as a mutant that lacks a cytoplasmic
through a growth-dependent pathway. Plant J 2008, histidine-rich loop.
66. Gustin JL, Loureiro ME, Kim D, Na G, Tikhonova M, Salt DE:
64. Korenkov V, Hirschi K, Crutchfield JD, Wagner GJ: Enhancing  MTP1-dependent Zn sequestration into shoot vacuoles
tonoplast Cd/H antiport activity increases Cd, Zn, and Mn suggests dual roles in Zn tolerance and accumulation in
tolerance, and impacts root/shoot Cd partitioning in Nicotiana Zn-hyperaccumulating plants. Plant J 2009, 57:1116-1127.
tabacum L. Planta 2007, 226:1379-1387. MTP1 from the Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense was localized
65. Kawachi M, Kobae Y, Mimura T, Maeshima M: Deletion of a to the tonoplast and not the plasmalemma. Expression in A. thaliana
 histidine-rich loop of AtMTP1, a vacuolar Zn(2 + )/H(+) indicates that the protein mediates Zn sequestration in vacuoles and
antiporter of Arabidopsis thaliana, stimulates the transport tolerance. Furthermore, high MTP1 activity induces a systemic Zn defi-
activity. J Biol Chem 2008, 283:8374-8383. ciency response characteristic of hyperaccumulators. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:347–357

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