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Centro Educativo Los Ángeles Versión 01

Fecha de aprobación

Date: May 3rd to May 7-2021

Teacher: Mr. Mieles Grade: 3°
Area: English Target language: Countable and uncountable nouns.
Learning goal: Students will identify countable and uncountable nouns, and quantifiers related to them.
Content: I drink a lot of water.

How much water do we need to drink

every day?
a) 1 liter
b) 2 liters
c) 0,9 liters
d) 1,5 liters.

What’s your favorite drink? Ans:____________________________________________

What’s your favorite food? Ans: ____________________________________________

What are the best drinks for staying hydrated?

Water is a really good choice for children to keep well hydrated, and it’s good to introduce water as a
drink early on so that children get used to the plain taste. Other drinks such as milk and fruit juice can
also provide fluid and other nutrients.

Countable nouns.
Countable nouns are the ones that can be easily counted.
✓ Countable nouns can be singular (an egg) or plural (eggs). Before singular countable nouns, we
can use a/an, the, my, this, one etc.
Example: I have an eraser in my pencil case. I bought an interesting book.

✓ Before plural countable nouns, we can also use some, any, many, few, etc.
Example: I have many students in my class. I boiled some eggs for breakfast.
Centro Educativo Los Ángeles Versión 01

Fecha de aprobación

✓ Uncountable nouns.
‘Meat’ is an uncountable noun. We cannot count uncountable nouns. For example, we cannot say
‘two meats’. We can use uncountable nouns alone or with the, some, any, much, a lot of, etc:
Note: uncountable nouns have no plural form.
Example: I listened to some music to relax. Charles has a lot of homework to do.

Some graphic examples:

Centro Educativo Los Ángeles Versión 01

Fecha de aprobación

1. Exercise.

Read the text and find the food and drinks and write them in the boxes. Encontra los jugos y las comidas en
el siguiente texto, ponlos en los cuadros.

This is my kitchen. We’ve just been shopping. There are some apples in the cupboard and some grapes in the
fridge. There is some water and some pasta on the table. We didn’t buy any juice or any eggs, but we did buy
some bread. Mmmm, I’m hungry – I think I’d like a sandwich. “MUM! I want a sandwich! Do we have any
cheese or any tomatoes?”


2. Now add the foods and drinks in the corresponding groups. Ahora agrega las comidas y bebidas al
grupo que corresponda
Countable. Uncountable.

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