Confidence Mantra's: by Lani Nalu

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Confidence Mantra’s

By Lani Nalu
Confidence Mantra’s
Hey sister, thank you for downloading my Con dence Mantra’s.

If you are an overachiever, on the brink of burnout, and taking care of everyone else’s needs while
abandoning your own…

This ritual will change your life!

This is exactly what I do to Unleash my full feminine power and feel 100% con dent.

The simplest answer to your problems is grow your CONFIDENCE.

Every morning I say these mantras OUT LOUD for a duration of 10 minutes while playing
my favourite pump up song in the background.

The most important part of this ritual is HOW you say it.

If you come in with dog shit, Eeyore, half ass, negative, Debbie Downer energy you have the
wrong energy.

Nothing will change and you will never reach your goals.

Own your shit, embody Wonder Woman, Wakanda Warrior energy and choose a positive attitude.

Here are my most powerful “Con dence Mantras” I say aloud every morning…

Confidence Mantra’s
I am a Queen 
FAITH is the basis of all "miracles," and all mysteries which cannot be analysed by the
rules of science


FAITH is the only known antidote for FAILURE

I hit every goal I set for myself

 I take nothing personally and always choose to put positive energy into the ether

I attract the most amazing humans in my personal life and work life because my 

energy is LIT
I am con dent of my ability to succeed at anything I want to do, I feel smart and


My Con dence is bulletproof

 I easily and quickly learn the lessons life presents me with, a setback, struggle or failure
I take nothing personally
to me is still a win and a step forward, I feel at ease, happy and con dent


I am sexy, beautiful, strong & PURE
I love and respect myself and that allows me to have enriching relationships, others love

 and respect me and I love and respect myself.  I am an amazing person and I am proud
My body is healthy, strong, sexy, lean & open 
of who I am.  I feel at ease and powerful


I am a leader and I’m changing the World
I give thanks continuously as I move through each day, I understand that I am gifted and

 for that I am humble and thankful

I never lose I only learn

 I acknowledge the blessings I have received in my life with gratitude, I feel honoured
I fail fast, course correct, then hit the jackpot baby
and humbled


My bank account is a re ection of my energy and grows like wild re every damn I possess the wisdom, power, motivation, inspiration, and the passion to accomplish
anything and everything I choose.  I feel entitled and unstoppable

FAITH is the starting point of all accumulation of riches
I prosper in health, I prosper in nances, I prosper in love, I prosper in peace and I am
an unstoppable human being.  I feel courageous and powerful in everything that I do
I Have Faith in myself and I have Faith in the Universe 

There’s More
Sister, my Mantra’s I’ve shared with you here is just step 1…

I have so many other amazing easy to use tools and strategies that I use daily to
help me leap in to my feminine and get my con dence to 100% quickly.

This allows me to conquer my days, with fun and build my dream life.

To get access these tools, my coaching and my coaching team, come join my free
community of wonder woman, who are just like you!

I Believe in you.

Love Lani x



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