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Jungkook never believe about a true love. He thought loving is like eating sandwich. Easy and yummy.
His family recently having a business problem and force them to moved into somewhere else and
Jungkook have to change his school. There,he met someone that touched his heart.And crap,its a
guy.Ofcourse, that guy is straight!


OTHER CHARACTER : All member , Jihyun(ulzang)

AUTHOR NOTE : Insanely good


Its was a lazy Monday.Alarm clock made Jungkook hurry to his bathroom.Today is his first day as a new
student in Butterfly HighSchool.

“aishhh” he groaned mark that he is so fucking lazy . You know new school mean that we need to find a
new friend or else you will be forever antisocial student.Jungkook has experienced being bullied once
and he want he don’t wanna get bulied in this new school.

After eating a slice of sandwich,he go out from his house without asking permission from his parent.Its
not that he hate his parents but he just fucking tired of everything.His parents will never understand

Soon he arrived his new school after the school’s bus speeding along the way.

“wow.Nice school.I hope its have nice student and teacher too as well” Jungkook whispered to himself.

Jungkook almost swearing when someone patted his shoulder from behind.

“Hi,are u new transfer student?” that guy who patted his shoulder asking him.Jungkook analys that guy .
Cute looking,brown haired and quite short.

“Yes i am. “ Jungkook smiled at him.

“ Oh.Nice.I’m waiting for you .Im Park Jimin.Your classmate and im also your seamate.I hope we can be
friend “ That guy introduced himself as they already get on the front door of their classroom.

“Im Jeon Jungkook,im from bu- “ Jungkook cant finish his word when his eyes distracted by a hot looking
guy,looking at him.Jungkook cant breath as he admiring how good damn that guy look.Red
haired,flawless skin.Fuck,he so perfect.

Jimin shake his body making he awake and knocked into reality.

“u okey right?”

“Yes.Im sorry.Where our seat place?”

“Not yet boy.”Jimin smirked.What its mean,Jungkook thought o himself.

“Guys,this is our new classmate,Jeon Jungkook”

Jungkook just awkwardly wave and smiled to all his new classmate.

“Lets sit”Jimin brought Jungkook to their place.Jungkook almost out of breath when he found that he
just sitting in back of that hot guy.
Jungkook try to be comfortable in his new classroom and new classmate.He takeout his pen and a note
book.But his eyes cant stop looking a guy infront of him. That guy turned back,Jungkook hurried up to
pretending doing something else.

“Hi , im Kim Taehyung. “ he introduced himself with a very sweetest smile as he offered a handshake.

Jungkook freezed in that moments.

“Is this love?”He thought to himself.


It been a few seconds since Taehyung offer the handshake. Jungkook still freeze in the moments.

“ This new boy seem very arrogant. “ Taehyung thought to himself as him pull out his hand slowly.

Jungkook grab Taehyung hand quickly. “ Im Jeon Jungkook “

Taehyung smile.Jungkook dying inside because of that smile.

“ Shit.Thats hot.” Jungkook frustrated.

Taehyung stare at their hands that still lock to each other.Jungkook realized that Taehyung notice the
hands and he quickly unlocked the hand and apologize Taehyung.

“ Its okay. Its happen to everybody.” Taehyung giggles a little bit.

“ Hot. “ Jungkook accidentally said it.

“ What?” Taehyung confused.

“ I mean im felt so hot.. “ Jungkook fanning himself with a book.

“ Oh okey.” Taehyung just believed it though it no make sense. Its winter season. Of course no way them
getting hot .

They conversation being cut after one of the classmates run into the class telling them that the teacher
is on the way to the class. All of them quickly run to them own seat and pretend to read book.Jungkook
just smile seeing the situation .

“ This is going to be really fun.’’ Jungkook thought as he stare at Taehyung’s back.

The class started with History’s class.Followed by Math’s classbefore the recess time.

During recess,Jungkook having trouble to find the canteen.Fortunately, a senior come to help him.He
lead Jungkook to canteen and even find a seat for him.

“Thanks for helping me.” Jungkook smile.

“ Welcome.Im Kim Namjoon.”

“Im Jeon Jungkook “

“ U okey seat alone here?”

“ Im used to it.Its okey.” Jungkook give sweet smile to him.

“ Okey then.Im go first” Namjoon go away.

Jungkook sighing as his ass reached the face of the chair.He takes a bite of his kimbap. Out of the food
that been sell in the food stall only kimbap that he like.

“ Hello.” Taehyung sit infront of Jungkook while putting his food on the table.

Jungkook shocked seing Taehung face and spitting the kimbap from his mouth to Taehyung’s face.


Jungkook eyes widened.Taehyung look at Jungkook with a death glare ever.

“Omo. Mianhe Taehyungie.” Jungkook help him cleaning the mess on the other boys’ school uniform.

“” “I don’t know that we are that close.”

Jungkook accidentally touch his abs.

“Hey,” Taehyung look at Jungkook.

“Sorry.I don’t mean it but its so hot” Jungkook felt tht something had controlled him.Something
evil.Something dirty.

“But what Jungkook?”

“ But nothing” Jungkook giggles.

“ Okay. U weird.I mean you can stop now. Im will cleaning myself.” Taehyung pull out the younger boy ‘s

“ You may thinking bad about me but i want to be a friend of you” Jungkook confesses at him.

“ Why me? There a lot out there you can choose to be a friend.”

Jungkook look at him with confusing face.Why not?He thought.

“I not going to be a good friend though.You might be hurt.”Taehyung being honest to him.

“Nah, i don’t fucking care.You know what , i felt comfortable when im around you.Like we already

No way.He lied.How could he said like that when this is their first met?Destinied?Wrong word to
choose.This might be Taehyung thought but,

“ Well me too.Im feeling comfortable with you too.I believed that we are soulmates.”Unexpected replies
from Taehyung made Jungkook widened his eyes.


“ Is he felt the same as im feel right now? Is he also gay? “ Jungkook thought to himself.

After recess end,both of them rushing to the classroom.The class begin and the boys have no chance to
talk to each other anymore.The last bell ringing indicates the school is over.All the student s run out
from the school but left Jungkook alone.He thought he will talk to Taehyung again.But Taehyung is no
where to see.
Jungkook walking out from the school slowly as he see the school now is totally empty.He walk passing
the school’s security hut.His eyes caught two figures infront of him. He cannot see clearly who that two

Jungkook walks towards them and stopped his step in the moment when he see Taehyung is kissing a
girl.Taehyung is not gay!Taehyung is not like him.The tears start flowing to his cheeks.


“ Destinied? What did he mean? Did he mean it like a friend-to-friend relationship right? I never knew ths
guy having a soft talk like this.” Taehyung thought to himself.

“ Well me too.Im feeling comfortable with you too.I believed that we are soulmates.”

“Am I saying soulmate?I hope he don’t think me as a not gay.I have a girlfriend alredy.And we
having a date after school end.’’ Taehyung talk to his brain.

After school end,Taehyung rushing out to meet his girlfiend,Ji hyun.

“ oppa. I miss you a lot.Im sorry ,I cant join u this recess because im helping Mr Jin in his office.”Jihyun
hug Taehyung as she met him.

“ Its okay.Now lets go”

Taehyung and Jihyun walks out from the school.They stop at the back of security’s hut.

“ No one will see us here.” Jihyun pull Taehyung as she kiss his lips.Taehyung kiss her back.

Taehyung see someone is walking toward them.

‘’ Its Jungkook “ Taehyung know him as he know the boy’s body well.

Jungkook run away holding his tear. He felt he is the most stupid person in the world.He sits on the bus
stop after a long run.

“ Why did im hoping that he is gay like me.Why?” Jungkook cries out his thought.

The bus pick him up and drives him home.

The next day arrives.The morning routine of Jungkook is the same.He arrives the school after taking his
breakfast in the bus.

Taehyung is waiting for Jungkook in the classroom.He have something to say.

Jungkook enter the class and he sighing when he saw Taehyung face.

“ Good morning soulmate.” Taehyung greet Jungkook with a grin in his face. Who can ignored it?Neither
Jungkook too.

“ Morning.” Jungkook replies shortly as he sits on his seat.

“ Jungkook-ah. Did you saw me yesterday with Jihyun?”

“No.” Jungkook don’t want to talk about that.

“ but i thinks that i saw you yesterday.So... “Taehyung cannot continue his question when Jungkook
already said NO to him.

“ Okay then” Taehyung gives up.

Teacher come and the class begin normally.

“ this is ur school project.And I want you to work in pair.I want u own choose your partner and tell me.”
Mrs Somin instruct them after passing a piece of paper to the whole class.

Taehyung raises his hand.

“ Teacher.I found my partner already.He is Jungkook.” Taehyung turns back to see Jungkook and smiles
sweetly to Jungkook.


“What? I never said im partner with you.” Jungkook look straight into Taehyung’s eyes.

“ Now we are patner.We can’t change it. I already told the teacher.” Taehyung tease him.its makes
JUngkook become crazy.

“ Whatever . “ Jungkook almost fed up with Taehyung.

The school end very fast for Jungkook today.

“Finally,tomorrow is weekend.I want to rest my ass tomorrow.”said Jungkook to Jimin.

“Yeah,me too.”Jimin replies him with a giggle.

“Don’t forget about tomorrow soulmate.We have a plan.”Taehyung interfere their conversation.

“Soulmate?Who?” Jimin asking by looking to Jungkook.

Jungkook just shrug. “What plan?We don’t make any of it”

“Well.We made it just now.Tomorrow at 9 in the morning,you must be infron of my house.” Taehyung
said to Jungkook .

“What?no wa-“ JUngkook cannot finish his sentences because Taehyung already run away.

“See ya tomorrow soulmate.” Tehyung waving to him before his body is no where to be seen.

“ wait.So you is his soulmate?” Jimin laugh at Jungkook.

“ Aishhh. “ “Soulmate.I mean he not said that kind of soulmate.Just a friend-like-soulmate”

Jungkook and Jimin walking to respectively house.

“Hi boy.How school?” Jungkook’s mom asking him as him walking to upstair.

“Just fine.”

“So lets have a dinner together later.I’m prepared your favourite food.” Its rare to see his mom prepare
any meal since she is busy.Everyday Jungkook prepared his own food for lunch and dinner.

“Okay” Jungkook replies her shortly.

Taehyung wake up earlier his morning.He already have a plan to clean up his room today.Well he will
have a guest today.A special guest.
“Did im mention special?” Taehyung thought to himself.He never excited like this before when having

Taehyung take a bath and dress up casually after he finnish doing house chores.He take his phone and
texting Jihyun.

‘Sorry baby.Our date is cancel for today because im will doing a school project today.’

The door’s bell ring for several times.Taehyung knew it s Jungkook.Taehyung run to the door and open it
as he see a damn handsome figure infront of him.He stares at Jungkook for a seconds.


Jungkook woke up earlier in his weekend.He almost cursing because he hate wake up earlier in the
weekend.If only its not Taehyung,he might delay it.But its was Taehyung.A person he can’t denied or

Jungkook hit the cold shower today.He shivering all the way to his room.

“What should I wear today?Aishhh.We just doing school project.No need to dress nicely.”His word is
differ from his action.He take a best clothes of his life.

“This would nice.”He smiled to himself in the mirror.

“Should im doing a hairstyle?No way.Just messy like this.Its just a school project”Again his words is differ
from his action.He take the comb and hair dryer from the drawer and start styling his hair.

“Should im wear some perfume?No way,this just a school project.”Yet again,his words differ from his
action.He take a perfume that his mom gave him a present last two month and start spray his all body.

“Okay.Perfect.Just simple like this” Jungkook smile at his own appearreance.

Today he not taking bus but using taxi.His mom gave him some money and can afford a taxi’s fee.As
soon he seat on the taxi,he give the address to the driver.Taehyung already sent his address last night
through Jimin.

After arrived at the place,Jungkook gave money to the driver and soon the taxi is nowhere to
see.Jungkook shocked seing Taehyung’s house.His house is smaller compared to Taehyung’s house.

He walks into the house and see the door is locked.So,he press the bell several times.

The door open wide as he see Taehyung standing straight infront of him.He see Taeyung just dress
casually.Jungkook greet him but he got a silence from Taehyung.



“Annyeong-“ Jungkook couldn’t complete his sentence when Taehyung pull him in.

“What the hell” Jungkook curse him.

“Sorry for that Jungkook.But you looking so hot nice today”Taehyung praise Jungkook.Jungkook do
nothing but blushing.

“Did you think im a little bit excessive for a school project?”

“Yes you are but its okay because i like it”Taehyung smile at him.
“What did he mean?He like what?he like me or my outfit.No way.He is straight.He must like my
outfit.”Jungkook quickly get rid off that thought.

Taehyung bring Jungkook to his room.He asked Jungkook to sits first while he get something for them to
drink at the kitchen.

Jungkook just obey Taehyung’s order.His eyes scanning the room and stop at a picture on Taehyung’s

Its a picture of two young boys hugging each other.

“Its my V”



“ V.. Where did you hide.I’m scared here.Where are you?” Seagull screaming in the middle of the forest.

Its already half of hour but Seagull can’t find V.V and Seagull were originally play hide and seek.Its
Seagull’s turn to find V but V is no where to see.Maybe V is good in hiding or Seagull is bad at seeking.

Its 6.30 p.m. but both of 7 years old boys is still not going to home.Seagull start crying.

“ V...where are scared.’’ Seagull voice is shutter due to him is cry.

Seagull shocked when someone patted his shoulder from back.

“ You such a cry-baby.You never win this game.” V turning Seagull’s body around.

“V.....” Seagull hugging V like them was separated for 20 years long.

“ Its okey,nothing you should scared because im here for you.Remember we are soulmate.”V calming
Seagull down.

“Now lets go home.Its getting dark here.Your mom will scolding us later” V holding Seagull’s hand and
bring him home.

They are both 7 but V look like matured than Seagull.Seagull’s mom not worried about his son because
she know V will take care his son very well.

The boys arrived in Seagull’s house.But Seagull still holding V’s hand.

“ V.You must promise me that you will never leave me.We are destinied.” Seagull look at V’s eyes.

V chuckled. “ Okay.I will never leave you or forget you.We are soulmate.”

V take his pinky finger and Seagull’s finger.They interlock them finger and smile to each other.

“ This mean promise.” V hug Seagull tightly.

“Aww..You both are sweet.” Seagull’s mom watching them and take picture of them.

“ Aunty.Give me the copy of that picture later.” V told Seagull’s mom while smile.

That memory begin to fading away as tear are flowing in Jungkook’s face.Taehyung walking in the room
while Jungkook quickly wipe his tear away.

“ Here. “ Taehyung hand a iced-chocolate to Jungkook.Taehyung feel weird because he saw Jungkook
hugging his photo.

“ Its mine photo right” Taehyung pointed at the photo that Jungkook hug.
Jungkook realised it and put the photo to its original position.

“ Its you right in that photo?” Jungkook ask him the question that Jungkook already know the answer.

“ Yes.And the boy beside me is my soulmate,Seagull” V smile while looking at the photo.

“ I miss him so much.”


Jungkook staring at Taehyung deeply.

“ I miss you too V. “ Jungkook couldn’t told him that because he know Taehyung will hate him.So he
petend like he doesn’t know the person in the photo.

Taehyung notices that Jungkook staring at him.

“ I mean he is my old soulmate.You are my soulmate now.Don’t get it wrong” Taehyung thought
Jungkook is jealous.Why would he jealous?Why I thought like that?

“ I not fucking care V.”

“ V?”

“ I mean TaeTae.You are misheard it.” Jungkook tried to cover himself.

“ Maybe.” “Because I miss my Seagull “ Taehyung thought.

“ But wait, did you mention TaeTae?” Taehyung curiously ask.

“ Yes, why not though.Its cute nickname.” Jungkook said it with a sweet smile.

“ Alright.Im kinda like it.So can i call you Kookie?”

Jungkook shocked on how Taehyung spontaneously create that nickname . Jungkook not answer it but
smile to him.

“ I take it as yes.” Taehyung hugging his shoulder.Jungkook feel his blood almost drop out.He felt so
nervous.Although when kids they used to hug each other but now its was a different feeling.Jungkook
almost scream when Taehyung hug him thightly.

“ Okay Taetae , can we start now? “ Jungkook forced his giggles.

“ Sure. “ Taehyung let him go.Jungkook sigh a relieved.

They start doing the school project but Jungkook 99% staring at Taehyung and 1% doing the
project.Calm down Jungkook.

“ I think we should stop now because I see you not focus.” Taehyung put Jungkook’s stuff in the bag
that Jungkook bring.

Jungkook not heard or react on it because he is busy staring at Taehyung.

Taehyung move his face closer to Jungkook’s face.Jungkook realised it and do nothing.When the
distance between them face is about10 cm,Taehyung blow at Jungkook’s face.

Jungkook knocked into reality. “ I thought you want to kis- “ Jungkook stop his sentences.
“ Where are we now? “ Jungkook look down but all the paper are gone.

“ I think we stop here. You look tired” Taehyung laugh at him.

“ Okay.” Jungkook chuckled to cover his embrassment. Jungkook take his bag and walk out.

“ umm... if u don’t have any plan tomorrow i would like to invite you to follow me hanging out at the
theme park”

“Like a date?”

“ Sure.” Jungkook smile at him.


Sunday morning never be bright like today.Taehyung smirk at himself infront of the mirror.He can’t wait
to meet his soulmate-like-friend,Jungkook.He wear his best clothes and spray a expensive perfume.

He walking out to meet Jungkook.He never been excited like this as he sing and dance on the street.He
can’t wait to meet Jungkook.

Meanwhile Jungkook is nervously waiting for him in front of his house.

“ A date? No way.Its just a hanging out. Like friends hanging out together” This thought never exit from
Jungkook brain.He keep repeating the same question over and over until he not realised Taehyung
already standing straight in front of him.

“ Good morning Kookie” Taehyung greet him with a sweet smile.

“ Morning Taetae “ Jungkook answer him nervously.

“ You ready for some fun today?”

“ Fun? I hope not that kind of fun “

“ Yeah Tae.Lets go now. I can’t wait.” Jungkook holding his hand accidentally and he let go Taehyung ‘s
hand again.

Taehyung take his hand again and holding it tight.

“What does this mean?He know how to drive me crazy.” Jungkook felt done of Taehyung.

Taehyung take a lead to bring Jungkook to the theme park.They still holding hand.

Jungkook’s mom secretly spying on them on the window.” They meet again” She smile at them but not
being noticed.

Taehyung not letting Jungkook’s hand until they reached the destination.Jungkook can’t help but do

Jungkook smile at him because he low-key loved the feeling being hold but Taehyung.A guy that he like.

Taehyung replies the smile with a smile. He thighten their hand.

Jimin sit on the chair of his study table.He smile when he saw Jungkook’s name in a exercise book.He
borrowed it last Friday to copied the homework.

Its just an excuse for Jimin to get closer to Jungkook. He take a blue-diary book from his drawer.

‘ I love you Jungkook ‘

Jimin wrote that on the diary as he recall back the first day they were met.The first day he fall to

Yes.Jimin has a crush on Jungkook.


They arrived the theme park.The place is crowded with a lot of people.Its Sunday.So its normal that the
place is so popular among family,friends and couple to spent time together.And so us.Jungkook let go
Taehyung’s hand as people around them start glaring at them.

“ Why? “ Taehyung asked him innocently.

“ What you mean by Why?People is staring at us.They thought we are-“ Jungkook raised his tone cause
that boy is so stupid.

“ Friend.We are friend.Why their care?” Taehyung look confused.

“Seriouly? Help me lord”

“ But I care.Lets go inside without holding hand” Jungkook warned him.

Both of them go inside the park.The place is spectacular.Thanksful I moved to this beautiful
city,Jungkook thought himself.

“Lets go to that store” Taehyung point Jungkook a store.Jungkook just followed him from behind.

Taehyung put a cute cat’s ear scarf on Jungkook head.He buy two.Jungkook is blue and he is red.

“ Wow.Its fit on you Kookie “ Taehyung chuckled admiring the cute face of Jungkook.

“Whatever” Jungkook smile smugly.

Then,both of them try the first ride,its Tagada.

Taehyung bounces Jungkook so hard.

Both of them bounces hard because of the ride.They enjoyed the game so much.Jungkook never stop
laughing.Its made Taehyung fluster a lot.

“ Lets try the Viking” Taehyung sparkling eyes made Jungkook look at somewhere else.

“ But I’m having little phobia of height.”

“ Its okay Kookie, you just have to look to my eyes and the phobia will gone “ Taehyung sounded like
teasing but he is serious.

“I’m denying eyes contact but you asked me to look at your eyes?”

Jungkook just nodded him and both of them go to Viking’s entrance place.

They sit next to each others.

“ Wait “ Taehyung take Jungkook’s face and Jungkook looks surprised.

Taehyung look deep into Jungkook’s eyes and so does Jungkook.

“ Now your phobia is gone “

Jungkook just silent and turning facin the front.His eyes beating so hard.

Its started very smooth until the speed increasing.

The boys screaming a loud and raise them hand.Its so damn exciting and scary.

Thefeeling of scary gone when Jungkook realised Taehyung hold his hand again.Jungkook’s heart almost


The exciting is continue.This time is Water Slide.Jungkook’s favourite ride.

“ Im sorry but you have to wait for the next round.Because the seat is left one.” The people in charge
told Taehyung.

“ Its okay. We’ll wa- “

“ No we will use this seat. “ Taehyung said to that person.

“ Okay Tae,enjoy your ride.I’ll wait the next round” Jungkook looks a little upset.

Taehyung pull Jungkook into his lap.

“ This seat is for both of us “

“What? Im out “ The person in charge just give up.

“ Young’s love “ That person mumbles with a small voice before left them but sure its been heard by
Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook once again flustered.When the rides reac its highest position, Taehyung could’nt help but
hugging Jungkook as both of them screaming out loud as the rides falling downward.

“ Two green bubble tea milk please “ Taehyung smile at middle-age woman who run the small hut’s

“ Sorry sir but its only left one only.The ingredient is running out.But there are other flavours too “ That
woman felt sorry at him.

Jungkook wait him on the bench.Taehyung look at Jungkook at a while and start remember the
conversation between him and Jungkook.

“ You want some bubble tea? “

“ Yes.I’m so thirsty “ Jungkook said while rubbing his neck showing that he is so thirsty.

“ Okay.What flavour? “

“ Green milk “

“ Oh great.Its my favourite too “

“ I want that flavour only.Okay “ Jungkook lowkey warning him.

“ I will get two of its then “

Taehyung knocked back to reality when the women patted his shoulder.
Jungkook look at Taehyung as he saw the boy walking toward him.Jungkook’s expression change.

“ Where is mine?” Jungkook asking him because he saw Taehyung just holding one glass of tea.

“ We sharing “ Taehyung smile apologizing at him as he take out two straw.

Taehyung put the tea on the table and sit oppositely with Jungkook.

Jungkook want to mad but its not Taehyung fault.Taehyung dip the two straw on the drinks.

Both of them simultaneously sip the tea using respectively straw.They shocked because the sync and
can’t help but staring each other.


“ Im hungry Tae. “

“ Same Kookie “

Taehyung turn from zero expression into bright expression.

“ I know one place. Lets go “ Taehyung look excited while Jungkook look confused. Jungkook just follow

The enter one of sundae’s restaurant in the town.Taehyung wave at the owner and the owner smile at
him.Jungkook knew that Taehyung often going here.

“ One plate of sundae, one plate of kimchi and- “ Taehyung look a while at Jungkook before continue
ordering the food to the worker there.

“ A plate of kimbap “ Jungkook finish Taehyung’s sentences.

“ Yes , thats it. Oh don’t forget the soy bean paste “ Taehyung smile sweetly to that boy worker.

King of Flirting.

“ Soy bean paste? “ Jungkook look confused again.

“ I’ll show you something Kookie “ Taehyung smugly smile at him.

The food arrived at the table while Jungkook flustering at Taehyung’s smile.

“ Thanks for the food.” Taehyung bow followed by Jungkook.

“ I want you to try this. “ Taehyung dip one sundae in the soy bean paste.

“ Open your mouth “ Taehyung command him.Jungkook a little bit hesistate. But still open his mouth

Taehyung feed him with the sundae.Jungkook eyes widen on how good that taste.

“ Good collaboration right? “ Taehyung smile wide because Jungkook enjoy the food.

JUngkook nod at him many times.He can’t stop eat the sundae.Taehyung just staring at him secretly
without noticed by that boy.

“ Hey! Don’t forget the kimbap please. “

Jungkook just laughing at Taehyung.

On the way home,Jungkook saw a ice-cream shop.He run into the shop left Taehyung behind.A few
minutes later Jungkook come out and brought two ice-cream’s cone.

“ Here is yours “ Jungkook handed Chocolate flavour ice cream to Taehyung while the other hand lick
the Vanilla ‘s Ice cream.

“ How did you know Chocolate is my favourite Ice-cream flavour?”


“ Look! Its moving ice-cream shop “ Seagull screamed excited.

“ Do you want any of its? “ V asked him.

“ Yes please “

V chasing the shop.The shop stop moving when V shouting asking them to stop.

“ What flavour kid? “ The owner lower his head to hear V’s voice.

“ One chocolate and one Vanilla “ V told the owner as he take out some money from his pocket.

The owner hand his the two cone and V give him the money.

“ Keep the change “ V said to him as he running back to Seagull.

“ What? This not even enough to pay one of- ... Nevermind,kids “ The owner start moving again.

“ Here for you Vanilla because you sweet as Vanilla “ V laughed as he hand it to Seagull.

“ Chocolate because you have a tanned skin “ Seagull laughed ever louder.

“ What? V want to be mad but failed because Seagull look so adorable and ended laughing with him.

Taehyung stop flashing back those good memories when he heard Jungkook answering him.

“ Its just a random choice TaeTae “ Jungkook tries hard to hide his nervousness.

“ Okay.”

Jungkook wake up with a smile on his face.Its because he dreaming about Taehyung last night.He can’t
stop thinking about him and can’t wait to see his crush face in school.

After done putting his school’s uniform he go to the dining area and drink milk.

“ Goodbye mom “ He hug his mom and rushing out to the bus.

“ Hey.Im making sandwich boy “

“ Im fine mom. “ Jungkook waving at her and enter the bus. His mom just smiling happy at his only-one

When arrived the school,Jungkook running fast to meet Taehyung.He hitting all students that blocking
his way to his class.
“ Sorry guys “ He bow at them and continue run to the class.

Before he entered the class yet he see Taehyung waving and smile sweetly at him.Its made Jungkook
become so impatient.

As he entered the class,Jimin hug him and stop him from running.

Jungkook feel very shocked because sudden hug from Jimin.

Jimin let go of him and finally Jungkook can breath smoothly.Jimin hug him so tight.

“ I miss you so much Jungkookie “ Jimin smile smirking at him.


“ I miss you too Jimin but i want to sit first.” Jungkook sofly pushing Jimin aside.

“ I have something to show you. Come on “ Jimin pull him to his seat.

“What? “ Jungkook asking him.

Jim show him the book that Jimin borrow last week.Now its full of decoration on its cover.Adding up,he
drawing a big heart in the back cover.He even colour it.

“ What the f. “ Jungkook shocked at what Jimin done.Jimin just giggling.

Jungkook ignored jimin and go to his own seat.When he was about to poke Taehyung shoulder, the
teacher come.Jungkook kept his feeling to talk with Taehyung.

During recess time, Jungkook want to eat with Taehyung.He searching for Taehyung in awhile.he circling
the big school.

Taehyung waving at him.Jungkook is feel so excited to be with Taehyung.He walking toward Taehyung
before Jimin pulling him away.

“ Found you Jungkookie. I want to enjoy my lunch with you.” Jimin grinning at him but Jungkook is
burning inside.

“ You okay Jungkook?” jimin asking him as he realised Jungkook is been silent.

“ Im okay. “ Jungkook holding his anger.

Taehyung is missing his Kookie a lot.He can see Jungkook and Jimin are so close.Taehyung is low-key
feeling jealous.

Both of them eagerly want to talk to each other,teasing each other and doing dork together , but there
seem something that always made them cannot able to do so.Both of them are very frustared .


Jungkook drop his phone to his bed.He read the text again.

Lets made a video calling in three minutes.

Taehyung inviting him to facing each other in the phone.Jungkook nervous because he never did it
before. He checking his look on the mirror. He fixing his hair and sit on his chair.He looking intensely at
his phone waiting for Taehyung to call.

A moments later,Taehyung name come to his phone home screen.Jungkook immediately slide his phone
screen to answer it.
He see the aesthetic,ethereal and beautiful dreamy guys on the screen.Jungkook can felt his heart is
melting down.

Taehyung smile sweetly and chuckles when he see Jungkook’s face is shook on the screen.Currently
Taehyung is walking back from field after some football training.

Jungkook cringely fall his body to his bed. The call is started a few minutes ago but both of them is not
started talking yet.They just admiring each other’s look.

“ Hello my cutie pie. “ Taehyung finally started talking.


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