A Mistery Short Story

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A Mistery Short Story

Gina Marcela Buitrago Lasso
Faculty of Humanities and Education
English 1
Jaqueline Socorro González Palencia

Bachelor´s Degree in Children´s Pedagogy

Virtual Mode
Villavicencio- Meta
December 2020

What happened outside?

It was a very rainy night, and we were with my friends at home, when suddenly something rang
in the street, we thought it was a child crying, because the sound was quite similar, one of my
friends named Carl decided to go out with a flashlight to look what was there? We all told him
no Carl, don't go. !, it can be dangerous, but he was very careful and wanted to do it. We stayed
inside the house, but we did not forget that Carl was outside and in danger, when suddenly we
heard someone say, help. Help! We couldn't hold on and ran to find out what had happened? We
turned on the lights in the whole house, and Carl was not there, only the flashlight was on the
ground, thirty minutes later, we were all afraid, because it was no longer heard the child crying
and neither did Carl, we all cried and scared we held hands and went in search of our friend,
because he was good, sincere, kind and intelligent. We asked ourselves why did it happen? And
why so much silence? Suddenly we heard the child cry again and something was seen running by
and it was observed that his eyes were lighting up, she was the only one who was seen in so
much darkness, with so much fright and fear, we decided to leave the mission to look for our
friends and return home, when we got home there was Carl with his pet doki, who had each eye
of a different color, and in the dark they lit up, and his pet had a doll in his snout that when
squeezed it cried like baby.

What a great scare we got, Carl only went out to rescue his dog, and he only played for a while
in the street with him and his toy, after more than two hours of searching it was just a bad


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