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Name: Valeria Monsivais Velasco Matrícula: 2944237

Name of course: Global Culture II Teachers Name: Martha Elizabeth Rayas
Module 1 Activity 2
Date: 17/Agosto/2020

1. Individually create a comparative chart of three different cultures, think

outside the box and go for different countries or cultures within a foreign
country. Include a description regarding the following criteria:
o Cultural stereotypes

o Traditional dance styles

o Historical events that marked the country
o Regional food
o Traditional clothing
o Holidays
o Language
o Social norms
2. Present your comparative chart visually, using digital or physical means. You
will expose your finding in class and present a brief description.
3. Provide all the bibliographic references in APA format.

Criteria Mexican American Japanese

Cultural -Mexicans are - Americans only - Japanese People
drug dealers and care about Eat Sushi Every
gang members. themselves. Day.
- Mexicans live in -Every American -Everyone is
a dusty desert in owns a gun. extremely polite at all
the middle of times
nowhere. - Americans are all
obese, overweight, - All Japanese People
- Mexican and obsessed with Love Manga, Anime
women have big fast food. and Cosplay
boobs and butts.
Traditional dance -Jarabe Tapatio. - English Country - Bon Odori
styles -Matachines. Dance. - Nihon Buyo.
- Danza de los - Clogging. - Noh Mai
- Square dance.
Historical events - Apr 19, 1325 - 2010s: Election of - 2004 Major
Donald Trump tsunami in the Indian
that marked the Founding of (2016) Ocean
country Tenochtitlan
- 2000s: September - 1969 Humans set
- Apr 24, 1812 11 Attacks foot on the moon for
Mexican War of the first time
- 1990s: The Monica
Independence. Lewinsky Affair - 2004 Niigata-
- Apr 3, 1930 (1998–99) Chuetsu Earthquake

The Mexican
Regional food -Chilaquiles - Biscuits and gravy -Ramen
-Pozole -Cheese straws -Udon
-Tacos al pastor Chili burger -Yakiniku
Traditional -Sarape -Jeans -Kimono
clothing -Huipil -Baseball caps -Yukata
- clothing of the -T-shirts -Hakama
Holidays - May 5, Cinco -31 of May, - Jan 01 New Year's
de Mayo Memorial Day Day
- February 5 -26 of November, - Feb 23, The
Constitution Day Thanksgiving emperor’s birthday
-1 of November, -4th of July, -Aug 13,14 and 15,
day of the dead Independence Day Obon
language Spanish English Japanese
Social norms -Hand shake -Hand shake - Bows can mean
hello, goodbye,
-Hug thank you or sorry
-Kiss on the

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