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Choral Philosophical Statement

Throughout my time studying music, whether taking regular education classes, music
method classes, and even being in ensembles, I have always been adding elements to my
philosophical vision of why I want to educate children. The main goal of my vision is to educate
my students to the best of my ability. In doing this, I plan to teach children how to foster critical
thinking in governing the creation of the work of art in music. (1.1 The Creative Process,
NJCCCS) I will focus on younger elementary students in the choral room setting for this
philosophical statement.

According to the national standards in music, a child must be able to sing, alone and with
others, on a varied repertoire of music. If this were the only goal a teacher had to meet, then
children would not be learning very much from it. Other than just being able to sing, children
should learn other aspects about singing. First and foremost, singing allows students to use their
expressive side by sparking creativity. This can be very natural for younger students. Secondly, I
believe an ensemble creates a safe environment in which children can express themselves in this
community. Many students may also have learning disabilities, emotional issues, and other
circumstances that are holding them back from their work. Music can help them succeed in other
area subjects because music is a core subject that includes math, science, history, social studies,
and language. Also, I believe choral music is an integral way of teaching students how to
appreciate many cultures though music and text. Lastly, music creates a sense of discipline for
students due to the rehearsal schedule and the practice that needs to happen outside of rehearsal.

Students who exemplify these many aspects will be great role models for other students
who may be having a harder time grasping the concept of choral music. This is where the safe
community aspect, and having respect for others, lends a helping hand. A teacher provides a
framework for students to learn and grow, but it is ultimately the job of the teacher to provide a
safe learning environment.

By leading children to figure things out for themselves, supports critical and creative
thinking which has an unlimited thought processes to exercise the mind in ways other subjects
are not as capable of doing. When children are engaged in music, their brains are firing off
signals that are healthy for growing minds.

Cultural exposure is also a very important aspect because choral music is in every single
culture around the globe. By opening the minds of students to new music, endless possibilities
are made available to impact their lives exponentially. Students should understand the role,
development, and influence the arts have had in the world’s history. (NJCCCS: 1.2 History of the
Arts and Culture) Especially in a extremely diverse county like America, children should be
sensitive towards all forms of diversity.

New Jersey State Academic Standards. (2014). Retrieved September 19, 2014.

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