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Unit 3.


Coins. bills = notes

To earn / win / inherit $

To be in debt

To stay within your budget / your means

To live on a tight/ small budget

To stick to your budget

To lend $ to sb to borrow $ from sb

To pay by cheque /loyalty card / credit or debit card. To pay in cash. To pay in monthly payments or installments.

To go window shopping

Can’t afford (to buy) sth

The cost of living high or low standart of living consumer society

To be shopaholic hard up well off / wealthy

To make a profit to make a loss

Pay sb for sth

Spend / waste / splash out $ on sth to invest in sth

To get a refund receipt

to get a (bank) loan to owe $ to sb

sth is pricey / expensive valuable priceless worthless invaluable ( extremely useful)

sth is on sale (on offer) for sale in the sales a shop is sold out of sth

a bargain to bargain / haggle

to buy sth on a whim


to save $ for rainy day sth costs an arm and a leg


to shop around to put / set $ aside to pay off (a loan) to save up $ for sth

To get by ( on a tiny pension/ salary)

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