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Castillo, Randolph S.

1. Examples of direct misrepresentation about the product include the following except
a. False advertising
b. Deceptive packaging
c. Mislabeling
d. Caveat emptor

2. Examples of indirect misrepresentation about the product include the following except
a. Caveat emptor
b. Deliberate withholding adverse information
c. Business ignorance
d. False advertising

3. Examples of direct misrepresentation about the product include the following except
a. Adulteration
b. Short merging
c. Short measurement
d. Over persuasion

4. Interlocking directorship can be committed by

a. Rank and file employees
b. Members of the board of directors
c. Top executive officers
d. Middle-level managers

5. The following constitute unfair labor practices of an employer except

a. To restrain employees to form a union
b. To violate a collective bargain or agreement
c. To discriminate with regard to wages, hours of work
d. To terminate employment of employees found to have violated company policy or
employment contract

6. The following are examples of unethical practices of employers except

a. Acceptance of gifts from a customer in exchange for a favor that is detrimental to its interest
of his employer
b. Engagement in the same type of business as his employer
c. Disclosure of confidential company information to someone else for personal gain
d. Application for a loan from his employer to settle personal liabilities

7. The following are examples of dishonesty acts of an employee toward his employer except
a. Working overtime upon instruction of his supervisor
b. Bringing home office supplies for personal use
c. Overstating business trip expenses by submitting false receipts
d. Doing personal errands during office hours

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