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Castillo, Randolph S..

1. Explain what an ethical dilemma is.

An ethical dilemma is an issue that arises when a choice must be made between two choices,
none of which is completely ethical. While we face many ethical and moral issues in our daily
lives, the majority of them have simple solutions.

2. Describe the steps in resolving ethical dilemmas.

a. Gather the necessary information. If time permits, communicate with those concerned and
gather as much information about the incident as possible. Take into account both sources and
points of view. Make an attempt to tell the difference between evidence and beliefs or

b. Determine the ethical concerns based on the evidence. Don't jump to solutions without first
understanding the ethical problems in the case. Decide which ethical concerns you want to
focus on first. If there are many ethical concerns, concentrate on one big ethical problem at a

c. Determine who is affected by the outcome of the dilemma and how each person or group is
affected. Make a list of all parties or stakeholders that are involved. Also, determine why they
are the parties or stakeholders involved in the situation, and try to see it through the eyes of
those who are affected.

d. Determine the options available to the individual who must solve the problem. Examine the
various options for dealing with the issue. To ensure that the final decision is not unethical, have
fair answers. They must also think about how the decision affects moral standards such as
fairness, dignity, justice, and equality. Get a second opinion to stop making decisions based on
personal biases.If necessary, get a second opinion to avoid making decisions based on
personal biases.
e. Determine the possible consequences of each choice. Determine and consider all of the
ramifications of each possible course of action in the ethical dilemma.
f. Choose the best course of action. Choose the right course of action to achieve the best

3. Why is there a special need for ethical behavior by professionals?

In order for the public to have faith in the profession and the services provided by its
members, professionals must behave ethically.

4. Share one of your experiences where you encounter an ethical dilemma and how did
you resolve it.
Studying in a virtual setup can be stressful in many ways. So as a student there will be
some times that I will have a thought about not attending lectures, doing activities, etc. But I
cannot stay lazy for the whole semester, so I changed my everyday routine so I can cope up to
the task and activities that I need to do.

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