Group 3 - 100 SOAL TOEIC

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Group 3

Name : - Adis Aisyah Amini

- Lana Saputra
- Vilia Nur Arifah

101. b) Is

Because subject is a singular

102. d) failure

Adjective into Adjective

Failure = Success

103. b) into

Because the sentence describes the movement of something

104. b) printed

Because the sentence states cause and effect. In the cause of using v2. and on "cause"
it should use v2 too

105. a) will

Conditional sentence type 1

Used events with type 1 (if clause) at the moment or in the future when a certain
condition is met. Tenses that can be used as a basic are simple present in the conditional
sentence and simple future in the basic sentence

106. c) leadership

Because “leadership” is a noun, while “lead, leader” are verb.

107. b) increase

The answer is between increase and raise. But more specifically “increase” because as
in this case 5% is an adverb. It is describing to what extent the costs will increase.
While, “raise” is a transitive verb. This means that it always needs an object to act on.

108. d) organization

organized = teroganisir organizer = penyelenggara

organize = mengatur organization= organisasi

So the most appropriate answer is organization.

109. c) because

Because the sentence is a cause and effect.

110. b) to

Because "to " more accurately relates to these changes in the schedule.

111. a) went

Use V2 because past tense.

112. a) commute

commute = perjalanan community = komunitas

commune= komune compost = kompos

So the most appropriate answer is commute.

113. c) between

Because it states something that is between two choices or things.

114. a) job

The right answer is job because Mr. Maxwell wanted to interview the applicant.

115. d) file

The right answer is file because the other answer options have nothing to do
with the question.

116. b) after

Because the sentence contains two events. The first type is an event that occurred
earlier even, and the second type is an event that occurred after the first event.

117. c) because

although= meskipun because= karena

during = selama that = bahwa

So the most appropriate answer is commute.

118. b) required

Because "required" is the logical answer and the employee is obliged to knock on the
door first.

119. a) or

Because the "billing clerk", who prepares and sends bills to customers, cannot find
the "invoice" and the "order"at the same time. 

120. d) has always been considered

therefore the wording is correct

121. b) available

Because “available” is adjective, while “avail,availability” are noun

122. c) be

Because the preposition more accurately indicates the culprit

123. c) assigned

This word is a past participle which means to borrow a verb to make an adjective
with the added "ed".

124. d) alphabetical

Because alphabetical is a noun

125. c) behind

Because "behind" is a logical answer while the other answer options are less logical
than the question

126. d) check

A modal verb "must" in this case is followed by the simple form of the verb, which is

127. b) repetitive

Because repetitive is adjective.

While others, repeat (verb), repetition (noun), repetitively (adverb)

128. a) to wear

Because it requires an additional "to" to be more efficient

129. d) on

Because "on" is used to indicate a place that is on the surface

130. c) never

Because in general, clients are not allowed to enter a special room

131. b) would have met

Conditional sentence type 3

States that a presupposition that is certain cannot happen, because it indicates a past
event, action and past tense

132. c) appointment

notebook = buku catatan appointment = janji

calendar = kalender notice = pemberitahuan

So the right answer to continue the sentence above is appointment.

133. b) will arrive

Something in the future that will definitely happen

134. B. On (Because the letter would be on the desk)

135. A. Depart(Because the sentence tells the truth)

136. C. Because (Ms. Tran missed saveral important phone calls)

137. A. Efficiently ( Because of a scar so she can't write efficiently)

138. A. Was delivered( Because of yesterday's incident))

139. C. Excited(Because the previous word "was" used)

140. D. but( but note on holidays)

141. A. Or (Follow the next word)

142. B. Suce us(Because the sentence)

143. C. security(Because the relationship previous sentences )

144. A. Sales( Because the next sentence increases sales)

145. B. Quantity( Because the next sentence shows quality)

146. A. Enthusiast( Because previous sentence causes )

147. C. had concerned (Because it's the past ferpect tens)

148. A. Will have (For saying a sentence that's going to happen but hasn't happened yet)

149. C. Order(For it states about payment)

150. A. respons( Because he responded to new Paper)

151. D. Has qualifed (Because it relates experiences)

152. C. To(Because he's waiting for a reply)

153. B. Sales and marketing(Because there was ad text that suggested that the job that promised
sales and marketing)

154. C. High-tech sales are growing(Because there's ad in the sentence "last paragraph")

155. B. Ways(Because the sentence always says strategy and the obvious sentence is "ways.")

156. C. Creative( Because according to the text, to be a full marketers suksel is "creative")

157. C. Acces to the web may be limited(Because it corresponds to paragraph 3)

158. B. Green Miles California(According to the title)

159. B. There was a conflict with the another organization (The answer explained that there was a
protest against the California settlement)

160. D. Protecting the earth( Because it explains the concept of hotel in order to care more about
the environment)
161. C. It's a wish choice environmentally(Because from the akgir sentence paragraph 1 describes
that answer)

162. C. Environmentally conscoius travelers(Because the viewer corresponds to the "text")

163. B. To hear lectures on the environment(Because it fits expectations)

164. B. Food and cooking supplies(Because the susui is the title narrative)

165. A. Remodel them (Because it is in the text)

166. A. Healthful regional foods(Because it's in the last paragraph)

167. A. Years at the company and salary

Reason : Because it has been explained in sentence 2

168. C. The company and the employee

Reason : Has been explained in sentence 3

169. B. To talk about Regents plants

Reason : There is in sentece “The goal of Regents....”

170. A. To increase availibality of health care

Reason : Has explained in sentence “....Wider provider networks and enchanched as to health care

171. D. To submit ideas the company

Reason : Has explained in sntence “....We look fordward to receiving your further thougts or

172. B. March 30
Reason : according to the content of the text

173. D. Money not paid on a previous invoice

Reason : It’s under the words current period fees

174. B. When they are happy

Reason : There is a first sentence in text

175. A. Provide ways to update training

Reason : “Give them opportunities to bring that training up to date.” This sentence in the text
explained what employees should do

176. C. Make changes

Reason : The sentence does’nt mention ’make changes’ as freedom employeer should have

177. D. Bother
Reason : because Bother closest in meaning to hassle

178. B. One price icludes food, lodging, and activities

Reason : Explained in the sentence after the mention of an ‘all-inclusive resort’

179. D. Sports equipment rental

Reason : Has been explained in text

180. C. Consult a travel agent

Reason : Has been explained in last text

181. B. Consulting related to the winery’s operations

Reason : because the two texts above have the implied meaning of the answers above

182. A. a medical professional

Reason : because the text does not mention 'medical professional'

183. D. Just over four mounths

Reason : starting from August 7th to December 1st

184. A. A sales chart based on a fve-year review

Reason : it is most likely to happen

185. B. Provide a letter that state the reason this contract was broken
Reason : state on page 2 point 4

186. B. He forgot to pay for a parking pass

Reason : Has been explained in sentence “Parking infraction : exceding a 20 minutes free customers
parking limit”

187. A. I did’nt notice the no-parking sign

Reason : because in the text Tanaka had not paid for the ticket

188. C. April 29
Reason : because the time given is only 28 days from April 1st

189. C. He thought he was parked legally that day

Reason : because it is in the text notifying that you must get the original ticket

190 : D. A medical note

Reason : because it is not mentioned in the text
191. B. Write back to say he received an e-mail
Reason : because there’s in first paragraph

192. A. Bus 1-A

Reason : because on weekdays there are meetings in the morning

193. B. Taxi fare

Reason : because has been explained from text

194. D. Bus 3-B

Reason : because Saturday is a weekends, and the longest travel time is on Bus 3-B

195. C. City bus

Reason : because has been explained in text

196. C. All clients of Karen Electric

Reason : has been explained in last paragraph at Fax

197. D. She wants to show her compassion

Reason : Has been explained in text, according to the email from Karen Electric

198. B. Not enough notice was provided

Reason : because he did his notification less effective

199. C. She has family members who used to work there

Reason : because has been explained in first sentence at text

200. D. Call her with the new order

Reason : because has been explained in last paragraph text 2

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