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Daniele Trembecki



Mount Royal University

 Graduated with honours in April 2021 with a Bachelor in Education Elementary

Medicine Hat College

 Completed undergrad with honours

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (Calgary, AB)

 Graduated April 2014 with Baking and Pastry Arts Diploma

St. Joseph’s Collegiate (Brooks, AB)

 Graduated high school June 2012 with honours

 Graduated with Chemistry 30, Biology 30, English 30-1, Math 30 Applied, Social
Studies 30-1

Safety Training
 WHIMIS Training


George Davison Elementary School (May 3rd, 2021- June 4th, 2021)
Position: ELP Teacher (5 Week Leave of Absence)
 Creating and implementing lesson plans with a focus on early literacy, early
numeracy, social development and motor skills
 Building relationships with students
 Maintaining routine
 Meeting with occupational and speech therapists to determine strategies for
student needs
 Writing detailed notes on student progress and day to day activities for the
returning teacher
Medicine Hat Public School Division (May 3rd, 2021- June 30th, 2021)
Position: Interim Contract Substitute Teacher
 Delivering the absent teacher’s plans to students
 Recording information from the day including the material covered, student
behaviour and any other pertinent information
 Managing classroom behaviour as a temporary instructor
 Working one on one with students at assigned school when substitute positions
are filled

Mother Teresa School (January 18th, 2021- April 23rd, 2021)

Position: Practicum II Student
 Creating lesson and unit plans
 Teaching 100%
 Assessment
 Report cards
 Supervising children during recess

River Heights Elementary (November 14th, 2019-December 18th, 2019)

Position: Practicum I Student
 Creating lesson plans
 Teaching 50%
 Supervising children during recess

City of Brooks (April 2018-August 2018, April 2019-August 2019)

Position: Summer Camp Coordinator
 Create a budget for camps and price each week of camp accordingly
 Plan field trips and activities
 Order and obtain camp supplies
 Interview, train and supervise camp counsellors
 Create camp staff schedules
 Prepare for activities and crafts
 Conflict resolution and discipline
 Ensuring children have adequate supervision

Griffin Park Elementary (October 2018-November 2018)

Position: Practicum Student
 Working one on one with ELL students
 Guided reading groups
 Reading books to students
 Supervising children during recess
Christ the King Academy (September 2017-June 2018)
Position: Substitute Educational Assistant
 Working one on one with students
 Supervising students
 Reading exams to students
 Working with students with special needs

Eastbrook Elementary (September 2017- April 2018)

Position: Practicum Student
 Working with students one on one and in groups
 Guided reading lessons
 Preparing and delivering one lesson
 Supervising students


Full Circle Foundation-Pink Ribbon Project

 Baked and donated desserts for the Pink Ribbon Project for the past three years

Christ the King Academy

 Read exams to students
 Chaperoned school dance

Brooks Preschool
 Read to children
 Organize activities and help with crafts

Gingercane Gala (all proceeds go to the Calgary Children’s Hospital)

 Baked gingerbread for the giant gingerbread house (pagoda theme)
 Sculpted and decorated dragon head for the display


Available Upon Request

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