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Achieve Women’s Reselience on Social life and Employment Women: The Education

Level, Feeling Safe and equality on Works

Nurul Azizah Zain
UN Women- Latvia
Feminism and Equality of Women is a part of Sustanaible Development Goals.
Gender quality it means that women and men have equal right example on Job, Education,
and Feeling safe. In fact, from children until adolescent, The Equality of Gender is still lack.
Example the force sex of girl 13 million on the World, and still lack about the education
knowledge about masculinity that man have power than girl1. Supporting girl education can
be the first step to equality women until they can be employment or become leader woman.
Equal payment to women, feeling safe on working from violence and harrasment sill low. 2
In Fact, UN Women held Beijing Platform For Action: the United Nations’ Fourth
World Conference on Women,. 170 Country have contiributed on search effective solutions
toward the issue.3 on 2011 give woman money for business incubator. After that, any
progrees of the quality of gender on some aspect Girl can school, get education,and the voice
of women are raising but beside on that the many women still get low paid on working than
men, Women on disabilities dont get enough education,15 million Women and girls still dont
have book literacy, 12 million girl married on under 18 years4
The History of Latvia face gender equality. After Free from Soviet, Latvia have
strong gender streotype. It influence on segreration in education occupation, and economic
sectors. The Culture value of Latvia is Patriarki value. Latvia face the challange about Gender
Equality problem since Middle 1990. Gender Equality become the important priority5.
On 1995 Latvia Join Beijing Platform For Action also join on 1997 International
Development Population Conference Program for state (IDPC) signed up to Cairo to promote
sexual education about gender role.6. Also on 2018, Latvia also join to strengthen Istabul
Convention beside of that Presiden of Latvia give speech on the Conference and said “We
will continue to provide support to local authorities and civil society in Central Asia.” 9
Latvia dont have any spesific law to anti discimination law or gender equality law, but
Latvia launched Concept Paper Gender Equality Implementation (2001).
The value about Gender equality influenced by Constitutional of the Republic of
Latvia, article 91, contain that all people in Latvia are equal before the law and Court. Human
rights are exercised without any discrimination "10 The right to save labour law include to
prohibite to dont do discrimination.11According World Bank, Women, Business and Index,
Latvia top 6 give the equal right man and women on legal rights12.
Based on the Condition, We Purpose Strong Indepent Woman Agreement that include
some program to decrease the equality gender :
1. From the Job Sector
Usually women and men give gap that men can work on high risk like on
transportation, IT,and other. Women can just work on like Education and health. The Wages
of men and women something not fair. Women have low paid than men. We proposed than
women must have same chance like men. When any job opportunity when women fulfill the
reqruiment on all sector they also have chance not just the men. When work the Industry
And 2 UN Women.2020. Gender Equality. ISBN: 978-92-1-127072-3 downloaded on https://auth-
UN Women. 12 Critical Areas
UN Women.2020. Gender Equality. ISBN: 978-92-1-127072-3 downloaded on https://auth-
National report on the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action (1995) and the
results of the 23rd Special Session of the General Assembly (2000) downleaded on
must see based on by they hardskill,softskill and the capability. Any data that can show they
capability. When the woman more have good capability than men. The Women must
acceptence on the job opportunity. The Capability of Job seeker is the priority than see by
gender. When woman dont have good capability , Woman will be failed and it happen also on
When the Industry still see based on gender the quality of Industry will not have
progress. The Test for Job seeker (All Women and men) it must from the medical check up,
the test for capability. When women just see by they phsycall cant work because they are
weak. The reason isnt acceptable. The condition of workers is shown by Job seeker condition.
The Right of women when they give pregnant and give birth. The right of them must
still on attention and still have paid. They can work until the pregnant on 8 months and until
it they can give time to break until 40 days after birth and still have paid. Women give the
health record when the baby will birth.
From the fair of wages, it based on the job same equal like men. The wages based on
how the worker (Men and Women) have done. The Performa when they work must be see.
How they are on team work, how the public speaking do, how the worker always increase
their perfoma to the project on the project. The Wages must be equal. Women and men’s
result of the job must see based on their performa. Example: How they are discipline to work,
How they are solve the problem on the work. The assesment of the performa it will
influenced by the performa not based on gender. To assesment the quality of the performa of
the worker must be any E-Program from supervisor to evaluate how the worker performa.
2. From the education sector
Great women create based on the education. The Women can increase their voices
when they have been educated. The Patriarchy value when woman just sit on home will have
been decrease when the women have the good education. The Patriarchy is culture and cant
easily dissapeared because its value citizien. Based on that, it will decrease constantly. When
women have been work the economic on the househould need will fulfill. When we will want
to repair this perspective we must see from the young generations. Many NGO that have
same purpose to educate women like in public speaking, give the hard skill learning and etc.
When we want to face that, we must collaborate the NGO Program how they give the
training and the evalution from NGO’s program. On the globalization era, thats more easy to
educate women to more have skill and more attach to them around the world. Although the
NGO is small part of citiezen is important, We must see from small things into the bigger
picture of our goal.
The disability woman also must give them same attention. Give them the training
based on their needs. Make them also give the chance to equal. The hardskill and soft skill is
important to learned by them. Give the online training and have partnership with the expert
on the sector. The assesment of this program can evaluate when they can succes on job or
create the job fields like become enterpreneur.
When the education equality is good. The great women will be appear. Women will
be brave constantly to speak when they have skill. We want to erase the Patriarchy Value
first we must give the young teenager because they are the next generations on the future.
3. From the evaluation the Program Gender Equality
The evaluation must be eventually do on each 3 years. Also before released the
program. We must know where is the important. Use evaluation with quantity and qualitative.
Quantitative based on the research must include how the rate of women, the rate of
segregation job, and segreration on decision making and job. The qualitative evaluation that
evaluate about how they feel when they are being discriminated, how about the citiezen see
the Independent women on the daily life and how about the next important program that they

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