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Inguinal Hernias:​

Diagnosis and Management

Amer Shakil, MD, MBA;​Kimberly Aparicio, MD;​Elizabeth Barta, DO;​and Kristal Munez, MD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Groin hernias are caused by a defect of the abdominal wall in the groin area and comprise inguinal
and femoral hernias. Inguinal hernias are more common in men. Although groin hernias are easily
diagnosed on physical examination in men, ultrasonography is often needed in women. Ultrasonogra-
phy is also helpful when a recurrent hernia, surgical complication after repair, or other cause of groin
pain (e.g., groin mass, hydrocele) is suspected. Magnetic resonance imaging has higher sensitivity and
specificity than ultrasonography and is useful for diagnosing occult hernias if clinical suspicion is high
despite negative ultrasound findings. Herniography, which involves injecting contrast media into the
hernial sac, may be used in selected patients. Becoming familiar with the common types of surgical
interventions can help family physicians facilitate postoperative care and assess for complications,
including recurrence. Laparoscopic repair is associated with shorter recovery time, earlier resumption
of activities of daily living, less pain, and lower recurrence rates than open repair. Watchful waiting is
a reasonable and safe option in men with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic inguinal hernias.
Watchful waiting is not recommended in patients with symptomatic hernias or in nonpregnant women.
(Am Fam Physician. 2020;102(8):487-492. Copyright © 2020 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

Hernias are a common reason for primary care surgically.2 The lifetime prevalence of groin her-
physicians to refer patients for surgical manage- nias is 27% in men and 3% in women.3 The fre-
ment. There are many different types of hernias, quency of groin hernia repair rises from 0.25% in
with most occurring in the abdomen or groin. patients 18 years of age to 4.2% in patients 75 to
The term groin hernia comprises three types of 80 years of age.3
hernias depending on location relative to the In the United States, approximately 96% of
inguinal (Hesselbach) triangle (Figure 11):​ direct groin hernias are inguinal hernias, about 20% of
inguinal, indirect inguinal, and femoral. A direct which are bilateral.1 Femoral hernias comprise
inguinal hernia is a protrusion of tissue through the remaining 4% of groin hernias and are more
the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, medial to common in women (16% to 37% of women).4 Risk
the inferior epigastric vessels (Figure 21), whereas
an indirect inguinal hernia protrudes through
the internal inguinal ring, lateral to the inferior BEST PRACTICES IN SURGERY
epigastric vessels (Figure 31). A femoral hernia is
the protrusion of tissue below the inguinal liga- Recommendations from the Choosing
ment, medial to the femoral vessels. Wisely Campaign
In the United States, 1.6 million groin hernias Recommendation Sponsoring organization
are diagnosed annually, and 700,000 are repaired
Avoid the routine use Society of American Gas-
of ultrasonography in trointestinal and Endoscopic
CME This clinical content conforms to AAFP criteria for evaluating a clinically Surgeons
CME. See CME Quiz on page 461. apparent inguinal hernia.
Author disclosure:​ No relevant financial affiliations. Source:​For more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign,
Patient information:​ A handout on this topic, written by the see https://​w For supporting citations and
authors of this article, is available at https://​w to search Choosing Wisely recommendations relevant to primary
afp/2020/1015/p487-s1.html. care, see https://​w

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External Inferior
iliac vein epigastric
factors for inguinal hernias include a
family history of the condition, male
iliac artery
abdominis sex, older age, low body mass index,
systemic connective tissue disease,
Inguinal and history of radical prostatectomy
Cooper or radiation therapy.5-8 In women,
ligament inguinal hernias have also been associ-
Ductus ated with taller height, chronic cough,
umbilical hernia, and rural residence.6
(Hesselbach) No association has been found between
Lacunar smoking or alcohol use and hernias.4
Patients with a groin hernia may report
The inguinal (Hesselbach) triangle (red outline) is an anatomic landmark a bulge in the groin that becomes
bounded by the rectus abdominis muscle medially, the inguinal ligament progressively larger over time. Most
inferiorly, and the inferior epigastric vessels laterally. patients with groin hernias report pain
Illustration by Floyd E. Hosmer or vague discomfort, but up to one-
Adapted with permission from Bax T, Sheppard BC, Crass RA. Surgical options in the manage- third of patients have no symptoms.9
ment of groin hernias. Am Fam Physician. 1999;​59(4):​893-906. Symptoms may worsen with standing,
straining, lifting, or coughing. These
movements increase intra-abdominal
FIGURE 2 pressure, causing intra-abdominal contents to be
pushed through a hernial defect.10 Patients may
report having symptoms only at the end of the
day or after prolonged activity and that the bulge
Inferior disappears when they are lying flat. However, the
epigastric absence of a reducible mass or palpable defect
does not rule out a hernia. In a subset of patients,
groin or pelvic pain is caused by an occult, or hid-
abdominis den, hernia.
Internal muscles Groin pain, if present, is described as a dull ach-
ing, pulling, or burning sensation. Localized dis-
Ductus Inguinal comfort may develop from stretching or tearing
deferens canal of the tissue at or around the site of the hernial
defect. As this occurs, the hernia usually increases
External in size. Severe pain could suggest that the hernia
has become incarcerated and may require emer-
gent surgical intervention. Table 110,11 and Table 210
Spermatic list other diagnoses to consider in patients pre-
senting with groin pain with or without a scrotal
Inguinal ligament
mass. However, asymptomatic hernias may be
found incidentally on physical examination.

Route of a direct hernia. The hernial sac passes directly through Physical Examination
the inguinal triangle and may disrupt the floor of the inguinal In men, the examination should begin with the
canal. patient standing and the physician seated in front
Illustration by Floyd E. Hosmer of the patient. The groin should be inspected for
Adapted with permission from Bax T, Sheppard BC, Crass RA. Surgical options an obvious bulge. The physician should observe
in the management of groin hernias. Am Fam Physician. 1999;​59(4):​893-906. for any expansile bulge while the patient “bears
down” (Valsalva maneuver). An indirect hernia is

488  American Family Physician Volume 102, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2020

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

when a recurrent hernia, surgical complication

FIGURE 3 after repair, or other cause of groin pain (e.g.,
groin mass, hydrocele) is suspected. Ultrasonog-
raphy, which is the first-line imaging modality,
has a sensitivity of 33% to 86% and specificity of
Inferior 71% to 90% for occult hernias and can be used to
diagnose suspected groin hernias not evident on
clinical examination.16,17
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with Val-
Internal abdominis
ring muscles salva maneuver may be considered if the clinical
suspicion of a groin hernia is high despite nega-
tive ultrasound findings. MRI has a sensitivity of
Inguinal 91%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value
Inguinal of 95%, and negative predictive value of 85% for
ligament External occult hernias. MRI is superior to ultrasonog-
ring raphy and computed tomography in diagnosing
inguinal hernias, particularly occult hernias.12
Herniography, which involves injecting con-
trast media into the hernial sac, has a sensitiv-
ity of 91% and specificity of 83% for detecting
occult hernias. It is superior to ultrasonography
and computed tomography (sensitivity = 80%;​
specificity = 65%) and may be useful in selected
Route of an indirect hernia. Note that the hernial sac passes out- patients.17
side of the boundaries of the inguinal triangle and follows the
course of the spermatic cord.
Illustration by Floyd E. Hosmer
In 2018, various international societies (the
Adapted with permission from Bax T, Sheppard BC, Crass RA. Surgical options
HerniaSurge group) reviewed the literature and
in the management of groin hernias. Am Fam Physician. 1999;​59(4):​893-906.
created guidelines for the management of groin
hernias. The group received direct financial
support from hernia mesh manufacturers Bard
often piriform in shape—broad in the scrotum and narrow and Johnson & Johnson. The HerniaSurge group classifies
over the medial half of the inguinal ligament. A direct her- management into two major categories:​conservative and
nia is globular in shape over the medial half of the inguinal surgical.18,19
ligament and usually does not enter the scrotum.12
If a hernia is not visualized, additional maneuvers should CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT
be performed. Using an index finger, the physician should Watchful waiting is a reasonable and safe option in men
palpate the base of the scrotum and gently invaginate the if the patient’s usual activities are not limited by pain and
redundant skin of the scrotum into the inguinal canal discomfort and there is no difficulty reducing the hernia.20
toward the pubic tubercle. The finger follows adjacent to Surgical intervention should be initiated if pain develops.
the spermatic cord, and the fingertip will be just within the Watchful waiting is not recommended in nonpregnant
external ring. The patient should then be asked to strain or women because of the higher likelihood of femoral hernias,
cough as the physician palpates for a soft impulse, which is which are associated with a higher risk of strangulation.21
suggestive of herniation.13 Watchful waiting is also not recommended for symptomatic
In women, groin hernias often do not present with a vis- hernias because of a higher risk of incarceration.19
ible bulge. However, a bulge can sometimes be detected on Abdominal contents becoming trapped within the hernial
direct palpation with the Valsalva maneuver.14 sac, leading to incarceration, is a risk of watchful waiting.
Over time, this can impede the blood flow in the incar-
Imaging cerated hernial contents (i.e., strangulation). Richter her-
Diagnosis in men usually does not require imaging.15 How- nia, a rare complication with a high mortality rate, occurs
ever, imaging is often required in women and may be helpful when part of the intestinal circumference is entrapped and

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.


Differential Diagnosis of Groin Pain Differential Diagnosis of Groin Pain

Visceral Inflammatory with Scrotal Mass
Abdominal hernia Endometriosis Diagnosis Clinical presentation
Adhesion Epididymitis and orchitis
Ectopic testis Absence of a testis in the scrotum
Appendicitis Inflammatory bowel
Diverticulosis disease Epididymitis Severe pain surrounding the testis,
Inguinal or femoral Pelvic inflammatory tenderness, fever, chills
hernia disease
Prostatitis Femoral adenitis/ Bilateral, firm, tender nodes;​fever
Testicular torsion
Varicocele Synovitis
Femoral arterial Older patient, pulsatile mass, no
Associated with the hip Traumatic
aneurysm systemic symptoms
Acetabular labral tear Muscle contusion
and femoroacetabular Stress fracture Hematoma Associated trauma, ecchymoses,
impingement Tendon avulsion tenderness, no change with Valsalva
Avascular necrosis maneuver
Iliotibial band syndrome Neurologic
Hidradenitis Draining abscesses in intertriginous
Osteoarthritis Nerve compression
skin of the groin
Snapping hip syndrome
and iliopsoas tendinitis Referred pain (sacroiliitis, Hydrocele Mass in the scrotum or inguinal canal
hamstring pain, knee pain) that transilluminates
Abscess Inguinal adenitis/ Tenderness and redness possible,
adenopathy often bilateral, systemic symptoms
Herpes infection Inguinal or fem- Bulge or impulse detected in inguinal
Osteomyelitis oral hernia canal with Valsalva maneuver or
Septic arthritis coughing
Urinary tract infection Lipoma Soft, asymptomatic mass;​does not
change in size
Adapted with permission from Omar IM, Zoga AC, Kavanagh EC, et
al. Athletic pubalgia and “sports hernia”:​optimal MR imaging tech-
nique and findings. Radiographics. 2008;​28(5):​1416, with additional
Lymphoma Firm, tender mass;​may increase
information from reference 10. in size;​organomegaly;​systemic

Metastatic Firm, tender mass;​may be enlarging;​

strangulated in the hernial sac.22 The HerniaSurge guideline neoplasia systemic symptoms or weight loss
recommends that physicians counsel patients with asymp- Psoas abscess Flank or back pain, fever, inguinal
tomatic or minimally symptomatic inguinal hernias about mass, limp, weight loss
the expected natural course of the condition and the risks of
emergency surgery.19 Sebaceous cyst Soft, nontender mass;​more super-
ficial;​no change with Valsalva
Family physicians may choose to refer patients to or work maneuver
closely with a surgeon during the conservative management
timeframe, which includes regular follow-up to monitor for Testicular torsion Acute onset of pain with a high-riding
development of symptoms and to continue surveillance for testis, swelling, very tender
underlying diagnoses that may have contributed to the her- Varicocele Usually asymptomatic or dull ache,
nia. The best interval for follow-up during watchful waiting unilateral “bag of worms” in the
is unclear. scrotum
Watchful waiting is also commonly used in pregnant Adapted with permission from LeBlanc KE, LeBlanc LL, LeBlanc KA.
patients because groin swelling can be caused by self-limited Inguinal hernias:​diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician.
round ligament varicosities.23 Color flow Doppler imaging 2013;​87(12):​846.
can be used to distinguish between a true hernia and round

490  American Family Physician Volume 102, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2020

Descargado para Jose Alvarez Payares ( en Pontifical Xavierian University de por Elsevier en octubre 10, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

pain outcomes.19 Common laparoscopic tech-

SORT:​KEY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE niques include the total extraperitoneal approach
and transabdominal preperitoneal approach. In
Evidence both of these approaches, mesh is placed in the
Clinical recommendation rating Comments preperitoneal space, but access starts at different
Ultrasonography can be used to B Systematic review of anatomic points.
diagnose occult groin hernias.17 lower-quality studies Laparoscopic repair of groin hernias is pre-
ferred over open repair because of better recovery
Watchful waiting is reasonable A Randomized
and safe in men if the patient’s controlled trial
outcomes.26-29 Guidelines specifically recommend
usual activities are not limited laparoscopic approaches in women to decrease
by pain and discomfort and the risk of chronic pain and avoid missing femo-
there is no difficulty reducing ral hernias. Laparoscopic approaches can also be
the hernia. 20 used in patients with previous hernias that were
Laparoscopic hernia repair is A Systematic review repaired with an open approach to avoid signifi-
associated with shorter recovery, of randomized cant scar tissue.19 A Cochrane review comparing
earlier resumption of activities of controlled trials open and laparoscopic repair found that lapa-
daily living, and less pain com- roscopic repair took longer and was associated
pared with open repair.29
with a higher rate of vascular, colonic, or blad-
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence;​B = inconsistent or limited- der injury;​however, overall, laparoscopic sur-
quality patient-oriented evidence;​C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence,
gery was associated with shorter recovery, earlier
usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT
evidence rating system, go to https://​w resumption of activities of daily living, less pain,
and lower recurrence rates.29

ligament varicosities. In a 2017 cohort study of 20,714 preg- Postoperative Care

nant patients, only 25 had inguinal hernias and none under- Historically, surgeons have recommended four to six weeks
went elective or emergency hernia repair during pregnancy. of inactivity after groin hernia repair, which was based on
In 10 patients, the groin bulge disappeared spontaneously expert opinion.30 However, there is no evidence that early
after delivery.24 For reducible inguinal hernias in pregnant physical activity increases the risk of recurrence, regardless
patients, it seems safe and cost-effective to wait until after of surgical approach.31 Most patients undergoing laparo-
delivery to attempt repair. scopic hernia repair should be encouraged to resume physi-
cal activity three to five days after the procedure.32 Extended
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT periods of analgesic treatment and extended sick leave are
The choice of surgical technique for repairing an inguinal not supported by evidence.32
hernia depends on factors such as anesthesia accessibility,
This article updates previous articles on this topic by LeBlanc,
the surgeon’s preference and training, patient preference, et al.,10 and Bax, et al.1
cost, availability of mesh, and other logistics. Becoming
Data Sources:​ A PubMed search was completed using the
familiar with the common types of surgical interventions
key phrases (“hernia, inguinal”[mesh] and “hernia”[mesh]) and
can help family physicians facilitate postoperative care and (“hernia, inguinal/classification”[mesh] or “hernia, inguinal/diag-
assess for complications, including recurrence. Surgical nosis”[mesh] or “hernia, inguinal/diagnostic imaging”[mesh] or
interventions can be categorized as open anterior repair, “hernia, inguinal/prevention and control”[mesh] or “hernia, ingui-
open posterior repair, tension-free mesh repair, and lapa- nal/rehabilitation”[mesh] or “hernia, inguinal/surgery”[mesh]).
Search dates:​December 6, 2019, and January 18, 2020.
roscopic repair.
Although nonmesh techniques have fallen out of favor
in the United States, they are still acceptable internation- The Authors
ally. Mesh techniques are strongly recommended because
AMER SHAKIL, MD, MBA, FAAFP, is a professor in the Depart-
of lower recurrence rates compared with nonmesh tech- ment of Family and Community Medicine at the University of
niques.19 If mesh is unavailable, a 2009 European guideline Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas.
suggests that an open anterior nonmesh technique is most
favorable.19,25 KIMBERLY APARICIO, MD, is an assistant professor in the
Department of Family and Community Medicine at the Uni-
The use of laparoscopic techniques has been shown to versity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
be superior to tension-free mesh repair for postoperative

October 15, 2020 ◆ Volume 102, Number 8 American Family Physician 491

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

14. Glassow F. Inguinal hernia in the female. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1963;​
ELIZABETH BARTA, DO, is a resident in the Department of 116:​701-704.
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492  American Family Physician Volume 102, Number 8 ◆ October 15, 2020

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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