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1. Keep your mobile silent.

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3. Raise your hand for any related opinion
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5. Share your experience
6. Appreciate other opinion
7. Be a good listener

 Understanding the terms “Training and Development”
 Distinguish between training, education and development
 Importance of training
 The “ADDIE” five steps training process model
 Seven principles to deliver training effectively
 ROI of training

Training is a planned program designed to improve performance and bring
about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social
behavior of employees.
According to Edwin Flippo Training is “the act of increasing the knowledge
and skills of an employee for doing a particular job”

Development is any learning activity, which is directed towards future
needs, rather than presents needs and which is concerned more with
career growth than immediate performance.

Basis for Comparison Training Education Development
Training is a learning
process in which Development is an
employees get an Theoretical learning in the educational process which
Meaning opportunity to develop classroom or any is concerned with the
skill, competency and institution is education. overall growth of the
knowledge as per the job employees.
Term Short Term Comparatively long term Long Term
Focus on Current job Current study Current and Future Job
Orientation Job oriented Subject oriented Career oriented
Motivation Trainer Self Self
To improve the work
To develop a sense of To prepare employees for
Objective performances and
reasoning and judgment. future challenges.
Conceptual and general
Aim Specific job related General concepts
 To develop new employees
 To update knowledge and skills of exiting employees
 To change attitude behavior of employees
 To manage change
 To manage conflict
 To develop future potentials
 To reduce accidents
 Improve communications and relationship

 Increase Productivity
 Improve Quality and Safety
 Reduce labor turnover
 Effective Management
 Achieves learning about new things
technology, products and service delivery
 Achieve high standard products and
 Reduce cost


TNA is a systematic method for determine the reasons the less performance
improvement is the focus of training. Its note that the trigger’ for doing a
needs analysis occurs when actual organization performance, is less than
expected organizational performance, we refer to this difference as the
organizational performance gap. A TNA is important because it help determine
whether training can correct the performance problem TNA indicates that
employees lack the necessary knowledge. Skill & attitudes to do the job & they
require training. TNA also provide whither training can reduce the
performance gap or not.

Methods of determining training needs
Methods of determining training needs:
1. Management audit method:
This method is used to determine training needs at organizational level.
Management audit is a comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic
analysis of organization.
Mission: The mission of organization is the vital guideline for HRD. A company’s
mission and strategies also indicate Priorities for training Mission is to continually
improve our the product & service to meet our customers’ needs allowing us to
prosper as a business and provide a reasonable return to our stockholders.
Capital Resource: A company’s finance equipment & facilities are considered to
be capital resource during strategic planning decisions are made as to where
money should be spent. If a large expenditure is made on new equipment for the
machinists, these strategic decisions will help determine the priorities for the HRD
Methods of determining training needs:
Human resource: The other area of resource that needs to be addressed is
human resource. It includes a general strategic needs assessment and a more
specific training needs assessment.

Organizational Environment: The organizational Environment is made up of

various structure & designs. The environment analysis tells you whether these
structure are aligned with the performance objectives of the unit in which OPG’s
have been identified misalignment of the structure or design of the unit will
mean that even if the employee have the KSA to eliminate the performance gap
they will not use them example : Mechanistic or organic, design etc.

Methods of determining training needs:
2. Operational Analysis :
This method is used to determine the training needs at the task level. The analysis
determines exactly what is required of employees for them to be effective.
Operational analyses enclose.
Job analysis: Job analysis is the process to identify & determine in detail the
particulars job duties & requirement & the relative importance of these duties for
a given job.

3. Person analysis: This method is used to determine the training needs

determination at individual level. In this method, performance is analyzed and the
training requirement is estimated. The minimum performance standard is
estimated and the actual performance is measured. The gap i.e., difference is
measured to identify the training needs. 13
Methods of determining training needs:
4. Supervisory recommendation method:
This method is used to determine the individual level training need
determination. Under this method, supervisors are requested to recommend
employees for training. As supervisors are involved in daily supervision of
employee's work performance, they can clearly recommend the comparatively
weak performers for training. This method is more reliable since the supervisors
have the first hand information regarding employee's quality at work. They easily
identify what skills are urgent for employees. But, sometimes supervisors may be
biased for training recommendation.
5. Training need survey method:
This method is also used to determine the individual level training needs. In this
method employees are asked whether they require training or not. To collect such
information, questionnaire is distributed to employees to collect opinion about
training needs. TNA.xlsx 14
Design Phase: Design phase is the most important process of training model
where learning objectives and outcomes are determined. The primary objective is
obviously to meet the gap between the actual and required skills, knowledge and
competencies. Training duration, structure, budget and criteria & method of
evaluating the program has been determined in this stage.Training Budget.xls

Development Phase: Development phase is the process of using the guidelines

from the design phase to formulate the strategy and meet the training objectives.
Development phase serves as inputs to the implementation phase. Resources
and training delivery methods should also be detailed. While developing the
program, the level of training and participants’ learning styles need to also be
considered. In this phase, instructional design, training content, trainer, training
materials, training place, training schedule, final list of trainees etc. should be
prepared. 15
Training Method

On the job training Off the job training

1. Case Study
1. Job Rotation
2. Brainstorming
2. Coaching
3. Role Play
3. Job Instruction 4. Demonstration
4. Committee Assignment 5. Focused group discussion
5. Apprenticeship 6. Vestibule Training
7. Simulation
8. Lectures
9. Audio-Visual based training
10. Video Conferencing
11. Learning management system 16
1. Job Rotation:
Job rotation requires an individual to learn several different jobs in a work unit or
department and perform each job for a specified time period.

2. Coaching:
Coaching is actually a method of training which falls underneath the on-the-job
training. With this method of training, the supervisor supports the employee by
imparting relevant knowledge and skill to the subordinate in order to make the
subordinate perform his or her duties better and more efficiently.

3. Job Instruction:
• Listing each job’s basic tasks, along with key points, in order to
provide step-by-step training for employees

1. Preparation - prepares a trainee with an overview of the job, its

purpose, and the results desired

2. Presentation - demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee

3. Performance - allows the trainee to mimic the demonstration on his or

her own, and

4. Follow-up - follows up to provide

feedback and help

4. Committee Assignment:
Committee assignments refer to the method in which the trainees are asked to
solve an actual organizational problem. In committee assignments, trainees have to
work together in a team and offer solution to the problem.

4. Apprenticeship:
It gives instruction, both on and off the job, in the practical and theoretical aspects
of the work required in a highly skilled occupation.

1. Case study:
A realistic situation or a series of actual events presented to learners, either orally
or by handout, for their analysis and solution.
When to use it: Real-life situations get points across most effectively. Multiple
points of view help learners to better understand concepts. No clear cut solutions.

2. Brainstorming: Group members suggest possible solutions to a problem in rapid-
fire order, either orally or on cards to be posted. All ideas are considered. Criticism
and editorializing are not allowed.
When to use it: When the things to be learned involve pulling together shared
ideas of the whole group. For program planning. For an indecisive group.

3. Roleplaying: is an active learning technique in which employees act out
situations under the guidance of a trainer. In each scenario, employees take on a
role and act out the scene as though it were real. For example, two people might
simulate a meeting between an employee and an angry customer.

When to use it: Where high learner participation is desired. The subject involves
person to person communication.

4. Demonstration: A person or team of persons actually perform a task and explain
it to show learners how to do a task. Usually followed up by having learners practice
the task.
When to use it: Especially helpful for teaching a skill when plenty of time is
available. Need to have enough instructors to limit learners to small groups.

5. Focus Group Discussion: Focus groups are composed of employees from various
department and various level within the organization. A specialist in the HRD or an
outside expert can conduct various the focus group discussion.
--What KSA will our employee need for our organization to stay competitive
over the next years?
--What problem does our organization have that can be solved by training?

6. Vestibule Training:
• Trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the
job, but trained off the job.
• Necessary when it’s too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job

7. Simulation: Simulation training is the creation of a true-to-life learning
environment that mirrors real-life work and scenarios.
The method is an imaginary situation is created and trainees are asked to act on it.

For example: assuming the role of a marketing manager solving the marketing
problems or creating a new strategy etc.

8. Lectures: One person conveys information to a group of learners by talking to
them, with or without visual aids. There is no participation by the learners and little
feedback to the lecturer.
When to use it: In large groups where discussion is not practical. When an expert is
relaying new information to learners who have no relevant personal experience.

8. Audio-Visual based training:

• Techniques like DVDs, films, PowerPoint, and audiotapes

1. When there is a need to illustrate how to follow a certain sequence over
time, such as when teaching a machine repair
2. When there is a need to show trainees events not easily demonstrable in
live lectures.

9. Video Conferencing:
A set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to
communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions.

10. Learning Management System:
Special software tools that support internet training by helping employers identify
training needs, and in scheduling , delivering, assessing and managing the online
training itself

The implementation phase is where the training program comes to live. In this
stage actual training program officially launched, promoted and conducted. In
this stage materials and training products are distributed to participants. Initial
results are measured to assess the effectiveness of training. If the preceding
phases are conducted properly, implementations run smoothly and will produce
desired training output.

At this stage, it is important to know whether the training became fruitful or not,
training objectives are attained or not, training should be evaluated. There are
different methods of training evaluation. Some methods focus to the training
effectiveness evaluation just immediate to training programs where as some other
methods measure effectiveness after certain time. Training effectiveness can be
determined by the effect of training on the trainee, the job outputs, the
organization are improved after training or not.Training evaluation.xlsxTraining
Analysis Report. Last updated.xlsx
1. The principles of the learning specialist: The learning specialist must know the
program, lesson, subject skill or truth to be taught.

2. The principles of the learner: A learner must attend with interest to the
program, lesson or subject.

3. The principles of the language: The language used as a medium between the
learning specialist and the learner must be common to both.

4. The principles of the lesson: The information or skill to be mastered must be

explicable in terms of information already known by the learner, the unknown
must be explained by means of the known.
5. The principles of the teaching process: The teaching process must be arousing,
using the learners mind, to grasp the desired thought or to master the desired

6. The principles of the learning process: The learning process must turn one’s
own understanding of a new idea or truth into an overt habit that demonstrate
the new awareness.

7. The principles of review and application: The evidence of individuals

development must be reflected through a reviewing, rethinking, reproduction
and applying of the materials, information, truth or skills that has been
ROI: Return on investment is a ratio between net profit and cost of investment. A
high ROI means the investment's gains compare favorably to its cost. As a
performance measure, ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or
to compare the efficiencies of several different investments

ROI of Training: It is often difficult to establish and justify training budgets, since
demonstrating the company's return on investment for training can be a
challenge. The standard formula for computing your ROI for training is:

ROI (percentage) = ((Monetary benefits – Training Costs)/Training cost *100

Why calculate the ROI of training?
ROI calculations of training aim to answer two broadly similar questions:

1. Are trainees gaining new knowledge and skills so that they can increase
efficiency and/or reduce costs in the workplace?
2. Can we measure the cost of this training against the benefits to both
the individuals and the organization?

ROI can be used to justify the expense of a training course, compare one training course
to another and help establish training within an organization. It is a simple way to tracking
the effectiveness of training and measuring what value the learning helped create.

Ways to measure the ROI of training: There are five easy ways to measure the ROI
of training:
Option 1:
The first way of measuring the ROI of any training is to use training ROI calculator.
This is a simple way of calculating the ratio of the total cost of the training
program relative to the total benefits of a training program.
For example: A company named ABC has 50 sales employees. In the year 2019,
the have sold Tk. 2,00,00,000 which is the 75% of targeted sales. The management
did not satisfied with the sales forces and decided to make an analysis on it. The
analysis found that due to lack of product knowledge and customer service, the
sales team failed to achieve the target. The management decided to organize a
training on product knowledge and customer service for the sales team which cost
as follows: 38
Description Cost(Tk.)
Trainer Honorarium 50000
Training Materials 5000
Food 25000
Venue+logistics 10000
TA/DA 100000
Total Cost 190000
The management has observed that after training, in the year 2019 the sales force
achieved 80% of target.

ROI: (10,00,000-1,90,000)/1,90,000*100=426%


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