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Grading Policy
Point Value = to a % value for a grade
100 – 90% =A
89 – 80% =B
79 – 70% =C
69 – 60% =D
59% and below =F

· Semester grade equals the accumulated points during 18 weeks.

· Five credits are earned every semester.
· Grades are posted on CANVAS.

Weighting of Assignments
· Daily Class Engagement - 10%
· Written Work & Quizzes - 20 %
· PLAT4M - 20 %
· Workouts (MMF/Tabata) - 50%

This is a physical education class, and one must be willing to physically participate in
order to receive credit. Participation includes:
· Being on time
· Dressed in appropriate athletic clothing-t-shirt & basketball knee length shorts, NO
tank tops/short shorts/sports bras
· Athletic shoes
· Finishing all of the work required for the day
· Zoom Expectations

· Mandatory zoom lessons
· It is expected that all students attend scheduled class meetings, on time, and
prepared to learn per district and school rules.

The primary platform for teacher and student communication is through Canvas
Messages using Inbox. Please use Canvas for all communications. I will be available for
any questions during Flex time, which is held every Tuesday and Friday.

Absence & Make-up Work

· If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check Canvas and find out
what you missed, THEN contact your Physical Education Teacher.
· I will be available during Flex to answer any questions.
· Late work will only be accepted ONE WEEK after the Canvas posted due date.
· Please message your PE teacher with questions.

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to submit their own work and clearly identify sources of
information, or the persons the student collaborated with. Any student found to have
used others work will receive a zero on the assignment as per the Aragon High School
Code of Conduct

Flex Time Policy

Students do not need an appointment to attend Flex time. They need to sign in with a
teacher so that their attendance is recorded.

Department Policy
below) for information regarding excusal from activity. Please be aware that excusal
from activity does not excuse students from Physical Education content. All missed
work/assessments will need to be made up. It is important to speak directly to your
teacher if you are on a restricted or modified medical excuse note.


All non physical PE class learning, assignments and assessments are still required.
Students achieve a level of physical fitness for health and
performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts,
principles and strategies.
2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.

2.2 Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that develop and
maintain the five components of physical fitness.

2.3 Use physical fitness test results to set and adjust goals to improve fitness.
(Reading 1, 3, 5, 7)(Writing 2, 4, 5, 7)

2.4 Meet health related physical fitness standards established by scientifically based
health related fitness assessmentS. (Reading 1, 3, 5, 7)(Writing 2, 4, 5, 7)

Students demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological
concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activity.
3.1 Develop personal goals to improve one’s performance in physical activities.

3.2 Identify and utilize the potential strengths of each individual in physical activities.

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