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Antibiotic tissue penetration and its relevance: Models of tissue penetration and
their meaning

Article  in  Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy · November 1991

DOI: 10.1128/AAC.35.10.1947 · Source: PubMed

118 334

5 authors, including:

David Nix Charles A Peloquin

The University of Northampton University of Florida


Jerome J Schentag
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


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ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Oct. 1991, p. 1947-1952 Vol. 35, No. 10
Copyright © 1991, American Society for Microbiology

Antibiotic Tissue Penetration and Its Relevance: Models of Tissue
Penetration and Their Meaning
Center for Clinical Pharmacy Research, School of Pharmacy, The State University of New York at Buffalo,
and The Clinical Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo, New York 14209-1194

Tissue penetration regulates the clinical effectiveness and infections such as pyelonephritis (13, 20). Modeling of such
toxic potential of antibacterial agents. At first glance, the uneven tissue distribution required multicompartmental
concept of tissue penetration appears simplistic; however, pharmacokinetic models (48).
many concepts are often misunderstood. Knowledge of In view of these complex and often confusing data,
tissue distribution principles is essential before making com- investigators and clinicians readily accepted the premise of
parisons between agents. poor correlation between concentrations in tissues and in-
Traditional pharmacokinetic data analysis yields an anti- fection response (26, 33). Dosages of 1-lactams escalated, in
biotic concentration-versus-time curve that is descriptive of part to offset perceived defects in their tissue penetration. In
drug behavior in plasma or serum (5, 11, 50). Early pharma- the case of the aminoglycosides, maximum dosages were
cokinetic studies derived the parameter apparent volume of limited by toxicity, so combination therapy was advocated
distribution as the primary mathematical expression of anti- to compensate for perceptions of poor tissue penetration.
biotic tissue distribution. This parameter is approximated by There were other reasons for the poor activity of aminogly-
dividing the dose by the peak concentration in serum follow- cosides, including binding to leukocytes and necrotic debris
ing intravenous bolus administration. As a calculated pro- at the site (27, 56), antagonism by relative anaerobiosis (38,
portionality constant, volume of distribution considers dis- 57), and antagonism by metal cations in urine (32). The end
tribution between organs and tissues to be homogeneous. result of all these factors was an escalation of dosages to the
Actual measurements of concentrations of aminoglycosides point of greater toxicity and then rapid acceptance of com-
and 3-lactams in tissues reveal uneven tissue distribution. bination therapy.
Tissue/serum ratios of these compounds are less than 1:1 for To fully illustrate the importance and relevance of tissue
most body sites, excluding the excretory organs (40, 41, 47, antibiotic distribution, we will outline the principles involved
52). It became a general belief that bacteria which cause in measuring or calculating the extravascular penetration of
tissue infections are exposed to lower antibiotic concentra- antibiotics. We will demonstrate why tissue/serum ratios can
tions than are those found simultaneously in blood. This be misleading when used to predict antibacterial effects.
conclusion rationalized the use of higher antibacterial dos- In the companion paper (33a), we will establish conditions
ages to treat infections of organs and tissues (26). Studies
under which homogenate tissue/serum ratios may accurately
showing that sites such as cerebrospinal fluid (34) and reflect concentrations at the site of action. Various factors
abscess cavities (3) had drug concentrations lower than that affect extravascular penetration, such as protein bind-
those in blood reinforced the contention of lower antibiotic ing, will be discussed. Also, we will interpret tissue penetra-
concentrations at extravascular infection sites. Subsequent tion data with respect to the concentration of drug reaching
studies which demonstrated low concentrations in extravas- the site of infection. Finally, similarities and differences in
cular fluid models (8, 18, 64) further emphasized this hypoth- fluid and tissue drug distributions among quinolones, 1-lac-
esis. Furthermore, studies proposed that protein binding tams, and aminoglycosides will be considered.
inhibited extravascular penetration (2, 11, 22, 39) and im- Bacterial distribution during infections: the concept of
plied that antibiotics highly bound to serum proteins had to target sites. It is generally assumed that most bacterial
be used at higher dosages to be as effective as antibiotics infections occur in what is considered the extracellular or
exhibiting low serum protein binding (2, 11, 26). interstitial space (1, 42, 43, 58). Bacteria attach to the
In contrast, some antibiotics had the ability to concentrate surfaces of host cells as well as to any artificial surface on
at body tissue sites. These antibiotics were thought to be which nutrients and metabolic products are available (35).
effective at lower dosages. However, these high concentra- Mechanisms for bacterial adhesion have been the subject of
tions could also be associated with organ toxicity, as was the many studies (4, 9, 58). Infection causes damage to host
case with the high tissue/serum ratios of aminoglycosides,
for which concentrations in the kidneys (46, 49) or perilymph tissues via metabolic products, toxins, or enzymes which are
(51) were related to the development of toxicity. The high produced by the bacteria or via products of the inflammatory
local concentrations of aminoglycosides were not always reaction of the host, such as lysosomal enzymes and tumor
adverse, as correlations were also observed between con- necrosis factor. There is a consensus that antibiotics should
centrations in tissues and aminoglycoside efficacy against be present in the extracellular fluid (ECF) to be effective in
treating bacterial infections. The unanswered questions re-
late to how much and how long. Early work by Eagle et al.
advanced the concept that the effective concentration in
Corresponding author. tissue is directly related to the effective concentration in

blood (12). They demonstrated that the minimally effective dose

serum penicillin concentration required to treat streptococci
in vivo was the same as the MBC in vitro (12). Thus, they
contended that the concentration in serum approximated the
concentration at the biophase. Since penicillin remains out-
side the cell, as long as bacteria also remain outside the cell,
C )0 0 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -1
No drug. (111
IF *

there should be a favorable outcome.

In contrast, intracellular penetration of antibiotics is pre-
sumably a major determinant of response in the treatment of
microorganisms that can survive ingestion by phagocytes. C
Examples include Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus
aureus (23, 65). Antibiotics effective against these organisms
not only must be able to enter phagocytes but also must
possess antibacterial activity within cells. Clindamycin,
FIG. 1. Distribution of P-lactams in tissue. The entire dose
remains in the blood (B) and ECF (interstitial fluid [IF]) (20% of the
erythromycin, rifampin, and the fluoroquinolones are able to tissue by weight), and none penetrates intracellularly (C) (80% of the
penetrate polymorphonuclear leukocytes (15, 23, 24, 30, 31, tissue by weight). After the initial distributive phase, concentrations
37). However, in studies of intracellular activity, clindamy- of free drug and total drug are similar in blood and ECF, and remain
cin and erythromycin have often failed to significantly re- proportional in these sites as the drug is excreted. Data are modified
duce the number of intraphagocytic S. aureus cells (21). from the principles outlined in references 46 and 50.
Rifampin, on the other hand, has produced significant intra-
cellular staphylococcal killing (31). Ciprofloxacin is also
active in some applications of this model. Discrepancy measurements include the amount of blood in the tissue
among drugs is a consequence of differences in antibiotic sample (28, 60, 62, 63); sample desiccation (7); chemical
activity (revealed as MBC differences) and differences in degradation of the antibiotic during processing or assaying
binding (21). Measurement of intracellular antibiotic concen- (63); destruction of cellular membranes, with the release of
trations is usually based on total cell-associated drug. The intracellular proteins (7); and improper preparation of stan-
antibiotic may be bound tightly to membrane, cytoplasmic, dards (7, 19). Sample collection is also of critical importance.
or nuclear components or may be ion trapped in lysosomes. Ideally, the sample represents one tissue type, rather than a
Extensive cell-associated antibiotic does not necessarily cross section of different tissue layers. The tissue should
imply that the antibiotic is present at the site at which only be excised after the distribution phase of the drug has
intracellular organisms are residing. When antibiotics are been completed (typically 1 to 2 h after a dose) and a steady
extensively bound to intracellular components, they may be state between the vascular space and the tissue in question
poorly active in the intracellular environment, even if the has been achieved (16, 17, 55). The latter may require
MBC is exceeded by the intracellular concentration (54). several doses of the drug, and continuous intravenous infu-
Adverse intracellular conditions, such as an acidic pH, may sion to achieve equilibrium is considered the standard for
shift the profile of antibiotic activity versus concentration. comparing methods (16).
Aminoglycosides, quinolones, and macrolides are markedly Finally, the condition of the tissue at the time of study
less active at an acidic pH and are probably impaired in must be known. Inflammatory reactions within the tissue
intracellular activity as a consequence of the low pH in will alter the physiochemical environment, thereby enhanc-
lysosomes. ing or diminishing antibiotic uptake. For example, a change
Quantitation of antibiotic distribution by use of tissue in the local pH results in a decrease in the penetration of
homogenates. A variety of methods have been devised for some antibiotics, as seen in chronic prostatitis (36). Changes
determining the tissue penetration of antibiotics (5, 19, 44, in capillary permeability will affect the ability of a drug to
60, 61, 63). However, these diverse methods often do not reach some sites of infection. In the case of acute meningitis,
agree, leading Cars and Ogren to describe the term tissue an increase in capillary permeability is associated with an
penetration as inherently imprecise, misused, and often a increase in the cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of a num-
misleading measure of the distribution of an antibiotic in ber of antibiotics, particularly j-lactams (6). Alternatively,
tissue (7). First, it is essential to define the specific tissue in this increase in the cerebrospinal fluid penetration of P-lac-
question, as antibiotics typically are not distributed evenly tams in the presence of inflamed meninges may be explained
throughout the body. Therefore, a drug may be distributed in
striated muscle very well, with concentrations approaching
those in serum. For the same antibiotic, simultaneous con- TABLE 1. Calculation of tissue drug recovery and tissue/serum
centrations in homogenized brain, lung, or prostate may be ratios (nonexcretory organs) for p-lactamsa
far below those in serum. Furthermore, some tissues or Tissue Recovery
fluids equilibrate rapidly with the vascular space, while Site mass (gg)
Al) (p.g
others (such as ascitic fluids) equilibrate more slowly. Some (%)
slowly equilibrating tissues may act as depot sites for the Blood 4 40.00 0.960
antibiotic (such as the kidney for aminoglycosides or bone ECF 16 40.00 6.400
for tetracyclines), maintaining persistently high concentra- Intracellular fluid (solids plus water) 80 0.01 0.008
tions long after concentrations in plasma have fallen toward Total recovery (%) 100
zero (48). Other examples of depot sites are ascitic fluid for Total recovery (,ug) 7.360
cephalosporins (61) and the perilymph for aminoglycosides Tissue-to-serum ratio 0.180
(51). a Calculated at a postdistributive concentration in serum of 40 p.g/ml in a
Concentrations in tissue vary depending on the method 1.0-g tissue homogenate specimen from a person with a hematocrit of 40%o.
used to measure them (44, 63). Factors which affect these Data are modified from references 45 and 50.
VOL. 35, 1991 MINIREVIEWS 1949



,~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 Ia.

I- Distributed il
FECF and mne
with concentration
at some intraceflular 4
I^ sites
* UVER FIG. 3. Distribution of quinolones in tissue. These drugs readily

pass through the cell membrane and, by the end of the distributive
LU U. phase, are equilibrated both intracellularly (C) and extracellufarly.
Concentrations in blood (B) and ECF (interstitial fluid [IF]} are
* BONE equal, and free concentrations inside the cell are probably similar to
LU HEART blood and ECF concentrations. The intracellular concentration is
likely to be greater than 5:1, bound to free, to achieve the data
VI shown in Table 2.
.1 representative tissue sample and performing the analytical
procedure. Preferably, all standards should be prepared in
the appropriate tissue homogenate as well.
Antibiotics penetrate different tissue cells to various de-
grees and display variable degrees of binding to cellular
components and proteins. Measurement of the total homoge-
_i nate concentration does not emphasize this uneven distribu-
s0 .1 .2 .3 .4 5 tion and may confuse the prediction of the effective concen-
MEASURED tration in tissue. The homogenization procedure disrupts cell
TISSUE:SERUM RATIO membranes and produces a suspension containing both
intracellular and extracellular fluids and particles. Blood
FIG. 2. Relationship between measured and predicted tissue/ present in the vessels of the tissue as well as blood contam-
serum ratios for moxalactam. Data are from rabbits given losages inating the surface is also incorporated into the homogenate.
designed to mimic peak concentrations in humans. Samp)lintg of The concentration of the drug in erythrocytes (RBCs) must
fluids and tissue was done in the postdistributive phase. Pre( lictions
of tissue/serum ratios were based on the ECF content of eacl be estimated to correct for blood contamination. Among the
as follows: heart (0.20), muscle (0.06), stomach (0.19), fat (O.t24)u commonly used antibiotics, only the sulfonamides concen-
bone (0.23), liver (0.31), lungs '(0.34), and spleen (0.24). D ata are trate in RBCs; (25) therefore, only these drugs are subject to
adapted from reference 50. substantial error if the blood content of tissue is neglectpd.
Tissue hemoglobin can be measured if a precise estimate of
retained blood is desired (28). It appears that some of the
new antiviral agents (such as ribavirin) may also concentra-
by decreased rate of active drug removal by active tra .nsport tion in RBCs, so this issue will continVe to be of importance.
from the cerebrospinal fluid. As blood represents only 3 to 6% of most tissues, the
Interpret.tion of tissue homogenate drug concentr ations. presence of blood does not lead to substantial errors in the
The earliest method used to measure tissue pene tration estimation of P-lactams, tetracyclines, or aminoglycosides.
involved homogenation of whole tissue and measurennent of The presence of contaminating blood may have three dif-
the antibiotic concentration. A small- tissue sample is ex-
cised, gently blotted with absorbent paper to remove s urface
blood, and immediately placed in a small preweighe d con- TABLE 2. Calculation of tissue drug recovery and tissue/serum
tainer to prevent evaporation of water. After the ntainer cot ratios (nonexcretory organs) for quinolonesa
and the sample are weighed, the sample is homogeniized or Tissue Concn
frozen for future analysis. Buffers are often added to facili- Recovery
Site mass (,ug/ (Rog)
tate homogenation and to optimize drug stability. After (% g)
homogenization, the sample is centrifuged, and the suiperna- Blood 4.0 4.0 0.16
tant is removed, its volume is recorded, and it is as,sayed. ECF 16.0 4.0 0.64
The concentration in tissue is determined as follows: tissue Intracellular fluid (water) 53.6 4.0 2.14
concentration (micrograms per gram) = (supernatanit con- Intracellular fluid (solids) 26.4 22.0 5.80
centration x supernatant volume)/weight of tissue saLmple. Total weight (%) 100
The analytical recovery of the drug in the supernataint may Total recovery (p.g) 8.75
be suboptimal because of drug binding to particulaLte cell Tissue-to-serum ratio 2.20
debris or loss of the drug during sample preparatiorn. It is a Calculated at a postdistributive concentration in serum of 4.0 ,ug/ml in a
therefore important to determine the analytical recovvery of 1.0-g tissue homogenate specimen from a person with a hematocrit of 40%.
the drug by adding a known amount of the drui g to a Data are adapted from reference 45.

dose tion as to the subcellular distribution in the excised tissue.

However, were bacteria distributed evenly in that tissue, the
homogenate would be a useful expression of bacterial anti-
biotic exposure and might be related to the MIC. Many of
the commonly treated gram-negative bacteria may be extra-
cellular and therefore unevenly distributed in a tissue sam-
ple. It is essential to determine whether the distribution of
the antibiotic follows the distribution of the bacteria to
evaluate the tissue/serum ratio in relation to the MIC.
Aminoglycosides, ,B-lactams, and quinolones represent
three classes of antibiotics whose tissue penetration has
been extensively studied with tissue homogenates. Using
these data, we have prepared figures and tables to show how
tissue homogenates reflect activity for each drug. Each
FIG. 4. Distribution of aminoglycosides in tissue. As with 3-lac- figure describes the distribution of the antibiotic in the
tams, the entire dose is initially retained in the blood (B) and ECF
(interstitial fluid [IF]). From these compartments the drug slowly homogenate of excised tissue, and the corresponding table
penetrates the cell membrane and binds intracellularly (C). This shows how a tissue/serum ratio in a homogenate can misrep-
active transport mechanism is responsible for very slowly increasing resent the biophase concentration. For example, the P-lac-
intracellular concentrations. Intracellular uptake proceeds slowly tams demonstrate uneven distribution patterns because they
and is not an important determinant of central volume distribution. are excluded from most cells. They only penetrate cells
There is, however, a rapid tissue transport pump for these drugs in when there is a transport system, such as that demonstrated
renal proximal tubular cells, and the higher concentrations in the for cephaloridine in the kidneys (53). Hlowever, these drugs
kidneys are responsible for nephrotoxicity. Data are adapted from equilibrate evenly throughout the ECF (Fig. 1) (46, 50). This
references 45 and 48.
is true as long as the capillary wall membrane can be crossed
freely and regardless of whether the fluid is extracellular or
interstitial. Table 1 and Fig. 2 show how this highly com-
ferent effects, depending on the pattern of distribution of the partmentalized distribution pattern can yield a low homoge-
drug in tissue. If the concentration of the drug is higher in nate drug concentration. It is interesting to note that these
RBCs than in tissue, the drug-containing blood may artifi- calculations even apply to sites such as bone (29), in which
cially elevate the concentration in the tissue homogenate. penetration has been felt to be poor by many investigators.
Sulfonamides are an example. For drugs that are distributed Once again, the fluids in bone are penetrated very well (29).
evenly among plasma, tissue cells, and RBCs (tetracycline, Quinolones concentrate inside cells (Fig. 3), resulting in
chloramphenicol, and some 1-lactams), failure to consider relatively high homogenate drug concentrations (Table 2).
tissue hemoglobin does not cause measurement errors (25). Aminoglycosides (Fig. 4) are similar to P-lactams for the first
In cases in which the drug is excluded from tissue cells and dose but steadily approach the tissue/serum ratios of the
is also not able to penetrate RBCs, blood contamination may quinolones at their final intracellular steady-state concentra-
artificially decrease the concentration in the tissue homoge- tions near day 21 of therapy (Table 3).
nate by adding cell mass without associated drug. Amino- Prediction of antibiotic tissue penetration by use of homoge-
glyQosides and many of the newer cephalosporins are exam- nate data. Antibiotic tissue/serum ratios were predicted for
ples of this pattern. For these drugs, the maximum error nonexcretory organs for each of the classes in Table 1
possible is about 6%. (P3-lactams), Table 2 (quinolones), and Table 3 (aiminoglyco-
Regardless of whether retained blood is used to correct the sides). These calculations show how the known composition
data, the concentration (in micrograms per gram) in tissue of physiologic tissue can be used to estimate the aptibiotic
used to determine the tissue/serum ratio when samples are tissue/serum ratio in a homogenate. The estimates apply to
taken simultaneously, as follows: tissue/serum ratio = tissue passive diffusion sites only and not to any site with either
concentration (micrograms per gram)/serum concentration diffusion barriers or active transport. These calculations
(micrograms per gram). generalize some concepts; for example, they assume that
The tissue/serum ratio is dependent on the recovery of a each organ or tissue has the same ratio of ECF to intracel-
measurable quantity of antibiotic from the supernatant of a lular mass. This may not be the case, as demonstrated by a
homogenized tissue sample. This ratio provides no informa- slightly different ratio for each site (50). However, if the ECF

TABLE 3. Calculation of tissue drug recovery nnd tissue/serum ratios (nonexcretory organs) for aminoglycosidesa
Tissue Single-dose Single-dose Steady-state Steady-state
Site mass concn recovery concn recovery
M°0 (~Lg/g) (ILO 44gml) (,Ig)
Bloqd 4.0 4.00 0.096 4.00 0.096
ECF 16.0 4.00 0.640 4.00 0.640
Intracellular fluid (water) 53.6 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.005
Intracellular fluid (solids) 26.4 0.01 0.003 8.30 2.200
Total weight 100
Total recovery 0.740 2.940
Tissue-to-serum ratio 0.186 0.730
a Calculated at a postdistributive concentration in serum of 4.0
dose and at steady state). Data are adapted from references 45 and 48.
in a 1.0-g tissue homogenate specimen from a person with a hematocrit of 40%o (for a single
VOL. 35, 1991 MINIREVIEWS 1951

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