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The variable that I used in the analysis is Friendly Employees.

The p-value that was found for the equality of

variance test, also known as the Levene test, as presented in the second table was 0.000 which indicated that

the variances are not equal between each of the restaurants with regards to friendly employees. So, the

appropriate test to use in this case is an independent sample t-test to compare the perception with regards to

friendly employees between Santa Fe Grill and Jose’s South western Café.

An independent sample t-test was then conducted to compare friendly employees between Jose’s South-

western Café and Santa Fe Grill. The first table indicates that the mean for “Friendly Employees” is 4.80 for

Jose’s South-western Grill and a mean of 2.94 for Santa Fe Grill. The result showed significant difference in

the, “Friendly Employees” between Jose Southwestern Café and Santa Fe Grill. Additionally, from the

second table we can tell that there is a significant difference between the two means as highlighted by the sig

two tailed value.

Table 1

Group Statistics

Favourite Mexican
Restaurant N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

X12 -- Friendly Employees Jose's South-western Cafe 152 4.80 .489 .040

Santa Fe Grill 253 2.94 .947 .060

Table 2

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Interval of the

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

X12 -- Friendly Equal

Employees variances 178.737 .000 22.494 403 .000 1.862 .083 1.699 2.025

variances not 26.025 395.295 .000 1.862 .072 1.721 2.003
As such, we can conclude that the respondents perceived Santa Fe Grill as having less friendly employees

than Jose’s South-western Café.

The variable that I used in the analysis is “Satisfaction”. There was a scale rating from one to seven, where

one represented the respondents being not satisfied at all and seven represented the respondents being highly


The p-value obtained for the equality of variance test as presented in Table 4 was 0.000 which indicated that

the variances are not equal among the two restaurants with respect to the consumer’s satisfaction. Hence, the

appropriate test to use in this situation would be an independent sample t-test, which would compare the

perception in regards to the level of customer satisfaction between Santa Fe Grill and Jose’s South western


An independent sample t-test was then conducted to compare the consumers level of Satisfaction between

Jose’s South-western Café and Santa Fe Grill. Table three indicates that the mean for “Satisfaction” is 5.31

for Jose’s South-western Grill and a mean of 4.54 for Santa Fe Grill. The result showed significant
difference in the, “Satisfaction” between Jose South-western Café and Santa Fe Grill. As noted in table four,

the p-value is less than the assumed significance level of 0.05. Table four also highlights the significant

difference between the two means as highlighted by the sig two tailed value.

As such, we can conclude that the respondents are more satisfied at Jose’s South-western Café then at the

Santa Fe Grill.

Table 3

Group Statistics

Favourite Mexican
Restaurant N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

X22 -- Satisfaction Jose's South-western Cafe 152 5.31 1.141 .093

Santa Fe Grill 253 4.54 1.002 .063

Table 4
Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence
Interval of the

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

X22 -- Equal variances

3.957 .047 7.085 403 .000 .768 .108 .555 .981
Satisfaction assumed

Equal variances
6.860 286.468 .000 .768 .112 .547 .988
not assumed

The variable that I used in the analysis is,” Likelihood of Returning”. I ran a t-test as well as cross-tabulation

in SPSS in regards to the likelihood of returning to Santa Fe Grill and Jose’s South-western Café. Table five

indicates that the mean for “Likelihood of Returning” is 4.96 for Jose’s South-western Grill and a mean of

4.17 for Santa Fe Grill. As such we can conclude that the results showed 0% are highly likely to return to

Santa Fe Grill whereas 6.6% are highly likely to return to Jose’s South-western Café
Table 5

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Favorite Mexican
Restaurant * X23 -- Likely to 405 100.0% 0 0.0% 405 100.0%

Favorite Mexican Restaurant * X23 -- Likely to Return Cross tabulation

X23 -- Likely to Return

2 3 4 5 6 Likely Total

Favorite Mexican Jose's Count 0 28 35 14 65 10 152

Restaurant Southwestern % within Favorite
Cafe Mexican Restaurant
0.0% 18.4% 23.0% 9.2% 42.8% 6.6% 100.0%

Santa Fe Grill Count 6 48 104 88 7 0 253

% within Favorite
Mexican Restaurant
2.4% 19.0% 41.1% 34.8% 2.8% 0.0% 100.0%

Total Count 6 76 139 102 72 10 405

% within Favorite
Mexican Restaurant
1.5% 18.8% 34.3% 25.2% 17.8% 2.5% 100.0%
The variable that I used in this analysis are below:

1. X1- Try New and Different Things –Which is measured on a scale from one to seven, where one

signifies,” Strongly disagree” and seven represents, “Strongly Agree”.

2. X9- Buy New Products- Which is measured on a scale from one to seven where one represents,”

Strongly disagree” and seven represents, “Strongly Agree”.

3. X11-Try New Brands – Which is measured on a scale from one to seven where one represents,”

Strongly disagree” and seven represents, “Strongly Agree”.

Table 6 shows mean value of X1 being 5.39. The mean value of X9 is 5.60 and mean of 5.42 for X11. In

this case I determined that it was best to run a bivariate correlation test. The bivariate correlation test was

used to compare the relationship among X1, X9 and X11.The results showed the correlation between X1, X9

= 0.688, with a p-value of 0.000. As such we can conclude that, a positive correlation exists between X1 and


The correlation between X1 and X11 =0.844, with a p-value equalling 0.000. As such we can conclude that a

positive correlation exists between X1 and X11.

The correlation between X9 and X11 =0.693, with a p-value equalling 0.000. As such we can conclude that a

positive correlation exists between X9 and X11.

As such we can conclude that that a positive correlation means an increase in value of one of the variable,

which then causes an increase in another variable.

Table 6


X1 -- Try New
and Different X9 -- Buy New X11 -- Try New
Things Products Brands

Mean 5.39 5.60 5.42

N 405 405 405
Std. Deviation 1.863 1.606 1.766

Table 7
X1 -- Try New
and Different X9 -- Buy New X11 -- Try New
Things Products Brands
X1 -- Try New and Different Pearson Correlation 1 .688 .844**
Things Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000

N 405 405 405

X9 -- Buy New Products Pearson Correlation .688 1 .693**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 405 405 405
** **
X11 -- Try New Brands Pearson Correlation .844 .693 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000

N 405 405 405

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

As such we can conclude that that a positive correlation means an increase in value of one of the variable,

which then causes an increase in another variable. I concluded a few other things as well:

1) Respondents who frequently try new and different things are then more likely to buy new products

from stores
2) Respondents who frequently try new and different things are more likely to try new brands
3) Respondents who frequently try new brands are more likely to buy new products from stores

The variable in this case is,” Distance Driven”. Distance Driven is ordinal but not normally distributed.

Therefore, the appropriate test will be an independent sample t-test as well as a chi-square test.

The mean for the distance driven for Jose’s South-western Café is 222.42 and the mean for Santa Fe Grill is

191.33. As such, we can conclude that the distance driven for Jose’s South-western Café is more compared

to the distance driven to Santa Fe Grill.

Table 8

Favorite Mexican Restaurant N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

x30 -- Distance Driven Jose's Southwestern Cafe 152 222.42 33807.50

Santa Fe Grill 253 191.33 48407.50

Total 405
Test Statistics

x30 -- Distance

Mann-Whitney U 16276.500
Wilcoxon W 48407.500
Z -2.754
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .006

a. Grouping Variable: Favorite Mexican


I used a chi square test to see if any relationship exists between the favourite restaurant chosen and the

distance driven to reach that restaurant. The results indicated that the distance driven was contingent on the

type of favourite chosen restaurant. The chi square value was 9.568 with a p-value of 0.008 as shown in the

table below. Additionally, in table 9, it shows that between those consumers who chose Jose’ South-western

Café as their favourite ,19.7% travelled less than one mile, 34.9% of the consumers travelled between one to

five miles and 45.4% travelled more than five miles to reach the destination. Among those choosing Santa

Fe Grill as their favourite restaurant, 34% of the consumers travelled less than one mile, 30% travelled

between one to five miles and 36% travelled more than five miles to reach the restaurant. Thus, it can be

concluded that the people travelling less than one mile prefers to travel to Santa Fe Grill more as compared

to Jose’s South-western café.

Table 9
The variable in this case is,” Age”. Age is ordinal, hence the appropriate test will be a chi-square test. The

results of the analysis indicated a chi square value of 72.018, with the significance 2 tailed being less than

0.05. As such we can conclude that different age groups have preference for different restaurants.

Among the respondents who liked Jose’s South-western Café 7.9% were between 18-25 years old, 24.3%

were between 26-34 years old, 54.6% were between 35-49 years old and 3.9% were over 60 years old.

Likewise, among the respondents who favored the Santa Fe Grill, 10.7% were between 18-25 years old,2%

were between 26-34 years old,48.2% were between 35-49 years old and 4.3% were above 60 years old.

Thus, it can be concluded that to improve both Santa Fe Grill and Jose’s South-western Café’s profits, it

would be important to concentrate more on marketing to people who are between 35-49 years old.
Table 10


Favorite Mexican Restaurant N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

X34 -- Age Jose's Southwestern Cafe 152 163.54 24857.50

Santa Fe Grill 253 226.71 57357.50

Total 405

Table 11
The variable in this case was “Healthy Food” and was calculated by using the following variables:

1) X4-Avoid Fried Foods

2) X8-Eat Balanced Nutritious Meals
3) X10-Careful about what I eat

I determined that it was best to use an independent sample t-test. Table 12 indicates that the mean for

“Healthy Food” is 10.73 for Jose’s South-western Grill and a mean of 14.54 for Santa Fe Grill. The p-value

was found to be less than 0.05 which indicated that there is an unequal variance between the two groups

with respect to healthy food. Thus, an independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean difference

between Jose’s Southwestern Café and Santa Fe Grill with respect to Healthy Food. The result showed a

value of -14.56 with the p-value being 0. 000. As such we can conclude that the preference for healthy food

is greater at Santa Fe Grill than it would be at Jose’s South-western café. Additionally, it can be said that the

respondents from Santa Fe Grill café prefer healthier food.

Table 12

Group Statistics

Favorite Mexican Restaurant N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Healthy Food Jose's Southwestern Cafe 152 10.7303 2.23153 .18100

Santa Fe Grill 253 14.5375 3.00191 .18873

The regression model for Santa Fe customers was developed using the following variables:

Dependent Variable: X22-Satisfaction

Independent Variables:

 X12-Friendly Employees
 X14-Large Size Portions
 X15-Fresh Food

Table 13 shows coefficient of determination being = 0.629, which means that 62.9% of the difference in

satisfaction is explained by X12(friendly employees), X14(Large Size Portions) and X15(Fresh Food).

Table 14 shows whether the overall regression model is important or not. The results showed a F-value

=141.017 with the p-value being 0.000, which that the overall regression is significant. We can now say that

all of the regression coefficients variables are not equal to zero. Also, the regression model helps to predict

that the customer satisfaction is higher at the Santa Fe Grill.

From the model provided, it is clear that in Table 15 an increase in one unit of friendly employees can cause

an increase of 0.436 in satisfaction. As such we can conclude that it is imperative for the Santa Fe Grill to

have friendly employees so they can maximize customer satisfaction.

I determined that an increase of,” Large Size Portions” will cause an increase of 0.123 increase of customer

satisfaction. As such we can conclude that large size portions are one of the most important causes of

customer satisfaction.

I determined that an increase of,” Fresh food” will cause an increase of 0.559 increase of customer

satisfaction. As such we can conclude that the serving of fresh food in the restaurant is one of main factors

of customer satisfaction.
The most significant variable would be the variable that brings the most satisfaction increase for the

customers. To me it is clear that the most important variable is,” Fresh food-X15 and the least important

variable is.” Large Size Portions-X14”

Table 13


Table 15

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