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Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups at once for total body toning. Boosts your heart health.

You not only get aerobic benefits (it really gets your heart rate up), you also get anaerobic benefits – the
kind that help you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system. Helps you de-stress Being a full-
body workout, Zumba works with almost all the muscles. ... You will get an excellent result if your target
is to lose some weight, and arrive in perfect shape or to tone the muscles. It can structure your cores
and obliques by burning the fat from these areasZumba fitness is proven to promote psychological
wellbeing, help relieve stress and improve cognitive skills and prevent cardiovascular disease among
other benefits, she observesAerobic exercise can reduce health risks, help maintain a healthy weight,
strengthen your heart and boost your mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you're also more likely to do it
regularly and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise.As with any exercise, if a certain movement
or position hurts, try to modify the workout to avoid the activities that are painful.


You can wear any type of fitness clothes: yoga pants, sweat pants, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts – just make
sure you will be comfortable.

right footwear is essential for Zumba, because it prevents us from injuries For your safety, please do not
do a class in bare or stocking feet.

Wear comfortable attire

It is important to wear something that is easy to move in and is comfortable. Your clothes should be
lightweight and should handle sweat. Do not forget to carry a towel and a water bottle when you attend
your Zumba class.

Wear shoes with low tread

You will need shoes with low tread, as they will help you to move easily and will support the moves. You
can wear dance sneakers or cross trainers.

Start out with two or three classes per week

Your body needs to build stamina and endurance for Zumba, so two or three classes per week are
advisable if you are just starting. You can increase the number of classes you attend in a week as your
body starts getting used to it.

Eat something light before your class

You need to eat something light like nuts or fruits before you attend your Zumba class as you need to
charge up your body for the workout. You can eat a meal 2 hours prior to your Zumba class.

5. Drink water 20 minutes before the class

It is essential to hydrate yourself but avoid drinking water just before you start your class. Drinking
water 20 minutes before the class is recommended
Consult your doctor before joining Zumba if you have a medical condition

It is advisable to ask your doctor before you join Zumba class if you have any medical condition. If you
have asthma, do not forget to carry your medicine.

It is ok if you do the move wrong

You will not become an expert in Zumba with just one or two classes. So, do not judge yourself. Just
keep practicing. Initially, you will do it incorrectly but soon you will be able to complete the entire
routine without any mistakes.

If you want to stay fit and healthy, Zumba is an excellent option. There is no age restriction and anybody
can do Zumba whether you are a child, a teenager, or a senior citizen. You also do not require any pre-
skills. So, put your dancing shoes on and groove to the Latin music.

1. Appropriate sneakers with low tread so it is easy to move with stability.

2. Comfortable clothes as you will sweat.

3. Bottle of water and a towel.

4. Hydrate yourself 20 mins prior to class.

5. Do not have a full meal prior to class unless it is 2 hr prior to class.

6. You can have a light snack like a couple of marie light cookie or a slice of bread upto 40 mins prior to

7. Tea/coffee/caffeinated drink – 30-40 mins prior to class.

8. If you are running a temperature please do not come to class. wait for 24hrs after temperature is
normal before you can come to class.

9. If you have any infections please do not come to class.

10. People who have asthma please take your medication before class and do consult with your doctor.

Health Warning:At any given time you feel dizzy in class or shortness of breath please indicate to the
instructor immediately.Please consult with a doctor prior to starting class if you are on medication for
Diabetes, BP, heart related or Asthma issues.The doctor may recommend proper time to take
medication while working out.

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